IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <> Title Proposed Text of Advanced Preamble for the IEEE 802.16m Amendment Date Submitted 2009-05-1 Source(s) Zheng Yan-Xiu, Yu-Chuan Fang, Chang-Lan Tsai, Chung-Lien Ho, Hsi-Min Hsiao ITRI Re: Category: AWD-DG Comments / Area: Others (SCH DG) “Comments on AWD Advanced Preamble” Abstract The contribution proposes the text of synchronization channel of DL control structure section to be included in the 802.16m amendment. Purpose To be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m amendment. Notice Release Patent Policy This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and <>. 1 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc Proposed Text of Advanced Preamble for the IEEE 802.16m Amendment Zheng Yan-Xiu, Yu-Chuan Fang, Chang-Lan Tsai, Chung-Lien Ho, Hsi-Min Hsiao ITRI 1. Introduction The contribution proposes the text of Advanced Preamble in DL control structure section to be included in the 802.16m amendment. The proposed text is developed so that it can be readily combined with IEEE P802.16 Rev2/D8 [1], it is compliant to the 802.16m SRD [2] and the 802.16m SDD [3], and it follows the style and format guidelines in [4]. 2. Modifications to the SDD text The text proposed in this contribution is based on subclauses in the IEEE 802.16m SDD [3]. The modifications to the SDD text are summarized below: Number of cell IDs is changed from at least 512 to 768. Overhead is fixed to 8 symbols per superframe in mixed deployments, 4 symbols per superframe in IEEE 802.16m only mode. The location of the A-Preamble symbol is specified as the first symbol of frame. PA-Preamble is located at the first symbol of second frame in a superframe while SA-Preamble is located at the first symbol of remaining three frames. PA-Preamble carries the information of BW information and ABS type. The mappings on the subcarrier are specified for each PA-Preamble and SA-Preamble. Specific sequences are provided for PA-Preamble and SA-Preamble. 3. References [1] IEEE P802.16 Rev2/D8, “Draft IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access,” Dec. 2008. [2] IEEE 802.16m-07/002r8, “IEEE 802.16m System Requirements Document” [3] IEEE 802.16m-08/003r7, “IEEE 802.16m System Description Document” [4] IEEE 802.16m-08/043, “Style guide for writing the IEEE 802.16m amendment” 2 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 4. Text proposal for inclusion in the 802.16m amendment --------------------------------------------- Text Start --------------------------------------------------- 4. Abbreviations and acronyms Insert the following at section 4 in alphabetic order: A-Preamble PA-Preamble SA-Preamble advanced preamble primary advanced preamble secondary advanced preamble Insert the following subsection at a new section 15: 15.3.x. DL control structure 15.3.x.1. Advanced Preamble (A-Preamble) There are two types of Advanced Preamble (A-Preamble): primary advanced preamble (PA-Preamble) and secondary advanced preamble (SA-Preamble). One PA-Preamble symbol and three SA-Preamble symbols exist within the superframe. The location of the A-Preamble symbol is specified as the first symbol of frame. PA-Preamble is located at the first symbol of second frame in a superframe while SA-Preamble is located at the first symbol of remaining three frames Figure www depicts the location of A-Preamble symbols. Superframe : 20msec SU 0 SU1 SU2 ... Frame : 5msec F0 F1 F2 F3 Superframe Header PAPreamble SAPreamble Figure www─The location of A-Preamble symbol 15.3.x.1.1. Primary advanced preamble (PA-Preamble) The length of sequence for PA-Preamble is 204 regardless of the FFT size. PA-Preamble carries the information of ABS type, system bandwidth, sector, and carrier configuration. When the subcarrier index 256 is reserved for DC, the allocation of subcarriers is accomplished by following equation PAPreambleCarrierSet= 2∙k +53 where PAPreambleCarrierSet specifies all subcarriers allocated to the PA-Preamble, and 3 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc k is a running index 0 to 203. The ith PA-Preamble sets {-1,1,1} on subcarrier indexes {53+6·i, 55+6·i, 57+6·i}, {-1,-1,-1} on subcarrier indexes {155+6·(3·i mod 17), 157+6·(3·i mod 17), 159+6·(3·i mod 17)}, {1,-1,1} on subcarrier indexes {257+6·(5·i mod 17), 259+6·(5·i mod 17), 261+6·(5·i mod 17)}, {-1,1,1} on subcarrier indexes {359+6·(7·i mod 17), 361+6·(7·i mod 17), 363+6·(7·i mod 17)} and {0} on the other subcarriers indexes. On the second antenna, the ith PA-Preamble can set {-1,1,1} on subcarrier indexes {53+6·i, 55+6·i, 57+6·i}, {-i,-i,-i} on subcarrier indexes {155+6·(3·i mod 17), 157+6·(3·i mod 17), 159+6·(3·i mod 17)}, {-1,1,-1} on subcarrier indexes {257+6·(5·i mod 17), 259+6·(5·i mod 17), 261+6·(5·i mod 17)}, {i,-i,-i} on subcarrier indexes {359+6·(7·i mod 17), 361+6·(7·i mod 17), 363+6·(7·i mod 17)}, and {0} on the other subcarriers indexes. Error! Reference source not describes the information carried by the PA-Preamble. Table xxx─ PA-Preamble series Inde x Carrier ABS type BW 0 5 MHz 1 10 MHz ABS included in NBR_ADV 2 3 20 MHz reserved 4 reserved Fully configured 5 5 MHz 6 10 MHz ABS not included in NBR_ADV 7 20 MHz 8 reserved 9 reserved 10 Partially configured N/A N/A 11 CSG femto BS N/A N/A 12 reserved N/A N/A 13 reserved N/A N/A 14 reserved N/A N/A 15 reserved N/A N/A 16 reserved N/A N/A Macro BS and Relay BS are included in NBR_ADV. The magnitude boosting levels can be written as 4 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc ck 9.1137 bk where 15.3.x.1.2. bk represents PA-Preamble before the boosting (+1, - 1, +i or -i). Secondary advanced preamble (SA-Preamble) The NSAP, the lengths of sequences for SA-Preamble are 144, 288, and 576 for 512-FFT, 1024-FFT, and 2048-FFT, respectively. The allocation of subcarriers is accomplished by following equation, when the subcarrier indexes 256, 512, and 1024 are reserved for DC for 512-FFT, 1024-FFT, and 2024-FFT, respectively. SAPreambleCarrierSet n n 3 k 40 N SAP 2 k 144 N SAP (X-1) where SAPreambleCarrierSetn specifies all subcarriers allocated to the specific SA-Preamble, n is the index of the SA-Preamble carrier-set 0, 1 and 2 representing segment ID, k is a running index 0 to NSAP -1 for each FFT sizes no circular shift which will be defined later is assumed. Each segment uses an SA-Preamble composed of a carrier-set out of the three available carrier-sets in the following manner: ─ Segment 0 uses SA-Preamble carrier-set 0. ─ Segment 1 uses SA-Preamble carrier-set 1. ─ Segment 2 uses SA-Preamble carrier-set 2. Each cell ID has an integer value IDcell from 0 to 767. The IDcell