Document 17756606

The DPI provides a written translation accommodation for
the paper/pencil WKCE for Science and Social Studies in
grades 4, 8, and 10.
Wordlists and Test Administration Manuals (TAMS) are
available in Hmong as well as Spanish.
Translation accommodations are assessment specific. Each
individual assessment in the WSAS system (see new
definition of WSAS available at needs to be checked
independently to determine translation availability.
The WKCE translation process has
incorporated multiple steps to ensure the
highest quality and reliability possible.
The goal has been to minimize cultural
differences and reduce barriers to the
content being measured.
The translation process incorporated a multi-step
process that included an expert panel of Native Spanish
speakers and an editing protocol.
An effort was made to ensure parallel language use and
consistency by:
o Using equivalent words or phrases (for example,
cupcake or pizza)
o Maintaining the essential meaning of test items and
o Making sure the question is measuring the same
o Making sure the difficulty of achievement items does
not change
o Being careful not to simplify items or make them
more difficult
Translation accommodations are linguistic
The scripts serve as an accommodation which is
intended to help students better access the test
without changing what the test is measuring.
Accommodations support fairness and
equitability in test administration. They do not
undermine the construct being measured and
provide added fairness and equity for students.
The translation accommodation is comprised of:
Translation Written Script - All test items and
directions in Science and Social Studies
Bilingual Word Listo Commonly used vocabulary that may be
unfamiliar to the student
o Difficult to translate words
o Content specific words
Students may use all or parts of the
translation accommodation.
 Students must mark their final answers in
the English version of the WKCE in order
for their answers to be scored.
 Scripts are designed to be used as a printed side-by-side
 Scripts may be used in different ways based upon district
decisions and students’ individual need. For example:
o Side-by-side with the WKCE by a student independently
o To be read by a proctor as a student completes the test in
English test book
o To be read by a proctor if a student has questions
Scripts are intended for English Language Learners (ELLs)
who maintain Spanish fluency and have exposure on a
regular basis and/or in classroom settings.
Guidelines for Qualified Translators available at
Scripts will look similar to the English version of the
test and follow the same page numbering system.
In most cases, graphics are not included in the
scripts unless necessary due to language. Students
will have to look back to the English copy of the
WKCE to view the graphic.
It is important to recognize that the decision to provide
translation accommodations should not be made
independently of other decisions regarding accommodations.
Students who use the translations should be provided
extended time so they have adequate time to access both
the translated and English test booklets.
Consider a student’s
Language Proficiency
Level of Literacy in English and Spanish.
Access to instruction in native language
Districts should take a “just right approach” instead of
“more is better”
English Version
Spanish Version
When a decision is made to provide translation
accommodations to a student, this information should
be recorded in the student file via the student’s ELL or
learning plan.
Students need or use of translation materials may change
Ongoing communication should be maintained with a
student to determine the usefulness of the translation
accommodation for the student.
The primary goal of WSAS test security is to
protect the integrity of the examinations by:
• Securing the test materials at all times
• Ensuring appropriate administration of the test
The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) has
developed two test security training modules which
are available at
District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Version - a district
overview of test security and the procedures involved.
Proctor version - can be utilized by DACs or School Assessment
Coordinators (SACs) to improve the overall understanding of test
security procedures and to emphasize the importance of test
security with Proctors and School Staff. (approximately 10
minutes in length)
The following precautions should be taken to maintain
test security:
Have everyone handling these materials sign a confidentiality
agreement form (available at if
they have not already done so
Number every copy (whether paper, CD, etc.), and sign the
numbered copies in and out
After testing is complete, destroy all copies. Keep on file a
confirmation of destruction form
Violations of test security may result in invalidation of
test results and possible disciplinary action by the
Test Security forms are available at
Confidentiality Agreement Forms – To be signed
by anyone involved in testing or handling
testing materials.
Confirmation of Destruction Forms – To be
completed when testing materials are securely
Translated materials will be sent to District Assessment
Coordinator (DAC) via a secure link through the DPI File
Transfer Server. DACs will be notified by email when the files
are available to download. Files sent via the File Transfer Server
cannot be forwarded.
Districts will be responsible for duplicating and distributing
necessary materials to each school.
DACs may choose to burn CDs, produce hard copies, etc. in
order to securely distribute materials to schools.
Test Security protocol should be observed by all who
work with the test materials.
Additional information about accommodations for
ELLs can be found at
Or Contact :
Audrey Lesondak
Questions may be directed to