IEEE 802.16m Headers Design

IEEE 802.16m Headers Design
Document Number: IEEE C80216m-09/0481
Date Submitted: 2009-02-27
Baowei Ji
Phone: +1-972-761-7167
Samsung Electronics
IEEE Session #60, Vancouver, Canada
Base Contributions:
CR for tgmsdd
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Headers in 16m SDD (1/2)
 Generic MAC Header
EH (1)
FlowID (4)
Length (3)
Length (8)
 Extended header
(Length : TBD)
Body Contents
(Variable Length)
 Frag. and packing
headers (FFS)
Slide 1
Headers in 16m SDD (2/2)
 Issues with the Generic MAC Header
• It is contradictory with what said in Section 10.12 “Multiple MAC SDUs
and/or SDU fragments from different unicast connections belonging to the
same AMS can be multiplexed into a single MAC PDU.”, because,
• There is only one Generic MAC Header per MPDU; and only this header
has a FlowID field.
• The “length” field is only of 11 bits, which may not be enough to support a
large MAC SDU.
 Issues with the Extended Header
• Are those Extender Headers used for carrying MAC Management
Messages? In that case, the FlowID for MAC Management is missing from
the header.
Slide 2
Proposed MAC Header
 MAC Header for MAC SDUs
• EH
• if “EH = 0”, no more MAC Header
• else, another MAC Header follows
• LF
• if “LF = 0”, 10-bit length field
• else, 18-bit length field
 No need for specifying MAC Extended Headers.
 MAC Management Messages are differentiated from traffic data by
the MAC Management FlowID(s)
Slide 3
Proposed MAC Headers (cont.)
 If it is desirable to specify a number of special MAC control
• FlowIDs could be used for differentiating those messages; or
• If there is no enough FlowIDs, those messages could be grouped into one
FlowID together with the following morph MAC Header
EH (1)
FlowID (4)
Length (TBD, may be ommited)
Slide 4
Proposed non-ARQ Header
FI (framing indicator)
• 1st bit tells whether it
starts with a fragment
• 2nd bit tells whether it
ends with a fragment
E (extension bit)
• ‘1’ -> another E+LI pair
• ‘0’ -> no more
SN (sequence number)
LF (LI flag)
• ‘00’ -> 5-bit LI
• ‘01’ -> 7-bit LI
• ‘10’ -> 11-bit LI
• ‘11” -> 16-bit LI
Slide 5
Proposed ARQ Header (RF=“0”)
• ‘0’-> initial transmission
• ‘1’-> re-transmission
with re-fragmentation
• ‘0’ -> default
• ‘1’ -> poll for feedback
Slide 6
Proposed ARQ Header (RF=“1”)
LSF (during refragmentation)
• ‘0’-> not the last
• ‘1’-> the last segment
SO (during refragmentation)
The fragment offset
Slide 7
Suggested Text
 Remove Section and 10.12.2
 Add the MAC header format on Slide 3 into Section 10.12.1
 Add the header format on slides 6, 7, and 8 into Section
Slide 8