Who’s Got Clout in the Deep South? Presentation by: Tyler Reny & Brendan Scherer Hrebenar-Thomas: The Ones With Clout H&T Top 20 in the Deep South… Teacher’s Organizations General Business Organizations Lawyers Bankers Associations General Local Government Organizations Insurance General Farm Organizations State and Local Government Employees Individual Banks and Financial Institutions Realtor’s Associations “The South has always been the region where groups have predominated, probably because of the weakness of any countervailing force like strong political parties. In our 1998 survey, the South remained the region with the most powerful interest group systems.”-The Hrebenar & Thomas Study Interest Group Power in the States, Clive S. Thomas and Ronald J. Hrebenar, State Legislatures Magazine: April 1999 Mississippi’s Top Contributors & Industries (2007) Top 3 Contributing Sectors Top 3 Contributors 1) Party (35%) 2) Candidate Contributions (15%) 3) Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (15%) 1) Barbour for Governor-Party 2) Republican Governors Association-Party 3) John Arthur Eaves Jr.-Candidate Contributions OF THE TOP 15 INDUSTRIES IN MISSISSIPPI… Business 31% Party 69% National Institute on Money in State Politics 2006: http://www.followthemoney.org/ Alabama’s Top Contributors & Industries (2006) Top 3 Contributing Sectors Top 3 Contributors 1) General Business (30%) 2) Party (15%) 3) Labor (10%) 1) Alabama Education Association-Labor 2) Business Council of Alabama-General Business 3) Alabama Farmer’s Federation-Agriculture OF THE TOP 15 INDUSTRIES IN ALABAMA… Party 22% Union 7% Business 71% National Institute on Money in State Politics 2006: http://www.followthemoney.org/ Georgia’s Top Contributors & Industries (2006) Top 3 Contributing Sectors Top 3 Contributors 1) Candidate Contributions (35%) 2) Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (20%) 3) Party (15%) 1) Mark Taylor-Candidate Contributions 2) US Chamber of Commerce-General Business 3) Republican Governors Association-Party OF THE TOP 15 INDUSTRIES IN GEORGIA… Party 26% Business 74% National Institute on Money in State Politics 2006: http://www.followthemoney.org/ South Carolina’s Top Contributors & Industries (2006) Top 3 Contributing Sectors 1) Candidate Contributions (45%) 2) Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (10%) 3) Transportation (10%) *Top 3 contributors are all from the Candidate Contributions sector* OF THE TOP 15 INDUSTRIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA… Party 33% Business 67% National Institute on Money in State Politics 2006: http://www.followthemoney.org/ Industry & Contribution of the Deep South Of the Top 15 Industries in the Deep South… State Percent of Total Deep South Contribution… MS 19% Party 34% Business 63% AL 37% Union 3% SC 13% GA 31% Deep South Contribution 25 21 20 14 15 11 9 10 6 5 3 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 nc e ur a In s ce , Fi na n C an di da te C & on tr ib u tio ns P G Rea ar t y en l e r Es ta al Bu te sin La es w s ye H rs e & al Lo th bb yi sts T r En an La e sp bo C rgy r o om & C r ta o t m un Nat nst ion r ur ic at al ucti io R on n e Si s & sou ng rc El e le e Is ctr s su on e/ Id i cs eo lo g U y nc od ed 0 National Institute on Money in State Politics 2006: http://www.followthemoney.org/ Alabama Farmers Federation “Promoting the economic, social and educational interests of rural Alabamians” Established in 1921 Today More than 460,000 members statewide Contributions by Party 2006 -Agriculture: Alabama’s #1 industry -48,000 farmers statewide -$4.7 billion business -476,000 jobs, 21% of state workforce -Annual earnings of more than $9 billion -$43 billion (22%) of state’s direct output Democrat 33% Republican 67% *Gave $1,728,142 to candidates & party committees *