1 Project IEEE 802.20 Working Group on Mobile Broadband Wireless Access <http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/20/> Title Draft Meeting Minutes, 802.20 Plenary Meeting - Session #15, San Francisco, CA, July 18-21, 2005 Date Submitted 2005-5-20 Source(s) Rajat Prakash, as acting Recording Secretary for the session QUALCOMM, Incorporated 5775 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA, 92121 Re: 802.20 Session#15 Abstract Draft of the Minutes of the Session #15; Purpose Minutes of the Session. Email: rprakash@qualcomm.com Release This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.20 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.20. Patent Policy The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3> and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/guide.html>. Notice 2 Draft - Meeting Minutes of the 802.20 Session #15 July 18-21, 2005 San Francisco, CA Rajat Prakash. as acting Secretary The 15th session of 802.20 was held at the July 2005 Plenary meeting of IEEE 802 in San Francisco, CA. The session began at 11:00 am on July 18, 2005 with an 802 Opening Plenary. Contributions and WG documents referenced in these minutes can be found at the 802.20 website, http://www.ieee802.org/20/ See Appendix A for the overall session attendance and participation credit list. Minutes of 802.20 Monday July 18, 2005 Meeting started at 1:30 pm. Chair opened the meeting for 802.20 WG to review and discuss the following: - - Objectives of the session Copy Right Rules Logistics of the session IEEE 802 meeting conduct Sign in procedure for the session IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Logistics for the session Chair proposed the meeting agenda. The chair’s opening slides including the proposed agenda are contained in contribution C802.20-05/47r1. There was some discussion on the TSP contributions regarding the ordering on the presentations. It was suggested to allow for presentation of contribution 46 first, and then allow for the other contributions as they are needed in contribution 46. This change in the meeting agenda was approved by all presenters. Chair asked if there were any objections to approve the agenda with the conditions as agreed above. No objections noted. Time: 1:50 am Approved agenda is included in contribution C802.20-05/47r1 and shown in Appendix B. March minutes from Atlanta session 13 approved without objection. 1:50 pm. May minutes from Cairns, Australia session 14 approved without objection at 1:50 pm. Presentation of Document Status by the chair: Presentation included the status of the Channel Model document (latest version is 9r1), and the status of the Evaluation Criteria document (latest version is 16r1). Details of the Evaluation Criteria document can be found in the status report presentation by the chair in his opening slides. It was requested 3 that the need for an update regarding the link budget template be added to the status. This is reflected in the posted opening slides. Under Other Working Group Activities (see Contribution C802.20-05/48 from the Chair) the following was discussed. “Wireless WG response to proposed 802.1AM PAR & 5 criteria”. Joanne Wilson presented an overview of the morning ad-hoc meeting regarding the above group. Chair requested for more feedback from the group to be provided to him on Thursday afternoon. Other working groups: Chair also talked about activities in following working groups. • • • • • • • P802.1AL: Secure Device Identity P802.1AM: Media Independent RF Management P802.1ao: Shortest Path Bridging P802.1ap: VLAN MIBs P802.1AC: MAC Service Definition P802.3at: DTE Power via MDI Enhancements ("Power over Ethernet Plus") P802.11y: 3650-3700 MHz Operation in USA The Chair talked about changes in the 802 P&P membership rules that are being proposed. Proposed rules may result in stricter requirements for membership retention and easier requirements for gaining membership. Some discussion about the proposed rules changes followed. The Chair stated the group could discuss further on Thursday if needed. 