Simulation Results for Opportunistic Relay, Customer Premise Relay, and Direct... IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission

Simulation Results for Opportunistic Relay, Customer Premise Relay, and Direct Link Usage Models
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission
Document Number:
IEEE C802.16m-08/494
Date Submitted:
Jeff Bonta, George Calcev, Steve Emeott
[802.16m] [16jm] Session #55, 12-15 May, 2008
IEEE802.16m-08/016r1: Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m System Description Document (SDD)
Base Contribution:
For discussion in TGm, this contribution presents simulation results to demonstrate the benefits of Opportunistic Relay, Customer Premise
Relay, and Direct Link Usage Models
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Simulation Results for Opportunistic Relay, Customer
Premise Relay, and Direct Link Usage Models
• Motivation
– Contribution C80216m-08/270r1 has introduced usage model examples
for 16m Ad hoc Relay
– 16jm Ad Hoc Group recommendations on basic constructs for 16m
relay usage models
• The basic constructs include:
– MS-MS direct communication,
– MS relaying for an out-of-coverage MS, and
– MS relaying for an in-coverage MS
• These MS relaying and direct link constructs are being recommended to be
classified as out of scope in the SDD
• Proposal
– With consideration of performance results in this presentation, it is
proposed that these constructs be considered in scope of 16m relay
Topologies for Simulated Usage Models
Opportunistic Relay and Customer Premise
Relay usage models were simulated
Simulated system topology consisted of:
19 cells with results tabulated from center cluster
of 7cells
Manhattan style street grid with 100 meters city
blocks with buildings
Assumed relay antenna at a building edge is
outside of the building
No interior relays were allowed
Both active and standby MS are permitted to
Example Monte Carlo drop of active and idle MS in urban
environment of a 16m system deployment with 750m cell radius
Assumed that the total user density is made up of
idle and active users. A typical system will have 3%
of the users active in a call. We used ~5%.
2x2 MIMO assumed for BS and MS
Examples show:
Distance between peer nodes is within 90m and
Not all relayed nodes are at fringe of cell
Active MS
Streets / Buildings
Idle MS
Ad Hoc
PMP Link
Simulation Results for Opportunistic
and CP Relay Usage Models
• Simulation Conditions
– User density (active + idle) was set at 168 users/km2
• 4.8% of users are assumed to be active in a call (i.e. 8 users/km2)
• Explanation of Results
– Good-put is the effective bits transferred per frame, adjusted for the overhead of
a single sub-frame ad hoc zone (AHZ)
• Good-put gains represent overhead adjusted throughput per frame (relayed and PMP
connections) vs. a PMP solution with no AHZ
– Approximately 50% of connections are relayed, but only 2.5% of the idle user
base performs a relay
46 dBm BS Tx
Power, 750m cell
33 dBm BS Tx
Power, 1000m
cell radius
“Good-put” Gain
(all connections)
Relay Only
Direct Link Simulated Usage Model
Peer-to-Peer usage models were simulated in direct
link configurations
Direct Link MS pairs were uniformly distributed
throughout cell area
No direct links were used where both MS are inbuilding
Only those in-coverage MS pairs that were capable
of a 64 QAM transmission were considered
Direct Link “good-put” between each MS pair is
compared with the alternative UL/DL PMP “goodput”
PMP Links
Rate dependant on
channel conditions
Environment consisted of a Manhattan style street
grid with 100 meters city blocks with buildings
Direct Link
64 QAM
Good-put on 1-hop P2P links and 2-hop PMP links
assumes a 1 frame transfer
Lowest data rate of the two PMP links is used for goodput calculation since it is the limiting link.
Good-put is computed by reducing the throughput of
the P2P link to compensate for the AHZ overhead.
Results tabulated from center cluster of 7cells
6.3x Average Good-put Gain Observed for Direct
Link over PMP connection
Simulation Assumptions and Parameters
• 16m Evaluation Methodology parameters were used.
Options and exceptions are:
– Manhattan style urban environment included
– 16m Outdoor to Indoor pathloss model used for BS to inbuilding MS
– MS-MS pathloss model derived from field tests. Pathloss
• 2.4 LOS (assume no tree canopy on streets), 3.1 around street corner
up to 100 meters, 4.2 around street corner beyond 100 meters, and 4.2
into building.
• Simulated system operation:
– Out-of-coverage MS are excluded from results
• Out-of-coverage uplink occurs when MS cannot reach BS at QPSK
rate ½ with 4 repetitions
• Out-of-coverage downlink occurs when BS cannot reach MS at QPSK
rate ½ with 2 repetitions