2010-01-11 IEEE C80216-09/2948 Project

IEEE C80216-09/2948
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <http://ieee802.org/16>
Proposed Changes to Assignment A-MAP Encoding ( for the IEEE 802.16m/D3
Jerry Pi, Sudhir Ramakrishna,
Kaushik Josiam
Samsung Electronics
IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #30b, Section 16.3.6
This contribution provides details on Assignment A-MAP CRC masking for 802.16m
To be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m Advanced Air Interface
Policy and
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IEEE C80216-09/2948
Proposed Changes to Assignment A-MAP Encoding ( for
the IEEE 802.16m/D3
Jerry Pi, Sudhir Ramakrishna, Kaushik Josiam
Samsung Electronics
The detailed operation of CRC masking by Station ID is not specified.
Text proposal
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A 16-bit CRC is generated based on the contents of the A-MAP IE excluding the station ID. Denote the AAMAP IE by m(x) = bN-1xN-1 + bN-2xN-2 + … + b1x + b0, where bN-1 is the MSB of the IE and b0 is the LSB of the
IE. The 16-bit CRC is calculated as the remainder of dividing m(x) ∙ x16 by the 16-bit CRC generator polynomial
g(x) = x16 + x12 + x5 + 1. The resulted CRC is denoted by p(x) = p15x15 + p14x14 + … + p1x + p0 where p15 is the
MSB of the CRC and p0 is the LSB of the CRC.
The 16-bit CRC mask, denoted by q(x), is obtained by q(x) = s(x) ∙ x4, where s(x) = s11x11 + s10x10 + … + s1x + s0
is the 12-bit Station ID with s11 and s0 being the MSB and the LSB of the Station ID, respectively. The 16-bit
CRC mask is then applied to the 16-bit CRC by bitwise XOR operation.
The masked CRC is then appended to the A-MAP IE, resulting in a bit sequence of m(x) ∙ x16 + p(x)  q(x).
The resulting sequence of bits shall be encoded by the TBCC described in
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