Fast Network Entry Procedure

Fast Network Entry Procedure
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9)
Document Number:
[IEEE S802.16m-08/964]
Date Submitted:
Masato Okuda, Yanling Lu and Wei-Peng Chen
IEEE 802.16m-08/033 “Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m System Description Document (SDD)”, in response to the
following topics: “Network Entry”, MAC related]
Base Contribution:
IEEE C802.16m-08/964
to be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m SDD
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Problem in 16e
• During Network Entry,
MS performs BW
request/grant procedure
to send every request
• BW request/grant
procedure increases
UL-MAP (CDMA Ranging Opportunity)
CDMA Ranging Code
RNG-RSP (Success Status)
UL-MAP (CDMA Allocation IE)
RNG-REQ (MAC Address, etc)
RNG-RSP (Basic/Primary CID, etc)
BW Request CDMA Code
UL-MAP (CDMA Allocation IE)
Bandwidth Request Header
UL-MAP (Burst Allocation)
PKMv2-RSP (EAP-Transfer: EAP Request/Identity)
BW Request CDMA Code
UL-MAP (CDMA Allocation IE)
Bandwidth Request Header
UL-MAP (Burst Allocation)
PKMv2-REQ (EAP-Transfer: EAP Response/Identity)
Basic Idea of Fast Network Entry
• Some of management messages
sent by MS during network entry
are fixed size, such as RNGREQ, SBC-REQ, RNG-REQ.
• During network entry, when MS
sends a management message to
BS, MS attaches the size of the
next message to it.
• When BS receives a message
with the size of next one, it
allocates BW for the next one
after sending a response
UL-MAP (CDMA Ranging Opportunity)
CDMA Ranging Code
RNG-RSP (Success Status)
UL-MAP (CDMA Allocation IE)
RNG-REQ (MAC Address, etc)
(Size of the next Message)
RNG-RSP (Basic/Primary CID, etc)
UL-MAP (Burst Allocation)
Proposed Text
[Add the following paragraph to the section
10 (Medium Access Control Sub-layer) as indicated]
10.X Network Entry
10.X.Y Fast Network Entry
To reduce the overall network entry process time, an MAC management
message, which is sent from an MS during network entry procedure,
shall contain the size of the MAC management message in the next
network entry sequence sent from the MS. When the BS receives the
MAC management message with the size of the next message, it shall
respond to the received message as well as allocate the uplink
bandwidth to the MS based on the requested size of the next message.