L802.16-07/071r1 Nov 2007 802.21 Liaison - Session #52 Closing Plenary


Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

802.21 Liaison - Session #52 Closing Plenary

IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9)

Document Number:

IEEE L802.16-07/071

Date Submitted:



Peretz Feder




+1973.386-6976 pfeder@alcatel-lucent.com


802.16 Session #52 Closing Plenary

Base Contribution:



IEEE 802.21 Liaison Group presentation to closing plenary of the WG containing plan for the week


This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups . It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.


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Submission Slide 1

Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1


Media Independent Handover (MIH)


– Develop standards to enable handover and interoperability between heterogeneous networks, including both 802 and non-802 networks

• Transition glue between 802.11 and other network technologies

– Including: 802.3, 802.16, cellular

• Overview

– Tutorial in July 2006 IEEE 802 plenary session

• http://www.ieee802.org/802_tutorials/index.htm

– Planning new tutorial for March 2008 IEEE 802 plenary session

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Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

P802.21 Scope

Interfacing between 802 and other technologies

– Great variety of designs, parameters, interfaces, addresses, names

Wider constituency than rest of 802

– Every 802 MAC/PHY technology

– Cellular SDOs: 3GPP, 3GPP2

– Cellular and other network developers

– Network operators

– Regulatory bodies, government agencies and initiatives

• European Commission Ambient Networks

• IMT Advanced

Parameters on multiple layers of networks

– PHY, MAC, Data Link, IP, Applications, Services all are relevant

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Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

P802.21 Sponsor Ballot Progress

Initial Sponsor Ballot Issued Aug 2007

• 165 Sponsor Members

– Much larger than the 802.21 Work Group (currently 73 WG voters)

Ballot Progress

Initial Sponsor Ballot completed Sept 17, 2007

Approval Ratio 62%; 650 comments

• Comments

– Large number of comments from 802.11 members: Good

– Some impossible to satisfy comments: Bad

• Example: “Document needs to be a recommended practice.”

• Example: “Define conformance criteria.”

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Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

802.21 Internal Current Tasks

• All 650 SB comments resolved between Sept, Oct and Nov meetings

• Going for SB re-circulation at end of Nov-07. Currently at 62%

Approval, Aiming for RevCom submission by March-2008

• 802.11u (in LB) has incorporated all of MIH changes and has included a MAC State Convergence Function in it’s reference diagram for supporting 802.21 messages

• Multi-Radio Power Conservation Management

– Behcet Sarikaya (Huawei) Study Group Chair

• Problem statement is questioned

• TR is available

• Security Signaling

– Yoshiro Ohba (Toshiba) Study Group Chair

– Long list of presentations, including

• 401 Security Signaling Performance

402 MIH Key Hierarchy

387 Security Signaling

403 Security Use Cases

390 Security Use Case Scenarios

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Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

802.21 Standards Interfaces


– Comments indicated a number of issues with 802.1 LinkSec group

– 802.21 will invite 802.1 to present suggestions for interface with 802.21


– 802.21 and TGu coordinated ad-hoc meetings

– 802.11u now provides excellent support of MIH


– In 2008, planning to work more closely with 802.16m


– Of course 3GPP documents can’t reference the incomplete 802.21 document

– But 3GPP SA2 and RAN both working with members of 802.21

– The 802.21 Information Server (IS) model is now part of the 3GPP architecture

– 3GPP completed document TR36.938 that includes 802.21 interface

MIH measurements from the LTE side; WiMAX – LTE handover

– 802.21 work item phase next year


– Presentation on DVBH handovers this afternoon: 21-07-0360-00-DVB-Presentation.ppt

IMT Advanced

– 802.21 submitted requirements to ITU through 802.18

– More work planned in January

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Nov 2007 L802.16-07/071r1

P802.21 Current State and Timeline

• Sponsor Ballot: 165 voters

– WG only had only 69 voters

• Initial Sponsor Ballot completed Sept 2007

Second Sponsor Ballot after this session

– In September completed half of 650 comments from initial sponsor ballot

– Almost 200 treated in October ad-hoc meeting

– Completing the remainder this session

– 8 voters so far have indicated that they will change their votes

• Pending agreed-on changes

Still Plan to Submit to RevCom March 2008

Submission Slide 7

Nov 2007


This document

• Thanks to Vivek Gupta, Chair of 802.21

• All Documents

– http://www.ieee802.org/21

• All submissions are open to the public

– http://www.ieee802.org/21/doctree/

• Current draft is in the members-only area


Submission Slide 8
