Re-entry optimization (15.3.10)

Re-entry optimization (15.3.10)
Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-09/1837
Date Submitted: 2009-08-29
Jin Lee, Ronny Kim, Kiseon Ryu, Jinsam Kwak
Email : {jins978,ronnykim,ksryu}
LG Electronics
IEEE Session#63, Jeju in Korea
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When AMS wants to de-register with a current serving ABS,
– AMS may request to enter idle mode (Action code 0x01)
– AMS may request de-registration (Action code 0x00)
For idle mode(Action code 0x01) , AMS’s connection information can be retained
in a paging controller. Based on the retained information, the AMS can perform fast
reentry. ABS should page AMS upon every receiving of paging message.
For de-registration (Action code 0x00), AMS’s connection information will not be
However, there’s no consideration for the case,
– When AMS de-registers with ABS,
– The AMS wants to request resource retention for possible re-entry and
– The AMS doesn’t even want to be paged until before re-entry
To sum up, if AMS can send notification to ABS in the aforementioned situation,
the ABS can retain AMS’s connection information without paging. By enabling it,
air interface resource by ineffectual paging can be saved for non-paging preference
• Therefore, we would like to propose ‘resource retain mechanism’ for non
paging preference AMS.
• De-registration_Request_Code (AAI_DREG-REQ)
– 0x04 : request for AMS deregistration from serving ABS and retention of
AMS’s connection information
• Action code (AAI_DREG-CMD)
– 0x07 : This option is valid only in response to a AAI_DREG-REQ message
with De-Registration Code 0x04: a) to reject retention of AMS’s connection
information or b) to allow retention of AMS’s connection information
• Network Entry TempID (NETID)
– NETID is used to identify the AMS during optimized network reentry. The
NETID is assigned through AAI_DREG-CMD message and is valid during
NE_Resource_Retain_Time. The length of NETID is TBD.
• NE_Resource_Retain_Time
– NE_Resource_Retain_Time is the duration for AMS’s connection information
that will be retained in serving ABS. ABS shall start
NE_Resource_Retain_Timer after sending AAI_DREG-CMD (Action code :
x sec.
• Retain information
– Retain AMS service and operational information associated with AAI_SBCREQ/RSP, AAI_PKM-REQ/RSP, AAI_REG-REQ/RSP, network address, AMS
state information for all service flows. But STID will be released.
• Ranging Purpose Indication (AAI_RNG-REQ)
– Bit#5 is set to 1, in combination with a previous serving BSID and NETID, it
indicates that the AMS is attempting optimized network reentry.
Connected Status
(Code : 0x04 – request for AMS deregistration from serving ABS and retention
of AMS’s connection information)
(Action code, NETID)
-> STID Released, Retention of AMS’s
connection information
Ranging code
Connected Status
Figure – Optimized network re-entry procedure
Proposed Texts
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[Insert texts as suggested below in Page 185 Line 27]
15.3.10 Network Entry and Initialization
The network re-entry procedure can be optimized by possession of AMS’s connection
information upon receiving AMS request. When an AMS performs de-registration,
the AMS may send an AAI_DREG-REQ message with action code 0x04 and
receive an AAI_DREG-CMD message with Network Entry TempID (NETID). The
ABS should retain the AMS’s connection information including AMS’s capabilities
and configurations of the service flows, assign a NETID to uniquely identify the
AMS attempting optimized network re-entry. The optimized network re-entry shall
be initiated by sending an AAI_RNG-REQ message including Ranging Purpose
Indication set to ‘optimized network re-entry’, NETID and a previous serving BSID.
Upon receiving AAI_RNG-RSP, AMS should conduct following procedure as
indicated in AAI_RNG-RSP. When the AMS shares a valid security context with
the ABS, the network re-entry procedure can be further shortened without the step
of authorizing AMS and key exchange.
Proposed Texts
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[Insert texts as suggested below in Page71 Line56] AAI_DREG-REQ message
The following parameter shall be included in AAI_DREG-REQ message :
Management Message Type
– 0x00 : AMS deregistration request from ABS and network
– 0x01 : request for AMS deregistration from serving ABS and initiation of AMS idle
– 0x02 : response for the unsolicited AAI_DREG-CMD message with action code 0x05 by
the ABS
– 0x03 : reject for the unsolicited AAI_DREG-CMD message with action code 0x05 by the
– 0x04 : request for AMS deregistration from serving ABS and retention of AMS’s
connection information
0x05 – 0x07 : reserved
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[Insert texts as suggested below in Page72 Line42] AAI_DREG-CMD message
The following parameter shall be included in AAI_DREG-CMD message:
Management message type
Action code
– 0x07 : Reserved This option is valid only in response to a
AAI_DREG-REQ message with De-Registration Code 0x04: a) to
reject retention of AMS’s connection information or b) to allow
retention of AMS’s connection information
Proposed Texts
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[Insert texts as suggested below in page 73, Line3] AAI_DREG-CMD message
When De-registration_Request_Code is 0x04, the following parameters shall
be included in the AAI_DREG-CMD message.
NETID : Used to identify the AMS during optimized network reentry. The
NETID is assigned through AAI_DREG-CMD message and is valid during
NE_Resource_Retain_Timer. The length of NETID is TBD.
Proposed Texts
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[Update Table 682 by inserting texts as suggested below in Page48]
Table 682 – parameters for AAI_RNG-REQ
Ranging Purpose
If Bit#5 is set to 1, in combination with a
previous serving BSID and NETID, it
indicates that the AMS is attempting
optimized network reentry.
Bit#6-7 : reserved
NETID which the AMS is assigned for
optimized reentry and maintains during
It shall be
included when
the AMS
network re-entry
Proposed Texts
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[Insert texts as suggested below in page 185, Line38]
– NE_Resource_Retain_Time is the duration for AMS’s connection information
that will be retained in serving ABS. ABS shall start
NE_Resource_Retain_Timer after sending AAI_DREG-CMD (Action code :
x sec.