CS 290C: Formal Models for Web Software Lecture 10: WebAlloy: Website Modeling,

CS 290C: Formal Models for Web Software
Lecture 10: WebAlloy: Website Modeling,
Analysis and Synthesis with Alloy
Instructor: Tevfik Bultan
Access Control for Web Applications
• Access control in web applications is a crucial problem
• Web applications handle a wide variety of critical data
– Ecommerce sites store customer account information
and purchase history
– Online applications for taxes, permits, visas
– Google Health, Microsoft HealthVault allow patients to
upload their medicate data online and share it with
doctors and hospitals
Access Control
• Access control in web applications is difficult
– Access control mechanisms provided by file systems,
databases or web servers are too coarse grain
– Manual coding of the access control mechanisms in
scripting languages is error prone
– Web application frameworks do not provide many
options for customized access control
• There have been high profile information leaks:
– Harvard Business School website was leaking admission
status from a URL before the official notification
– Website for payroll processing let 25K customers to
access each others’ W2 forms
• Both of these leaks were due to improper enforcement of
the access control policy
• In a typical web application, any operation has to be
specified in multiple contexts:
– The application logic implementing the action
– The security layer enforcing the access control policy
– The user interface that initiates the action
• The idea in WebAlloy is to specify the operations and
related access control rules once as part of the data model
and then automatically generate the implementation
Website Modeling with Weballoy
• Recall that in Alloy signatures denote as set of objects
• For example, a data model for an online grades
management can be specified with the following signatures:
abstract sig User { }
sig Teacher, Student extends User { }
sig Course { }
• In addition to user defined signatures, Weballoy supports
the following signatures:
– Int, Bool, String, Date, DateTime, Email, and Password
• Relationships among objects are specified as fields of
abstract sig User {
name: String,
sig Teacher extends User {
teaches: set Course
sig Student extends User {
assists, attends: set Course
sig Course {
name: String,
teachers: set Teacher,
assistants, students: set Student,
grades: students -> lone Int
Alloy Metamodel
• Every Alloy model corresponds to an instance of the Alloy
– each signature s in the original model corresponds to a
meta atom denoted as s$
– each field f in the signature s corresponds to a meta
atom denoted s$f
• Given a meta atom m for a signature
– m.fields denotes the set of meta atoms that correspond
to the fields of that signature
– m.value denotes the elements in that signature
• Given a meta atom m for a field
– m.value denotes the tuples in that field
Alloy metamodel
• Behaviors of a model can be specified reflectively using the
pred equal [c1, c2: Course] {
c1.name = c2.name
c1.teachers = c2.teachers
c1.assistants = c2.assistants
c1.students = c2.students
c1.grades = c2.grades
pred equal [c1, c2: Course] {
all f: Course$.fields | c1.(f.value) =
• The expression Course$.fields denotes the set of meta
atoms corresponding to fields in the Course signature
• The allowed behavior of the data model can be restricted
using facts
fact { teachers =
~teaches }
• This fact denotes that the teachers and teaches relations
are exactly the inverse of each other
• Weballoy supports transactions for modifying the data
• Transactions allow adding atoms to a signature, destroying
atoms, adding tuples to a field and removing tuples from a
• Modifications to the data model are grouped into
– Each transaction is either executed as a whole or
rejected as a whole
• Each transaction consists of
– a set of atoms and tuples to be added and
– a set of atoms and tuples to be deleted
• Each transaction is defined as a pair of sets (AS, DS):
– AS is the set of atoms and tuples to be added
– DS is the set of atoms and tuples to be deleted
• For each (m, x) pair in AS
– Either m is a meta atom denoting a signature and x is a
fresh atom to be added to that signature
– Or m is a meta atom denoting a field and x is a new
tuple to be added to that field
• Each (m, x) pair in DS is also either a signature or a field
• Example transaction
– the first set is the AS, and the second set is the DS
// AS
(Course$, c2),
(Course$name, c2->"Software Engineering"),
(Course$teachers, c2->t1)
}, { // DS
(Course$, c1)
• Each query RS is a set of pairs (x, f) where
– x is an atom and
– f is a meta atom corresponding to a field of x that the
user wants to retrieve
• The following queries retrieve
– The set of courses taught by t1
– The set of teachers teaching c1
(t1, Teacher$teaches), (c1, Course$teachers)
• Preconditions specify conditions that must be evaluated
before an atom is created or destroyed or before a tuple is
inserted or removed.
