Femto BS coexistence with WiFi-AP

Femto BS coexistence with WiFi-AP
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9)
Document Number:
[IEEE S802.16m-08/1309]
Date Submitted:
Masato Okuda, Yanling Lu, Wei-Peng Chen Voice:
IEEE 802.16m-08/040“Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m System Description Document (SDD)”, in response to the
following topics: “TGm SDD: Femtocells”, MAC related]
Base Contribution:
to be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m SDD
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Femto BS Coexistence with WiFi
• SRD specifies requirement for a femtocell BS (fBS) coexistence
with WiFi or Bluetooth.
– In 9.5, “The air interface shall support seamless coexistence of Femtocell
BS’s with WiFi or Bluetooth systems.”
• Rev.2 solves co-location of 802.16 and WiFi/BT in a MS. However,
a fBS may be co-located with WiFi-AP.
WiMAX Operator Network
WiFi terminal
Femto BS
& WiFi AP
Coexistence in MS and fBS
• 802.16/Wi-Fi Coexistence in MS
– Rev.2: MS can perform WiFi/BT communication during sleep window, while BS is
always in operation mode to communicate with other MSs.
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
Sleep Window
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
Sleep Window
• 802.16/Wi-Fi Coexistence in fBS
– Our Proposal: During the MS sleep window, fBS performs WiFi communication and
neither fBS nor MS shall not send any 802.16 radio signal to prevent interference.
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
802.16 frame
Sleep Window
802.16 frame
Sleep Window
– The same concept can be applied to idle mode operation.
fBS supporting Closed User Group
• When a fBS is configured for supporting only Closed User Group,
the fBS does not need to send any radio signal, while all member
MSs of the CUG are away from the fBS. As a result of stopping
radiation of 16m signal, WiFi-AP can make full use of time
– Location of MSs are managed by ASN-GW or other network entity.
Proposed Text
[Insert the following new subclause to the section 17 (Support for Femtocell)]
Coexistence with other RATs
When a femtocell BS is co-located with other RATs, it shall provide silent duration of
802.16 air interface which can be used by the other RATs. During the silent duration, the
femtocell BS and its subordinate MS shall not send any radio signal.
17.X.1 Sleep mode for co-located Femtocell BS
When all MSs under a co-located Femtocell BS are in sleep, the co-located Femtocell BS
and all the MSs attached shall not send any radio signal during sleep window.
17.X.2 Idle mode for co-located Femtocell BS
When all MS under a co-located Femtocell BS are in idle mode, the co-located Femtocell
BS and all the MSs attached shall not send any radio signal during paging unavailable
17.X.3 CUG MS absence in vicinity of co-located Femtocell BS
While all MSs of a closed user group served by Femtocell BS are not in vicinity of the colocated femtocell, the co-located Femtocell BS shall not send any radio signal.