IEEE C802.20-05/79 Project IEEE 802.20 Working Group on Mobile Broadband Wireless Access <> Title BEST-WINE: Technology Performance Presentation 1 Date Submitted 2005-OCT-28 Source(s) Radhakrishna Canchi 2480 N. First Street #280 San Jose, CA 95131 Kazuhiro Murakami 2-1-1 Kagahara, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, KANAGAWA 224-8502, JAPAN Miinako Kithara 2-1-1 Kagahara, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, KANAGAWA 224-8502, JAPAN Re: MBWA Call for Proposal Abstract This document presents the Technology Performance and Evaluation Crtieria Report 1 of the Tehcnlogy Proposal BEST-WINE for IEEE 802. 20 MBWA Purpose To disucus and Adopt BEST-WINE for Draft Specfications of IEEE802.20 MBWA Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.20 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.20. Patent Policy The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual <> and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development <>. Submission Voice: +1-408-952-4701 Fax: +1-408-954-8709 Email: Voice: +81 45 943 6130 Fax: +81 45 943 6175 Email: Voice: +81 45 943 6102 Fax: +81 45 943 6175 Email: Slide 1 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 BEST-WINE (Broadband MobilE SpaTial Wireless InterNet AcEess ) Technology Performance Presentation IEEE 802.20 Plenary Meeting Vancouver, Canada November 14-18, 2005 Submission IEEE C802.20-05/79 BEST-WINE (Broadband MobilE SpaTial Wireless InterNet AcEess ) Proposed Draft Technology Specifications ■ Enhanced MAC Layer and PHY layer Draft Specifications to the base specifications of HC-SDMA* AND ■ ● Base Technical Specifications “ATIS-PP-0700004-2005, High Capacity-Spatial Division Multiple Access (HC-SDMA)*”. ● * The copyright of this document is owned by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions. Any request to reproduce this document, or portion thereof, shall be directed to ATIS, 1200 G Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. * For Electornic Downloads, Paper Copy or CD-ROM please follow the link ● Submission Slide 3 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA BEST-WINE IEEE C802.20-05/79 Technology Performance Outline of Presentation System Model RF Parameters Link budget Basic PHY layer (link level) information Simulation environment Simulation Results ■ Link Level ■ System Level Conclusion Submission Slide 4 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System Calibration Model BS/MS MAP for IEEE802.20 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 Y-axis [km] 2.0 1.0 -11.0 -10.0 -9.0 -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 MS BS -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -7.0 X-axis [km] Submission Slide 5 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System Model 5 4 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 -6 -4 -2 -1 0 2 4 6 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -5 -4 -5 Submission Slide 6 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 RF Parameters # RF Parameter TDD System BW 1 2 3 Transmitter Power -- BS Transmitter Power -- MS Out of Band emission limits – BS and MS (emission measured in 1 MHz resolution bandwidth) 4* ACLR - Attenuation of emissions into an adjacent channel (same Ch BW) – BS ACLR - Attenuation of emissions into an adjacent channel (same Ch BW) – MS Receiver noise figure -- BS Receiver noise figure -- MS Receiver reference sensitivity (to be proposed by each technology) Receiver Selectivity -- BS Receiver Selectivity -- MS 5* 6 7 8 9* 10* # 11[*] 12[*] Submission Base Value 1 MHz Channel Frequency offset for Blocking Receiver Blocking – BS (level of same technology blocking signal at frequency offset of 2 times Channel BW) Receiver Blocking – MS (level of same technology blocking signal at frequency offset of 2 times Channel BW) Slide 7 2.5 MHz TDD SYSTEM 43 dBm/MHz 27 dBm Attenuation of the transmit power P by: 43 +10 log(P) dB 43 dB +44 dBm +27 dBm -13 dBm 36.8 dB 35.4 dB 5 dB 10 dB Specify at BER of 0.1% 5 dB 10 dB See linkbudget Mod 1 /Mod 7 : 30 dB Mod 1 : 30 dB Mod 8 : 27 dB 4MHz off Mod 1 : -49.6 dBm Mod 7 : -35.6 dBm 30 dB 30 dB 27 dB 5MHz off -49.6 dBm -35.6 dBm Mod 1 : -57.5 dBm Mod 8 : - 41.6 dBm -57.5dBm -41.6dBm 50.2 dB R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 BEST-WINE System’s PHY and MAC Layer information Channel Configuration Items Duplexing Mutiple Access Carrier space Frame Lenght symbol duration Uplink Time Slot slots Length Payload Downlink Time Slot slots Length Payload Symbol rate Submission Specification TDD TDMA ・SDMA 625 kHz 5 ms 2usec 3 545 us 182 symbols 3 1090 us 494 symbols 500 ksps Slide 8 625kHz frequency 2.5MHz R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 BEST-WINE System’s PHY and MAC Layer information Modulation class ModClass 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *1 10 *2 Modulation Method BPSK BPSK+ QPSK QPSK+ 8PSK 8PSK+ 12QAM 16QAM 24QAM 24QAM+ 64QAM Down Link(Kbps) Data Rate Data Rate /Carrier /Slot 35 50 82 126 162 198 262 307 354 422 491 106 149 245 379 485 595 787 922 1061 1267 1473 Up Link(Kbps) Data Rate Data Rate /Carrier /Slot 6 13 26 43 58 72 98 115 132.8 162.5 188.7 19 38 77 130 173 216 293 346 398 487 566 *1 24QAM+ perform error coding which has 3/4 coding rate. *2 64QAM perform error coding which has 5/6 coding rate. Submission Slide 9 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Simulation Channel Environments Suburban Macro at 3KMPH Suburban Macro at 120 KMPH Submission Slide 10 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Basic PHY layer (link level) information Link Level simulation Parameters ■ TDD /TDMA system ■ 3 timeslot structure ■ BS antenna number 12antennas ■ UT antenna number 4antennas ■ Tx 1antenna / Rx 4 or 1 antennas ■ Adaptive Array Antenna (MMSE) ■ Equalizer : Equalizer has been employed to over come multipath Distortion effects. Submission Slide 11 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Channel models used in Link Level Simulations Link Level simulation specified channel model Models PDP case-iii case-Iv Pedestrian-B (Phase I) Vehicular-B (Phase I) 6 Delay (ns) Relative Path power (dB) Number of Paths Mobile Station Speed (km/h) Base Station 6 0 200 800 1200 2300 3700 -2.5 0 -12.8 -10.0 -25.2 -16.0 120 0 300 8900 12900 17100 20000 Topology 0.5λ PAS RMS angle spread of 35 degrees per path with a Laplacian distribution DoT (degrees) -22.5 22.5 AoA (degrees) 67.5 (all paths) 67.5 (all paths) Topology Submission 0 -0.9 -4.9 -8.0 -7.8 -23.9 3 PAS AoD/AoA (degrees) 0.5λ RMS angle spread of 35 degrees per path with a Laplacian distribution 10λ-spacing Laplacian distribution with RMS angle spread of 2 degrees per path depending on AoA/AoD 50 for 2 RMS angle spread per path 20 for 5 RMS angle spread per path Slide 12 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Sub-path Spatial parameters AoD and AoA offset sub-path AoD and AoA offset Sub-path # (m) 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 11, 12 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18 19, 20 Submission Offset for a 2 deg AS at BS (Macrocell) n ,m ,AoD (degrees) 0.0894 0.2826 0.4984 0.7431 1.0257 1.3594 1.7688 2.2961 3.0389 4.3101 Slide 13 Offset for a 35 deg AS at MS n ,m ,AoA (degrees) 1.5649 4.9447 8.7224 13.0045 17.9492 23.7899 30.9538 40.1824 53.1816 75.4274 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System level Simulation environment simulation target feature TDD system 3 timeslot structure Spatial Divison