20 minute Break Chair also talked about improving the working relationship with 802.18 based a discussion at the may Interim. It suggested a closer working with 802.18, including time on the agenda of 802.20 to discuss 802.18 activities was needed. Additionally more information from 802.18 about their session agendas is needed so that 802.20 can send a representative more easily. Planning for next meeting: This item was discussed because there was time left for the day. The Chair presented the schedule for upcoming meetings including tentative locations for 2006 interims. Chair asked for volunteers to be acting editors for the channel and evaluation documents. No one volunteered. Recessed until 8am Tuesday Tuesday, July 19, 2005. The session started again at 8am. 4 The Chair presented the updated agenda, as agreed on Monday. There was a request from Dan Gal to change the agenda order of contribution 49. It was agreed to discuss this later Presentation by R Canchi on “PAS Model for Channel Models” (C802.20-05/37) and “Generation of Spatial Correlation Coefficients” (C802.20-05/38) The proponent was asked to merge the two contributions (37 and 38) and propose a potential new Appendix B. The proposed appendix would be discussed when available. Presentation by David Huo on “Text for Correlation Matrix Section” (C802.2005/42) [1115-1200] In view of latest contribution by Ayman Naguib included in Version 9r1, the contributor agreed to remove the flowchart in Appendix A describing the generation of the correlation matrix. The chair proposed that Ayman and David discuss offline to come up with an acceptable version. The chair suggested that we proceed to discuss the Channel Model document after lunch. Lunch 12-1:15pm Channel Models document review, by acting editor Jerry Upton. Motion to approve all of section 1: Moved by Lynn Dorward; second by Warren Springer. Amendment by Jim Ragsdale: Change “are evaluated” to “shall be evaluated” in the first paragraph. Amendment by Editor: delete editorial language in first paragraph - - all but first sentence in the Introduction. Mover and seconder accept Editor’s amendment. Motion passed 45-0-0. Discussion on Section 2 about center frequency, some amendments to text made. Motion to approve section 2 as shown by editor. Moved by Dan Gal; second by Mark Klerer. Motion passed 45-0-0. Discussion about section 3.1-3.4 followed. Motion to approve sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Moved by Mark Klerer; second by Ayman Naguib. Motion passed 40-0-0. Discussion about section 3.5 (this section includes several changes). Motion to approve section 3.5 and 3.6 (as on screen, with minor edits) Moved by Mark Klerer; seconded by Joanne Wilson. Motion passed 42-0-0. Break 300pm-3:30pm 5 Chair suggested any vote on 3.6 be delayed to give time for one extra contribution proposed. Discussion about section 3.7 followed. Motion to approve Section 3.7 (as on screen, with minor edits). Moved by Joanne Wilson; seconded by Lynne Dorward. Motion passes 45-0-0. Discussion about Section 4 followed. Motion to approve Section 4 as reviewed. Moved by Jim Tomcik; seconded by Mark Klerer Motion passes 45-0-0. Motion to eliminate the Indoor Pico model from the Channel Modeling document in all sections. Moved by Jim Ragsdale; seconded by Mike Youssefmir Motion passes. 39-0-0. Chair suggested the group continue with Channel Modeling document on Wednesday morning and try to finish the document - - no objections. Recessed until 8am Wednesday. Wednesday, July 19, 2005 Meeting began at 8:00 am. Chair reviewed the agenda for the day. The chair requested the group that work on the Channel Model document continue and the more to the next agenda items. The Chair’s requested was accepted without objection. Continue discussion of Section 5 of the Channel Model document. It was agreed that Section 5 should no longer be an Appendix. Also, Section 5 is now split into two Sections, 5 and 6. Section 6 deals with the generation of SCM parameters. References will become Section 7. Motion to approve the restructuring of Section 5 Appendix A into two main document Sections 5 Assumptions and Parameters and 6 Procedures for Generating SCM Parameters. Moved by Dan Gal; second by Ayman Naguib Motion passes 47-0-0. Request to the acting editor to have a consistent sequencing of equation numbers. The editor asked for volunteers to help do this. Given No volunteers, the editor denied the request. 