is defined by segment index and an index per segment as follows IDcell = 256∙n + Idx where n is the index of the SA-Preamble carrier-set 0, 1 and 2 representing segment ID, Idx is a running index 0 to 255. SA-Preamble sequences are partitioned and each partition is dedicated to specific base station type like Macro BS, Femto BS and etc. The partition information is broadcasted in the extended system information. For the support of femtocell deployment, a femtocell BS may transmit its SA-Preamble sequence over the segment or subcarrier set different from that used by the overlay macrocell BS if the femtocell BS is synchronized to macrocell BSs. The segment information of the overlay macrocell BS may be obtained by communications with macrocell BS through backbone network or active scanning of SA-Preamble transmitted by macrocell BS. 5 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc For 512-FFT size, the 144-bit SA-Preamble sequence is divided into 8 main blocks, namely, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The length of each block is 18 bits. Each segment ID has different sequence blocks. Table YYYY depicts the 8 blocks of each segment ID where LSB 18 bits are used to represent the binary sequence of each block. The binary sequence {0,1} is mapped to real number {+1,-1}. For 512-FFT size, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are modulated and mapped sequentially in ascending order onto the SA-Preamble subcarrier-set corresponding to segment ID, as shown in Figure zzz. For higher FFT sizes, the basic blocks (A,B,C,D, E, F, G, H) are repeated in the same order. For instance in 1024-FFT size, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D are modulated and mapped sequentially in ascending order onto the SA-Preamble subcarrier-set corresponding to segment ID. DC EFGH ABCD EFGH ABCD EFGH ABCD EFGH ABCD 512-FFT 1024-FFT 2048-FFT Figure zzz─The allocation of sequence block for each FFT size. A circular shift is applied to over 3 consecutive sub-carriers after applying subcarrier mapping based on Equation (X-1). Each subblock has common offset. The circular shift pattern for each subblock is: [2,1,0……., 2,1,0, ….., 2,1,0, 2,1,0, DC, 1,0,2, 1,0,2, ……, 1,0,2, …….1,0,2] where the shift is circularly right shift. For 512-FFT size, the blocks (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) experience the following right circular shift (0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1), respectively. Figure yy1 depicts the symbol structure of SA-Preamble in the frequency domain for 512-FFT. 6 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc DC (256) 40 43 91 96 261 147 149 152 54 54 258 99 309 311 202 205 54 314 54 200 362 367 54 54 370 418 420 423 54 : SAPreambleCarrierSet0 253 471 54 : SAPreambleCarrierSet1 : SAPreambleCarrierSet2 Figure yy1─SA-Preamble symbol structure for 512-FFT For multiple antenna system, the SA-Preamble blocks are interleaved on the number of antennas as follows. For 512-FFT size, Figure yy2 depicts the SA-Preamble allocation for 1, 2, and 4 antennas. 1 antenna A B C D E F G H 2 antennas A C B E D G F H 4 antennas A E B F C G D H 8 antennas: Each antenna sends one sub-block {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} Figure yy2 Multi antenna example for 512-FFT 7 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc For 1024-FFT size, Figure yy3 depicts the SA-Preamble allocation for 1, 2, 4, and 8 antennas. 1 antenna E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D 2 antennas E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D 4 antennas E G F A H C B D E G F A H C B D 8 antennas E A G . . . C Similarly, each four blocks of the 4-antenna case is transmitted using two antennas in the 8-antenna case using the interleaved structure Figure yy3 Multi antenna example for 1024-FFT For 2048-FFT size, Figure yy4 depicts the SA-Preamble allocation for 1 and 2 antennas. 8 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 1 antenna EFGHABCD EFGHABCD EFGHABCD EFGHABCD 2 antennas EFGHABCD EFGHABCD EFGHABCD EFGHABCD 4 antennas Each block {E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D} in the above 2-antenna scenario is interleaved across two antennas where [E,0,G,0,A,0,C,0] is transmitted via the first antenna and [0,F,0,H,0,B,0,D] is transmitted via the second antenna. Figure yy4 Multi antenna example for 2048-FFT Let “block” denote 8 consecutive sub-blocks {E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D}. The algorithm to assign the preamble blocks to multiple transmit antennas where the number of antennas is power of 2 can be described as follows. Let Nt: number of transmit antennas Nb: total number of blocks Ns: total number of sub-blocks; Ns = 8*Nb Nbt: number of blocks per antenna; Nbt = Nb/Nt Nst: number of sub-blocks per antenna; Nst = Ns/Nt If (Nbt >= 1) o Distribute consecutive blocks across the Nt antennas o For a given antenna, a block is repeated with period Nt o Block position of the (t+1)-th antenna = t + p * Nt, where t = 0, 1, …, Nt-1 , p = 0, 1, …, Nbt-1 Else o If (Nst = 4) Interleave the 8 sub-blocks {E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D} across each 2 consecutive antennas 9 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc o o Block [E,0,G,0,A,0,C,0] is sent from antenna i at block position: floor(i/2) Block [0,F,0,H,0,B,0,D] is sent from antenna i+1 at block position: floor((i+1)/2), where i = 0,2,4, …, Nt Else If (Nst = 2) Interleave the 8 sub-blocks {E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D} across each 4 consecutive antennas Block [E,0,0,0,A,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i at block position: floor(i/4) Block [0,0,G,0,0,0,C,0] is sent from antenna i+1 at block position: floor((i+1)/4) Block [0,F,0,0,0,B,0,0] is sent from antenna i+2 at block position: floor((i+2)/4) Block [0,0,0,H,0,0,0,D] is sent from antenna i+3 at block position: floor((i+3)/4), where i = 0,4,8,…, Nt Else Interleave the 8 sub-blocks {E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D} across each 8 consecutive antennas, i.e., send 1 sub-block per antenna Block [E,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i at block position: floor(i/8) Block [0,F,0,0,0,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i+1 at block position: floor((i+1)/8) Block [0,0,G,0,0,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i+2 at block position: floor((i+2)/8) Block [0,0,0,H,0,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i+3 at block position: floor((i+3)/8) Block [0,0,0,0,A,0,0,0] is sent from antenna i+4 at block position: floor((i+4)/8) Block [0,0,0,0,0,B,0,0] is sent from