IEEE 802.16m Upper MAC Layer Protocols: Design Principles Document Number: IEEE C80216m-08/409 Date Submitted: 05-05-2008 Source: Muthu Venkatachalam Sassan Ahmadi Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Venue: IEEE Session #55, Macau. Base Contributions: None Purpose: To identify the focus areas in IEEE 802.16m U-MAC and to layout a framework for U-MAC design (For discussion) Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. 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IEEE 802.16m Reference Model CS SAP Radio Convergence Resource Sub-Layer Control and Management Functions Management Entity Service Specific Convergence Sub-Layer MAC SAP Medium Access Control Functions Security Sub-Layer Management Layer Common Part Sub-Layer Physical Layer (PHY) MAC Common-Part Sub-Layer External Network s Security Sub-Layer WiMAX NWG RAN Architecture PHY SAP IEEE 802.16m Data/Control Plane RAN Control and Transport Functions IEEE 802.16f/g NetMAN Management Entity Physical Layer IEEE 802.16 MAC • MAC functions can be basically divided into control and data path functions. • The MAC layer functions also can be divided into: – MAC functions that enable/support the PHY operation (aka Lower MAC). • E.g.: Hybrid ARQ; Random access channel, MAP etc. – MAC functions that act as protocols and interface to the upper layers (aka upper MAC). • The primary goal of these functions is NOT to support the PHY operation. • E.g.: Power management protocols (sleep/idle), L2 mobility management protocol, ARQ protocol, QoS control Upper MAC Focus Areas • Traditional functions: – Data path • • • • • ARQ protocol evolution and HARQ interworking CS design MAC header and sub header optimization Multicast broadcast services data path Airlink security – Control path • • • • • • • • • Network entry procedures Power management protocols (Sleep and Idle modes) Mobility management protocols (L2 handovers) QoS framework MAC connection management Multicast broadcast services control path LBS Airlink security Radio Resource management • Newer functions: – Relay functions – Multi carrier support – Self organization Upper MAC Functional Blocks (Marked in RED) Control Plane Data Plane Radio Resource Management Network Entry Management Relay Functions Multi-Carrier Support Mobility Management Location Management CS SAP Idle Mode Management Radio Resource Control & Management Functions Self-Organization MBS Convergence Sub-Layer Security Management System Configuration Management Data and Control Bearers L2 QoS Multi-Radio Coexistence Sleep Mode Management Data Forwarding Control and Signaling Scheduling & Resource Multiplexing ARQ PHY Control Ranging Link Adaptation Fragmentation/Packing Interference Management Medium Access Control Functions MAC PDU Formation Security Sub-Layer Physical Channels L1 PHY Protocol (FEC Coding, Signal Mapping, Modulation, MIMO processing, etc.) Physical Layer MAC Common Part Sub-Layer Design Goals for U-MAC • Backward compatibility for the traditional features • Cleaner organization of the MAC management/control messages – Potential usage of logical channels. • Overall MAC efficiency of 80% or higher (for data) without compromising performance. – Efficiency improvement on the data path from optimizing • • • • • MAC headers, MAC sub headers, MAC PDU formats MAPs Resource block sizes. – Efficiency improvement on the control path from • MAC management messages • MAC signaling and control “channels”. ARQ Design and H-ARQ Interworking • Two retransmission protocols in IEEE 802.16 • In IEEE 802.16e, HARQ is decoupled from ARQ. – Retransmissions “could” simultaneously happen at both the layers. ARQ Retransmissions at ARQ layer ARQ HARQ Retransmissions at HARQ layer HARQ sender • Reconsider ARQ’s usage models and benefits when combined with HARQ. • Key issues – Ensure coupling/feedback between ARQ and HARQ, so that retransmissions are optimized. – Minimize latency for error recovery and purge. Successful packet transmission times should be < 10msec for MAC->MAC [SRD] – Low protocol overhead of HARQ+ARQ and uncompromised E2E reliability Situation in 16e receiver ARQ ARQ Retransmissions from “coupled” ARQ/HARQ HARQ HARQ Desirable Situation CS Design • Need to efficiently enable: – Fat IP pipe model for bulk data traffic with different protocol mixes in a single CID – Powerful header compression/suppression. • IP traffic Header compression/suppression – RoHC vs. PHS – ROHC is an external (IETF) specification and 802.16m will have minimal control over its enhancements/changes/adaptations to 802.16m • Efficient Adaptation/Interworking between ROHC and MAC being enabled in 802.16rev2 and can be carried over to 802.16m – PHS has a key advantage over ROHC in that it is natively present in the MAC CS • Fully controllable dependencies • Backward compatibility to 16e ROHC (IETF) PHS ROHC interworking function MAC-CS MAC-CPS PHY Situation of ROHC and PHS wrt 802.16 Header Suppression • What can we do to improve the performance of PHS without overly complicating it? • May not make sense to