6 Presentation by R Canchi on “Proposed Text for a Method of generating spatial correlation coefficients for MIMO Channel Modeling for BWA” (C802.20-05/50) This proposal is proposed text based on the contributions 37 and 38 from Tuesday. The proposed text is for addition to the Channel Model document as a separate Section. Chair called a 15 minute recess for the group to give the contributor an opportunity to work on reaching consensus based upon the comments received. The proposed text (50r2) was added as Section 7 A Method of Generating Spatial Correlation Coefficients for MIMO Channels, and referenced to in Section 3 . Motion to add text to new section 7, as shown on the screen Moved by Ayman Naguib, seconded by Mark Klerer. Some amended changes made to Section 3 during debate. Changes accepted by mover and seconder. Motion passed 43-0-0. Motion to approve Channel Modeling document as modified, with authority given to the editor to create final version and address editorial items. Moved by Ayman Naguib; seconded by Mark Klerer. Motion passed 46-1-0. 15 minute break. Chair indicated the next items are the contributions for the Evaluation Criteria and Traffic Models document. Contribution by R Canchi on “VoIP Evaluation” (C802.20-05-36), presented by Kaz. There were several questions about the contribution, but the general need for modeling was agreed to. The contributor agreed to provide further details. Break for lunch 12-1pm Contribution by David Huo on “Text for VoIP model” C802.20-05-43. Straw poll on “Are you in favor of adding text in the Evaluation Criteria that requires a speech lab (capable of doing MOS testing or equivalent testing) to do testing as part of the evaluation of VoIP”. The straw poll was 1-30-0. In view of the straw poll result, the chair suggested to the contributors to avoid contributions that require speech testing in a lab. Straw poll on “Are you are in favor of continuing to review the potential use the E-model for VoIP evaluation and review future contributions in that direction”. Results: 19-0 in favor. 3:10-3:30pm break. 7 Contribution by Rajat Prakash on “Mobility Modeling” C802.20-05-39 This contribution is an update of an earlier contribution in Atlanta (March 2005). The contribution includes three options for mobility modeling. The chair called a straw poll for support of the options: Option 1: 3 votes, Option 2: 24 votes, Option 3: 3 votes. Motion to include the contribution in the document with Option 2, by Dan Gal; seconded by Mark: Motion passed 26-4. The contributor was asked to provide more detailed definitions of the metrics, and the group agreed to discuss details on a conference call. Contribution by David Huo on “Text for Link System Interface” C802.20-05-45 Straw poll for text proposed to go in the version was 10-10. After amending the text as now shown in 45r2, a Straw poll was taken to include the amended version in the next version of the Evaluation Criteria document. The result was 34 yes therefore the editor will add the text in the next version. Contribution by David Huo on “Proposed text for the Section on System Level Simulator Calibration in the Evaluation Criteria document” C802.20-05-44. Discussion was taken with no consensus on next steps. Chair reviewed the agenda for Thursday. Thursday, July 21, 2005 Meeting began at 8:00 am. Contribution by Jim Tomcik on “Evaluation Criteria Items” C802.20-05-40. The contribution dealt with system simulation methodology and output metrics for a simulation – section 5.1 in Ver. 16r. The chair asked the group that should be added in the next version of the Evaluation Criteria document. Seeing no disagreement, the editor will make the changes. The group moved to the Technology Selection Process agenda items. Contribution by Dan Gal on “Work items beyond the 802.20 Technology Selection” C802.20-05-49 The chair noted that the group is not in a position to deal with these issues right now. The group will take action on this contribution at a later time. Contribution by Mark Klerer on “Technology Selection Process Document Update” C802.20-05/46 Discussion followed on the contribution. Break from 10:15 to 10:45am. Continue with “Technology Selection Process Document Update”. Without objection, the sentence in brackets {If fewer than 5 complete proposals are received the process shall start with step 2} was approved for addition to the document. 