OFFICE OF THE PROVOST AND VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 700 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, MSC 102 KINGSVILLE, TEXAS 78363-8202 361/593-3106 FAX 361/593-3107 GRADUATE CURRICULUM REVISIONS Effective Fall 2014 (as of January 31, 2014) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Environmental Engineering Proposal No. EVEN-13-G-1 New course. EVEN 6325. Physical-Chemical Water Treatment Processes. 3(3-0) Overview of the theory and mechanisms governing physical and chemical water treatment processes. Application of chemical and physical process theory to the practical design of systems for water and wastewater treatment and residuals management. Basic design features of the treatment systems are presented, with an emphasis on the underlying principles. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Department of Industrial Management and Technology Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-1 Change course title and add prerequisite. IMEN 5340. Manufacturing System Management. 3(3-0) Survey of current trends and approaches to production systems in a manufacturing facility. Emphasis will be both on managerial issues and integration of automated cells. Topics include automation, cellular manufacturing, group technology and just-in-time philosophies. Case studies and supplemental articles are used to demonstrate real world issues and applications. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-2 Change course title and add prerequisite. IMEN 5300. Research Method and Project Development. 3(3-1) Examination of data collection and analysis with an emphasis on distribution, probability, simple and multiple regression, ANOVA and other statistical analysis technique. Statistical concepts are reinforced using industry-related data and a well known and widely used data analysis software program. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-3 Change course title and description. IMEN 5333. Hazardous Materials Management. 3(3-0) Managerial techniques for effective handling and control of hazardous materials and fires. Standards, code compliance issues and the role of the industrial risk manager will also be examined. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-4 Change course title and add prerequisite. IMEN 5322. Project Scheduling. 3(3-0) Analysis of both industrial methods and managerial issues related to operations management. Topics will be tied to increasing efficiency, reducing time required to complete jobs and utilization of resources. Case studies and supplement reading are used to demonstrate real world issues and applications. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-5 New course. IMEN 5350. Supply Chain Management. 3(3-0) Focuses on managing the complexity of synchronizing an entire chair of activities performed by different organizations in order to deliver a product to the final customer. Supply Chain Management involves the areas of marketing, operations management, logistics, procurement and distribution. Diverse simulation software are used for critical analysis of the business at hand and for managerial and decision making purposes. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Proposal No. IMEN-13-G-6 New course. IMEN 5355. Project Management. 3(3-0) Fundamental of project management with a wide assortment of business applications. The course takes a decision-making, business-oriented approach and explores both technical and managerial challenges in the management of projects. Provides a strategic perspective, demonstrating means to manage projects at the program and portfolio levels. Prerequisite: graduate standing.