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IEEE 80216n-10/0051
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Minutes of the GRIDMAN meeting during session #71, Draft
Eldad Zeira, GRIDMAN secretary
InterDigital Communications LLC
GRIDMAN meeting during session #71, Taipei
Draft minutes
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IEEE 80216n-10/0051
GRIDMAN TG meeting minutes, #71 Taipei
Tue AM (opening)
Convened at 0805 with 20+ present
Patent policies read no comment from attendees
Dallas minutes 80216n-10_0043r1 presented. No comments; approved unanimous consent.
1. Agenda 0047r1
a. Adding AWD editorial process discussion
b. Some concerns about lack of time chair clarified that focused discussions should suffice
and we intend to complete SARM before moving on
Clarification that SRD changes contributions treated at last session if we have time
d. Marianna proposed that hare contribution is appropriate to SARM
e. Agenda approved unanimous consent as 0047r2
2. EZ volunteered to combine all SARM agreed material into SRD after 65r2 discussions
3. Order of presentations agreed unanimous consent
a. 65r2, 68, 69, 70, 72, 71
4. SARM discussions
a. On direct communication management vs HR-MS Forwarding is is one or two
b. Sungcheol intends to submit SRD change to allow MS-MS direct communications w infrastructure presence
Motion: To amend SRD in 38r4, section as follows: remove “in the absence of infrastructure stations” from the title, and the 2nd sentence from the text.
Moved Sungcheol, second, Mariana
For: 10
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
Accepted into SARM:
Direct Communication Management: Indicates a block which supports HR-MS to
HR-MS direct communication meeting the requirements described in Section
HR-MS Forwarding Management: Indicates a block which supports HR-MS Forwarding meeting the requirements described in Section
Regarding the “data forwarding” block in the SARM:
IEEE 80216n-10/0051
Discussion on addition of: “or when an HR-MS is present on the path between an HR-MS and an
HR-BS meeting the requirements described in Section”
Agreement - Delete rest of text and keep only: Data Forwarding: Indicates a block which
performs forwarding functions.
In other SARM discussions:
Re multi-mode [management] vs. [support]: agreement to use “management”
Agreed to use “path discovery and management” instead of “path management”
Re adding “” ref to path management: not necessary, agreed to remove, also path
discovery and management instead of mngmt only
Recessed 0950 until 13:10 R.109
Tue PM
65r1 with updates from this morning saved as 65r2 (diagram still to be updated by Samsung /
ETRI) to be adopted into baseline SRD as SARM.
Marianna: 802.16j optional cannot base on it; others comment that we donbt want to define a new
relay for 2009 version. No changes.
All modifications in 61r2 accepted to be incorporated.
0063 agreed Dallas also to be incorporated. Still need a diagram for source and sink.
All to be merged into 38r5.
5. 0038r5merged (on temp) discussed.
a. Marianna: concern that CC cannot replace meetings. It was explained that we are now
just accepting the document as a merge of all previously agreed documents.
0038r5merge uploaded into gman as C0073
Motion: To accept document C80216n-10_0073.doc as the merge of agreed contributions
(0063, 61r3, 65r2) for the SARM annex of the SRD (38r5), plus agreements in the meeting
11-Jan-2011 (with figure 1 to be edited to remove purple circles and add footnote for one or
more HR-RS in case 3).
Moved: Youngbin, second. Eunkyung.
Vote: For 9. Against: 0. Abstain: 0
6. NICT contribution to SRD num 0066r1
a. Re adding example of spectrum in Japan:
Motion: to accept the following text into the SRD at the end of section 5.4:
b. “One more example is 170-205 MHz that is specified by Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in 2010 for public broadband applications
in Japan [2]. “
i. [2] Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) “The
Ordinance Regulating Radio Equipment” (OREļ¼‰ Article 49-31 (in Japanese)
IEEE 80216n-10/0051
Moved Jaya, Second Sungcheol.
Vote: Approved with unanimous consent
Other changes proposed in 66r1 deferred
Wed AM
Reconvened 0835 18 attendees
7. Presenting 0068r1 Marianna, strawpolls:
a. Does the existing SRD (in 073) support the implementation of the architecture
shown in 68r1 as it is now?
i. Yes:
Abstain: 2
b. Does the existing SARM (in 073) support the implementation of the architecture
shown in 68r1 as it is now?
i. Yes:
Motion: Should we adopt Row 3 of Figure A3 in 68r1, to be added to Figure 1 of document
0073r1 (below row 3)
Moved Mariana, second, Youngbin
Vote: For 3, against 7, abstains : 1
Motion fails
Motion: Should we add the note “Each network segment may use one or more frequency
channels within one or more frequency bands” to the bottom of Figure 1 of document
Moved Mariana, second, Youngbin
Vote: For 3
Motion fails.
Against: 6, abstain: 2
Recess to 10:45.
8. 69r1, 70 deferred till AWD ToC is defined by group recommendation
9. Discussion of deferred proposals in 66r1 – proponents not ready yet. Deferred till Thursday AM.
10. Discussions on AWD ToC: proposal in contribution C0052 ETRI (from November) and 0071
a. Should a new section be created for 16n?
i. Yes:
- No:
0 Abstain: 0
b. Should separate sections be provided for amendment to 16e/j and 16m?
i. Yes:
Recess till 1pm in R107.
