IEEE C802.16j-08/057r1 Project Title


IEEE C802.16j-08/057r1





IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <

Clarifications on Comment #2194 in 80216-08_002.cmt


Source(s) Senarath Gamini, Israfil Bahceci, Hang

Zhang,Peiying Zhu, Wen Tong, Derek Yu, Sun

Sheng, Mark Naden

Nortel Networks

3500 Carling Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8E9







IEEE 802.16j-07/043: “IEEE 802.16 Working Group Working Group Letter Ballot #28”

This contribution clarifies data forwarding in systems with RS groups.




Text proposal for 802.16j Draft Document.

This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups . It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

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Clarifications on Comment #2194

Gamini Senarath, et. al.



The data forwarding in the presence of RS groups is not clear in 80216j/D2. We revise text amendments suggested in Comment #2194 to clarify the available data forwarding methods for this case.

Proposed Text Changes

[Change Definitions 3.94 and 3.95 on Page 4 as follows]


IEEE C802.16j-08/057r1

3.94 tunnel CID (T-CID): An identifier taken from the connection identifier (CID) space that uniquely identifies a transport tunnel connection between an MR-BS and an RS.

3.95 management tunnel CID (MT-CID): An identifier taken from the connection identifier (CID) space managed by an MR-BS that uniquely identifies a management tunnel connections between the MR-BS and an access RS.

[Change the text on line 15-16 of page 7 as follows]

An additional type of connection called a tunnel connection may be established between the MR-BS and an access RS, or between the MR-BS and super-ordinate of an RS group (see 6.3.33).

[Insert the following text starting from Line 24 of Page 79]

In MR networks with RS groups, tunnel-based, CID based or burst-based forwarding can be applied. In tunnelbased forwarding, the tunnel connections are established between the MR-BS and the superordinate station of the RS group, i.e., the super-ordinate station is the end-of-tunnel in DL and begining-of-tunnel in UL. In this case, the data forwarding between the super-ordinate station and the MS/SS may be either CID based or burstbased. The burst based forwarding shall be employed only if selective forwarding is not used, i.e., when all RS group membes are involved in forwarding data to a specific MS/SS. More specific information for data forwarding within RS group is provided in Subclause 6.3.33.

[Change text on line 34 of page 79]

One or more tunnels may be established between the MR-BS and the access RS after the Network entry is performed. If the MS/SS is served by an RS group, the tunnel connections shall be established between the MR-

BS and the super-ordinate station of the RS group.

[Change the text on 37 of page 130 as follows]

When a single tunnel is used between MR-BS and an RS, the relay MAC header may contain

[Change the text on 21-22 of page 161 as follows]

A routing table that contains the mapping between a CID and one or more given paths needs to be updated when a new tunnel (identified by a Tunnel CID) is generated between the MR-BS and an RS,..

[Change the text on line 22 of page 172 as follows]

Data forwarindg in MR networks with RS group is described in Subclause The following describes data forwarding within RS group in detail: For DL, the members of an RS group may be configured to forward traffic data for only specific subordinate terminal stations.

