IEEE C802.16m-09/1858 Project Title

IEEE C802.16m-09/1858
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Proposed Change to the Determining the Resource Index for the Scheduled Resource
( for the IEEE 802.16m/D1
Tsung-Yu Tsai, Yi-Ting Lin, Chun-Yen
Voice: +886-2-66000100
Institute for Information Industry
Category: LB30 / Area: Section (DL basic assignment A-MAP IE)
This contribution proposes changes to the Section of IEEE P802.16m/D1
To be discussed and adopted by TGm
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IEEE C802.16m-09/1858
Proposed Change to the Determining the Resource Index for the Scheduled Resource
( for the IEEE 802.16m/D1
Tsung-Yu Tsai, Yi-Ting Lin, Chun-Yen Hsu
Institute for Information Industry (III)
1. Introduction
For the determination of resource index in the 5 MHz system, to ensure the correct mapping from the
resource index to the beginning LRU and the allocated LRU size in the 5 MHz system. The dimension of the
vector Ia shall be 24, and the range of the beginning LRU L shall be from 0 to 23.
Besides, for the 20MHz system, the possible assignment LRU size does not include size S=1. Thus, the range
of the beginning LRU L shall be modified.
2. Proposed Text for IEEE P802.16m/D1 DL basic assignment A-MAP IE
============================ Start of Proposed Text ==================================
[Modify the text in line 6, page 328 as follows.]
The ith element of Ia, 1≤ i ≤2324 for 9 bit resource indexing in a DL/UL subframe for a 5 MHz system
bandwidth is defined as:
[Modify the text in line 12, page 328 as follows.]
The resource index RI for an allocation of size S LRUs beginning at LRU L is computed as
RI = Ia(S) + L, 1≤ S ≤24 and 0≤ L ≤2423
[Modify the text in line 48, page 327 as follows.]
The resource index RI for an allocation of size S LRUs beginning at LRU L is computed as
if I a  S   0 or S  1
Ia  S   L
RI  
if I a  S   0 and S  1
where 1 ≤ S ≤ 96 and 10 ≤ L ≤ 95
The ABS first determines if the required resource size is assignable by checking if the (S-1)th Sth element in IaIa
has a non-zero value.
============================== End of Proposed Text ================================
[1] IEEE P802.16m/D1. DRAFT Amendment to IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—
Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems—Advanced Air Interface, July 2009.