IEEE C802.16p-10/0034 Project Title

IEEE C802.16p-10/0034
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Comments on Table of Contents for 802.16p Amendment Working Document
N. Himayat, R. Srinivasan, S. Mohanty, S. Talwar, K. E-mail:
Johnsson, Intel Corp.
RE: Call for contributions for the IEEE 802.16p Amendment working document
This document suggest a preliminary outline for the 802.16p AWD Table of Contents
For review and adoption into the IEEE 802.16p Amendment working document
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IEEE C802.16p-10/0034
1 Background
Document IEEE 80216p-10_0009 calls for contributions on the structure and Table of Contents (ToC) for the
802.16p Amendment Working Document (AWD). This contribution proposes the following structure for the
16p AWD.
M2M specific enhancements should be specified in a distinct section “Section 17” as was the case for
the 802.16m amendment. A separate section will facilitate identification of M2M specific changes that
will be implemented on top of the 802.16-2009 [1] and the 802.16m [2] draft.
Section 17, should address extensions required for the 16e and 16m in separate sections. This distinction
is necessary as potentially distinct changes and/or features will be needed for these 2 cases.
It is expected that sub-sections within Section 17 will largely follow the features identified in the
802.16p SRD [3]. Although, separate sections for MAC and PHY changes may be introduced to be
consistent with prior 802.16 specifications, we note that 16p PAR limits PHY related changes to the
2 Text Proposal
Adopt the following “high-level” structure for the 802.16p AWD. The section headings serve as examples,
which are derived from the features captured by the functional requirements identified in the 802.16p SRD.
Alternative headings and sub-sections may be considered as appropriate.
---------------------------Begin Text Proposal--------------------
17 Air Interface Enhancements for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Applications
17.1 M2M Enhancements for Wireless-MAN OFDMA System
17.2 M2M Enhancements for Wireless-MAN Advanced Air Interface
17.2.1Mobility Management
17.2.2 Paging Control
17.2.3 Addressing
17.2.4 Group Management
17.2.5 Support for Broadcast & Multi-Cast
17.2.6 Network Entry (Re-Entry)
17.2.7 Idle Mode Control
17.2.8 Priority Access
IEEE C802.16p-10/0034
17.2.9 Support for Small-Burst Transmission
17.2.10 Security Enhancements
---------------------------End Text Proposal-----------------------
3. References
1. IEEE P802.16-2009.
2. P802.16m/D9.
3. IEEE 80216ppc-10_0004r1, “IEEE 802.16p Machine to Machine (M2M) System Requirements
Document (SRD),” November, 2010.