8 Lunch 12-115pm Review of the Technology Selection Process Contribution 46 continued. Contribution by Dan Gal on “Technology Selection Process Procedure” C802.2005/72r5 This is an update to contribution r4 that was discussed in the May 2005 session. There was debate about whether all issues raised previously have been addressed in this update. Ina an effort to create better consensus, the Chair offered to work with the contributor and others to identify issues where there is agreement, and issues where there is disagreement. The chair also offered to make a contribution with this list of issues. Following a further discussion on next steps for progress the Technology Selection Process document, a Motion was made to use Contribution 46 as the baseline document for the Technology Selection Process with Mark Klerer as acting editor. Agreed by unanimous consent. Contribution by Jim Ragsdale on “Proposed Technology Description Template” C802.20-05-35. This is a proposed template that is part of the documents that shall be turned in by the proponent. There were some comments about needed changes in this template to have more consistency with the scope of 802.20 technology proposals. The chair called for a straw poll about whether such a technology description template should be developed. Result - - 45 in favor. Chair asked the contributor to work with the current TSP editor, Mark Klerer, to create a proposed template that was consistent with scope of 802.20 technology proposals and that was not overly long. Break from 3:00-3:30pm. Contribution by Dan Gal on “PHY/MAC Specifications – Proposed table to contents requirements” C802.20-05-26r1 This a revised version of the contribution made in Session 14. There was debate about whether we need such a table at all. The contributor responded that this table is only a suggestion, and not mandated. The chair mentioned that the description template proposed in contribution 35 may accomplish part of the function this contribution is addressing. The chair suggested to the contributor that there was no consensus in the group to put this contribution in the next version of the technology selection process document. Contribution by Dan Gal on “Compliance Table for the 802.20 Technology Selection Process” C802.20-05-41 This consists of edits and additions to the existing compliance table. The chair suggested that we look at this contribution in the future meeting or conference call. All agreed. 9 Closure Next Steps for the Documents: The Chair also noted the expected new document versions are: 1. Channel Models – Final version will be permanent document PD-08 2. Evaluation Criteria - Version 17 3. Technology Selection Process – Version 1.0 New Business: A motion was proposed “to give members the power to vote approvals even if it there is no quorum at the Interim session.” The Chair stated given further inputs from EC members and a review of the 802 P&P, he did not believe empowerment motions for voting approvals without quorums were valid. Thus the proposed motion was not entertained. The Chair will provide further opinions from other appropriate EC members. Chair will also seek an opinion from the 802 Chair. Motion was made by Jim Ragsdale and seconded by Joanne Wilson, to adopt Option 1 (deletion) in Section 9.1 Channel mix of the Evaluation Criteria document version 16r1. Jim Ragsdale gave the explanation that a channel mix makes it difficult to interpret results. The motion failed 17-21. Old Business carried over from the Monday Opening Session The chair presented the views of 802.22 and 802.15 about the creation of a wireless architecture study group. Straw poll on: Support an EC wireless architecture study group Result: 33-7 Straw poll on: Support the approval of 802.1am PAR Result: 1-38 Discussion was taken on Times for Conference Calls to accommodate members in Japan/Asia. It was recommended that the call times rotate such that the same members/regions were not inconvenienced all the time. The chair said he address rotating times for the conference call when scheduled was set. Motion to Adjourn Moved by Jim Tomcik Seconded by Lynn Dorward Approved without objection Time: 5:10pm Session #15 is adjourned 10 APPENDIX A - ATTENDANCE CREDIT LIST SESSION 15 Last Name Barriac Bernstein Bravin Bussey Canchi Carneiro Castell Davis Dean Dodd Dorward Epstein Ferguson Gal Garcia-Alis Garg Giles Gomes Gorodetsky Hou Huo Jiezhen Jones Kanai Khademi Khatibi Kitahara Klerer Lalaguna Lawrence Linman Martynov Martynov McMillan Miyazono Mollenauer Murakami Naguib Naidu Ng Nha Novick O'Hara Pirhonen Poisson Polcari Polsgrove Prakash Preece Ragsdale Shields Shively Springer Staver Tomcik First Name Gwen Jeffrey Nancy Chris Radhakrishna Edson Harold P. Chantal Chris Donald Lynne Mark Alistair Dan Daniel Deepshikha Arthur Eladio Svetlana Victor David Lin Dennis Takeo Majid Farrokh Minako Mark Pablo Lisa Douglas Irina Michael Donald Max James Kazuhiro Ayman Mullaguru Put Nguyen Fred Sean Riku Sebastien Amy Jim Rajat Rob James Judy David Warren Doug James Company/Organization Attendee Participation