antenna i+5 at block position: floor((i+5)/8) Block [0,0,0,0,0,0,C,0] is sent from antenna i+6 at block position: floor((i+6)/8) Block [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,D] is sent from antenna i+7 at block position: floor((i+7)/8), where i = 0,8,…, Nt Each time frame, the transmitted structures are rotated across the transmit antennas. For example, we consider the 512-FFT system with 4 transmit antennas. At the f-th frame, the preamble structure [A,0,0,0,E,0,0,0] is sent via the first antenna, and structure [0,0,0,D,0,0,0,H] is sent via the fourth antenna. Hence, at the (f+1)-th frame, structure [0,0,0,D,0,0,0,H] is sent via the first antenna, while structure [A,0,0,0,E,0,0,0] is sent via the second antenna. The magnitude boosting levels for different FFT size and number of antennas are as follows: Ant\FFT 1 2 4 8 512 1.5928 2.1841 2.8489 3.5523 1k 1.9516 2.5474 3.1047 4.0273 10 2k 1.4748 2.0800 3.0915 4.3691 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc For single-antenna case, the SA-Preamble is transmitted with a magnitude boost of 1.5928. The boosted SA-Preamble at k-th subcarrier can be written as ck 1.5928 bk where bk represents SA-Preamble before the boosting (+1 or - 1). Block Cover Sequence {+1,-1} for each sub-block in the structure (optimized for arbitrary number of transmit antennas and any bandwidth). The binary sequence {0,1} is mapped to real number {+1,-1}. The Block Cover Sequence of each case is: (FFT,number of antennas)\Segment ID (512,1) (512,2) (512,4) (512,8) 0 DE 04 20 00 1 DE C0 00 00 2 0A 28 90 00 (1024,1) (1024,2) (1024,4) (1024,8) 7CD6 1A1A 1010 2020 7B2E E2E2 9090 A0A0 C66C 0A0A 2828 8080 (2048,1) (2048,2) (2048,4) (2048,8) 68E7E631 2C210259 6A5D2AF2 E659356A FC8474DB C2042058 6476EDE6 958047EE 69C337F3 7D160BC4 56C6A39B 1AD81B52 Table YYYY n=0: (Segment 0) Idx\blk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 2A1FA 23836 211B7 3836C 26F2D 3D1C3 30709 38E39 21779 270A8 B 3DE76 378C2 2855B 22AD2 3DFF6 23AFF 2FA42 33279 264CB 2ADE1 C 2CCA0 3BFDA 25BCD 349DB 315B1 22B8B 31CBD 2FF20 3230D 3B6B7 D 15722 1A401 17F09 183CA 1234E 1A9DE 0F424 08825 0AE06 1A629 11 E 2A509 27FBD 32910 3B2CA 2A0AF 3E5A3 3E570 3EBCB 35140 29B35 F 0E904 1FA0E 090FB 09CE3 1BEAD 08235 1D9A8 1DCCD 1CA03 0C99D G 0C5D5 02DA2 07C8C 12C6C 0CE1A 1B7AF 008AA 15D61 0E570 0AC04 H 10774 03949 0CC20 12282 03B36 136AD 0F9D3 0DECF 059BE 03C08 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 30F40 28A18 26821 3AC52 32B67 3AC4D 28B79 3F8D6 2080F 27DC1 34CAB 24991 30822 3C355 3ECC3 2FF61 235C9 299F2 2F3F4 32816 3DF50 3D053 3960E 2B95B 3CC0F 383EC 2C261 2497F 372E6 34FFB 3D6FA 362C1 348E8 2C7BB 2B3BE 2614D 26417 3F902 3AB24 35E1E 3AC9F 2F482 2E248 2CFA2 3DB3B 2C726 229F2 235C2 25552 39B09 20A28 3363F 2F6B4 3A5B3 33B19 298C0 35BBC 22EA0 20E09 2E4D0 21FEA 2FE84 3CF91 398DC 36EEE 2A52B 2B725 275AC 3D5DF 34251 25786 3EE78 3DF2C 26F45 385EE 201B2 3A316 228F1 292F3 304B6 38DCD 305DF 2723E 3972D 2F28F 27DA5 340BC 21306 2A37D 3D551 26090 315BF 3AC19 348C5 28F3F 3D41B 36DE4 32990 2EC63 341AF 209E8 3792C 361F3 20AE4 3EE12 3E9C6 20ED5 29713 341E6 3791E 291F6 2B540 3E702 2AEE1 2F478 35068 3DFCC 37F3E 22420 34668 36429 259F6 2B708 273CC 33FBE 3B804 28467 24A63 28B79 2C371 2F16A 25577 2AC73 27046 3D001 2015D 36FDF 2B4F8 33D64 361C8 3C977 35738 263B8 34498 35A9A 3A58F 3AC0A 252BF 358C3 2C3F8 20810 35261 3F334 00A13 0BA1C 08B45 1609E 1A699 06420 088EF 1762C 153B4 1F1BF 02C06 0D6EB 04B4D 085B0 03ADF 14092 175DB 12631 0B0CF 0CD01 19594 165F6 068B6 03545 1D38A 190FA 0D393 12C8E 188E6 19DEF 1C8D6 134A2 1315A 09325 0DD50 16369 130EF 19A54 1360A 158AF 1C684 0E65B 0D76F 15E30 0C7C3 1061D 1BB30 16217 073A1 1D675 045D2 12 36A99 25EA6 3C594 2EB43 343F1 28132 23052 3E8DA 368A2 3C773 3AEEC 32F0D 3361B 2FCBB 2DF1D 3E129 2118A 20E22 2CCE6 3BA6A 371DB 2C436 3C521 29D2E 258A4 3AE63 2DB97 20A1D 3688E 251E4 3E5CA 3FCC3 35EAE 24EE9 39C46 31213 39BC4 3DB69 3F0BC 3D8C2 385D9 3D719 3708E 3B0E7 2E71F 25194 2F008 2183A 2E1FB 3A0DE 3D786 1CC91 063B1 016FD 065DC 1D965 0B1D1 1944A 13B94 1AD5C 05585 0F583 07E07 156BE 0855E 05C43 16F47 06177 1BC59 109F4 1FC99 03C88 09ED4 106C6 01B2E 0C37A 0918B 1B131 14110 1D23F 00C71 00717 0D635 1702C 1F67B 00D4E 13F3F 1751D 0C335 021CF 1FAD3 17DB0 14DE7 1346E 1F67E 1946D 0FB2B 0D0A2 14406 1D58C 0A8A1 1A95C 0F8CB 1C5F4 02A94 08E91 17927 16A5B 1452F 0D4DB 161AD 11644 0CD57 1BB88 0D5AC 1466C 05A8A 0E8CC 0FB7A 049E8 0BA71 1DB12 0794A 0C879 09C50 02F70 0F145 1FE42 105E9 1A04F 0490A 01E27 0851C 0394C 11E63 1F377 1E49C 0A130 08580 1171F 14382 01313 0FDDD 17762 1F653 0187C 1C64B 09B51 051D3 0B8C8 0F35C 1EFF9 08CB0 1EDD2 1B85B 054F7 0B952 07EF0 176B1 0176D 15807 06C1E 1A59A 04AD1 0D321 11E4F 050CB 19D9F 1E8B8 00DF4 1209C 1D846 1FED3 07B3C 13571 11A56 1C65A 04C70 1DDD7 1438A 0B028 1041F 15622 109B2 02EE9 0F600 1611E 067C4 1ECA1 13160 0F022 02E59 0868B 1D8FF 14F4D 1F281 112E8 06E3C 16744 17530 10E19 0320E 01F98 18DA1 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 29FE5 3F05B 3739A 339EC 3B3AD 3D528 3DA17 21ED1 2904C 2726A 289FD 2E936 37A24 3D1AF 2964F 351F8 22160 36995 318E2 207EB 3FE13 3F9A3 2510E 33B40 3459E 36C4F 39717 39AE3 20F58 364B3 35084 379C8 22008 20DFD 31671 3EBB7 25945 366BE 31FF8 22535 3DDA5 23F0D 3546F 39B3E 372F2 31287 2AEC7 226E7 32A75 21E53 364A7 3E383 30317 373CC 3DA7E 264C2 38958 2AB6D 2F966 3C712 2F4B0 3495C 37553 36101 29853 30824 32CA8 2FDEA 36A68 3E532 36723 2CF97 22F77 248A3 3EE48 3FC42 309D7 25556 37836 30F56 2B0CA 3E213 288ED 2CA3B 36D64 231B5 23D69 34B15 208F6 3A9D6 3A2E2 23D87 231E8 251B4 33A87 3441D 394BD 23388 32E65 23B1C 3BF69 249A0 22DDB 24779 2C605 2256C 3BDE5 23331 26ECE 316F9 2C41E 25E3D 2C772 31EE9 34473 36B2C 236A0 33583 33446 336BB 2FDA4 2F1F5 2CA31 3AB11 341C6 28FF9 38114 390A8 28121 3D134 37826 2BE32 32EDB 36C85 2B613 337D3 26127 3D1F2 33E30 2DE7E 39DB2 298F0 32161 316AD 33661 300B5 34450 329C7 293E7 207B2 35792 217F9 3273F 14256 1BB7B 138A5 10CFF 11FDE 0E8B9 0401A 071F2 06801 15DE6 0D1C6 1E026 07695 0C23D 11F14 141DC 17661 0CE56 09CAE 0CCC9 1B457 057AD 06A43 11ADD 166CA 18A58 1266C 0E4C2 0DBE9 1AAE4 0F527 18C8D 1D1E8 15C09 0A0E4 0EEFD 1127A 0713F 1A1D9 0FE41 12156 147BF 1B440 09DC0 19F2C 0678B 0798F 1DE2E 0FF8F 1E4CC 0B996 13 37B29 269BC 22112 2593D 38AA1 26FCE 3FBD8 3ACF4 2F9F2 308B1 2D855 27D7F 2D6C2 2B5BF 3EF38 26533 23FA3 3FE11 3C3EF 3984A 2BD86 3E5EF 27BC8 3D7BC 34C25 24FD3 3BCB4 2FF8F 25172 29D7D 20813 31498 23142 29B5A 35797 3AD47 3B938 32D7A 3880C 3E139 2CA14 21671 3827E 2AC29 22FF3 2DE2E 27C06 26B3D 333D4 2FD44 2FEBC 00FB1 0C785 00ABC 0DE36 1D1EF 127B8 17692 025A9 076BA 0D7FB 1BA59 134DE 1C05F 0647F 0342E 06DA9 0D7FE 12FFA 0B3A7 0C153 06B5D 13D13 0842E 0DD6F 01779 047F0 0C94B 15803 01A01 