BSB 512 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy TTh 2:20 - 3:25 pm Lecture notes available at Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture 1: 2-4: 5: 6: Basics Protein structure determination Relaxation and dynamics Lab Session: Sample preparation. Pulse Programs Probe selection. Tuning. Shimming Pulse calibration. Data collection. References Books Wuthrich, K. Levitt, MH Cavanagh J. et al. Ernst, R. et al. Bax, A NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids Spin Dynamics Protein NMR Spectroscopy Principles of NMR in One and Two Dimensions Two dimensional NMR in Liquids NMR Spectroscopy: Some history 1915 1922 1946 1967 1971 1976 1986 Einstein and de Hass - Correlation between magnetic moment and spin angular momentum Stern and Gerlach - Spins are quantized Bloch and Purcell - First NMR experiment Richard Ernst - Fourier transformations Jean Jeener - Two dimensional NMR - COSY Richard Ernst - First two dimensional NMR experiment Kurt Wuthrich - First independent NMR - X-ray comparison High resolution solution NMR of proteins • Observe protons (1H) • This differs from x-ray diffraction where one determines structure based on the electron density from the electron rich atoms (C, N, O). • Protein is solubilized in water. High resolution solution NMR of proteins • Observe protons • Assign proton resonances to indivdual amino acids. Proton resonances are often resolved by differences in chemical shifts. • Measure intra-residue and inter-residue proton to proton distances through dipolar couplings. • Measure torsion angles through J-couplings. • Use distance and torsion angle constraints to determine secondary and tertiary structure. High resolution solution NMR of proteins • Protons have a property called spin angular momentum. • They behave like small bar magnets and align with or against a magnetic field. Bo • These small magnets interact with each other. S N N S 13C and 15N also have spin angular momentum and “interact” with 1H Magnetization can be transferred between 1H, 13C and 15N to establish connectivities Bo H H C H N H C C H Chemical Shifts J-couplings (through bond) Dipolar couplings (through space) H H C H N C C H H H H C H N C C H H H H C H N C C H H H H C H N C C H H Chemical Shifts J-couplings (through bond) Dipolar couplings (through space) 3D HSQC - NOESY for Inter-residue contacts Magnetization can be transferred between 1H, 13C and 15N to establish connectivities HNCA HNCOCA HNCOCACB etc HSQC-TOCSY They all use INEPT tranfers Concept 1: Some nuclei have non-zero spin quantum numbers. e- Nuclei with odd mass numbers have half-integer spin quantum numbers. i.e. 13C, 1H, 31P are spin I = 1/2 17O is spin I = 5/2 Nuclei with an even mass number and an even charge number have spin quantum numbers of zero. ie. 12C Nuclei with an even mass number and an odd charge number have integer spin quantum numbers. i.e. 2H is spin I = 1 Electrons also have a spin quantum number of 1/2 Concept 2: Current passed through a coil induces a magnetic field. e- e- Concept 3: A changing magnetic field in a coil induces a current. e- e- Concept 4: Placing nuclei with spin I = 1/2 into a magnetic field leads to a net magnetization aligned along the magnetic field axis. Mz QM picture Classical picture Large external magnet Net magnetization aligned along Z-axis of the magnetic field Bo The B1 field is produced by a small coil in the NMR probe which is placed in the bore of the large external magnet. B1 Bo Net magnetization aligned along x-axis of the magnetic field after application of B1 field. NMR magnet. B1 Bo NMR probe ee- Concept 5: When the B1 field is turned on, the net magnetization rotates down into the XY plane z Bo x y Concept 6: When the B1 field is turned off, the net magnetization relaxes back to the Z axis with the time constant T1 z T1 Bo x y T1 is the “longitudinal” relaxation time constant which results from “spin-lattice” relaxation Exponential Functions y y=e -x/t x y y = 1- e -x/t x Mz Mz = Mo (1- e -t/T1 ) t Concept 7: Individual spins precess about the magnetic field axis. z Bo x y Precession frequency = Larmor frequency wo = -g Bo (MHz) Concept 8: After magnetization is rotated into the xy plane by the B1 field produced from a pulse through the coil, it will precess in the xy plane. y z Bo x y x Concept 9: The individual magnetization vectors whirling around in the xy plane represent a changing magnetic field and will induce a current in the sample coil which has its axis along the x-axis. y y x Concept 10: NMR signal is a Fourier transform of the oscillating current induced in the sample coil y x y -y -x time frequency Chemical Shifts Concept 12: Nuclear spins produce small magnetic fields Concept 13: Electrons are spin I =1/2 particles. They produce small magnetic fields which oppose the external magnetic field. 1H has a small chemical shift range (15 ppm). has a large chemical shift range (300 ppm). 113Cd What is a ppm? Ppm = part per million 400 MHz 100 MHz 1H 13C 30 MHz 15N 1 ppm = 400 Hz 15 ppm = 6000 Hz 15 ppm 1H has a small chemical shift range (15 ppm). Concept 14: The surrounding electrons shield the nuclear spins from the larger external Bo field. This results in a reduction in the energy spacing of the two energy levels and a lower Larmor frequency. This is the chemical shift. b b CH3 a a C-OH C-OH CH3 frequency Concept 11: In a frame of reference that ROTATES at the Larmor (precession) frequency, magnetization that is placed along the x-axis does not move. (It simply relaxes back to the z-axis via T1 processes.) y x e- e- b 100,010,000 Hz b 100,000,000 Hz a a C-OH CH3 Reference or carrier = 100,005,000 Hz Concept 15: The nuclei with different chemical shifts and Larmor frequencies will rotate around the z-axis at different speeds. T2 is the time constant for the magnetization vectors to "dephase" in the xy plane. y reference frequency -5,000 Hz below reference CH3 C-OH CH3 x C-OH +5,000 Hz above reference frequency Chemical Shifts J-couplings (through bond) Dipolar couplings (through space) Structure H H C H C N C H H T1 relaxation T2 relaxation Dynamics General One Dimensional Experiment p/2 Acquire t 1 Fourier Transform t1 -> f1 f1 General One Dimensional Experiment p/2 Acquire t 1 Fourier Transform t1 -> f1 f1 General One Dimensional Experiment p/2 Acquire t 1 Fourier Transformation resolves multiple frequencies that overlap in the time domain Fourier Transform t1 -> f1 f1 General Two Dimensional Experiment p/2 p/2 t Fourier Transform t1 -> f1 and t2 -> f2 Acquire t2 1 f1 f2 General Two Dimensional Experiment p/2 p/2 t p/2 Vary t1 Collect a series of 1D spectra 1p/2 t 1 p/2 t 1 Acquire t2 Acquire t2 p/2 Acquire t2 General Two Dimensional Experiment t 1 Vary t1 Collect a series of 1D spectra f2 Here, the intensities of and do not change as a function of the t1 evolution time General Two Dimensional Experiment t 1 Vary t1 Collect a series of 1D spectra f2 Whereas here, the intensity of is modulated as a function of the t1 evolution time General Two Dimensional Experiment t 1 Transpose and then Fourier transform in t1 dimension f2 General Two Dimensional Experiment t 1 Transpose and then Fourier transform in t1 dimension f2 General Two Dimensional Experiment Projection on f2 gives original chemical shifts f1 f2 General Two Dimensional Experiment Projection on f1 yields new information f1 f2 General Two Dimensional Experiment J coupling 1H chemical shift Dipolar coupling 1H chemical shift 13C chemical shift 1H chemical shift 1H chemical shift 1H chemical shift