DE Location & PN Header Compression for IEEE802.16m

DE Location & PN Header Compression for IEEE802.16m
Document Number:
IEEE S802.16m-08/114r2
Date Submitted:
Source: C80216m-08_201r2.doc
Kiran Thakare, Per Ernström
Ericsson AB
TGm Call for contributions on SDD, IEEE 802.16m-07/047, in the area of “Protocol Architecture ”
This contribution proposes the DE & authentication location & PN Header compression method for the IEEE802.16m
To include the proposed DE & Authentication Location and PN header compression method in the SDD section of protocol architecture
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Background: IEEE802.16e & Proposed IEEE802.16m
Figure 1 Showing Logical Protocol Architecture for the
Reference WirelessMAN OFDMA system
Figure 2 Showing Logical Protocol Architecture for
the IEEE 802.16m system
Problem Statements
1. Encryption & Authentication functionality at MAC layer is
inadequate for many reasons. One major reason being the
future traffic growth & mobility aspect of the service flows
– Accordingly, we believe that the security sub-layer at MAC layer is an
inefficient solution
2. The AES CCM mode with 128bit used for data encryption
provides the encrypted payload with a 4-byte PN (packet
number) header. PN header is not authenticated, subjecting it
to security attacks.
3. The overhead (4byte) due to the PN header affects the
efficiency and throughput of the system.
This contribution provides advancement to the security
mechanism dealing with the three issues raised above.
Proposal: Advancement [1]
We propose to move the security functionalities, in
particular, the data encryption and authentication to
the CS layer
Proposal: Advancement [2]
1. We propose to Authenticate PN Header –to strengthen the
security aspects
2. We Propose to compress PN Header – to optimize the radio
Proposal: Advancement [3]
1. PN Compression Method : Simple Compression
Method (SCM)
Instead of sending 4 Byte PN header, SCM send only 4 or 8
bit LSB.
At the time of Service flow creation the UE makes a request
for PN header as either 4-bit, 8-bi or Full PN header, as per
the UE capability for both UL & DL direction. BS responds
in a response message.
SCM is located where ever Encryption & authentication
functionality is located.
2. SCM Indexing & Sequencing Scheme
In order to take care of replay attack, packet re-ordering
Proposal Advancement [4]
SCM Indexing & Sequencing Scheme Principle
The transmitting end determines the indexing scheme
The receiver estimates the index of the packet based on received LSB bits (n-bits)
The sender and receiver maintains a ROC, roll over counter (r-bits)
Transmitting end indexing determination
When the session starts the sender sets the ROC to zero. Each time the LSB
sequence number LSB_seq, wraps modulo 2^n, the sender side must increment
ROC by one, modulo 2^r.
The sender's packet index is then defined as
i = 2^n * ROC + LSB_Seq
Receiving end indexing estimation
Uses LSB sequence number, LSB-Seq to determine the correct index of a packet
Receiver's locally maintains ROC and S_1 values.
At the setup of the session, the ROC MUST be set to zero.
S_1 is the highest received and properly authenticated packet sequence number.
On consecutive packets, the receiver estimates the index as i = 2^n * v + LSB_Seq
where v is chosen from the set { ROC-1, ROC, ROC+1 } (modulo 2^r) such that it is
closest to the value 2^n * ROC + S_ 1
We propose to include following in the protocol architecture section
of the SDD.
1.DE and Authentication functionalities at CS layer
2.Advancement to the security functionalities
1. Authentication of PN header
2. PN header Compression using SCM
3. S
CM indexing & sequence estimation scheme
Thank You