05D93 09A6A 1C7B3 1D141 1C75C 00D1A 1CC65 06A62 1A0EC 011FE 05858 1F4E9 0AB19 13FE7 051E6 10C03 0A8AF 0435B 178F7 13399 0D3B4 1ACEF 10420 04A86 134D5 032EC 1821E 0DA80 1E7F2 047E4 112C6 1196C 01297 146D7 06FFB 12084 1F876 0BD59 16C48 0BB3F 0E451 1D629 04999 1F378 0C4A2 10961 107E5 00AAD 16BD4 1B9B2 09AF7 1B9D3 1878A 1E2E4 1F1E3 1FB06 12AB4 1C95B 02D0D 06639 1BE69 101CA 003D1 141D3 0EAA5 06706 1A97E 1FD93 1E169 15E56 0CD11 08C04 01EAB 018A1 118AA 0FABE 1E199 0EE3E 1DCF8 05FF2 01DDC 09E1C 0BD53 00B23 1FBB6 1443E 09C1D 16A2F 000BA 052E6 1B8E3 0CA29 1745B 066EC 03B3F 1413C 15406 008E9 132EF 17B46 0E48E 0CF5D 021FD 15683 06ADF 1C8D1 0E75B 187B8 03C78 1CB49 05F7F 1F792 1BC4D 134CD 130BA 1BCD6 179AA 16089 194E2 11A0A 16907 11C0D 17CFD 0EDF3 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 34831 3A7B8 2CC36 36CD9 26390 35B16 21AEA 33300 2CECA 336A9 372BF 2507B 2DAD4 3D94C 314B1 306CB 2176F 3502C 205A9 29EFE 3BC8F 33856 2462C 31358 26FDC 39282 237D2 3A13B 27825 246FE 37170 31081 234A3 21F32 30318 201CB 26E83 38C83 2181D 39273 3ECE9 2ABB7 33D0E 2A691 3F10D 30888 2C05B 3F536 34212 27DA4 29516 340E1 2CFE0 33D15 2B6B2 3C089 2F4ED 3CB09 2CDF0 2B8EE 26C46 25ABE 269DD 233C2 341EB 21EEE 2D856 2526A 3381D 20E77 3165B 35058 31A6D 3126A 3A006 25BF0 3E781 2FB31 330D3 3A0FF 35C69 2C096 30C8F 28DB6 3677D 2EDED 2DBD1 3E68F 3892F 26EFC 26387 380EB 2FC33 2861C 39F50 2E86C 334D8 3A3A2 363C2 2B602 25283 294A8 3C372 31B37 354D3 308A5 20E90 329B7 3F850 23BE0 227DA 2A381 3E1A1 393C9 24AE7 33B63 3A722 2B3E9 2B8B8 30162 236F0 391FC 2B040 37FA5 3DE29 3D6C9 22AC3 2807B 3DFD9 2C606 288D0 32A82 22EB9 38264 3A4CD 35CFB 2F09A 3E4A5 3D675 3E237 240B6 3BF09 2DD42 234C2 2F481 3907C 35EAF 2F54E 2B9E1 39C31 25538 33CB0 34D82 08432 0532D 0DCB9 10C14 198A0 0BABD 1143F 17190 1F9B9 05AC3 02EBE 14BC2 1A63E 1E63F 0D99D 18998 03B7A 0A91C 1208E 18A82 03175 10D6A 0EFCE 09C3F 0D92D 055FE 03B7C 033B0 16B7E 14D6A 088D9 0AF24 0545C 1D63F 15C54 0E7A3 031A9 10FC3 1224B 1AF9D 0F762 1E30C 0D8E2 18306 0C23D 095C0 043FD 0A348 1D949 00F26 03B87 14 253F5 2BD66 34160 37DA2 3CF5A 24957 26F6B 33840 3BE06 3B3EF 2797C 276FD 3A4CD 20D60 2ADB6 3DCA7 27F98 3723C 333DB 24FA5 21D63 2778B 2CE17 2E42D 2CB72 316E0 28F55 293B9 31A53 3CAFC 3F0AC 24325 35272 293B0 329CC 2C50A 2EDD8 26F2E 3BD01 37D3D 3D03E 2DE4E 3B345 2999E 30BBF 22591 26767 3EC9C 3110B 2F77A 27025 1993C 0B638 0E6A4 14091 0DA14 071F8 0B730 03912 0F0C1 1635F 13647 082A9 19D27 0AA11 1C749 00440 0C00A 0BA48 1FD1D 13B49 080FD 13BA8 1F670 0757F 17AF7 16070 09601 1D684 1358C 03A11 116D0 15FE1 19CBD 1244F 0B24E 0A4BC 1AA4F 1FADD 0AB64 1A42A 1A53C 0DF46 18AFF 0826F 1C939 0A2A9 0B509 074E0 09D01 0428B 03C98 0CA57 10C4F 0A530 16635 0B79E 1720B 0A483 1E470 085D7 02603 14F10 1E301 00F38 17730 0C11E 032D4 15BC6 13991 0F663 0EA6A 10564 17FCD 00A16 07DE5 1761B 125E6 09A26 173DD 03259 19D90 0AA84 026C7 07F1F 00CDF 0D93A 15412 02443 19F56 080DA 09DE7 0687D 1B022 142B3 0F5C2 142A2 03575 152FC 1E6C9 17649 19C1F 13676 15BA3 02BA6 15AB7 09FC0 00A81 00A51 1C7B3 07506 088DF 09A59 056E9 02204 1E632 040EC 0300F 0AB14 10BC4 10007 1A2CD 1E7C5 1943B 07D78 09992 13F2A 13F44 1595E 1210C 18858 07CA5 037DC 07AAC 04115 009B7 0D3CB 0BC81 182CC 16BD9 191B2 1BEAE 05D2C 002A2 0F06E 13ECD 1C1E8 1D1AE 07E27 05B3A 0A359 030E5 03A2B 043DD IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 212A3 327A2 26BC6 353C0 293AB 29915 36E40 36DBA 33C22 3EEEF 3D442 34B1B 3E04B 35613 2D44C 31176 3A4F7 21F13 26639 3E770 3548A 3177E 201A7 37ED0 24EBC 2EAED 2808C 36EF7 33D1A 3F426 303D5 3EC32 39F93 2BAD0 38127 3DC73 33FB6 3C0F6 32C8E 36BA4 23E59 227C2 300C3 21159 2DF8E 3A2EB 3663E 3883A 296BE 39B37 392BC 2BEB5 265B8 2D590 26830 20EF0 2DEB9 3C7E1 218AC 3F96A 318D9 37142 2A7A5 3FF31 2E44A 3C74B 2D23F 3DC0C 2DB72 3613F 2B61B 39519 23D07 2797D 20BC2 2B01A 3AFD0 3BAFC 37D4A 2C6B7 30FD5 27A8A 398EC 30E4C 2EEA0 31582 25F38 2F281 3566A 39FE9 278F4 3AC99 2BED6 28EAF 3D839 36078 3CA5E 38132 3448E 28C22 36C83 282EA 3A929 3E069 3213C 305A3 22707 3CE98 3DE6B 26D28 33645 276E1 3B3DC 2AA15 2B8B6 36AE7 21D8B 27D5C 3D797 2B9AD 296F1 211C1 3BC29 2440D 2A402 20E2B 39C23 364CB 2CDC2 28F07 341BB 2C7CE 356D3 2CC89 35A26 21BBA 36BBE 33B0F 3EB2E 3DFD7 25309 3E3FB 221F4 30C21 2A68F 2365D 3C37B 277CB 3DDC6 221A9 309D2 3E5D5 237CF 0EEB0 0615E 16691 057BC 0816D 14D96 0D335 1BC51 05F3B 03FCD 1C93E 0CB44 14832 186C8 08900 11F23 0E67A 10C4E 0B3F3 1AB8C 059E9 17B42 18C40 137F4 0A029 1518B 0BFE2 18BB0 0CF28 07C50 0FEF6 0C404 07AF9 1B7CA 1FE4F 04B20 0D90A 14834 0E783 049F4 0BC4F 1CC8D 0E941 0856C 1F5B8 19169 0620F 0FB88 0E577 10C02 08F89 15 3C43E 23B65 20E7E 394DA 216A4 26F9B 39671 37AF3 2AF82 34D35 32C36 3D239 2D5BA 2450D 21DB9 23B1C 3281F 39523 344F5 2BC76 2AEDE 200DA 39516 21262 26819 2B3D2 20C06 2862F 2F438 2D1A0 363EA 3907C 3797B 32264 25DF2 3B4BE 37AB9 22577 22ED6 34B51 31DD7 317EF 2C3DD 20C00 32D1A 37018 331D3 3D9BD 384E5 3E880 35EBE 18D49 085AA 13460 192E4 07B67 15D4A 06EBA 1635F 16800 05272 0DA72 08C8D 01588 00BAA 129AB 0803B 09BC7 1F841 18059 1449F 12581 0C89E 042F6 19E9F 02519 1CA75 193A3 09A95 154C3 06569 08562 1B759 0EB5E 0F0B9 07EA9 0F73D 1579A 04383 14413 10EB3 07190 16B4C 163A5 1AFEC 1D705 1221E 1AD84 0B119 0F074 18FE2 04733 013EE 077FC 1E439 0F382 09B67 00853 18B85 1B82C 1630A 1B329 05EE5 130BA 1F533 05F60 1C563 18D88 03BF5 07D9A 175ED 09942 0B2D0 16386 1C339 0A112 1694F 14337 1233B 0D154 0A2C7 04B31 0ED7A 1A587 1AFF5 131FA 0565A 1D9DB 1994A 034D3 182D0 0AF98 01735 1629F 09BD6 0674B 02B88 17283 0B417 1F0DD 04077 03D7A 0F765 07B2A 18161 079FB 0867E 01B88 1DE0C 07A81 0061A 10F03 1D755 1D8BB 0BF9A 1FCF6 03973 100D6 0EB94 0F8B6 04F1B 0E5DE 0F505 0DC32 0B4D2 0287C 0C910 088A8 1B365 14A7A 1E3E6 15A5B 05FD0 175B4 03175 1A672 0E97E 1698D 1029C 1EFC4 1D63E 1D94D 1A3BE 0CF52 16DC8 05CCA 0AF29 13BF3 06BFE 0A02A 18264 06E5D 1E433 0A2F5 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 2D434 27A5B 30B51 31FBC 3B7EE 2EB6B 305AC 32ED1 33A3E 277CA 38EB9 21C7F 2A986 38177 263A7 2A956 2683E 3FC36 23B36 36725 2D676 3BAE9 25694 3E56B 30C8D 256BC 32289 2802D 3AE04 22A6D 228D5 23A41 294CB 319D3 3DBE9 2A925 247D0 390A5 29329 3B888 3D8F4 2A685 3254C 3630B 39851 2E171 3B4AA 27CA2 221B1 2E012 3EF38 2BAC3 2027C 2029B 3EEAF 2A44F 2F3E6 36F67 3C516 39DA0 3BA46 3CD2B 2F5D9 36BC6 38D83 23886 363DC 2DE49 33BC0 336F6 212E6 2BBB4 2CF29 354F3 26FD8 2352A 39A18 314AF 25515 2C3BC 3F13E 37156 3F7F2 3DFFB 2E816 2FAD9 2A1E3 3DD23 3A6D1 2A739 37F7F 3C456 29619 20F0B 3D0AF 3BED4 2E182 2B222 25C44 21791 290C7 3AA4B 3D433 24DD6 20324 3E739 32268 3EA38 2AC53 20E69 2553F 2071B 29BF9 36270 27DDF 30484 3B034 2430D 358A1 205D4 2C6C9 3CE8E 30A30 2C7D2 24F25 22546 1F529 1DB40 0A6DB 18189 1063A 108DF 0777C 08DCC 12828 0E3CF 19FAD 1E1DE 164AE 0CD6D 0D315 14004 18FFB 1243F 