• Precondition on creating an atom for a given signature s
can be specified by declaring a predicate: s.preAdd
• Precondition on adding a tuple to a given field f can be
specified by declaring a predicate: f.preAdd
• In a predicate f.preAdd, the default parameter is this
• The parameter this corresponds to the tuple (v1->v2) being
added to the f field.
– It contains two values v1 and v2, one for the domain of
the relation and one for the range of the relation
– this.first returns v1
– this.second returns v2
• In a precondition, it is also possible to refer to a singleton
set called me
– me corresponds to the current logged-in user’s atom
– If the user is not logged in, me evaluates to empty set
• Examples
– A user cannot add teaching assistants to a course if the
user is not teaching that course
– A user cannot remove a teaching assistant from a
course if the user is not the teacher nor the teaching
assistant being removed
pred assistants.preAdd {
(one me) and (me in this.first.teachers)
pred assistants.preDel {
(one me) and (me in this.first.teachers + this.second)
• Postcondition on creating an atom for a given signature s
can be specified be declaring a predicate: s.postAdd
• Postcondition on adding a tuple to field f can be specified
by declaring a predicate: f.postAdd
• Examples:
– A newly created course has exactly one teacher and no
assistants nor students.
– Last teacher of a course cannot be removes
pred Course.postAdd {
this.teachers = me
one this.teachers
no this.assistants + this.students
pred teachers.postDel { some this.first.teachers }
Expansion Triggers
• A mechanism for automatically propagating changes in one
field to other fields
• Given field f and g the user can declare “f.onAdd: g” to
denote that set of tuples should be automatically added to g
when f grows
teachers.onAdd: teaches
teachers.onDel: teaches
teaches.onAdd: teachers
teaches.onDel: teachers
Expansion triggers
• Expansion triggers can also propagate changes between a
field and a signature or between a two signatures:
– A.onAdd:f : denotes the set of tuples to add to f
whenever A grows
– A.onDel:f : denotes the set of tuples to remove from f
when A shrinks
– f.onDel:A : denotes the set of atoms to delete from A
whenever f shrinks
– A.onDel:B : denotes the set of atoms to delete from B
whenever A shrinks
• Each capability is a triple: Action->univ->univ
• Actions are: R (retrieval), A (addition), D (deletion)
• There are five types of capabilities:
– Atom creation
– Atom deletion
– Tuple insertion
– Tuple deletion
– Tuple retrieval
• Creating a new atom in signature s requires the capability
tuple (A, A, s$)
• Destroying an existing atom x requires the capability triple
(D, D, x)
• Inserting the tuple (x1, x2, …, xn) into field f in signature s
requires the capability triple (A, x1, s$f)
• Deleting the tuple (x1, x2, …, xn) from field f in signature s
requires the capability triple (D, x1, s$f)
• Reading the tuple (x1, x2, …, xn) from field f in signature s
requires the capability triple (R, x1, s$f)
– Reading capabilities are ignore when processing a
• Weballoy defines the following default functions for
– ADD = A-> A
– W = A+D
– RW = R+W
enum Action { R, A, D }
fun W: Action { A + D }
fun RW: Action { R + W }
fun ADD: Action->Action { A -> A }
fun DELETE: Action->Action { D -> D }
Access control policies using Capabilities
• Access control policies can be specified using capabilities
• Instead of writing capabilities for each field separately, meta
model can be used to write concise access control policies:
fun policy: Action -> univ -> univ {
W -> me.teaches -> Course$.fields
• Given the policy:
fun policy: Action -> univ -> univ {
W -> me.teaches -> Course$.fields
• Suppose teacher t1 wishes to remove s1 from c1.assistants
where the current database is as follows:
Teacher = t1 + t2 + t3.
Student = s1 + s2 + s3.
Course = c1 + c2 + c3.
c1.assistants = s3.
c2.assistants = s1.
c3.assistants = s2.
t1.teaches = c1 + c2.
t2.teaches = c3.
t3.teaches = c1.
• The capabilities possessed by t1 are determined by
evaluating the policy function with me = t1.
• The expression me.teaches evaluates to {c1, c2}, so t1
currently has 20 capability triples resulting from the cross
product {A, D} → {c1, c2} → {Course$name,
Course$teachers, Course$assistants, Course$students,
• The required capability D → c1 → Course$assistants is one
of the 20 capabilities currently possessed by t1, so the
request is approved if it does not violate another constraint
such as a pre- or post-condition.
