Time synchronization for Femtocells

Time synchronization for Femtocells
Document Number:
IEEE C802.16m-08/1090
Date Submitted:
Guang Han, Hua Xu
+1-847-632-5678, +1-847-632-2176
Motorola Inc.
guang.han@motorola.com, Hua.Xu@motorola.com
SDD; in response to the TGm Call for Contributions and Comments 802.16m-08/003r4 for Session 57
Base Contribution:
For review and adapt.
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• Recently there has been growing interest in
Femtocell technology.
• To deploy femtocells in TDD (E.g. Wimax)
systems, one big challenge is to ensure time
synchronization between femto base stations
and their neighboring base stations (macro or
• Lack of accurate time synchronization will
incur large inter-cell interference.
Over-the-air synchronization
• Existing synchronization approaches
– GPS may not work well indoors. Also a GPS
receiver could be too costly for a femtocell. It is
thus not desirable to enforce GPS usage for
– IEEE 1588 requires symmetric delay and very
small jitter over the backhaul connection. Existing
broadband connection (cable/DSL) can hardly
meet these requirements.
• We propose to achieve femtocell time
synchronization by listening to neighboring
macro BS preamble.
Over-the-air synchronization
Femto BS frame is sent out d2/c
later than Macro BS frame
BS1 and BS2 frames will reach the user at about the same time
| d 2  d 3  d1 | 2d 3
 0.2 s
After timing offset correction at the Femto BS, the timing difference between the Macro BS and the Femto
BS will be equal to the propagation delay. However, since a Femto BS can only interfere users nearby (E.g.
within 30 meters), the Femto BS frame and the Macro BS frame are almost synchronized from the
interfered user’s viewpoint (The timing difference is upper bounded by 0.2 microsecond as shown in the
figure above).
Multipath and shadowing may introduce additional timing error. For example, d 2 (resp. d3) could increase
since no line-of-sight path exists between macro BS and femto BS ( resp. femto BS and user), whereas d 1
remains the same as there exists line-of-sight path between macro BS and user. However, the total timing
error is not likely to be exceedingly large (E.g. more than 5 microseconds).
Please note that compensating propagation delay actually won’t help reducing timing error between Femto
BS frame and Macro BS frame since |d3-d1| is usually larger than |d2+d3-d1|.
Coordination with Femto users
• Since a Femto BS can not listen and transmit simultaneously in the same
frequency, its users will not be able to receive any information in the frame
that it synchronizes with a nearby macro BS. Note that a good quality
crystal oscillator (E.g. TCXO) may drift 1 microsecond every 5 seconds. In
order to ensure high timing accuracy, a Femto BS needs to perform the
synchronization quite frequently, which will adversely impact the
performance and stability of the system.
• To minimize this negative impact, we propose:
– Femto BS shall not schedule any DL/UL transmission during its
synchronization interval;
– The paging controller (or some other relevant network entity) shall send a
backbone message to notify Femto BS of the paging unavailable intervals of all
idle mode users under its coverage.
– Femto BS shall check the unavailability intervals of its sleep-mode users and
attempt to perform synchronization during a common unavailability interval
where all its users (sleep-mode and idle-mode) are unavailable;
– If a common unavailability interval can not be identified, Femto BS shall
redefine the power saving class of its users via MOB_ SLP-RSP message.
Proposed text
• A Femto BS shall periodically listen to the preamble of its
neighboring macro BS to achieve time synchronization.
• Femto BS shall not schedule any DL/UL transmission during
its synchronization interval;
• The paging controller (or some other relevant network entity)
shall send a backbone message to notify Femto BS of the
paging unavailable intervals of all idle-mode users under its
• Femto BS shall check the unavailability intervals of its sleepmode users and attempt to perform synchronization during a
common unavailability interval where all its idle-mode and
sleep-mode users are unavailable;
• If a common unavailability interval can not be identified,
Femto BS shall redefine the power saving class of its users via
MOB_ SLP-RSP message.