126CA 1AE63 11DD6 1BC41 14404 0E52B 12A7A 10B0F 1DB8B 1721B 09B13 12ACD 12B25 18145 1463D 099C7 16567 02BE1 14805 04720 010EB 10C79 1651C 194CC n=1 (Segment 1): 16 20AD8 2B485 28299 29A2A 25E5F 2BC9F 20BE4 28693 2F785 3E30B 2D3DE 36F6C 26B0E 32C15 2C3AD 222FC 3AFE5 34FBB 2F152 321E3 385F5 31F1C 22C82 222A9 3AE50 34A04 2C5C6 23280 307AF 32C83 3E57F 3B17E 3073F 3F840 3E3F4 23C2D 2BF9E 28D78 263A8 3FF07 24A73 3DEE3 111DD 1D5F4 18837 1F5BE 17B00 0DC9D 12BB5 17865 0D1D9 17CF2 0FEE5 0DD85 0FE0F 06B95 02353 1C91B 0C2F0 09428 116C0 1B63C 102D3 1FA27 02B1F 1B3E9 11773 00655 006BA 06D85 187AE 1CA49 1172C 1EB32 01A3D 07E20 0580C 0D41C 10CDB 04B30 1A23A 0E112 09BBA 05C53 0B23C 0D95E 06E57 1027B 01626 18257 12E57 11892 02A7C 0C66F 1C843 165A7 1A485 14D30 13F61 02ACD 1CE5E 1BD4A 1E5B8 11D51 1D57A 12283 14CB4 0F81E 10491 12081 13963 1C75C 04EAF 0E821 033D8 0DBD5 0AFCE 138EC 051CD 11E20 1E2EB 08FF7 0178B 06A42 064D3 115B6 0CEF0 0CFEC 10018 05C6B 0FA77 0E2C3 0794D 1F6D4 19C4B 0670D 08902 13637 0EB33 00E7A 16CB3 1DB09 19B14 01927 0424D 1F7D6 0B0FE 15721 083D2 1D9FD 05FE3 02A03 0A787 18167 00B52 0961A 04713 0BF01 17661 0AA70 0C072 116C2 130FE 01079 1D231 08313 0EAE1 1A57E IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc Idx\blk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 A 3DE61 36285 26993 21514 2587F 31A34 2E459 307E7 3664A 33DA3 25BD2 34700 30313 256DA 2FB71 2AFD4 330BB 33C76 2E54E 343CE 311CB 36736 3817B 2EB02 3FA4A 23FF7 2EF08 37484 35369 30673 30B93 28BF8 2D1E8 24FBA 3710C 28269 2798A 229DC 3371B 2E40E 24750 31BDC 2A1F2 20C09 22E00 3606F 245D0 3962A 22964 34861 B 1D68C 00A63 11BE0 14E4A 16929 1D7D1 0E55D 168A2 1E9A1 0DB4D 0BD61 1FDF4 0A962 0E6D2 1EB99 1E1B6 1B8DB 09601 0F88A 121FE 0A807 1A9B1 1FDD6 0248E 110F6 1BDB2 14FA1 1375F 078AA 15DC6 17301 1E6F9 15B08 007F7 0B68F 1DFB0 1AFBB 0A561 1DFCA 05BAD 0BF9B 05F21 046FE 13470 166A7 1BC39 06BCE 142AB 0B693 021ED C 3F93E 28CDF 3509E 2E34D 275BF 22D1B 2390F 2F0D7 35813 2F6B1 2E819 2F2F4 2B0C2 341B2 22873 2213A 39BA3 287A0 3714F 272D6 29A20 30D8B 361A7 24720 24436 35550 3DC93 39488 3A9FE 39890 30CE4 2814F 378B2 2E7FD 38105 23CBA 31DA8 24989 3EB98 3AD73 312ED 3EA13 33530 2D5F0 2FDAE 3D038 2073C 20A26 39604 24CEC D 284F8 25B91 2142D 35180 2E1F6 2BFCD 388FA 28918 2893E 35DF7 214E7 22D49 3F3EF 30D48 2E59D 3BBFA 29535 2F666 3950E 37D3C 376A3 3DC72 34F1F 3DB83 3AD07 23B7A 3DA90 23A1C 2AE4A 291DE 2C5FB 29ABF 2F90B 3153E 215A7 23B3F 28D32 2A118 304EE 360A0 2E948 25B07 25276 35A43 2A1AC 25394 22B2F 26732 26111 254B2 17 E 1A7A2 1B188 159B3 020DC 164F8 16DE0 19995 00EFB 16B57 0B179 0A5A6 1942E 01F6D 03EED 05BDE 06ACE 15253 1EFC6 02C6D 15BA2 02CE6 1AD22 148C7 171C1 18881 117E9 06484 11133 18CC3 185B2 053C5 03EE6 02D82 0A818 1C6D0 1A9EE 04AA4 01129 0A295 05A5A 1826E 1C998 10E6A 0D39D 19108 07DEA 128D2 1B9FC 1BB07 1A260 F 0291F 15A9E 05CD7 0F1DB 08A48 08590 16995 1A0CA 10D7E 14E40 101C9 06320 02A46 19FF4 1BD03 00236 19EEF 05F51 0E8D8 0B002 1C1CD 0600F 1C567 09614 0CBCC 14B80 07462 0096F 18C01 14ADB 05386 0ADFD 049E6 06A2A 0EE92 19CAA 177EC 10F4D 0D2D2 015DD 07B14 0E8E5 07CD6 16F71 0ACC6 06102 12876 04DD3 1D1AF 0C50F G 32D3D 3FB6D 386F6 21E6F 2EAFD 27BF4 28649 3CED1 323E4 358C9 34986 3ECF8 397B7 370A7 3CBEF 3E497 296C8 3E6DB 282BF 3545D 24395 36EFF 2FE84 22F4C 2C1F5 3B0CE 3BCD3 29138 29766 22FCD 3BAEB 3022F 3402D 25234 28545 241D9 2B016 3CC78 357DE 3443B 256A9 3D5D7 39B27 3E86D 2B9D3 294E2 310E7 35EF7 253FF 3A43E H 0C517 19C2D 09B61 10B6F 14BFF 1B953 007A3 0073D 0D7E1 15848 00034 1C4DA 03D4D 0C589 0379C 15EC9 1CE92 1954B 0DFC6 15D5A 1E43F 0E2EC 1A4FB 1FC6B 1748A 0DF95 076F4 05B8D 04CB3 0D7C1 0F78D 1A107 11543 05A11 054F0 12FBD 1F5D4 1E8A2 1DBF3 0D524 1AFF5 10395 0D826 1B6E7 00D9F 19357 09FAB 1A0B8 10BE1 09CE2 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 307E1 314D6 20902 26882 3BFDD 2602E 2FB5B 2CE04 3E92C 2C30C 32834 3E532 39C85 27373 296EE 25B2B 22A30 28140 358C6 34701 3EF22 3E9D3 346B9 376EA 3EFE0 365DA 2D460 2F7BC 3A99A 31D00 312DF 39DD4 2E776 24D16 3EFA1 39DE9 293A5 37E7C 28B84 32615 2EB55 22F00 3AF2D 24B62 31ACD 3660D 3B6CF 366F2 2F3E1 3AF3D 3F4C4 0965F 1DEFF 09D13 0F8CA 14921 0E0F8 1CE76 1E2E9 1185B 1B95A 0103B 061F7 1A67F 0CA57 1D167 0CFF8 10901 0E27E 161FA 0DB7F 04EA7 08D7C 13509 06883 01E3C 1F855 0DAD8 0C543 0CD00 07820 04936 102B5 03F2D 108B0 06614 0DE4A 126A7 16D7B 0422E 17646 09A7E 08260 0AE85 01D25 1A548 07637 14198 1FA53 109DF 196A0 19C69 2B944 249D3 2E07A 2514D 3AAFE 3CB25 22CFD 2725F 3694E 3DBF4 2E799 2DC4B 2A598 37284 213FC 24591 3CD79 39C66 3FC97 3CD49 2DA56 3E606 2E813 3F515 3E307 273AC 36D3F 33470 2B682 3CFB0 2E7B6 3E9F3 3BB13 3BF31 2FA51 234B9 2009D 2AF4A 24553 2EEEE 3D35C 26C2A 3E5AA 2EAF5 28093 26385 35C5F 2879E 350EC 32113 24B08 30378 36A44 370CA 383B9 2BA0A 2A941 21E72 2C50A 2A601 3DCA5 26133 22080 38A9F 20A1F 27FD6 20ADA 3E75E 2C3A6 2EAA7 2C2F0 268FD 25F3F 3ABB9 23F91 3DE98 33374 2D6B0 286CE 3606A 29F90 3AC02 22C86 39760 2A6D6 26DCF 20EBE 309B1 33FEB 30BD0 38005 333D9 2658F 38126 31E46 2A1F0 3DD6A 373DB 24937 302E4 3504B 255EF 18 060A3 08C5B 03ACF 08213 0F0EA 0594E 1FDA5 03500 0C9EE 0AE4B 11BD5 1F20E 1F6AC 1D368 09267 085A8 10581 02D0A 02AD7 0DEAB 133AD 1D86E 09DC1 098EB 1D8EA 150CE 0FA61 0E64B 0FEAC 0FF2B 10D13 0EDA9 12CFF 1CA87 10D1C 048B8 1E446 09DAC 04E01 0047A 0B20E 1279A 1E444 171AD 14DEE 08F2F 00685 0C179 16F17 09C25 03E6A 16910 0A2F6 0E3D0 11440 02629 0DBB4 0AA3F 0AC24 0B5B8 03219 04B5C 12E0A 1BA19 178AC 13D31 04CF9 17FCC 1316F 191DE 08F30 022E8 15980 1BBC7 014B7 0B2B4 1FA9B 0AE1B 07CBD 0C3C0 0C9A9 078BE 18D4C 16558 0E7AE 149B4 099FA 1A680 082ED 0424B 078A4 1EA5C 12E01 06662 03E40 1C8A0 05776 014F0 1D39C 18A51 028F0 0255C 2A48D 3D4FC 219FA 2E85C 2AC86 2423D 2DD0C 326B1 319AA 31F90 31008 34451 35732 31B8D 3FC1C 3728D 3300D 30D38 29C87 37756 323E1 2B37F 2EAF5 3112D 39905 390AE 35450 2BBFC 393AD 259DA 2E4C7 306BA 25B76 368C5 2C60B 2ED09 3C92B 35A8F 3B692 265C8 3ED3E 24075 2ADCF 277ED 240FF 3ED34 2F118 2BC63 21193 35AEF 2D6E2 09B22 0B6C5 1B103 0DF1B 00E86 1E335 0C70B 03663 117F5 0F3DE 0A59F 0D861 1A451 0F1F6 0DE3A 164EE 0BE96 122BC 0176D 18CF0 0EBFE 17556 13084 1123D 0FE98 1EBEF 11A3E 06C45 09A8A 123F9 0049D 02F98 10CDB 106C7 0E367 1C23B 08C0B 08DE3 0515B 06D23 12EEC 1C8CE 1CDE8 00CE9 0DD89 1CC67 112C3 034A2 0AE3B 19E8F 04241 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 21008 240DD 369D3 3E83A 3386D 3C21D 229B0 34413 352AD 2A628 3FB8F 318E4 3F797 2CA35 2BE49 3633D 34404 24DAE 33EB7 378CA 2494D 28E88 282D1 24920 3A39D 3D536 2044A 35E30 3CA63 38537 21867 22A36 3A076 3FEB8 2A0F4 3AF47 334F7 34C2A 2BAAA 30F0D 329E7 257E0 205DE 2E190 2ED27 3B200 2124B 20B57 38978 3BB43 27653 1077A 03C50 161AA 03A44 1FAC3 17E99 020D0 1C4B3 0320B 07BC5 07CDC 17C41 0FB8D 0B287 041EF 1FD56 