IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <> Title Text Proposal for the situation of DL/UL different pathloss ( Date Submitted 2010-07-12 Source(s) Jeongho Park, Hokyu Choi Samsung Electronics Re: Proposed text changes to P802.16m/D6 Abstract Purpose Notice Release Patent Policy To be discussed and adopted by TGm for the 802.16m D7 Draft This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and <>. Text Proposal for the situation of DL/UL different pathloss ( Jeongho Park, Hokyu Choi Samsung Electronics References [1] WiMAX Forum Mobile Radio Specifications (2009-07-05) I. Introduction This contribution proposes several remedies to solve the problems which are incurred by Uplink Power Control under the situation with different pathloss between downlink and uplink. II. Problem Definition A. Effect of difference pathloss between downlink and uplink 1 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 Current power control would operate well with an assumption that downlink pathloss is identical to uplink pathloss. For the given parameters which are broadcasted by BS, MS measures the downlin pathloss ‘L’ and decide the required tone power for the uplink transmission. If there is no mismatch between DL and UL pathloss, no problem would be expected. That is to say uplink IoT (interference over thermal noise) level would be under the control and transmission would be satisfied with error rate. If there is mismatch between DL and UL pathloss for a specific MS, however, a story is going to be different. 1. DL pathloss > UL pathloss : Generally, this case does not bring a critical problem. If the MS is at cell edge, it would impact on adjacent sectors as a stronger interference. As soon as serving BS recognizes the difference of DL and UL pathloss of the MS, however, BS can send AAI_UL_POWER_ADJ message to make the power fit the proper level. 2. DL pathloss < UL pathloss : This case would bring a critical problem. Unless BS fixs this difference through message, any control transmission including BW REQ would not succeed in being decoded by BS at all only except synchronous ranging which has power ramping function. Even though s-RNG succeeds in arriving at BS safely through power ramping, BS does not recognize how many times MS did power ramping. Moreover BW REQ would continuously fail, eventually the MS would disconnect from the serving BS and might start the initial entry process from cell search, again. B. Why does different DL and UL pathloss happen? The simplest case we can take as an example would be FDD systems. According to [1], the recommended spectrum for R1.5 as FDD systems operation is 1710~1755(MHz) and 2110~2155(MHz) for uplink and downlink transmission respectively. The frequency gap between DL and UL is 400MHz, which would result in different pathloss. Theoretically, lower frequency experiences much smaller pathloss which is proportional to the square of operation frequency. ( L = [4πrfc/c]2 where r is distance, c is the speed of light and fc is the frequency ) Another peculiar case as an example is an optical repeater. Optical repeater is connected to BS with wired optical line which repeats the downlink signals to the MSs which received signal strength from BS is not strong enough. For example, the optical repeater can be deployed in the underground of buildings or subway stations. The problem is uplink receiver at optical repeater. Since the noise is added with signals to optical repeater, from the BS point of view, the noise level would be linearly proportional to the number of optical repeaters which are connected to the BS. For this reason, optical repeater usually has lower uplink gain in order to prevent the noise level enhancement at BS. If it does not, the noise level of BS would be enlarged and the SINR of an MS which is connected to macro BS directly would decrease, which eventually bring the shrink of uplink coverage. Therefore, it is usually understood that smaller gain compared to downlink is inevitable in optical repeater. The difference of gain between downlink and uplink is dependent on the environments of systems (total number of repeater, the location of repeater and so on) and typical difference is from 3 to 10dB. III. The Scope of Suggested Remedies In this contribution, one parameter updated by MS is proposed – OffsetMS. This value is common to data or control including sounding channel transmission. 2 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 1. Offset update during Initial ranging procedure Initial power control has its own power control equation for its starting tone power. However, if UL pathloss is smaller than DL pathloss, the transmission will fail and power will be increased by 2dB (power ramping). After successful procedure, several power ramping might have been performed. This power ramping amount needs to be considered for normal power control equation because it is necessary for other uplink transmission channel too. Before cases happen, let’s say the current offset value is noted as OffsetMS_Old. Then offset value shall be updated as follows : - case 1) Whenever Power Ramping happens, OffsetMS = OffsetMS_Old +2 - case 2) Whenever “Power level adjustment” field in RNG-ACK is detected by MS with the value of PRNG_ACK, OffsetMS = OffsetMS_Old + PRNG_ACK Or we can merge all cases happening during initial ranging procedure. If there have been total N times power ramping and M times RNG-ACK reception with power level adjustment field until MS succeeded in initial ranging, MS shall update OffsetMS as follows: OffsetMS = OffsetMS_Old + 2*N + Sum{(PRNG_ACK) for all M} Here OffsetMS_old is zero because MS has not received any AAI_UL_POWER_ADJ message before it starts initial ranging procedure. 