IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <> Title Calculating CINR for Handoff Date Submitted 2007-11-01 Source(s) Djordje Tujkovic, Louay Jalloul, Anupama Lakshmanan, Anuj Puri, Frank Zhou Beceem Communications Re: IEEE 802.16Rev2/D0b – proposal to calculate CINR for Handoff Abstract We propose a method to calculate CINR for Handoff. Purpose Notice Release Patent Policy This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and <>. Calculating CINR for Handoff Djordje Tujkovic, Louay Jalloul, Anupama Lakshmanan, Anuj Puri, Frank Zhou Beceem Communications 1. Introduction The serving BS can through MOB_SCN-RSP message request any subset of report metrics including BS mean CINR, BS mean RSSI, Relative delay and BS RTD. Apart from BS RTD, which shall be only measured on serving BS, all other metrics should be measured on each and every BS from the requested subset of BSs in the 1 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 MOB_NBR-ADV message. This contribution addresses preferred averaging method for HO reports (RSSI and CINR). 2. Mean HO CINR report There are two main classes of CINR reports in standard, Link Adaptation (LA) CINR and Handoff (HO) CINR, which have categorically different requirements in terms of both amount and type of averaging. The LA is supposed to adapt scheduling and MCS level selection to instantaneous variations in fast fading. Therefore, time constants for mean LA CINR are typically small (on the order of a several frames), with IIR filter default value in standard being alpha=1/4. The HO should be triggered on differences in path losses and shadowing between serving and candidate BSs. Therefore, the fast fading variation needs to be averaged out in the mean HO CINR reports. Apart from larger time constants for averaging, the actual type of averaging of HO CINR plays a crucial role as we will see from the following section. a. Ramifications of obtaining mean HO CINR as average value of instantaneous CINRs Section of 802.16e standard specifies that mean CINR shall be derived from the multiplicity of single messages using the equation in which the mean CINR is obtained as the IIR average of instantaneous CINRs. While this is proper for mean CINR in Link Adaptation, this type of averaging may result in erroneous HO decisions if applied directly to mean HO CINR reports. For large time constants, which are desirable for HO, the sample mean can be replaced by expectation (E{∙}). Therefore, equation (146) in Section suggests that mean CINR should be derived as the expectation of instantaneous ratios of signal and interference powers (expectation of ratios, EOR). This type of averaging over fading channels deviates from the true signal-to-noise ratio defined as the mean (expectation) of signal divided by the mean (expectation) of interference power (ratio of expectations, ROE). While the exact derivation can be found in the Appendix, here we summarize the main difference between EOR and ROE CINR ES EI (1) S 1 ES EOR E ES E I I EI EOR CINR M M 2 (2) (3) 2 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 M EOR[ dB] CINR[ dB] 10 log 10 M 2 (4) As seen from equation (4), calculating the mean CINR for HO by EOR results in the deviation from the true CINR, ie, bias in dB CINR value. The bias is proportional to the number of degrees of freedom M in the fading channel, which is again directly related to power delay profile and frequency selectivity of the channel. Therefore, in HO situation, where links between SS and different candidate BSs in general have different frequency selectivity, the bias caused by improper averaging can result not only in the wrong mean CINR report but can also alter the order of BS CINRs and consequently result in erroneous HO decision. To illustrate the problem, without loss of generality, we have simulated a typical reuse 3 HO scenario with four BSs. Segment 0 contains serving BS and one interfering BS with CIR0=1dB. Segment 1 contains two BSs with CIR1 = 3dB. Segment 2 does not contain any BSs with significant power. Without loss of generality, the channel between SS and two BSs on Segment 0 is assumed to be Frequency flat while the channel between SS and two BSs on Segment 1 is modeled as Veh A. The SS is assumed to move with 60Kmph. The system is assumed to be interference limited. As seen from Fig. 1, reported mean HO CINRs for both Segment 0 and Segment 1 have the large bias. The amount of bias depends on the type of channel. The lack of degrees of freedom over flat fading channel has resulted in as much as 6-7dB error in HO CINR on Segment 0. Likewise, large number of degrees of freedom for Veh A channel has created an error of around 2dB in reported CINR on Segment 1. Consequently, the order of CINRs on two segments will appear altered, ie, the Segment 0 would appear to have larger CINR than Segment 1 although the actual CINR on Segment 0 is 2dB