024E0 11B42 0233F 02875 13AD1 1333B 1CC42 099EB 10203 19BCE 18140 16314 01756 02FE4 06958 0F7FC 06F56 13688 05CC4 1CC8A 06AE9 132EA 0793F 1C98D 1BAC9 0069C 1AD67 11CA5 07116 0BB19 0A53F 1F98E 00F06 1EAEE 07913 36450 27B25 2743E 375E0 28C44 3D86C 2227F 3F94C 248B8 3C884 29ACD 3B1CB 3665B 21666 3ABA1 3C2D6 24BDB 260BC 2E074 2C3DF 3923E 306F7 3E337 2C675 30208 23E62 30469 3DDBA 3D4BF 2FE3F 2F8D4 384EA 39B85 226E3 3ED27 3AC9C 2043B 2CE09 23270 36E94 2B448 37B52 2077D 335D4 2CF0B 2E3C0 2776D 37E6D 2FD86 3A3DD 2176E 2CFBD 38BC6 20141 3392F 3A4C2 302B3 28C79 39231 2566C 3D8A2 3BA98 29D4A 2B679 20122 2862D 25FBB 22685 266DF 2EA35 3311E 2A89C 24480 2FB36 26A44 29CA3 23191 258E8 2D5DF 22220 2F5E1 2BC99 26D3E 3D25F 230F3 31C35 34B44 32FCB 3E6F6 3250D 2180D 32DA1 28E8A 32D4D 21416 30129 2CC17 35406 3B07C 27C39 30A9F 359A3 19 09532 1AFD8 03792 16945 197B1 184B9 04679 19106 1BF4E 0E013 0F189 07F98 1A431 0B4DA 0D527 0AD34 1CDBA 060A9 0CF5A 0CDC1 02D83 1838E 003C0 13056 063B3 16B3D 06121 0BA1F 19314 0F37F 1EFAD 16BD9 10C10 0A899 1D6A0 0829A 0E9EB 062D3 1C7DB 07B5B 174E4 109B3 0B5BE 19B80 0677C 1838C 19E4C 02788 13ADE 187A2 08912 11622 06D0D 00A71 1B037 07777 03B38 1C6BB 1FF99 05740 11687 1FC9D 0E7A2 0AEF5 1FBEC 1E55C 006BB 194C1 0394C 09FE1 0CB5F 1D898 1EB20 14248 1FD7E 1A47A 195E0 1022F 0A7AE 142D0 09109 0A59A 1B616 199E3 1E048 137CB 00E9C 0CA81 1DC79 06C5A 1D926 1FB45 12C4F 180EC 07568 1FA68 02BC2 0390C 14BB6 0D7FB 1C45B 167F3 3E92A 38B2C 3CB87 37D70 3E248 3F8EB 27467 2BA58 3BE78 384D0 37345 3F5B8 244E2 2CF43 23FC9 29D4C 2BC8A 2F742 30419 2FF43 2A8F6 3B6F7 3DE5E 38B47 3F2CF 38679 31FF9 20669 2E4CC 33865 36201 25A51 204CA 3094D 208DD 2840E 35029 368AF 29BFF 331CE 23FC4 39340 20567 3CD3A 3984A 2D213 28E2E 3E382 33632 2DC21 39CD5 18BD9 00450 0A329 01DDC 19EFF 0DA39 1D1FF 0F04D 1009B 1A104 07088 115D9 12303 15726 12981 0BA3F 0771F 1E584 1228C 192AB 158A6 0828A 1CCFE 129D1 02E47 1B239 0BB0D 0C796 03A70 17DC8 0EABB 02289 03620 04883 18168 0F2CC 117A1 10B82 00EC5 068BF 16EE5 0394E 1F197 01521 0B8DD 1C369 0E6CB 01369 166A2 10BD2 1D4C9 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 34711 3256B 24BF6 288FC 2FD29 39E97 34597 254D9 2B985 3E8F8 25082 271E2 3D944 37832 253FB 3BE59 21DC2 2517B 26DB3 25EE4 2C73D 28A11 3C2B5 30C48 34D95 21E43 39063 30648 21F55 23572 3D2AA 35E0B 3953E 3DB95 398DE 33562 3A364 24976 299B4 30DE1 280A8 3EF59 27F7D 39366 3C271 34D6C 364CC 356CB 2B9E9 38156 22BA3 1E35A 0EC3B 1D5C5 03FED 13C5D 14437 0C9F2 00377 0BA0C 06ADF 02855 000AC 07E90 16524 1731D 05D23 10C52 1A748 04C63 0D1BE 0E934 14882 0554E 071F2 004EA 11A4B 18BC1 16687 03854 165CA 11FE8 14116 1A39A 1EAC8 18D5D 17906 169D9 118D3 02F7C 19869 173CD 12B45 08BDE 1745E 1E26B 07673 0DA4A 1DC95 03FBD 1190C 1FD50 309F0 2B11D 37865 23860 35BF9 26B4A 255B2 21F37 3DB3F 24CB1 2596B 39C51 38BC2 33AB9 31BE5 26D53 3F4AA 20E34 2A4F0 36B8A 3BFCD 279FA 2C358 2A5BE 29D7D 34F42 282A8 2671A 353EC 39533 2C7FD 24963 277B0 343FC 2E3C4 253C1 3C4D3 206E7 3393D 210B3 2303D 30337 20338 3043A 3D8C9 230F5 26F02 3B8FD 3B0C9 27854 3B843 2139D 2FDA5 2AFC0 29173 341E1 3731E 35B9A 2A77E 257F4 28F4A 3C457 2F6AC 3F712 2ADF9 2B14D 31EC2 26077 2732A 383B2 37135 3188D 291CC 313D7 2CDF5 3EA66 2898A 3FD9A 254E5 316A4 2405B 200A8 37D87 2BD93 2574F 2E9B6 3D8B4 3EFFD 300C4 3AE75 2F70B 34A0F 3F128 25DF3 319EF 242B1 3F45B 2AC5A 27A1E 27A95 3BC4A 3F722 20 1A6CA 11C87 113A0 06772 07701 15045 1622E 1F536 02D67 18202 14DE4 14B30 1585B 0F89C 02E12 15C14 0E53E 084AE 0B55B 1B633 02F91 1D01B 156F6 1A8EF 10564 1B395 1A7C7 0112D 0133E 1A114 02BB9 07156 09809 05F70 14E7E 02827 11C6B 0E6CA 06F60 086B7 1D6A4 13841 190E9 0B4D6 08C3F 1256A 0F065 0FD5B 07A37 095B7 0F5C3 0C1A2 1C1FB 13E44 15A1C 0D2D9 120A5 15B1A 1CF18 00845 1206B 098FC 0894C 0AF76 102AD 16CBB 0EA78 11843 03FD9 1C14F 1F10C 165D1 02C98 0AB48 1BD15 0CD44 125F6 1808B 0FF65 02079 1C3A4 149A9 17AC2 1F4A0 04986 0EDFD 0CC80 08198 005F4 04672 043B2 134C8 08046 0AD8C 09B7A 09A1C 18074 0FF14 07CC0 0C1B3 09F43 1D8C5 28076 210D9 394D5 2525D 253FA 29818 2AC64 32881 2BD42 3C794 21330 3314D 2981F 2A464 36C51 24138 36AEF 22A1F 3F808 3A820 2F662 237A2 3904C 3C530 304FE 24EA9 3AA6C 255A0 22A73 2546A 3CCF0 28786 3F9A5 3767F 26C83 22A9B 33246 22919 33535 3CF9F 25899 29D2C 2B156 261B0 2BB76 33FF5 3F474 395F8 3055D 2E217 3DB61 1DF97 128C3 08322 012C2 0CB5C 087DB 073D6 06728 09FDB 008BA 1A32F 1DAE5 1DE96 1243D 1A89C 1177B 15B02 098C2 07B0F 07015 1929B 153EB 06A1D 05CE3 163C3 1E627 14735 03C1B 0EC0E 1B18D 198B7 1B62A 0401A 0A050 06056 18F77 0D0FB 0291A 0F7BE 161BC 0021C 055F1 16D05 0BCDA 17902 00719 0E1C6 0B359 0A686 01A3F 12039 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 371D8 2622C 30979 2E4DC 3B4B0 2F4AE 28147 2F89C 3BDD8 219A5 3B48B 22F83 2E3D5 22B4B 3421D 322F1 39D2C 32401 37406 2247B 265CB 385E5 37C13 20303 32F51 2650F 37CFA 24970 250AE 2F669 23A6E 2BC37 2E22C 2F53B 389BC 24F2E 3EF75 25A10 35D62 3FD13 23C5C 2E50E 23A44 3E251 3E463 26E19 32F3A 3845D 29B5E 25A01 36079 0398F 123D6 0C55B 12A50 019A9 1C3CC 0234B 17831 04B3A 1DD04 03BAB 0B390 1401D 18824 08B0C 196E0 056A7 06AF3 02024 10D73 0DB51 15E19 10D6F 0B5AE 0FFC7 16C74 047D3 0FF6D 1F347 0880F 03B8F 03F55 0CF00 0D023 1A160 1CF17 0E914 1093D 13B38 1057E 18E44 1A629 01E60 170F6 0C53D 1405D 0A200 0B06F 19926 10ED0 163A2 25E2D 3AA1D 25003 23BC8 2AD95 36B26 2811B 2F86D 2D6BB 35001 3394C 2277E 26F7A 2859C 22107 20111 27BC6 269AF 2E061 38D38 2E1B0 36884 39A39 37630 2D8DD 3FA21 3F308 22427 21476 34561 2D08A 365D6 23825 33CDC 38D44 3756D 32579 340CC 3A407 29985 3EA36 357A4 2D404 2AA9C 39020 34F78 3C505 24DDE 265DA 2D09B 33641 395AC 3ECCE 2CDFE 36ACB 225E1 2BB6C 2CB1C 22101 3F73F 3CEDF 38DB9 30DDE 205CD 2BAA8 231AE 346FC 2DD02 2F3E4 3BDF4 2CC0A 32941 2FF8A 2B8BC 26B00 32354 27827 277EC 3E7C7 2B5D8 32D5F 34776 33FAE 3B2B0 24C13 2403C 2A4B8 3EDC4 366A1 3B493 222E1 22968 2C9E0 3BC99 2E887 38699 2137A 26BEC 396C3 3A670 23516 265FA 21 16478 0D810 19FA7 096AA 0E26F 0F630 05601 15A25 00ABF 1B278 02926 046FD 0FEA6 1B8FF 13493 0325B 18722 0CCCB 13AD1 17CF0 0CCAE 03F8F 10127 1965E 12489 11667 05948 1D744 085C7 1B8F4 0AD38 17B48 137EC 037FC 1BFC1 0CA15 1AFB4 0F873 13517 05849 1E739 1B31E 10B43 1A30A 0E90B 050D8 05704 07CE5 1A302 19541 03405 09154 06748 1681A 0A3C1 0C378 164C6 17C77 14940 0D7CD 1B701 11E14 02D8F 1939C 05FA5 1001B 1D468 02C6C 02BC2 1E6F1 124CA 0717D 02715 01BF7 12562 1B2F7 04029 11855 0A4FC 1461A 16DAC 1662D 1DEC4 134B9 162C7 08E7D 16A2E 13672 01352 0A8C5 0CAC1 06109 1FFC8 07111 01E7B 1195F 06F04 15ECB 113E2 17DEE 0D902 08E98 2595F 281B5 2D564 2F27D 2E601 38D70 20748 357B6 3657E 32143 267EE 35E1D 3C062 27766 27B91 3300C 3A61F 2C0BE 314FE 26C0C 38E73 28E23 2BAB6 3E946 39A08 2A549 3769D 3B8C7 26F8F 205EE 233BF 2B37E 3F94D 2F7C2 2E68A 3B10C 21A11 30AC4 