2004-01-04 Project IEEE C802.20-04/004 IEEE 802.20 Working Group on Mobile Broadband Wireless Access <http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/20/> Title Evaluation Methodology: Phased Approach Date Submitted 2004-01-04 Source(s) Mike Youssefmir ArrayComm Inc 2480 N. First Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95131-1014 Reza Arefi Todd Chauvin ArrayComm Inc 2480 N. First Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95131-1014 Arnab Das Flarion Technologies Bedminster One 135 Route 202/206 South Bedminster One, NJ 07921 Shigeru Kimura Kyocera Corp Kazuhiro Murakami Kyocera Corp. YUZA Masaaki, NECinfrontia 2-6-1 Kitamikata Takatsu Kawasaki 2138511 Japan Voice: N/A Fax: 408-428-9083 Email: mike@arraycomm.com Voice: 571 275 7312 Email: reza.arefi@ieee.org Voice: 408-952-1829 Fax: 408-428-9083 Email: chauvin@arraycomm.com Voice: 908-997-2003 Fax: 908-947-7090 Email: arnab@flarion.com office phone: +81-45-943-8019 fax phone : +81-45-943-6175 Email: shigeru_kimura@csg.kyocera.co.jp Voice: +81-45-943-6102 Fax: +81-45-943-6123 Email: kazuhiro_murakami@csg.kyocera.co.jp E-mail:yuzam@pb.jp.nec.com tel:+81-44-820-4682(office) fax:+81-44-820-4555 Re: Evaluation Methodology: Phased Approach Abstract We propose a structured approach to the evaluation of proposals in which evaluation is conducted in multiple phases with each phase progressively adding more complexity. Purpose Release This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.20 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.20. Patent Policy The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA 1 Standards Board Operations Manual <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3> and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/guide.html>. Notice 2004-01-04 1. IEEE C802.20-04/004 Introduction The evaluation criteria working group is chartered to evaluate different candidate air interface proposals for the IEEE 802.20 standard, permitting an apples-to-apples comparison of proposals. The IEEE 802.20 standard defines operations at the Physical and Link layer of the ISO Model. Per the 802.20 PAR, the physical and link layer must be optimized for the delivery of broadband IP services. Many of the characteristics and aspects of the higher ISO layers are important for the evaluation of proposals, but nevertheless, complicate the evaluation and simulation process. The many parameters and models introduced in the simulation process will thus make it difficult to checkpoint different proposals against one another and otherwise obfuscate the fair comparison of proposals. We therefore propose a structured approach to the evaluation of proposals in which evaluation is conducted in multiple phases with each phase progressively adding more complexity. The evaluation work for each proposal may then be compared at each phase to ensure a progressive “apples to apples” comparison of proposals. The group’s overall goal is also furthered with this structured approach by providing performance metrics for the physical and link layer performance early rather than later in the evaluation process. 2. Phased Evaluation of Technology Proposals The evaluation methodology should follow a 3-phase approach. In the first phase, key system level performance metrics are gathered with simplified traffic, channel, and network models. The emphasis of this phase is to build relatively simple simulation tools and develop air interface performance results that can be easily understood and interpreted. The results from this phase ensure the integrity of air interface simulations across proposals and provide the group with a good understanding of each technology proposal, and the benefits of the key components of the air interface techniques employed by each proposal. Outputs of this phase shall consist of many of the key system capacity metrics such as user data rate CDFs and minimum service levels, aggregate throughput, number of active users, and spectral efficiency at different load/coverage operating points. In this phase a limited set of channel models should be used and higher layer considerations should be kept simple by for example using a “hungry user” infinite queue user traffic model. In the second phase, the impact of air interface behavior on the performance of higher layers is incorporated into the evaluation. For example in the second phase, the impact of TCP could be modeled, but network or backhaul delays would be ignored. The traffic models used to evaluate proposals could be extended beyond the hungry user model to include HTTP or FTP. In addition, multiple channel models could be considered and simulated in this phase. In the final phase, the impact of air interface behavior on end-to-end performance is incorporated into the evaluation. For example, the effect of network impairments could be modeled in this phase or the traffic models could be made more sophisticated. The details of the precise evaluations to be undertaken in each phase shall be determined by the evaluation group, and then specified in the table below: Phase Phase-1 Traffic Model Simplified e.g.. Hungry user, full buffers. Channel models Network models Simplified Simplified Simplified. . Extended Phase-2 Extended Extended Phase-3 Extended Extended 2 2004-01-04 IEEE C802.20-04/004 3. References [1] 802.20 Evaluation Criteria – Ver 06, IEEE C802.20-03/94 3