Clarification on Power Level Adjustment in RNG-ACK for initial power...

Clarification on Power Level Adjustment in RNG-ACK for initial power control (, )
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9)
Document Number:
IEEE C802.16m-10/0586r2
Date Submitted:
Jeongho Park, Hokyu Choi
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
IEEE 802.16-10/0032, “IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #31a: Announcement”
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RNG-ACK Usage during INE UL Power Control
• Power Level Adjustment Indication
– This field is going to be used for Uplink Power Correction during Initial RNG
– If received power is above the sufficient power and time/freq. offset is not
satisfactory, ‘continue’ mode is performed
– In this case, this field can be used for BS to decrease or increase the MS’s RNG
power so that it does not cause strong interference or it makes reception more
reliable at next ranging transmission
D5 Status and Suggestion
• Status
– No definition of Field and Usage description
– Initial RNG Power Ramping is with 2dB size step
• Suggestion
– To define “Power Level Adjustment” field in RNG-ACK
• adjustment range is from -8 dB to 8 dB with 1 dB step (4bit)
• 0b000000 = -8 dB
• 0b111111= 8 dB
• 0dB is excluded (this can be captured by setting API#1 to 0)
– To provide clarification of initial ranging power control operation for continue
• If AMS receives RNG-ACK corresponding its ranging transmission, it stops ramping up
its power
• If RNG-ACK has API#1=0, it shall keep its previous power
• If RNG-ACK has API#1=1, it shall apply “power level adjustment” to its previous power
for next ranging transmission
Proposed Text (1/2)
• Remedy #1 : Change the line 52~56 in page 86 as
Timing offset
Time offset adjustment
Amount of advance time
required to adjust AMS
Signed in units of 1/Fs
It shall be included for the specific
user when Unicast indication =0 and
RNG-ACK bitmap=1 and number of
received codes > 0 and and API bit #0
Or it shall be included for the specific
user when Unicast indication =1 and
API bit #0 = 1
Power level adjust
Power level adjustment which
expresses the change in powe
r level (in multiples of 1 dB) th
at the
MS shall apply to its current t
ransmission power for initial r
The bit size represents power
level correction in the set {-8,
-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2,
+3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8} which c
orresponds 0b0000 to 0b111
It shall be included for the specific
user when RNG-ACK bitmap=1 an
d number of received codes > 0 an
d and API bit #1 = 1and Ranging S
tatus = 0b10.
Proposed Text (2/2)
• Remedy #2 : Add the following sentence in line 26 in page 729
If AMS receives RNG-ACK without power adjustment (power level adjustment indication
bit equal 0) as response to the corresponding ranging code transmitted by the AMS,
the AMS shall use its latest ranging transmission power as the initial power level for
next ranging transmission. And the power ramping up will be performed if there is no
response for new transmission.
If RNG-ACK has power level adjustment indication bit with 1, transmission power for
continue mode shall base the power used for the latest ranging and the AMS shall
adjust it by amount of power level adjustment field of RNG-ACK. The adjusted power
level will be used as the initial power level for next ranging transmission, and the
power ramping up will be performed if no response for new transmission.