Credit Qualcomm Yes Yes TMG Yes Yes Consultant Yes Yes Bussey Consulting Yes Yes Kyocera Yes Yes Edmais Computer Services (Brazilian YesComp.) Yes Bussey Consulting Yes Yes Industry Canada Yes No B/Net systems Yes Yes Case Communications Yes Yes Ladcomm Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes Selbourne Associates Yes Yes Lucent Yes Yes Univ. of Strathclyde Yes Yes Kyocera Telecom Research Corp Yes Yes US Global Telecom Yes Yes Double E Enterprises (Brazilian companies Yes int) Yes Gorodetsky Consulting Yes Yes Broadcom Yes Yes Lucent Yes Yes Siemens Ltd., China Yes Yes Taliesen Consulting Yes Yes Softbank Yes No Khademi Consulting Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes/.21 Yes Kyocera Yes Yes Flarion Technologies Yes Yes MedStar Yes Yes CTCI Group Yes Yes Network Anatomy Yes No Belgud International Yes Yes Belgud International Yes Yes Advanced Network Technical Solutions Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes Technical Strategy/Motorola Yes Yes Kyocera Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes Rogers Wireless inc. Yes No BCSI Yes Yes Bussey Consulting Yes Yes NPSTC Yes No Nokia Yes Yes Consultant/OasisWireless Yes Yes Bussey Consulting Yes Yes JKB Global Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes BCSI Yes Yes Ericsson Yes Yes Ladcomm Corp. Yes Yes Cingular Wireless Yes No Springer Associates Yes Yes DTScom Yes Yes Qualcomm Yes Yes 11 Appendix B: Approved Detailed Agenda on July 18, 2005 Proposed Detail Agenda – May 2005 Interim – 802.20 Monday, May 16, 2005 8:00AM - 10:00 AM Joint Opening 802.11/15/18/19/20/21/22 - IEEE IPR rules and conduct - Logistics for the session - Session Objectives by Working Group - Proposed 802.20 Session Objectives & Agenda Monday, May 16, 2005 11:00AM - 12:30 PM (Lunch 12:30-1:30pm) Opening Session of 802.20 11:00am - 12:30pm - Attendance Procedure & Voting Tokens - Approval of Agenda including modifications - Review and approve March Minutes - Other Session Logistics - Other WGs’ PARs & Activities - 802 Policy & Procedures proposed changes Monday, May 16, 2005 1:30PM - 5:00 PM (Break 3:30 – 4:00PM) Next Steps/Action Items from Mar. Plenary and Status Reports for Channel Models and Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models 1:30pm- 5:00pm C802.20-05/33 - Any Proposed Topics for Drafting Ad-Hocs Monday, May 16, 2005 7:30PM - 9:00 PM (optional Ad-hocs) Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:00AM - 12:30 PM (Break 10:00 – 10:30AM) Channel Models – Contributions - Comments on Modeling MIMO Channels (D. Huo) 8:00am – 9:00am - Channel Modeling for MBWA (Ayman Naguib) 9:00am- 10:00am - Issues on Path Loss Model (D. Huo) 10:30am-11;30am Review Document and Voting 11:30am- 12:30pm Tuesday, May 17, 2005 1:30PM - 5:00 PM (Break 3:30 – 4:00PM) Channel Models - Review and Voting 1:30pm - 5:30pm C802.20-05/28 C802.20-05/32 C802.20-05/31 12 802.20 May Interim Session 14 Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:00AM - 12:30 PM (Break 10:00 – 10:30AM) Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models- Contributions - Traffic Mix (Dan Gal) 8:00am - 10:00am C802.20-05/25 10:30am - 11:30am C802.20-05/26 - Phy/MAC Specs-Table of Contents (Dan Gal) - Simulation Study of Calibration Assumptions (D. Huo) 11:30am - 12:30pm C802.20-05/27 Wednesday, May 18, 2005 1:30PM - 5:00 PM (Break 3:30 – 4:00PM) Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models- Contributions - Procedure for Eval. of Calibration Outcomes (D. Huo) - Evaluation of Voice Services (David Huo) Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models: - Document Review & Voting 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm C802.20-05/30 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm C802.20-05/29 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Wednesday, May 18, 2005 6:00PM - 9:30 PM - 802 Social Event Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:00AM - 12:30 PM (Break 10:00 – 10:30AM) Technology Selection Process - TSP Merged Document (Mark Klerer) - Comments on Merged Document (Dan Gal) - Discussion and Next Steps 8:00am - 12:30pm Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:30PM - 5:00PM (Break 3:30 – 4:00PM) - Continue Evaluation Criteria, Channel Models and Technology Selection, as needed - Next Steps on Documents Closure - New Business - Next Meeting Planning - Close of the Meeting and Adjourn 1:30pm – 2:30pm 2:30pm – 3:00pm 3:00pm – 3:30pm 4:00pm – 4:30pm 4:30pm – 5:00pm C802.20-05/24 C802.20-05/34