do first order and higher order differential since ROHC already does it. • Some possibilities: – Can we stop transmitting not only the bytes that are constant across PDUs but also irrelevant for the application • For example: is TTL (Time to Live) really relevant for last hop VoIP? – Can we also conditionally/dynamically suppress some of the fields? MAC Headers, PDUs and Messages • MAC headers, sub-headers and PDU formats – Take a second look at the header and sub header fields for overhead reduction. – Do we always need 6B GMH + 2 or 4B CRC for all PDUs? • MAC management messages – Can we do something more efficient than TLV encoding of the messages? – For example: ASN encoding.. • Physical resource downsizing – 16e has a one size fits all policy. – Do we design two types of slots in 16m, one for regular data and another for small management messages (e.g.: BW REQ etc) Analysis of IEEE 802.16e TLV vs. ASN Formats • TLV format: • When the length of a particular type is fixed, non-essential overhead = a/(8+a+b) – as high as 33 % in 16e (all the cases where a = b = 8 bits) – • Length (a) Value (b) Example: MAC version encoding: 8:8:8, BW REQ opportunity size : 8:8:16, start of ranging code group: 8:8:8, and many more A simple ASN Rule: No length field when it is fixed. That is: – – • Type (8) TLV format when L is variable TV format when L is fixed – max 33 % savings in overhead (occurs in many cases) Example: RNG-RSP message when MS performing initial ranging – – Info bits = 236 Non-info bits in header = 32 Non-info bits in TLV = 192 Total non-info bits = 192 + 32 = 224 Overhead = 224/(224+236) = 48 % RNG-RSP with simple ASN Rule Info bits = 236 Non-info bits in header = 32 Non-info bits in TLV = 96 Total non-info bits = 32 + 92 = 128 Overhead = 128/(128+236) = 35 % MAC Connection Management • MAC connection identification – Today in 802.16 a CID identifies both the MS and the connection of the MS – Can we decouple the identification of MS (outer ID) from the identification of a particular connection on the MS (inner ID)? – Especially when this decoupling is efficient? • Example shows a scenario for MAP related savings with such an approach. DL Burst K DL MAP IE(k) IID1 OID1 OID2 OID3 OID4 OID5 OID6 OID7 OID8 .. OIDn IID2 IIDn IID3 MAC Power Management Requirements (Sleep/Idle/Paging) • Improvement in the Idle duty cycle – How to improve the efficiency of idle mode for power saving, while reducing the overhead? • Reduction of signaling overhead related to paging – For example, can fixed location paging channels help here? • Reduction of paging latency for certain traffic types (e.g.: PTT) • Reduction of MS network re-entry time after successful paging (< 100 ms [SRD]) • Improvement in the Sleep duty cycle. – How to improve the efficiency of sleep mode? • Reduction of return to active mode time after sleep mode • Simplification of sleep operation – Minimization of the number of sleep classes Coexistence of Idle and Sleep Protocols We need both Idle and Sleep protocols Packet bursts: Connected mode Inter-burst intervals: Sleep mode opportunities Inter-session intervals: Idle mode opportunities Signaling in Sleep Mode • Two important performance factors for MS operating in sleep mode – MS power consumption – aka duty cycle – Signaling load generated by MS in sleep mode • traffic indications from the network • Uncontrolled handovers from the MS: happens today when the MS crosses the cell boundary in sleep mode • Worthy goal to minimize the uncontrolled handovers (UHO). – Higher MS speed generally higher UHO occurrences. – Uncontrolled handovers cost power for the MS. – Total UHO occurrences for all the sleep MSs can be minimized by • expanding the sleep area to more than one BS • adapting the sleep area (SA) size to the MS speed, • while keeping tabs on the variable traffic indication load generated due to varying sleep area size per MS. • Different SA assignment algorithms possible, however standard only needs to enable an interoperable framework for adapting the SA size to the MS speed. Concept of Adaptive Sleep Area Packet for MN1 Data Path Table User MN1 Packet for MN1 BS Home Agent ASN Gateway/FA BS 13 ASN IP Core . . Internet Packet for MN1 MOB-TRF-IND 5 4 8 TRF-IND 2 1 MN1 MN1 UAI MN1 AI UAI 7 6 3 MN1 AI UAI AI Signaling in Idle Mode • Two important performance factors for MS operating in idle mode – MS power consumption – aka duty cycle – Signaling load generated by MS in idle mode (paging from the network and location updates from the MS) • Size of the paging group, and speed of the MS largely determine the signaling load. – Higher MS speed higher location update (LU) load for the same PG size – Different speed MSs generate different amount of location updates for the same PG size. – Total LU occurrences for all the Idle MSs can be minimized by • adapting the PG size to the MS speed, • while keeping tabs on the variable paging load generated due to varying MS PG size. • Different PG assignment algorithms possible, however standard only needs to enable an interoperable