Processing a Transaction
• When a transaction is received, the server does the
– Check the capability rules and make sure that the user
has the required capability
– Check the preconditions for the atom creation and tuple
insertion requests and applies the onAdd triggers,
performs creations & insertions and then checks the
– If any pre or post conditions are violated, then the entire
transaction is rejected
– If a fact is violated all changes are rolled back and the
transaction is rejected.
Processing a Query
• When a query is received, it is not necessary to evaluate
pre or postconditions since the data model is not being
• When a query is received, the website associates the
singleton set me with the atom corresponding to the user
making the query (or empty set if the user is not logged in)
and then evaluates the capability function policy to
determine the capabilities possessed by the user.
• Using Alloy as a specification language has the significant
– The model can be automatically validated
• The Alloy run command can be used to generate instances
of the data model
• Alloy check command can be used to do bounded
Validation Example
• Check whether the pre-condition for adding an assistant to
a course is true if and only if the current user possesses the
corresponding capability triple for adding assitants:
check {
all c:Course, s:Student |
preAdd[c->s] iff A->c->Course$assistants in policy
module Weballoy
sig Date = Int {}
sig DateTime = Int {}
sig Email = String {}
sig Password = String {}
sig LongString = String { }
lone sig me in univ { }
abstract sig Entity {
lone String,
set Entity,
created: DateTime,
modified: DateTime,
abstract sig NamedEntity extends Entity { } {
some name
abstract sig LoginUser extends NamedEntity {
suspended: Bool,
disjoint Email,
password: Password
enum Action { R, A, D }
fun W:
fun RW:
fun ADD:
fun DELETE: Action->Action { D -> D }
Action{A+D} Action{R+W} Action->Action { A -> A }
fun first [x: univ->univ] : univ { x.univ }
fun second [x: univ->univ] : univ { univ.x }
Weballoy library
Web Application Synthesis
• Weballoy automatically generates web application
implementations from Alloy specifications written based on
the approach we discussed in the previous slides
• The synthesized application consists of
– JavaScript client code
– Java servlets running on the server
– A custom-made relational tuple store is used as the
Web Application Synthesis
• The automatically generated code consists of
– Database schema automatically generated from the
Alloy data model using Weballoy schema compiler
– JavaScript +HTML code automatically generated from
the Alloy data model using the Weballoy AJAX compiler
– Servlets automatically generated from the Alloy access
control specification using the Weballoy policy compiler
Web application synthesis
• The front-end JavaScript and the back-end server code are
decoupled and communication by sending RPC messages
– There are five message types supported for
communication between the client and the server
• When the user makes changes, the JavaScript code
combines the set of additions and deletions by the user to a
transaction and sends it to the server
– The transaction request is checked by the write
capability checker, the insertion checker, the deletion
checker and the consistency checker before the
changes are committed to the data store
Message Types
• There are five RPC message types used for client and
server side communication
– Login: Returns an authentication cookie
– Logout: Invalidates an existing cookie
– Get: Returns a set of tuples
– Suggest: Returns a set of atoms whose field values start
with a given substring
– Submit: Submits a transaction
Front-End Customization Using Templates
• Weballoy generates a default user interface
• This default user interface can be customized by the user
• Weballoy has a template system that allows embedding of
Alloy expressions in HTML
• <F:FieldName> denotes a field element which is displayed
using the built-in widget designed for that field’s type
– <F:FieldName view=“v”> means use the view labeled v
• <F:S:SigName> displays each atom of the signature
– <F:FieldName view=“v”>
sig Message {
author: String,
subject: String,
text: LongString,
replies: set Reply
sig Reply {
author: String,
text: String
<view sig="Message" label="showMessage" public="yes">
<b>Author:</b> <F:author/>
<b>Subject:</b> <F:subject/>
<b>Text:</b> <F:text/>
<b>Replies:</b> <F:replies/>
<view sig="Reply" label="showReply" public="yes">
<b>Author:</b> <F:author/>
<b>Text:</b> <F:text/>
<view sig="Message" label="showMessage" public="yes">
<b>Author:</b> <F:author/>
<b>Subject:</b> <F:subject/>
<b>Text:</b> <F:text/>
<F:replies view="inlineReply"/>
<view sig="Reply" label="inlineReply">
<F:author/> wrote "<F:text/>"