2. Offset update during synchronized ranging procedure Currently, Tx power of synchronized ranging channel is based on equation (291) [1]. And s-RNG has power ramping feature for its failure case. If UL pathloss is smaller than DL pathloss, power ramping would happen during s-RNG procedure for successful reception. After successful s-RNG procedure, MS needs to reflect the amount of power ramping on its normal power control. Before synchronized ranging happens, let’s say the offset value is noted as OffsetMS_Old. After s-RNG is completed successfully offset value shall be updated as follows : If there have been total N times power ramping and M times RNG-ACK reception with power level adjustment field until MS succeeded in synchronized ranging procedure, MS shall update OffsetMS as follows: OffsetMS = OffsetMS_Old + 2*N + Sum{(PRNG_ACK) for all M} Here OffsetMS_old could have some values because MS would be in connected mode before it started with synchronized ranging procedure. 3. Power ramping concept for BW REQ preamble code transmission Currently, BW REQ preamble code transmission does not include power ramping feature. If we think of repeater case which has different DL and UL gain, however, it is necessary to consider power ramping during BW REQ preamble code transmission. Or we must guarantee synchronized ranging procedure before BW REQ preamble transmission. 3 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 As shown in Figure 1, if MS moves into the location covered by repeater during its sleep mode, and if downlink pathloss between location A and B are not so much different, there is no way for BS to recognize that MS went under the area controlled by repeater. Let’s say the repeater has 5dB small gain for UL. Then no matter how many MS tries to do BW REQ preamble code transmission for the given parameter of target SINR for BW REQ, the MS will fail to get response after BW REQ. Eventually, the MS would disconnect from the serving BS and might start initial entry procedure from the cell searching process again. In order to prevent this situation, it would be better to have power ramping feature during BW REQ preamble code transmission. Base station MS @ A Repeater MS @ B Figure - 1 Movement of MS from location A to location B 4. Offset update after successful BW REQ preamble code transmission If BW REQ has power ramping feature for its transmission failure, the amount of power ramping should be taken into account for UL Tx power. Let’s say the offset value is noted as OffsetMS_Old before BW REQ preamble transmission happen. Then offset value shall be updated as follows : - case 1) If Power Ramping happens, OffsetMS = OffsetMS_Old +2 5. Offset report to BS 4 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 Since proposals talk about UL Tx power correction mainly determined by MS, BS does not figure out how much correction was done by MS. Therefore the amount of correction needs to be feedback to BS for BS’s scheduling. Once BS recognize the amount of correction, BS can reset the value and compensate the same amount by OffsetData and OffsetControl. Currently, report triggering condition is defined as below. (page 746, line 41~) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| M(nlast) – M(n) | txPowerReportThreshold (298) and n – nlast txPowerReportMinimumInterval (299) or n – nlast txPowerReportPeriodicalInterval (299) Where M is defined in Equation (301) M = L + SINRTarget(Reported) (301) L is the pathloss defined in Equation (291) nlast is the frame index when the last AMS status reporting message was sent n is the current frame index -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If we adopt the concept the offset decided by MS which reflects the pathloss difference between downlink and uplink, equation (301) needs to be changed like the following : M = L + SINRTarget(Reported) + OffsetMS(Reported) (301) Where nlast is the frame index when the last AMS status reporting message was sent n is the current frame index Also OffsetMS needs to be reported to serving BS for BS’s efficient scheduling. Since power ramping is based on 2dB, power adjustment via RNG-ACK is based on 1dB and offsetControl field of CDMA allocation A-MAP IE is based on 0.5dB, 0.5dB step report would be good. 5 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 IV. Proposed Text Remedy #1:page 57, Modify table 662 as follows: -------------------------------------------------Text Change Start ----------------------------------------------------Table 662 – Uplink Power Status Report Header Format Syntax Uplink Power Status Report Header(){ FID Type Length Size(bit) Notes 4 5 3 Flow Identifier. Set to 0001. MAC signaling header type = 0b00101 Indicates the length of the signaling header in bytes: 0b101: 5 bytes Indicates whether the AMS has updated its ULPC parameters from AAI_SCD: 0: No ULPC parameters changed comparing to previous reporting. 