multiple Access feature (Max. 4 ) Power control Link adaptation Submission Slide 14 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System level Simulation environment simulation parameters •BS antenna number 12antennas (10λ) •UT antenna number 4antennas(0.5λ) •19BS 3sector •BS max Tx power 39dBm/12ant •UT max Tx power 27dBm •BS antenna gain 17dBi •UT antenna gain 0dBi •BS NF 5dB •UT NF 10dB •Temperature 15℃ •BS cable loss 3dB •UT body loss 3dB •1carrier (625KHz). Simulation ( 1.25MHz BW= 625kHz ×4carrier) Submission Slide 15 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System level simulation channel model channel model Channel Scenario Number of paths (N) Number of sub-paths (M) per-path Mean AS at BS Suburban Macro 6 20 E[ AS ] =50 AS at BS as a lognormal RV AS AS 10 ^ AS x AS , x ~ (0,1) rAS AoD / AS = 0.13 1.2 20 Per-path AS at BS (Fixed) BS per-path AoD Distribution standard distribution (0, 2AoD ) where AoD r AS AS Mean AS at MS Per-path AS at MS (fixed) MS Per-path AoA Distribution E[AS, MS] = 680 350 Delay spread as a lognormal RV DS = - 6.80 DS = 0.288 Mean total RMS Delay Spread E[ DS ] = 0.17 s DS 10 ^ DS x DS , x ~ (0,1) rDS delays / DS Slide 16 (0, 2AoA (Pr)) 1.4 Distribution for path delays Lognormal shadowing standard deviation Pathloss model (dB), d is in meters Submission AS = 0.69 10dB 31.5 + 35log10(d) R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Uplink (VehicularB model) FER vs SINR Performance fer 1 120km /h m od7 120km /h m od6 120km /h m od5 120km /h m od4 120km /h m od3 120km /h m od2 120km /h m od1 120km /h m od0 0.1 0.01 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 sinr [dB ] Submission Slide 17 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Downlink (Vehicular B model) FER vs SINR Performance fer 1 120km /h m od8 120km /h m od7 120km /h m od6 120km /h m od5 120km /h m od4 120km /h m od3 120km /h m od2 120km /h m od1 120km /h m od0 0.1 0.01 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 sinr [dB ] Submission Slide 18 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Uplink (PedestrianB model) FER vs SINR Performance 1 fer 3km /h m od7 3km /h m od6 3km /h m od5 3km /h m od4 3km /h m od3 3km /h m od2 3km /h m od1 3km /h m od0 0.1 0.01 -10 Submission -5 0 5 10 sinr [dB ] Slide 19 15 20 25 30 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Downlink (PedestrianB model) FER vs SINR Performance fer 1 3km /h m od8 3km /h m od7 3km /h m od6 3km /h m od5 3km /h m od4 3km /h m od3 3km /h m od2 3km /h m od1 3km /h m od0 0.1 0.01 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 sinr [dB ] Submission Slide 20 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Uplink (Vehicular B model) Throughput vs SINR 400 350 300 120km /h m od7 120km /h m od6 120km /h m od5 120km /h m od4 120km /h m od3 120km /h m od2 120km /h m od1 120km /h m od0 kbps 250 200 150 100 50 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 sinr [dB ] Submission Slide 21 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Downlink( Vehicular B model) Throughput vs SINR 1200 120km /h m od8 120km /h m od7 120km /h m od6 120km /h m od5 120km /h m od4 120km /h m od3 120km /h m od2 120km /h m od1 120km /h m od0 1000 kbps 800 600 400 200 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 sinr[dB ] Submission Slide 22 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Uplink (Pedestrian B model) Throughput vs SINR 400 350 300 kbps 250 3km /h m od7 3km /h m od6 3km /h m od5 3km /h m od4 3km /h m od3 3km /h m od2 3km /h m od1 3km /h m od0 200 150 100 50 0 -10 Submission -5 0 5 10 sinr [dB ] Slide 23 15 20 25 30 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Link level simulation Result Downlink (Pedestrian B model) Throughput vs SINR 1200 3km /h m od8 3km /h m od7 3km /h m od6 3km /h m od5 3km /h m od4 3km /h m od3 3km /h m od2 3km /h m od1 3km /h m od0 1000 kbps 800 600 400 200 0 -10 Submission -5 0 5 10 sinr[dB] Slide 24 15 20 25 30 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System level simulation calibration result System level simulation calibration condition and parameters Path number: 1 Environment: Suburban macro BS & MS antenna number: 1 Inter BS separation: 2.5km 1carrier(625kHz). 