Clarification on Temporary Identifier of Idle AMS

Clarification on Temporary Identifier of Idle AMS
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9)
Document Number:
IEEE C802.16m-09/0839r2
Date Submitted:
Dongyao Wang, Kaibin Zhang, Gang Shen, Shan Jin
Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell
Voice: 86-21-58541240-3712
Ying Du, Daning Gong
Re: IEEE 80216m-09_0021, Call for Comments on Project 802.16m System Description Document (SDD)
Base Contribution:
To be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m SDD
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 Idle mode provides efficient power saving for the AMS
 allowing the AMS to become periodically available for DL broadcast
traffic messaging
 no registration at ABS is required for AMS
 idle mode AMS is assigned to a paging group
 Temporary Identifier is defined for the idle state for the Privacy
 uniquely identify an AMS in the idle mode in a particular paging group
 assigned during idle mode entry
 updated when location update due to paging group change
 used in paging message to identify a AMS
 identify itself during network re-entry procedure
Enter idle state
Assigned Temporary
Idle State
 One ABS may be a member of one or more
paging groups
 Therefore, the following case is possible due to
 Both AMS 1 and AMS 2 select the same
preferred ABS
 AMS 1 and AMS2 belong to the different paging
 The same Temporary Identifier might be
allocated to AMS 1 and AMS 2 in two paging
groups independently
 Collisions occur when the same Temporary
Identifier is allocated to two AMSs
 to identify a AMS in the paging message, or
 in the network re-entry procedure
Maybe with the same
Temporary Identifier
Proposed Solution
 Ensure ABS not to broadcast the identical
Temporary ID to different AMSs even if they
belong to the different Paging Groups
 Two segments for the Temporary Identifier
 the first part is defined as the Paging Group
 the second part is defined as the unique ID
in this Paging group
(1st part)
Unique ID
(2nd part)
Temporary Identifier
Ensure different
Temporary Identifiers
Proposed text changes to 16m SDD
[Change the section “Idle mode initiation” of SDD] Idle mode initiation
An MS or serving BS initiates idle mode using procedures defined in the
wirelessMAN-OFDMA Reference system. In order to reduce signaling overhead and
provide location privacy, a temporary identifier is assigned to uniquely identify the
AMSs in the idle mode in a particular paging group . And the AMS’s temporary
identifier contains the PGID information of its paging group. The AMS’s temporary
identifier remains valid as long as AMS stays in the same paging group. The temporary
identifier assignment may happen during idle mode entry or during location update due
to paging group change. Temporary identifier may be used in paging messages or
during AMS’s network re-entry procedure.