2F445 33BE8 3826B 3461F 3255C 2A40D 315D9 3AA81 3D3E5 31380 25ABA 29DC8 2F21C 11488 109BE 0F8F7 10943 1DA58 08A9E 06CEF 0B3E4 1AA5E 13A8C 0ABE4 05A31 1E42C 1C5C8 09620 19E52 10368 1D2B6 18158 1490E 00759 0A1AF 0161F 003B7 071AD 11446 121A2 12F63 1CFA7 0A146 151C3 1A930 0DFC1 01248 1EFDB 0D5DA 1A31F 1D003 07498 00531 09227 08A13 1A154 0904C 153A8 1E4F1 09CC5 01DDB 0F8C4 05128 0C649 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 254 255 382C7 391F6 02E73 0816D 26C56 2BE01 2E9B9 26786 1E4AB 039DD 084B6 1EE58 2CAF3 22B5C 16E1B 04585 B 24A62 23C78 3EE4C 3D262 3061A 29615 2F080 3ABB3 2E4F4 3D34C 275E0 28AE5 273E5 3B014 2F906 2F64D 2454D 2EA7A 23C1C 2968D 3B45B 3304E 2E2F5 3A34F 2C08A 2802B 344FE 2D2C4 339EB 3EC56 33BD2 30A46 21B45 293FB 33BFE 2A53C 33D94 C 36507 3284F 3D95C 3EB3A 37A13 3F235 32455 395A4 292EF 2C538 3CF0B 277CC 3E4E3 3A5A5 2580C 3744B 2793E 3F4BA 31831 358C9 243D3 3484D 3D831 277C3 3F321 2BC10 28642 3A5CE 21EF3 2C5C8 32880 24E25 2D4CD 26E2F 34998 3DC44 34DC6 D 1CBE0 1D5AE 08B2D 0517B 09655 118AC 06BB5 176B6 111B0 0DE15 0CDBB 1A068 019B7 0052D 162AD 0F151 00F4D 0E91C 182FF 082CE 1CCAA 1BAED 0A070 04186 1CC26 18853 121CA 09D28 0EE52 0422C 07AF4 11E61 155C7 0ED2A 03E43 1272C 136B3 E 0C404 1CA1F 1C311 19970 09C24 165AF 03570 1D955 0459B 05BA6 1ACD3 079FB 09A9A 1D998 0601B 1FA9E 18E12 1EBB0 11A8C 08F0C 0E616 0B411 19D79 1B347 1227E 11A0E 1594E 0BBB0 1E828 0D9D2 1FBB9 0D7E6 0879F 0BE1C 100BB 06071 1FC17 F 3F968 24F41 235C5 30017 26038 3A91A 2D514 270B5 302D3 2F163 3EDA1 3F976 38926 21C22 37A34 39485 25CF6 20CBC 3046E 2FCFB 38DDC 234DA 28B27 3B365 395B6 21458 2F9EC 382E2 330BA 3B04B 21E74 25133 205E6 29315 3C78B 30DDA 3E813 G 0AEFD 1DF44 1E821 09A59 062D7 0EA89 07FCC 0274B 022C0 131ED 0F8FB 07C5A 1AAC7 02C16 0F877 03B47 18A2F 07064 038A6 07FE8 0E757 129A2 1DA1B 02275 084F3 137E6 183F8 09749 19B90 1F28A 1B4B2 12571 1CDCE 157BE 05362 1F114 1871C H 19F7B 09AED 1C9DE 16830 01385 0C898 071B2 19387 13880 00B7F 08EC1 122F6 1F994 13C33 1D023 04C1A 02709 17EF0 0BEA6 0B227 1D280 0FEC0 05D92 0735C 15BDE 17560 036A4 09CA2 1C186 1607A 1F6F5 0DB80 1E2A6 1D829 19777 1A2C1 14457 n=2 (Segment 2): Idx\blk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 A 11048 1F1DF 170F6 1ECAB 0F18A 00987 19787 19732 03A43 1A1A9 06772 15AE7 1FC80 1FD66 145AA 13A1B 19DF5 16A84 103D3 1B1A6 0F69F 09A84 0CB83 0EC60 1B697 0741E 19699 1E317 15CE5 16EB2 056ED 1C931 19E2A 0DF04 03766 113DE 0013B 22 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 0E29E 15737 0A618 0DED1 03BCC 0664E 043D4 11092 1310F 18B26 1D3BF 1DC01 17045 038F7 16136 1F78A 179FD 066B0 18E59 0209A 0832F 1C89A 1C137 1B94D 18D8D 157CB 06A95 1FCA4 0C5BD 1E382 1192C 0C54C 1788A 1B07E 0D98B 156E9 04372 14A87 0A82F 0F7AA 17D8F 01597 0240E 06B62 06A7C 07A69 01EA3 0E850 0B5CC 12660 1E2CB 3BFA7 20ABB 299D1 271CB 2EFFF 364D3 3BCF7 298A0 3BB88 3FCAA 3E415 33852 2F474 26A2F 2A4E1 24E96 206D7 35257 28F18 3CB47 22B7B 3E50B 30ECE 2FCEC 3B8C0 3E0DE 24995 297A3 2C183 2F05B 22B08 2033D 27A53 35C66 233D7 3815B 2BFA9 246D5 20F96 21059 29976 35CE6 253DF 20EE8 3BA96 2120B 3688F 2E468 21FF2 328A5 285C5 24757 3FB12 2BF1D 32C02 21321 3E0A0 245BF 30BEA 3C568 2A50D 2C682 3D1F2 37739 267AC 2233B 3366B 34F66 21C65 24173 26D53 3D7CC 35DC3 2AD5B 39021 347EC 35E53 206AE 276CB 2A3F3 3C007 32C21 3B24A 22DF9 3AE1C 21EE6 31253 3231D 33521 33637 29E90 3DE5C 3848C 37C93 2C93F 36B28 3D362 3E197 35925 2C90F 29BFE 2150B 1C95F 17A64 0CF4E 1A41C 152DB 0977B 1D861 18DBA 1C534 0A656 1D715 1E24E 09286 1B8BD 07C61 132D3 01447 0C536 0EE5E 07183 186FE 1491D 0776F 10596 01366 1D121 0BFBB 00DA0 08C52 0699C 00FD3 0840D 101C9 168E2 04C0D 194E0 07979 0A7EA 1BDD6 0C8D0 1AA2B 135EC 0860B 0E632 1AC4D 01237 1E83E 1EE1E 034BF 07AE8 08AA4 23 1910B 1FAD9 1DF4C 04543 112C0 0D71B 1998D 0FCCE 09630 09D40 0BE9A 0320D 1EF82 172E4 16AC7 11EF6 09C27 13891 18626 169DD 0558B 057FD 0E512 1538E 1A623 1BB04 1F94D 14DDA 101DC 0EE34 04FDD 1A93F 1E440 09D6D 0523F 0280E 07454 179BE 1C436 11A01 0EA83 04F5B 1D887 115E4 079DA 02B53 09A54 14193 06C8A 16A64 0C730 29ED2 23CFD 382D2 2A88C 30F23 2F023 3A107 371EE 2368C 3A1DB 26049 2E690 325B7 2C907 390DF 209CB 2DB5D 2FC0C 2BE92 3BCEF 3E160 2D86A 20898 232B4 3EB7E 234FE 23748 30D8F 2BD0D 21215 33AD7 20C21 36F51 27E4D 25D19 30B98 39F6D 3D9C9 2BC28 3988E 37327 3C98B 38F8D 33DAB 31153 28FD0 35ED4 3BA41 267A5 268CC 2B1AB 12E5C 1D309 0ED65 1CD46 1F8E8 0C789 178A1 1175E 0B106 1A029 1FDBB 1771C 00D7B 0BE97 0FA7A 0DC4A 05A7C 100B1 13A37 01ECE 14BDB 081C2 133C0 1F6B9 1641F 09386 171EB 1D45C 1A937 18B3F 0FD84 14DAC 1FAB1 14104 1ED13 15038 178FE 0D37B 00037 0465B 1648E 05781 0A615 02855 1D461 05CC2 19931 01D46 0DEEB 05D01 093CF 18195 0F242 0A4C0 12915 0B55F 1DC85 06F35 00898 03406 17253 0768E 02723 11645 12E7A 0602F 0F88C 13C09 0639A 1AADE 1149F 0B1EF 17EA3 0EDB7 1BFF9 0AF2D 0E862 1F27F 1D168 1D92D 1CEFA 11F7A 03EFF 03367 1BEE9 02DAB 0C322 109F6 1EE78 0451C 1E5A7 12764 0B1DD 0F447 01611 05107 109CA 079AC 15078 140A6 0D818 108FD IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 08A84 10E61 051E0 1E141 06215 1C069 13969 1ED26 0AC4A 040B3 0189D 07244 13B6A 05B25 063C2 1FA35 01052 14175 07AA6 03791 1B806 17D29 08586 02DA1 0AB83 067AC 1B066 0F743 0C1E6 16103 16B38 09774 14BCE 0D784 06D18 02FEB 0DF77 194B8 048B5 09EBF 036A6 049E4 05B2C 12319 01A3C 16C55 15B72 0A0E9 1B9BA 1BC05 055F2 281B5 21D68 2B82E 2C6CC 237EF 2BED7 2C2CB 20588 355B0 39117 30E7A 206FF 2CBC2 28A31 3093E 34739 3805D 20C29 2D9AF 3B84B 35593 39A28 3B3F0 364FB 37438 33AC8 26DDB 3E35A 392BF 3C42B 3C0B0 2C9BC 2334B 2ED81 3F190 3DCA4 3B65D 3E8BA 3959F 31EB9 3C0A8 2D1BC 23F00 21A1C 399C7 33E87 26CB2 23480 27F59 33375 35A44 238C0 3FF0B 26D7F 39667 3574A 3E914 31476 23370 3364E 3ED45 266BF 24F48 20940 2D861 34CE3 265A9 33C7F 204F8 27548 247B5 31CA9 2B8FE 36CA9 3D58F 27EF7 2E7F6 3D223 3F316 21419 33FC4 2761F 210AB 2E02D 33FCB 2EE5F 2DC09 38B1C 216C8 30E3B 3CDC7 3C372 2A708 22A89 26014 35B3B 30180 3D3B9 29E1F 29E0C 33124 2CE25 1BC24 0A0B0 03BA2 08061 19E1A 1D5EC 1AD71 0EB18 14201 13CF2 1A9BA 1353C 0E077 1BB51 02E24 0B386 03AF5 0DA6B 1ECDE 132B4 11FA6 00B33 1CAC6 14171 15A0C 17641 0734B 1DB26 18533 02D65 1FFDB 08956 044D2 1CC8B 1B2EA 1BA31 1507A 17C73 055FC 1B2C7 0CFC6 1AD6D 0E5EB 13648 0B804 0BFC6 001A2 17023 00961 1E592 08485 24 127D2 1A47F 0A9FF 125D0 19FC1 0A30B 03742 1607C 1DD8F 1951B 1F4B3 0898E 1424F 150EF 0CAC9 1493B 1FF71 0D2EE 1D2D3 068EE 0D4DD 1075A 0C0BF 0C43F 05FC1 1FAF8 1B519 09A96 04906 1122C 104B6 08E92 150BA 0D890 13FC5 01CCA 02C66 03BB5 1A7EF 16F4D 03AAE 0A69F 1D730 1B1B4 10286 0C576 1A883 1482B 03BDB 19E54 04CDD 28441 255ED 264A7 263D1 365DF 38112 2FF03 309CB 23E66 3E499 28486 2EFD1 3955A 24CC8 35A6A 3E167 2CE60 3E0D8 3294E 2C374 29526 34D4D 3AFE9 35B53 2EED7 2D4D8 3E97A 