1 user/timeslot @sector user1 (-60, R/2) @timeslot1 user2 (0,R/2)@timeslot2 user3 (60, R)@ timeslot3 (degree, distance from the BS) Submission Slide 25 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 System level simulation result User Date Rate CDF Submission Slide 26 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 120km/h User Date Rate CDF Blue line shows downlink throughput CDF. Red line shows uplink throughput CDF. Submission Slide 27 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 3km/h Uplink and Downlink Blue line shows downlink throughput CDF. Red line shows uplink throughput CDF. Submission Slide 28 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Aggregated Throughput vs Base station Sepparation Downlink 3 Kmph C ontours of constant(3km /h-D L) 48 Load:N um ber of users/c ell 42 100kbps 36 300kbps 30 700kbps 24 800kbps 18 1000kbps 12 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C overage: Inter-basestation seperration (km ) Submission Slide 29 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Aggregated Throughput vs Base station Sepparation Downlink 120 Kmph C ontours of constant(120km /h-D L) 48 Load:N um ber of users/ cell 42 36 10kbps 30 30kbps 24 50kbps 18 100kbps 150kbps 12 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C overage: Inte r-basestation seperration (km ) Submission Slide 30 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Aggregated Throughput vs Base station Sepparation Uplink 3 Kmph C ontours of constant(3km /h-U L) 48 Load:N um ber of users/c ell 42 36 100kbps 30 150kbps 300kbps 24 340kbps 18 12 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C overage: Inte r-basestation seperration (km ) Submission Slide 31 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Aggregated Throughput vs Base station Sepparation Uplink 120 Kmph C ontours of constant(120km /h-U L) 48 Load:N um ber of users/c ell 42 50kbps 36 100kbps 150kbps 30 250kbps 24 300kbps 18 12 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C overage: Inte r-basestation seperration (km ) Submission Slide 32 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Fairness criteria The CDF of the Normalized throughput with Respect to average user throughput was deatermined for Cell radius 1km. Table 8-1 Suburban Pedestrian B Case Normalized throughput with Respect to average user throughput <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 Table 8-2 Downlink 0.142% 0.285% 0.285% 0.0% 0.142% 0.142% Suburban Vehicular B Case Normalized throughput with Respect to average user throughput <0.1 <0.2 <0.5 Submission Uplink Uplink Downlink 0% 0% 0.432% 0 0 0.519% Slide 33 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Summary Results-Simulation Submission Spectral Efficiency @pedestrian B Spectral Efficiency @Vehicular B Uplink 3.155 2.592 Downlink 4.248 1.776 Slide 34 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA IEEE C802.20-05/79 Practical System Results Data Flow Direction Typical/Terminal Total Data Rates/Basestation Spectrum Efficiency (bit/sec/Hz/sector) Downlink 942kbps 22.6Mbps 6.8 Uplink Uplink 290kbps 1,232kbps 7.0Mbps 29.6Mbps 4.2 5.9 Figure 7-14: Date Rate and Spectrum Efficency Test Results of HC-SDMA in Australia Submission Slide 35 R.Canchi, K. Murakami and M. Kitahara, KYOCERA