IEEE C802.16j-07/441r3 Project Title

IEEE C802.16j-07/441r3
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Proposed Text Changes for Removal of Moving BS Mode
Voice: 408 765 2215
Jaroslaw Sydir
Intel Corporation RNB-4-135
2200 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA, 95054
IEEE 802.16j-07/019 Call for Technical Comments Regarding IEEE Project 802.16j
Proposes the deletion of references to moving BS mode because the definition of the mode is
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Proposed Text Changes for Removal of Moving BS Mode
Jaroslaw Sydir
Intel Corporation
The concept of Moving BS mode is mentioned in subclauses 1.4.3 MR Protocol, SS and RS basic
capability request (SBC-REQ) message, SS and RS basic capability response (SBC-RSP) message, Operation modes of mobile relay station, and 11.8.9 Mobile RS mode support. This mode is defined
in subclause as a mode in which an RS implements the complete 16e protocol stack and terminates
transport connections and security associations. As the name of the mode implies, the RS operates as a moving
base station.
The draft does not specify how such an RS should operate in relation to the MR-BS. Connection establishment
procedures, packet forwarding procedures, ARQ and HARQ operations are not specified for this type of RS.
IEEE C802.16j-07/441r3
Furthermore, it is not clear whether this type of RS is really an RS or whether it is a BS. It is not clear that the
specification of BS to BS communications is within the scope of 16j.
It is proposed that references to Moving BS mode be deleted from the draft.
Text Proposal
1.4.3 MR Protocol
[In figure 2b delete the MAC-CS blocks from the Relay station and connect the MAC-CS blocks on the BS
and MS with a direct link] Operation modes of mobile relay station
[Change subclause as indicated:]
An RS, when operating in moving BS mode, the RS shall implement a full set of physical layer and MAC layer
functions defined in IEEE802.16e-2005 excluding the convergence sublayer. For an MS, who selects a mobile
RS in moving BS mode as its access station, the connection and privacy of the MS shall be established and
maintained by this mobile RS. The mobile RS is also the serving station of the MS. The mobile RS shall
perform handover per After the mobile RS handovers to a new target MR-BS, if the mobile RS enters
into a new IP subnet, the IP addresses of all the MSs served by this mobile RS may need to be re-established. A
dedicated transport connection shall may be established between the mobile RS and its serving MR-BS to relay
the IP address reestablishment related signaling between the MS and the MR-BS.