Comments on aGPS section in QoS DG AWD (09_0846)


Comments on aGPS section in QoS DG AWD (09_0846)

Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-09/1147

Date Submitted: 2009-05-03


Jeongki Kim, E-mail:



Kiseon Ryu,

Ronny Yongho Kim

LG Electronics


IEEE 802.16m-09/0020, “Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m Amendment Working Document (AWD) Content”.

Category: AWD – DG Comment / Area: Connection Management/QoS DG


To be discussed and adopted in 802.16m AWD

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This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups . It represents only the views of the participants listed in t he “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material cont ained herein.


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• Voice codec such as G. 723, G. 729, AMR use silence suppression mechanism to reduce bandwidth consumption during silence period.

– SID frame may be transmitted periodically or non-periodically

• For AMR, SID frame is transmitted periodically

• For G.723.1, SID frame is transmitted whenever needed

• When silence period starts for UL, MS signals to BS the indication of

SF set switching from 1 to 2. BS then allocates bandwidth according to the traffic characteristics of the SID frame.

– For codec with periodical SID, BS allocates X bytes periodically for MS to transmit SID frame.

– For codec with non-periodical SID, MS signals request for sending

SID frame using contention based or non-contention based resource, and BS allocates X bytes once upon receiving the request.

• In ErtPS, an AMS may send the CQICH codeword to inform the

BS of its having the data to send


• For codec with non-periodical SID, the secondary GPI will not be defined.

• In case of using only one CQICH codeword for aGPS (like ertPS)

– When AMS has SID packet to send during silence period, AMS will send a CQICH codeword to inform ABS of it and ABS will switch the

QoS parameters to primary QoS parameters

• Increasing wasted resource

Wasted resource

Primary GPI

Active (Talk spurt)



Inactive (silence period)

Active (Talk spurt)



GMSH VoIP packet SID BR header



Wasted resource

*GMH: Generic MAC header, CH: compact header, GMSH: Grant Management subheader, BR: Bandwidth request,

GPI: Grant and polling interval

CQICH codewords for aGPS

• Primary aGPS CQICH codeword

– AMS may send the primary aGPS CQICH codeword when the

AMS has the data which the primary QoS parameters

(GPI_primary and GrantSize_primary) are used to transmit

– If the ABS receives the primary CQICH codeword, the ABS shall switch the current QoS parameter set to primary QoS parameter set and allocate the UL grant corresponding to the


• Secondary aGPS CQICH codeword

– AMS may send the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword when the

AMS has the data which the GrantSize_secondary is used to transmit

– If the ABS receives the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword, the

ABS shall allocate the UL grant corresponding to the


Example of using two CQICH codewords for aGPS

• QoS parameters for aGPS

– GPI_primary: 20ms

– GPI_secondary: Not defined

– GrantSize_primary: VoIP packet

– GrantSize_secondary: SID packet

If SID packet is generated during silence period, the AMS may transmit the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword to inform ABS of it.

• If VoIP packet is generated during silence period, the AMS may transmit the primary aGPS CQICH codeword to inform ABS of it

• During silence period, upon receiving the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword, the ABS will allocate the resource to

AMS based on only GrantSize_secondary

• When ABS receives the primary CQICH codeword, the ABS switches the current QoS parameter set into primary

QoS parameter set and allocates the resource to AMS based on GPI_primary and GrantSize_primary

20 ms

Active (Talk spurt)



Inactive (silence period)

Active (Talk spurt)



GMSH VoIP packet SID BR header



Code word



Code word

*GMH: Generic MAC header, CH: compact header, GMSH: Grant Management subheader, BR: Bandwidth request,

GPI: Grant and polling interval

Wasted resource

Proposed text

• 15.2.z.3.1 Adaptive granting and polling service

[Insert the following text at the end of the section.]

When an AMS has the data which the primary QoS parameter set (GPI_primary and

GrantSize_primary) is used to transmit, the AMS may send the primary aGPS CQICH codeword to inform ABS of it. If the ABS receives the primary aGPS CQICH codeword, the ABS shall switch the current QoS parameter set to primary QoS parameter set and allocate the UL grant corresponding to the

GrantSize_primary. When an AMS has the data which the secondary QoS parameter set

(GrantSize_secondary) is used to transmit, the AMS may send the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword to inform ABS of it. If the ABS receives the secondary aGPS CQICH codeword, the ABS shall allocate the UL grant corresponding to the GrantSize_secondary.
