Proposed Way for Harmonization of 16p AWD ToC

Proposed Way for Harmonization of 16p AWD ToC
Document Number: IEEE C802.16p-10_0043
Date Submitted:
Janunary 10, 2011
Kiseon Ryu
LG Electronics
802.16p amendment texts
Base Contribution:
Discuss and adopt proposed texts
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represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It
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Contribution List
• Refer to C80216p-10_0042.xls
• AWD ToC (ToC Only): 10 contributions
– C80216p-10_0014, 0015, 0016, 0021, 0023r1, 0029,
0031, 0034, 0035, 0038
• AWD Content (ToC and Text Included): 12
– C80216p-10_0017, 0018, 0019, 0020, 0022, 0024,
0027, 0028, 0030, 0032, 0033, 0039
Proposed Way For Harmonization (1/2)
• Step 1. Decision of 16p Document Structure
– Option 1:
• Define New Section 17 (C80216p-10_0034, 0038)
– Option 2:
• Add a subsection to a relevant location in an existing
section of the baseline specification
• If applicable, change a parameter value without additional
subsection (C80216p-10_0014)
– Option 3:
• Define New Subsections 6.3.28 for 16e enhancement and
16.2.29 for 16m enhancement (C80216p-10_0029)
Proposed Way For Harmonization (2/2)
• Step 2. Selection of ToC items with
less/no controversy based on ToC
• Step 3. Drafting of baseline text based
on harmonized ToC (if time allowed)
Example of Tentative ToC items
Network Entry (Re-entry)
Idle Mode
Support for [Broadcast &] Multi-cast
Small burst transmission
[Group [Resource] Management]
[Device Collaboration]