2BE95 328F1 38B91 3AFD1 2C407 37A77 3C182 2F374 29CA8 298FA 2A2CF 3BD32 33102 2D20A 289BB 34418 2C256 2614A 34526 2679D 3FE1E 3364B 3329F 35CF9 14404 1D2C5 17023 0B75D 023F4 14982 06530 1C7C6 05C77 0C3D3 04171 1174B 02657 05AF0 03EBB 0923D 1B6BB 1DF13 00064 10A24 069FE 164D1 1085A 193A0 0DD89 07B32 10015 0E3D1 14D4A 05B8E 0B665 1C200 1CB8B 005A1 14C09 0C8CF 1CDE1 003D9 0D562 10F58 12C9F 18C83 0C48E 17AC2 13823 0B073 160D4 16983 0AFFF 14AE4 08C56 01F55 0E636 0735A 1E97C 012E6 037D7 02F2A 140D0 04216 1B55D 0F68A 14FCC 07EDA 062EB 146E5 15DEE 1D3A8 06DD1 12771 14D0B 0DCC1 041A7 0C9AE 0C26C 1295E 181B3 1FA43 046DF 0174E 1691A 0C7B4 19E19 1287F 038B0 09CD0 16B89 171C4 17206 1836A 11DB8 0DF13 101C7 10788 13D3B 15928 16F00 14EBC 0055D 16585 1CB7E 0452C IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 0BAFD 049CF 0A840 06892 1CA4C 0ACD0 0E623 136E2 15740 0CF77 1A731 0A78F 11F5B 1E4F5 1CCD2 167F0 08E12 17C49 138D3 0A11A 19F61 12938 11EB4 1C8BE 1CE31 1F805 03430 1E130 0A04D 1845E 1AE4F 1193D 0FD44 1E881 12FC2 11275 1819D 165F7 07AC0 1F393 0EEA1 08498 09A1C 1634D 09A3C 0289C 15924 1B2F0 0EF45 1FB4F 1514F 20C76 2C1C0 38667 3DD76 3CAFA 38315 3EBA2 37E46 2B2F7 207A6 2B6E7 3A367 2FCAB 2E330 2EE5A 2B59B 2C5CC 2232B 3A90A 3EE17 3B23A 2F3DB 38A6B 3014D 3A161 26FF1 3EB3E 23F8B 2EB3F 35E78 23AD1 3AF84 2323A 27819 3375A 24A71 3C3C8 32178 3E56F 2C52C 24939 2078E 23A0A 2E19E 343A6 3CFCF 278BA 2464D 25629 21366 22922 29E0D 3D85C 3E92B 25D88 2C364 3BEFB 37047 31FF9 35831 2FB91 224B2 242EC 2BFB9 39223 23D7A 24742 27084 34B22 28947 3179E 25845 20C74 20C17 2CFEB 2BF22 27BF4 2BB8D 32AD0 2A139 2E6BF 3482F 3A2F6 354DA 3E067 3861A 2CFA2 241D8 21C64 258BC 23E5D 37827 2CEBE 2997C 37052 24D44 28E2D 3E010 2AADC 260E5 2B3CE 285F6 117F1 1E368 0E68F 00F1D 01853 1ECA7 189DA 1C92E 13A94 156B3 13E89 1978C 1F811 0CB20 0FC67 16B00 1B2A4 05F06 1BF1E 0D40A 14FF7 10657 0BA31 15D0A 1FC2D 0AB2C 17674 1C439 02833 0335E 1181B 04AC0 10626 01C42 11E88 17050 038EF 1DBA6 1E93D 02A46 05173 080B9 1ED43 12B85 004F4 1188D 01CEB 1CAF9 0B4E1 10512 0D7B4 25 033BA 036B6 010D9 0E2A1 05D53 0CF62 01E2F 0C33E 10642 1BFA5 0D898 1A063 08CC2 1A9D7 11EDB 02B1C 038DF 01020 118F2 1CA63 100CC 1210D 1481F 180BD 16C9E 1846B 11A27 019FD 10BA5 16F88 0D562 1E076 07338 1ED87 09FE2 0E06A 11F14 130F0 081E3 0D25C 1D6F4 1AC81 008AB 1A438 1B10A 15B29 036E3 09590 13BA1 0D862 07EAF 2E290 2B011 2910F 2ECEE 387B6 31392 29036 26294 386ED 22861 3155B 21815 24D27 36BF9 3D65D 3F371 2B30F 3D375 2E9BD 34502 2A274 3750D 2D0F3 25CC3 292CF 325A3 228A4 26C12 3C458 3894C 245FF 3A530 3894B 29A28 2053D 38483 33B74 328D7 20CB9 23D69 3C68D 38311 31D02 3FD95 22854 3E544 386AE 313D4 257A5 2EC44 3F60E 18E9C 0D1BB 1E113 008E6 058A5 063A2 04C08 04E63 0733C 1A047 0E9F2 1765C 03DCC 14B8F 03D67 158DF 17B68 1A6AE 11EEC 10A57 05289 1518F 12563 0FF59 045F4 1CD73 0738E 0AAB5 1EE6B 1E856 07C2D 022EB 031B0 063CC 0CCA0 055A7 1B4B1 021D2 17F3E 139F6 199A0 0F46E 191C0 03A8B 0D531 0087F 140C0 05F04 098C6 096E4 030E2 1A2C6 171F6 030CA 13B1E 0E07D 14883 1B443 177B2 0C33E 19051 1E29A 16DB5 06849 187DB 03436 06DB8 05AB2 152AE 0ABC0 179A2 0819E 17200 1C88D 1565F 0A3DD 13885 1DCBB 0E5AE 0C6A1 06826 0830E 03EB3 18427 1AA81 113C1 007E2 037FD 0A4D9 037C4 00EA6 1F1E5 08EB8 0516A 0586E 0E107 122A8 03B62 0F9EB 0917D 1AF72 1DDBC IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 12A5F 03432 08284 033F9 0A044 13A65 0064A 06D4F 128DA 06360 18E16 13CB0 01DDC 1D91A 1A5CA 0EA7C 020FC 08054 1F101 1F856 0306F 11C8F 1A017 04FB1 07065 026F7 17F68 1993D 131AB 02EAB 1C4B6 16876 091B6 161F0 0D8F3 16DF5 0E970 08C6F 1506F 046D1 022A7 010EE 12E6D 04835 16E28 065BE 0941E 15704 0D543 1F7C7 04A79 2DE3B 237DF 2C436 3CAB6 25E0E 2FB30 36FF4 23070 2ADC0 3978A 27F45 2B227 274D2 2ABC1 2C861 360F7 2F787 2AACC 37350 233FB 325E8 3CB73 32567 2A352 2AABB 3F1B8 24BA7 375E5 36437 31C0B 24BF8 221CD 3452C 2DA74 2BB69 2B81A 3590C 2C1B8 39446 35FD2 3CB54 26E5F 245FD 3AE66 33AF3 2B74D 3CC87 32B7A 346FC 3622A 35732 3A48E 3E209 2C42A 3F334 253D1 32580 30076 29944 30B22 36C51 24A57 296AA 23552 241FC 2DAD5 27D57 240A7 34519 200B2 34AFF 34A77 3B926 21E19 2B92C 2DFC2 2DB70 21A14 2B489 3FA4E 3FBED 3B5E0 3F835 332C2 377F9 39105 3B90A 24CA1 33C79 39072 3B61A 3C7F6 37F66 3D3EC 2A335 24D7D 37417 20CA9 2F879 22FBB 264CB 3B527 1E2C4 18F7C 1D182 16E79 17689 1EF1B 090A7 01BAD 0E76D 0729C 05CB0 04461 01704 156AD 1256A 110BD 07460 18464 06E54 0FFCB 182B5 10529 131DA 14A10 16885 064E0 157C1 0F630 09D24 007B3 06D2A 1AC45 06397 0DC32 10391 14F08 152D7 1E1E8 06B7D 17383 0CA33 0794C 0B454 119FB 0EC8A 07E54 0CEDF 02FC8 0D8D6 17935 0E613 26 12D9B 0B470 0D590 09869 18C7A 181DA 17B42 07AFF 00CEE 149F1 1EB68 0C1FD 1BEB6 1D40C 182A9 0CA56 03AED 11F88 19C34 0AFB0 03C1C 0ACC7 11AF7 07276 1EB75 12CE1 0F627 153FA 0D5BE 0B211 011FE 0365E 1A1A8 01498 06D31 16CE5 17CCE 13696 043F2 0974E 14DB3 0948B 07118 03321 1CB3F 1205E 06B3A 04284 17D95 0DDEF 12B62 33093 22C88 36839 2F815 2CC88 32645 3242C 27C32 351F6 2D5FF 3A6E3 3DE20 28C7D 2D802 3C6FE 3584D 29918 38236 37638 21B1A 20CA7 318CB 35622 2CF31 2B4F2 35804 3864A 3EC2E 20CCA 337C6 31BFE 3D7C9 31656 33E91 35416 2C083 2810B 36B96 2CD44 3BD71 3C104 36311 33D9B 303DD 29DBF 32166 238B6 39260 201B9 31596 371F5 0EAFD 0F439 0EF68 0F270 17015 1050C 0FA71 1A8CD 1ED34 1048E 19FE2 0FF71 06352 015EF 0D070 03973 16194 18BD2 15C8D 013DD 1AD99 063E4 1705B 08F8D 0976A 01820 02677 1CFF9 036EE 14E41 06EE6 0D798 15ACF 038A2 16E7D 10D09 1594F 00644 174EB 1E69E 0E594 17042 05279 02C11 1CD5F 0E73A 1DD66 0CF20 003A9 0FE28 0CAA3 0A868 07984 114CC 0B7F3 1A3C2 11805 030D8 01DC1 12F36 0B8B7 16F65 19164 1E76E 04A24 131DB 1E928 0042A 1B7BC 1959F 12105 08A49 16DBA 01704 163A6 00B6E 18239 1281E 1869C 0F7FA 0C8ED 18A25 0C8D2 10B1F 12BF7 17A08 00A7F 0DE07 15F5D 053C3 17B36 08C06 154FE 02E73 1686A 06AEF 0F18A 1B983 0C6D9 087A7 19808 1FC21 IEEE C80216m-09/1134.doc 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 00DAD 1F591 06B42 17F1D 10B2F 11AA2 0F7BD 19C8B 18123 05BC8 0CA30 09C2D 1216D 0DA34 1218D 33C6E 37622 37744 32F0A 393FA 3F5EB 3D5DE 28CF8 3F12B 2E4D8 33C05 2A8C5 2AB59 31014 3ED6B 3F968 25762 21D07 3E0B3 3419A 3E95D 20FD3 3E949 35B45 2F3F7 2B7E8 3F328 3DE01 28175 2416F 15595 1647C 10F85 1EE39 1441C 1F8B6 1896B 04479 0825E 15507 1ECA5 1F6D5 03BBE 017CC 076F2 11158 1438F 0AC45 1A4EB 0A913 1C3DC 1751C 071AA 1DAB9 0BE99 03516 02125 03822 1C834 13F6A 23325 2F4A5 208FD 23876 2E015 25952 2B2BA 2E02A 29229 2DB2C 39549 27A53 2121F 2942D 23CD4 0131C 0DE3C 16CA4 101F5 0D345 1E37C 124E9 0B49C 1F5FF 1C510 03FB9 16A23 09990 16875 0A264 ----------------------------------------------------Text End------------------------------------------ 27 00A29 0EDD6 0A67C 0BC5D 1AF1F 1666A 1F9C0 04D04 11594 15902 1BC1B 08681 15DB7 1C51F 19BAC