lower then CINR on Segment 1. Notice that the SS typically does not have information about degrees of freedom for channels towards individual BSs in active set, hence it can not compensate for bias in HO CINR. For typical CINR HO trigger threshold of 2dB, instead of triggering HO to stronger of two BSs on Segment 1, the SS would in this situation remain connected with its serving BS on Segment 0 and with further drop in serving BS CINR lose the connection to the NW. Therefore, the coverage of the system will be affected with erroneous EOR HO averaging. Likewise, from Figure 2, reporting the mean CINR as the ROE will result in the true CINR without any bias and will trigger HO as planned. From Figs. 3 and 4 we further conclude that ROE results in much lower variance of reported mean CINR as compared to EOR. This is very important as large variance in reported CINR will result in ping-pong effect whenever two candidate CINRs are not sufficiently apart. This will in turn create large overhead to the NW and potentially result in decreased coverage. From Fig. 3 we further conclude that even setting alpha to much lower value (1/256) does not fully alleviate the problem of increased variance. From Fig. 4, the ROE on contrary has very smooth behavior. Although simulations assumed intra-FA, introduced problems from using EOR for mean HO CINR readily apply to Inter-FA. b. Recommended mean CINR for HO From Section, the measurement for HO CINR and RSSI is implementation specific. We suggest adding the following equation to the standard for handoff CINR calculation: 3 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 The mean CINR for HO should be calculated as a dB value of the IIR averaged received Signal power divided by the IIR averaged Noise plus Interference power as seen by a given MS-BS pair. Whenever measurement is missing in a given frame, average values of received Signal power and Noise plus Interference power are repeated from the previous frame. The RSSI for HO and IIR averaged received signal and IIR averaged Noise plus interference power for calculating mean CINR for HO for a given MS-BS pair should be calculated from multiplicity of single messages as RSSI [k ] k 0 RSSI [0], RSSI [k 1] avg RSSI [k ] RSSI [k 1]g[k ], k 0 (145) where RSSI measured in frame k 1, g[ k ] 0, RSSI not measured in frame k c. Implementation aspects Apart form above mentioned bias problems with EOR, defining mean HO CINR as ROE has also significant implementation advantages. The number of divisions in creating mean HO CINR reports is considerably reduced from once every frame in EOR to once every report periodicity number of frames (typically 50) in ROE. Furthermore, the SS can independently track and keep averaging individual BS RSSIs from MOB_NBR-ADV message in which case reporting either mean RSSI or mean CINR becomes just a matter of post-processing. Instead, if CINR is defined as EOR, SS needs to run separate IIR filters for RSSI and CINR (reuse 1 and reuse 3 separately) in parallel to be able to promptly respond with required HO metric form MOB_SCN-RSP message. 4 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 EOR, alpha=1/64 16 Seg0 Flat 60Kmph SIR=1dB Seg1 Veh A 60Kmph SIR=3dB 14 12 HO CINR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 # frames Figure 1: Mean HO CINR as IIR average value of instantaneous frame by frame CINRs, alpha=1/64 ROE, alpha=1/64 10 Seg1 Veh A 60Kmph SIR=3dB Seg0 Flat 60Kmph SIR=1dB 8 HO CINR 6 4 2 0 -2 0 500 1000 1500 # frames Figure 2: Mean HO CINR as the ratio of IIR averaged signal over IIR averaged Interference power, alpha=1/64 5 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 EOR, alpha=1/256 12 Seg1 Veh A 60Kmph SIR=3dB Seg0 Flat 60Kmph SIR=1dB 10 HO CINR 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 # frames Figure 3: Mean HO CINR as IIR average value of instantaneous frame by frame CINRs, alpha=1/256 ROE, alpha=1/256 10 Seg0 Flat 60Kmph SIR=1dB Seg1 Veh A 60Kmph SIR=3dB 8 HO CINR 6 4 2 0 -2 0 500 1000 1500 # frames Figure 4: Mean HO CINR as the ratio of IIR averaged signal over IIR averaged Interference power, alpha=1/256 6 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 d. Ramifications of the alternative proposal for mean HO CINR based on dB IIR averaging In their comments to [3] (a previous version of this document), Motorola in [2] acknowledged the fundamental issue with EOR filtering of HO CINR raised in section 3. As an alternative method to ROE filtering introduced in 3.b, it was further suggested that bias in mean CINR can be avoided by passing the dB instead of linear value of instantaneous CINR measurement through IIR filter in section Let us denote this approach as expectation of dB ratio (EOdBR) S EOdBR E log I (5) Without loss of generality, let us assume that instantaneous signal and inference powers can be represented as the product of constant representing