framework for adapting the PG size to the MS speed. MS Power Consumption in Idle/Sleep • MS Power consumption depends on the QoS requirements, however certain optimizations can be made independent of the QoS. • For instance: – Adapting the sleep area to MS mobility requirements can minimize the uncontrolled handovers, which in turn saves MS power. – Likewise, adapting the PG size to minimize the LU by the MS leads to lower power usage by the idle MS (LU costs MS power!) – During the listen interval of the idle (sleep) MS, if we can provide a mechanism for the MS to decisively identify and decode pages (traffic indications) for it in the first frame, then the MS can shut off during other frames of the listen interval thereby saving power. • Can we fix the PAG-ADV/TRF-IND location in relation to the 16m frame and use it on an as needed basis? Pre-defining the Location of Paging/Sleep Channel FCH DL MAP UL MAP Preamble PSI PSI: Paging Sleep Channel Indicator Common paging/sleep channel at a fixed location in the DL sub-frame for paging/traffic indication No processing by MS to locate paging and other broadcast messages Mobility Management (L2 Handovers) Requirements • Reduction of handoff latency [SRD] – < 30 ms for intra-frequency – < 100msec for inter frequency • Reduction of handoff signaling overhead • Stationary/Pedestrian (<10 Km/hr) HO performance to be optimized [SRD] – Graceful degradation for vehicular (10-120Km/hr) HO performance – Maintain service continuity for up to 350Km/hr speeds • Efficient interworking for handoff protocols operating from higher layers. e.g.: Mobile IP. • Efficient Handover to/from 16e. • Native optimization and hooks for inter-system handoff for multimode MS – Highest priority for TGm should be 802.11 based systems given that they are part of the 802 umbrella QoS Framework • Revisit MAC QoS for better support of applications and enhanced E2E performance. • What are the meaningful/useful classes today? – – – – BE: FTP HTTP Email Text-messaging… xRTPs: VoIP Is there a real use case for classes like UGS? What kind of QoS support do “newer” applications require.. • • • • Multicast and broadcast (MBS) Peer-to-peer (e.g.: PTT) Real-time and Interactive gaming Location based services A Packet Packet Interarrival Time OFF Time ON Time OFF Time ON Time ON Time Adapting to Generic Traffic Pattern • Reasonably generic traffic pattern is irregular ON/OFF. – ON period: packets are highly bursty with varying packet inter-arrival time, VBR and varying packet sizes. BW demand is difficult to estimate. Meanwhile, they require real-time delivery. – OFF period: require fast on/off transition, in order to optimize efficiency without compromising QoS. – We cannot make any assumptions on the statistical distributions of the ON time/OFF time/Inter-arrival time etc. • A possible approach for the generic traffic pattern: – On-period polling: similar to the rtPS. – Off-period transition: BS detects the traffic idle periods and adjusts the polling interval adaptively. The adaptive algorithm of polling interval can be optimized with different functions, either linear, exponential.. – This approach can potentially reduce the signaling overhead for polling, with marginal cost on increased delay. Adapting the Polling Interval to Traffic Pattern Delay Requirement > Tmax Fixed Polling Interval Tmin Fixed Polling Interval Adaptive Polling: Interval Changes Tn ON period N Tmax Tmax OFF period ON period Security Issues • Improved security – Currently there is no security for MAC management messages • Need to reconsider this issue – Security considerations for • Fast handover within 16m • Handover to/from 16e • Handover to/from inter-RAT esp. 802.11 Performance enhancements • Performance considerations – Impact of security procedures on other procedures such as handoff should be minimized – Security for MBS needs to be reconsidered due to the inherent complexity of the problem. Location Based Service • Ensure efficient and meaningful metrics for triangulation • Enable GPS assistance Multicast and Broadcast Service • Minimize MBS control, signaling overhead • Minimize channel switch time [SRD] – Intra frequency < 1 sec – Inter frequency < 1.5 sec • Maximize power efficiency for MBS in idle mode. • Improve capacity – Outer code design (e.g.: Reed-Solomon?) – Other techniques? Other topics… • Network entry – How can we minimize the network entry time – Again, rough knowledge of the BS load upfront would help! • Newer topics – Relay Routing – Multi carrier support – Self organization Recommended Mode of Operation • The upper MAC has minimal coupling with PHY – Can run in parallel to PHY for most of the time – Create two subgroups one for PHY/L-MAC and one for U-MAC • Upper MAC has a lot of topics for consideration – The upper MAC chair has to come up with a well thought out plan to phase these topics for completion in a meaningful order. – Flood gates when opened can be overwhelming • It would be unproductive for the team to have all the upper MAC topics open at the same time