1: The confirmation of new ULPC parameters from AAI_SCD applied. Only valid if ULPC Parameters Updating Indicator == 0b1. The value is the same as “Change configuration change” in the latest AAI_SCD message. txPowerPsdBase ( PSD(base) ) is coded using 8 bits in 0.5 dBm steps ranging from -74 dBm (coded 0x00) to 53.5 dBm (coded 0xFF). txSirDownlink (SIRDL) is coded using 109 bits in 1/168dB steps ranging from -12dB (coded 0x000) to 51.9375875 (coded 0x31ff). Shall be filled by 0 for byte alignment OffsetAMS using 0.5dB step ranging from 15.5dB (coded 0x00) to 16dB (coded 0x3F) ULPC Parameters Updating Indicator 1 Change Configuration Change 4 txPowerPsdBase 8 txSirDownlink 109 Reserved OffsetAMS 56 } -------------------------------------------------Text Change END ----------------------------------------------------- 6 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 Remedy #2: Modify from line 41 in page 746 to line 18 in page 747 : -------------------------------------------------Text Change Start ----------------------------------------------------| M(nlast) – M(n) | txPowerReportThreshold (298) n – nlast txPowerReportMinimumInterval (299) n – nlast txPowerReportPeriodicalInterval (300) and or Where M is defined in Equation (301) M = L + SINRTarget(Reported) + OffsetAMS(Reported) (301) L is the pathloss defined in Equation (291) nlast is the frame index when the last AMS status reporting message was sent n is the current frame index OffsetAMS (Reported) is the OffsetAMS value at the moment of ‘Reported’ txPowerReportThreshold is a 4 bit unsigned integer value in 0.5 dB steps, the specific value “0b1111” shall be interpreted as “infinite”; txPowerReportMinimumInterval and txPowerReportPeriodicalInterval are coded by 4 bit unsigned integer values d representing 2d frames, the specific value d = 0b1111 shall be interpreted as “infinite” The status reporting configuration parameters txPowerReportThreshold, txPowerReportMinimumInterval and txPowerReportPeriodicalInterval are sent from ABS to AMS in the AAI_UL_PSR_CFG message (defined in -------------------------------------------------Text Change END ----------------------------------------------------- Remedy #3: Modify from line 39~ to line 65 in page 741: -------------------------------------------------Text Change Start ----------------------------------------------------The power per subcarrier and per stream shall be calculated according to Equation (291). P(dBm) = L + SINRTarget + NI + Offset + OffsetAMS (291) Where SINRTarget is the target uplink SINR received by the ABS. P is the TX power level (dBm) per stream and per subcarrier for the current transmission. L is the estimated average current DL propagation loss calculated by AMS. It shall include AMS’s Tx antenna gain and path loss. NI is the estimated average power level (dBm) of the noise and interference per subcarrier at the ABS, as indicated in the AAI_ULPC_NI message. Offset is a correction term for AMS-specific power offset. It is controlled by the ABS through power 7 IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 control messages. There are two kinds of Offset values that are used for data and control, respectively. Further details are given in following sections (, and OffsetAMS is a correction term determined by AMS whenever it tries non-synchronous ranging, synchronous ranging or BW REQ preamble code transmission. The estimated average current DL propagation loss, L, shall be calculated based on the total power received on the active subcarriers of the frame preamble. OffsetAMS shall be determined and updated by AMS according to the following rules. - When AMS starts initial network entry, OffsetAMS = 0. - When AMS succeeds in initial/synchronous ranging process after N times power ramping up and M times of AAI_RNG-ACK messages with power level adjustment field, OffsetAMS = OffsetAMS_current + 2 * N + PADJ (m) Where PADJ (m) is the m-th received power level adjustment field value (m=1, …, M) during ranging procedure, OffsetAMS_current is the OffsetAMS value before AMS started the process. Note that it is zero for initial ranging process. - When AMS succeeds in BW REQ preamble code transmission after N times power ramping up, OffsetAMS = OffsetAMS_current + 2 * N - When AMS receives the ‘offsetvalueAMS’ field of AAI_UL_POWER_ADJ message, OffsetAMS = offsetvalueAMS -------------------------------------------------Text Change END ----------------------------------------------------- Remedy #4 page 163: Modify from line 9~29 as follows : -------------------------------------------------Text Change Start ----------------------------------------------------Table 718 – AAI_UL_POWER_ADJ message field Descriptions M/O M Attributes/Arra y of attributes offsetData Size (bits) 6 M offsetControl 6 M offsetvalueAM S 6 O channelIndex 8 Value / Note Conditions offsetData is the transmit power adjustment value transmitted by the ABS. It represents the value among -15.5 to 16 dB with 0.5 dB step offsetControl is the transmit power adjustment value transmitted by the ABS. It represents the value among -15.5 to 16 dB with 0.5 dB step offsetControl is the transmit power adjustment value transmitted by the ABS. It represents the value among -15.5 to 16 dB with 0.5 dB step Uniquely identifies a fast feedback channel on which an AMS can transmit fast feedback information. With this allocation, a one-to-one relationship is established between channel index and the AMS N.A. 8 N.A. N.A. Present when ABS want to change FF Channel Period by using AAI- ------------------- IEEE C802.16m-10/0812r1 -----------------------------Text Change END ----------------------------------------------------- Remedy #5 page 743: Include the following proposed text in line 38: -------------------------------------------------Text Change Start ----------------------------------------------------If AMS does not receive any BR-ACK A-MAP IE at the (n+ BR_ACK_Offset)-th frame who transmitted a Bandwidth Request preamble sequence at the (n)-th does not receive a response, the AMS considers it as an implicit-NACK and may restart BR procedure. When it restarts BR procedure for the N-th time continuously, it shall increase target SINR for BR (SINRtarget for Bandwidth Request, targetBwRequestSinr) by N PIR,Step dB, where PIR,Step is the step size to ramp up, which is 2 dB. -------------------------------------------------Text Change END ----------------------------------------------------- 9