the mean power and the random chi-square variable with unit power with given number of degrees of freedom. That is S S 0 M2 s (6) I I 0 M2 I with S 0 E{S } I 0 E{I } (7) E ( M2 s ) 1 E ( M2 I ) 1 where MS and MI denote the number of degrees of freedom in signal and interference channels, respectively. Let us zoom into EOdBR from (5) EOdBR Elog( S ) Elog( I ) Elog( S 0 ) E log( M2 S ) Elog( I 0 ) E log( M2 I ) S E log 0 I0 S log 0 I0 E log( M2 S ) E log( M2 I ) (8) M S , M I With assumptions in (6) and (7), the dB value of true CINR (ROE), denoted hereafter by ROEdB, is given by 7 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 ES ROEdB log EI S log 0 I0 (9) Comparing (8) and (9), it is apparent that in general EOdBR has bias compared to true CINR (ROEdB). The sign and value of bias depends on the number of degrees of freedom in signal and interference channel. Only in the special case when MS and MI are equal, the bias term is equal to zero. In deed, in simulation results in [2], it was assumed that both signal and interfering channel have the same Veh A profile. In many practical scenarios, it is quite unlikely that propagation channel between SS and different candidate BSs in HO will have the same power delay profile. Hence, in Fig 5, the dB values of ROE and EOR are further compared to EOdBR but with assumption that signal and interference channels have different power delay profiles. It was assumed that there are two BSs on a given segment with equal average received powers (SIR=0dB). Without loss of generality, the channel from SS to the first BS was assumed to have Veh A power delay profile while the channel to the second BS was assumed to be frequency flat. The SS is assumed to move with 60Kmph. The system is assumed to be interference limited. As seen from Fig. 5, although EOdBR results in more accurate mean HO CINR then EOR, it still suffers form 2dB bias in measurement which can again result in erroneous HO triggers and consequently decrease the coverage in the system. SIR=0dB, BS1 Veh A, BS2 Flat, 60 Kmph 14 EOR[dB] ROE[dB] EO[dB]R 12 10 HO CINR 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 500 1000 1500 # frames Figure 5: Comparison of Mean HO CINRs based on EOR, ROE and IIR averaged dB values on instantaneous CINRs (EOdBR), alpha=1/128 8 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 3. Appendix Expectation of ratios vs ratio of expectations The ratio of the expected signal and expected interference power (ROE) and expectation of instantaneous ratios of signal and interference powers (EOR) are given as ROE CINR ES EI (4) S EOR E I (5) The ROE in (4) is also marked as the true CINR since the mean CINR for HO should average out fast fading variations without changing the relative ratio of individual mean BS powers. Let us zoom into EOR: EOR s i p S ,I ( s, i )dsdi sp S ( s )ds ES 1 p I (i )di i (6) 1 p I (i )di i where the last two steps stem from fact that signal and interference power are independent. The interference power is a chi-squared random variable with M degrees of freedom. Hence, the probability density function (PDF) p I (i) of the inverse of interference power is given by the so called inverse chi-squared distribution 2 M / 2 M / 21 1 /(2i ) p I (i; M ) i e ( M / 2) (7) whose mean is given by 1 1 M p I (i, M )di i EI M 2 9 (8) IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 We finaly write the EOR as ES M EI M 2 M CINR M 2 EOR (9) Notice that for flat fading channel, where the number of degrees of freedom is equal to M=2, the EOR grows to infinity EOR M 2 (10) Applying the IIR filter, which acts as a moving average filter will to some extent, bound the bias in EOR mean CINR. Nevertheless, the impact from bias will be still rather dramatic in practice. 4. Proposed text changes to the 802.16Rev2 draft From Section, the measurement for HO CINR and RSSI is implementation specific. We suggest adding the following equation to the standard for handoff CINR calculation: The mean CINR for HO should be calculated as a dB value of the IIR averaged received Signal power divided by the IIR averaged Noise plus Interference power as seen by a given MS-BS pair. Whenever measurement is missing in a given frame, average values of received Signal power and Noise plus Interference power are repeated from the previous frame. The RSSI for HO and IIR averaged received signal and IIR averaged Noise plus interference power for calculating mean CINR for HO for a given MS-BS pair should be calculated from multiplicity of single messages as RSSI [k ] k 0 RSSI [0], RSSI [k 1] avg RSSI [k ] RSSI [k 1]g[k ], k 0 where RSSI measured in frame k 1, g[ k ] 0, RSSI not measured in frame k 1 0 IEEE C802.16maint-07/060 References [1] 2005-802.16e [2] Rob Nikides, Motorola, “Comments on HO RPD Scanning and Measurement”, WiMax Forum [3] Beceem Contribution on HO RPD Scanning and Measurement, WiMax Forum 1 1