Power Saving Management for IEEE 802.16m

Power Saving Management for IEEE 802.16m
Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-08/567r1
Date Submitted:
Chung-Hsien Hsu
Yih-Shen Chen
I-Kang Fu
Paul Cheng
MediaTek Inc.
No.1, Dusing Rd. 1, Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park,
Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.
Venue: Denver, U.S.A.
Base Contribution: N/A
Purpose: To be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m SDD
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• The TGm SRD (IEEE 802.16m-07/002r4) specifies
– Section 6.11 Enhanced Power Saving
• IEEE 802.16m shall provide support for enhanced power saving functionality to help
reduce power consumption in devices for all services and applications
• Sleep mode in IEEE 802.16 system
– To minimize MS power usage and decrease usage of serving BS air interface
– Base on power saving class (PSC) rather than individual connection or MS
• This contribution discusses and proposes different types of the
power saving class for different service types for 16m system,
PSC of type
PSC of type
PSC of type
PSC of type
I for BE and NRT-VR service
II for RT-CBR and RT-VR service
III for multicast as well as for management operations
IV for ERT-VR service
Service Type Comparison
• All the traffic can be generally classified into five service types
– Real-time constant bit-rate (RT-CBR)
• T1/E1 and VoIP without silence suppression
– Extended real-time variable bit-rate (ERT-VR)
• VoIP with silence suppression
– Real-time variable bit-rate (RT-VR)
• MPEG video
– Non-real time variable bit-rate (NRT-VR)
– Best effort (BE)
• E-mail
Packet size
Delay sensitivity
Data generation
Power Saving Class Consideration
• Power saving class (PSC)
– A group of connections that have common demand properties
– PSC shall be designed to enhance the power saving
– PSC shall be designed to mimic the characteristics of the service type (e.g., data
generation interval, packet size, and delay sensitivity)
• Four types of PSC are proposed and summarized as follows
Sleep cycle = listening interval + sleep interval
PSC of Type I for 16m System
• Recommend for connections of BE, NRT-VR type
– HTTP, FTP, E-mail
• Design concepts
– Limited listening interval for receiving the indication message and traffic
• Negative indication:
– The MS can start sleep interval after receiving the indication message
• Positive indication:
– The traffic can be exchanged between the MS and BS during listening interval
– The MS shall transit to Active mode for exchanging more traffic
– Binary exponential increase sleep cycle length
– Insert sleep offset in the head of the sleep mode
• Consider the behavior of traffic pattern and user interaction while reactive the PSC
– PSC reactivation mechanism
• Conventional negotiation messages: sleep request/response
• Fast indication message
– A bit for indicating the end of the burst packets may be designed in the MAC header
– An end message may be sent in the end of the burst packets
• Idle time indication
PSC of Type I for 16m System (cont.)
• Basic structure
• Example:
PSC of Type II for 16m System
• Recommend for connections of RT-CBR, RT-VR type
– T1/E1, VoIP without silence suppression, and MPEG video
• Design concepts
– Fixed sleep cycle length for periodic data generation
– Fixed/variable listening interval for fixed/variable-size packets
• Fixed interval for fixed-size packets (RT-CBR)
• Variable interval for variable-size packets (RT-VR)
– Listening interval may be reduced or extended
– Insert sleep offset in the head of the sleep mode
• Consider the waiting time for entering the sleep mode after the negotiation
• Basic structure
PSC of Type II for 16m System (cont.)
Example: RT-CBR
– Real-time data streams consisting of fixed-size data packets issued at periodic
• Sleep negotiation follows the packet transmission immediately
Example: RT-VR
– Real-time data streams consisting of variable-size data packets issued at
periodic intervals
• Packet transmission follows the sleep negotiation immediately
PSC of Type III for 16m System
• Recommend for multicast connections as well as for management
– Periodic ranging, DSx operations, MOB_NBR-ADV etc.
– Actually, it is the PSC of type III in 16e system
• Basic structure
PSC of Type IV for 16m System
• Recommend for connections of ERT-VR type
– VoIP with silence suppression
• Design concepts
– Two types of sleep cycle, the length of each type is fixed
– Insert sleep offset in the head of the sleep mode
• Consider the waiting time for entering the sleep mode after the negotiation
Example: VoIP with silence suppression traffic model
Proposed Text for SDD
Add the following text into Session 10 of the SDD (IEEE 802.16m-08/003)
-------------------------- text begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------10.x Sleep Mode Management
10.x.y Power Saving Class
Power saving class (PCS) is a group of connections that common demand properties. The
enhanced PSC shall be considered in IEEE 802.16m. Therefore, the PSC shall be designed to
mimic the characteristics of the service type, e.g., data generated interval, packet size, and
delay sensitivity.
10.x.y.1 Power Saving Class of Type I
. PSC of type I is recommended for connections of NRT-VR and BE type. Variable listening
interval and variable sleep cycle length shall be considered in type I. Furthermore, the
behavior of traffic pattern and user interaction while reactive the PSC shall also be considered.
10.x.y.2 Power Saving Class of Type II
PSC of type II is recommended for connections of RT-CBR and RT-VR type. Fixed sleep
cycle length and fixed/variable listening interval shall be considered in type II. Furthermore,
an interval between the data transmission/reception and sleep negotiation shall be considered
for enhancing the power saving.
Proposed Text for SDD (cont.)
10.x.y.3 Power Saving Class of Type III
PSC of type III is recommended for multicast connections as well as for management
operations. Actually, it is the PSC of type III in 16e system.
10.x.y.3 Power Saving Class of Type IV
PSC of type IV is recommended for connections of ERT-VR type, i.e., VoIP with silence
suppression. The length of sleep cycle shall be considered for active talking and silence
periods individually. Furthermore, an interval between the data transmission/reception and
sleep negotiation shall be considered for enhancing the power saving.
-------------------------- text end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------