Proposal for IEEE 802.16m CQI Feedback Channel Framework

Proposal for IEEE 802.16m CQI Feedback Channel Framework
Document Number: IEEE C80216m-08/936r1
Date Submitted: 2008-09-05
Rath Vannithamby, Hongmei Sun, Jong-Kae (JK) Fwu,
Changlong Xu, Hujun Yin, Sassan Ahmadi
Intel Corporation
E-mail: {rath.vannithamby, hongmei.sun, jong-kae.fwu
changlong.xu, hujun.yin, sassan.ahmadi}
Yan-Xiu Zheng, Frank Ren, Richard Li
Email: {zhengyanxiu, frank_ren, richard929}
Pei-Kai Liao, Chih-Yuan Lin, Paul Cheng
MediaTek Inc.
Email: {paul.cheng, chihyuan.lin, pk.liao}@
Dongjun Lee, Zhengzi Li, Jungnam Yun, Jaehyeong Kim Email: {djthekid, zhengzi, jnyun, jaekim}
IEEE Session #57, Kobe, Japan.
Re: PHY: SDD text cleanup; in response to the TGm Call for Contributions and Comments 802.16m-08/033 for Session #57
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For TGm discussion and adoption of 802.16m SDD text.
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Primary/Secondary Fast Feedback Channel Framework
We need to have 2 fast feedback channels with different feedback frequency, robustness
and coding to improve efficiency. “primary” feedback channel is used to periodically
receive channel and other required information from MS reliably. And “secondary”
feedback channel is required to achieve an efficient scheduling gain and support all
traffic demands with higher capacity.
Primary fast feedback channel (PCQICH)
– To facilitate a reliable basic connection
– Less frequent, Low rate, periodic
Secondary fast feedback channel (SCQICH)
To optimize performance and improve channel efficiency
High frequent, High rate, periodic/event-driven
Traffic demand dependent
Link adaptation is needed to supports advance features efficiently
Amount of CQI feedback information can be high based on FSS, FFR and
MIMO feedback required
LA is coarse: based on users’ long term channel statistics
Primary/Secondary Fast Feedback Channel Protocol
– Designed to provide users with periodic and robust transmission
– BS makes decision and regulates UE’s CQI feedback behavior
Resource allocation
Feedback frequency
– Allocated/updated adaptively based on channel/traffic variation and
required MIMO support
– Transmission can be event driven
– BS decides and schedule below information to SS
whether to allocate, when to allocate, the amount of resource and
corresponding index, transmission frequency, rate
Multiplexing of Primary/Secondary Fast Feedback Channels
• PCQICH and SCQICH can have different physical structure
– Different pilot patterns can be supported
– Physical structure designs are optimized for different application (low
rate vs. high rate, robust vs. adaptive, etc).
– Multiple channels/users are FDM/TDM multiplexed within one
• UL fast feedback channels are FDMed with other UL control and
data channels
• 2 different physical fast feedback structures (PCQICH,
SCQICH) are designed and optimized for different
– Different feedback frequency, robustness and coding design
– PCQICH covers all users with periodic and robust transmission
– SCQICH is optimized for users needing narrowband CQI/MIMO
feedback with adaptive rate for higher efficiency on demand
• Within PCQICH/SCQICH, multiple users are FDM/TDM
multiplexed within one subframe
Text Proposal #1 to IEEE 802.16m SDD
Revise the text in red with following modified text in blue (Chapter 11 in
[IEEE 802.16m-08/003r4 ]) UL Fast Feedback Channel
“The UL fast feedback channel is classified into multiple logical channels per
user. The mapping of these logical channels into one or multiple physical
channels is FFS”
“The UL fast feedback control channel is classified into two types, primary
and secondary fast feedback channels. The UL primary fast feedback
channel provides fixed rate robust connection. The UL secondary fast
feedback channel provides higher throughput with variable rate to carry
channel quality indicators and MIMO related feedback information”