Wed PM
- No:
Abstain 9
IEEE 80216n-10/0051
11. Ron Murias presents the editorial process adopted for m/p and AWD construction issues
a. Ron will prepare a skeleton table of contents from the existing 802.16 standard including
amendments for us
b. 802.16n is an amendment, e.g. 16m baseline will periodically be updated by all groups so
the groups are synchronized
Discussion of do we need additional section for 802.16n and what’s in it.
Several options re overview section
Chair’s notes:
Definition of “overview” – the text that describes 16n new features in one place, and is not
amending existing text, or fitting into existing sections. It includes references to other chapters for
specific modifications.
Option 1
An overview section for 16n based on16m amendment (Advance Air Interface) is added
at the end of clause 16 as 16.12.
An overview section for 16n based on 2009/h/j is added as Clause 17.
Option 2a
An overview section for 16n is added as clause 17 and applies to both air interfaces.
There would be a 17.1 for advanced air interface, and 17.2 for 2009/h/j. Common features would be described twice, in 17.1 and 17.2.
Option 2b
An overview section for 16n is added as clause 17 and applies to both air interfaces.
There would be a 17.1 for common features, 17.2 for advanced air interface, and 17.3 for
Option 3
Straw poll – in favor: 6
Straw poll – in favor: 2
None in favor of options 1 or 3
Option 3 used to be “no overview” changed to “abstain”
Strawpoll: 2a in favor 6, 2b in favor 2, abstain 0;
A ToC has been constructed based on 0071 and group discussion. Upload as 0071r1, to be provided to Ron to add the AWD skeleton for basis for CfC for the AWD.
Motion to approve document C80216n-10_0071r1.doc as the baseline AWD Table of Contents,
which will be merged into the overall 802.16 document ToC.
Moved Eldad, Second Eunkyung,
Vote: For: 11
Against: 0 Abstain: 0
Thursday AM
Reconvened 0835
12. Presenting 0066r2 requirements to SRD and 0075r1 supporting mechanisms proposed by NICT
a. Motion: Should the following text be added to the 802.16n SRD?
IEEE 80216n-10/0051 Interference Mitigation
HR-Network shall support mechanisms which enable acceptable operation in the
presence of co-channel interference among HR-stations within the same geographical area.
Yes: 13
No: 0
Abstain: 0
13. Presenting 66r2: UL-DL ratio under section 6. Q&C: ppdr requires HDTV? A: from audience its’
not mandatory
a. Strawpoll:
Should the following text be added to the 802.16n SRD?
6.2.4 Uplink Heavy Data Service
The HR-Network MAC shall support uplink heavy data service for supporting uplink video streaming for surveillance, PPDR and other applications. For example,
low downlink to uplink (DL/UL) ratio may be required.
Yes: 14
Motion: Should the following (i.e. text as above, Eldad) text be added to the 802.16n SRD?
6.2.4 Uplink Heavy Data Service
The HR-Network MAC shall support uplink heavy data service for supporting uplink video
streaming for surveillance, PPDR and other applications.
Moved Eldad, Second Eunkyung
Yes: 10
14. Chair presented integrated SRD incorporating all agreed changes
Motion to approve document 80216n-10_0048.doc as the 802.16n SRD with SARM Annex (after update to figure 1 is inserted)
Vote: For 8
Second Youngbin
Against 0
Abstain 1
15. Discussing AWD TOC
Motion to approve document 80216n-10_0049.doc as the 802.16n AWD Table of Contents (with editorial clean-up)
Moved Eldad Second Eunkyung
Vote: For
Against 0
Abstain 0
Thursday PM
16. Discussion of next steps etc.
Level of maturity and voting threshold for AWD and its ToC. Opinions for and
against baselining ToC and requiring 75% for changes. Agreement is that
ToC has same level of maturity as the rest of the AWD which is 50% until
Issuance of CfC for SRD / SARM. Agreement is that anyone is allowed to
submit comments using the commentary data base tool but no CfC.
CfC for AWD.
IEEE 80216n-10/0051
No change in schedule although some expressed opinion that it is very aggressive.
Motion to adjourn. Moved Eldad, Second Suncheol, no objections 1400
IEEE 80216n-10/0051
Attendees at Session #71
Bims, Harry Bims Laboratories, Inc.
Chang, Kim Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
Chang, Sung-Cheol Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Chang, Youngbin Samsung Electronics
Chen, You-lin National Chiao Tung University
Cheng, Ray-Guang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Chou, Ching-Chun National Taiwan University
Cummings, George Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
Fujimoto, Kenichi Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.
Godfrey, Tim Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI)
Goldhamer, Mariana Alvarion
Guanghui, Fan Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Hoang, Anh Tuan Institute for Infocomm Research
Imata, Satoshi KDDI R&D Laboratories
Jung, Young-Ho Korea Aerospace University
Kim, Eunkyung Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Lee, Hyun Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Lin, Ping-Chen NTUST
Murias, Ronald InterDigital Communications, LLC
Ogawa, Hiroyo ARIB
Oodo, Masayuki National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Pathmasuntharam, Jaya
Shankar Institute for Infocomm Research
Sheynkman, Peter RuggedCom, Inc.
Wang, Haiguang Institute for Infocomm Research
Zeira, Eldad InterDigital Communications, LLC
Zhou, Mingtuo National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)