IEEE C802.16m-009/2682r3 Project Title

IEEE C802.16m-009/2682r3
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group
Proposed text related to Restricted Connection between Non-CSG-Closed Users and
Femtocell Basestation in IEEE 802.16m/D3 (16.4.2)
Linghang Fan, Andreas Maeder, Hassan
Al-kanani, Nader Zein, Tetsu Ikeda
[, nader.zein, hassan.alkanani],
Ying Li, Anshuman Nigam
Samsung Electronics
Phone: +1-972-761-7903
Kerstin Johnsson, Nageen Himayat,
Shilpa Talwar
[jins978, cooper, ksryu, ronnykim, hgcho, samji]
Jin Lee, Inuk Jung, Kiseon Ryu, Ronny
Yongho Kim, HanGyu Cho, Jin Sam
LG Electronics, Inc.
Luciano Sarperi
Zhaohua Lu,Feng Xie,Yang Liu,
Kaiying Lv,Ying Liu,Hongyun
Qu,Mary Chion
[lu.zhaohua, xie.feng2, liu.yang8, lv.kaiying,
liu.ying, qu.hongyun]
ZTE Corporation
I-Kang Fu
MediaTek Inc.
IEEE C802.16m-009/2682r3
LB comment to 802.16m Amendment Working Document D3
This contribution provides text addition to AWD to enhance the definition of femtocell
subscriber type CSG-Closed in IEEE 802.16m
For discussion and approval by IEEE 802.16m TG
This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It
represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for
discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material
contained herein.
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IEEE C802.16m-009/2682r3
Proposed text related to Restricted Connection between Non-CSG-Closed
Users and Femtocell Basestation in IEEE 802.16m/D3 (16.4.2)
Linghang Fan, Andreas Maeder, Hassan Al-kanani, Nader Zein, Tetsu Ikeda
Ying Li, Anshuman Nigam
Samsung Electronics
Kerstin Johnsson, Nageen Himayat, Shilpa Talwar
Jin Lee, Inuk Jung, Kiseon Ryu, Ronny Yongho Kim, HanGyu Cho, Jin Sam Kwak
LG Electronics, Inc.
Luciano Sarperi
Zhaohua Lu,Feng Xie,Yang Liu, Kaiying Lv,Ying Liu,Hongyun Qu,Mary Chion
ZTE Corporation
I-Kang Fu
MediaTek Inc.
In D3, femto base station subscriber types are categorised into CSG-Closed, CSG-Open and OSG, and a closed
subscriber group CSG-Closed femtocell base station is accessible only to AMSs which are members of this base
station except for emergency services. If the macrocell and femtocell use different frequencies, it is not a big
issue. However, if the macrocell and femtocell uses the same frequency, it can cause big problem. In this case,
when a non-CSG-Closed AMS enters an area, which is covered only by one/several CSG-Closed Femtocell
ABSs, its communication with its macrocell ABS may be severely interfered, or even totally interrupted.
Specifically, if a macro AMS is switched on in a CSG-closed only area or enters a CSG-closed only area, the
interference from the surrounding Femtocell ABSs may interrupt the communication between the macro AMS
and the nearest macro ABS or its serving macro ABS.
IEEE C802.16m-009/2682r3
However, it is a general principle that the deployment of a femtocell should cause as less interference to the
overlapping macrocell as possible. According to the current definition of CSG-Closed, this problem can not be
Exchanging information between femtocell ABS and non-CSG AMSs may help to reduce such kind of
interference and thus improve the performance for both non-CSG AMSs and the femtocell ABS.
Proposed Text
[Modify texts as suggested below: Page 603, Line 37 to 49]
16.4.11 Interference Avoidance and Interference Mitigation
An AMS may be requested by its serving macro ABS or Femto ABS to report the signal strength measurement
of neighbor ABSs, including macro and/or Femto BSs. The reported information can be used by the serving
ABS to coordinate with its neighbor BSs to mitigate the interference at the MSs.
Large interference from an inaccessible Femto ABS may trigger a nearby AMS to report the interference to the
serving BS, and the report information should include system information of the inaccessible Femto ABS (e.g.,
BS_ID of the Femto ABS).
An AMS may initiate or be requested to report the signal strength measurements of its neighbor ABSs to its
serving ABS. The reported information can be used by the serving ABS to coordinate interference mitigation
(e.g. reducing transmission power and/or blocking resource regions) with its neighbor ABSs.
If an AMS is placed into outage by a CSG-closed Femto ABS of which it is not a member, it can indicate this
problem to that Femto ABS by sending an AAI_RNG-REQ with the “Femto Interference” bit set to 1.
The serving ABS and/or the network can request the interfering Femtocell ABS to mitigate the interference by
reducing transmission power, and/or blocking some resource region.