IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)

IEEE 802.16-10/0062
IEEE 802.16
Working Group on
Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.16
Working Group on
Broadband Wireless Access
802.16 Session #71
Opening Plenary
9 Jan 2011
Administrative Announcements
• Disclosure of Affiliation
• Ethics policy
• Patents
• Copyrights
Working Group operation
IEEE 802 News
Disclosure of Affiliation
• See:
• Important note:
– Attendance software requires an “Affiliation” field
– This is the appropriate Affiliation field per IEEE-SA
disclosure requirements and will be reported as
Ethics policy
Patent Policy and Procedures
IEEE-SA Policy materials:
Slide set for presentation:
See link
802.16 LoAs
IEEE 802.16-Specific Letters of
Assurance in IEEE-SA Patent
Patent Policy: Reiteration Plan
The Working Group Chair or his or her designee shall issue the call at
every Working Group meeting.
If a group is “meeting” for consecutive days and the attendance is
substantially the same for each day of the gathering, the policy only
needs to be read once. If the chair plans not to read or display the
policy each day, then the chair must either (a) ensure that the policy
or a URL for it has been sent out to all attendees prior to the meeting
(and is available in the registration packet for any on-site registrants),
or (b) announce each day that the meeting is subject to the patent
policy as read or displayed on the first day.
Note, though, that this rule applies separately to each “group” that is
“meeting” during the week. For example, if a working group holds
a meeting during the same week as its task group, task force,
and/or study group, the chair of each of those groups must read
or display the policy at the beginning of that group’s first day of
Rules: Copyrights
Contribution Procedures
Submittals that violate the procedures will not
be accepted!
IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures
Three IEEE 802 Rules docs:
1. Policies and Procedures (P&P)
2. Operations Manual (OM)
3. IEEE 802 Working Group P&P
IEEE 802 WG P&P: Chair's Role
6.5.1 The Chair or his designee shall have
the following responsibilities…
• To decide which matters are procedural
and which matters are technical
• To decide procedural matters or defer them
to a vote by the WG
• Note: 802.16 Chair delegates the power to
make procedural decisions to the presiding
Task Group Chair
IEEE 802 OM: WG Domination
6.5.1 The Chair or his designee shall have
the following responsibilities…
• To determine if the WG is dominated by
an organization and, if so, treat that
organizations’ vote as one (with the
approval of the Sponsor)
Please bring any concern to the
immediate attention of WG Chair!
802.16 WG Function
Develops standards and recommended
practices to support the development
and deployment of Broadband
Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks
802.16 Working Group Status
802.16 Membership
• 226 Members
• 17 Potential Members
– eligible to become members at Session
• Session #71 this week
802.16 Interim Sessions
• #53: January 2008
– Levi, Finland
• #55: May 2008
– Macao, China
• #57: September 2008
– Kobe, Japan
• #59: January 2009
– San Diego, USA
• #61: May 2009
– Cairo, Egypt
• #63: August/September 2009
– Jeju, Korea
• #63.5: September 2009
– San Diego, USA
• #67: May 2010
– Bangalore, India
• #68.5: August 2010
– Calgary, AB, Canada
• #69: Sept 2010
– St Petersburg, Russia
• #71: Jan 2011
– Taipei
• #73: May 2011
– Lake Louise, AB, Canada
• #75: September 2011
– to be selected at #70
Previous Session
• #70: Nov 2010
– Dallas, USA
– Session #70 Report
IEEE Std 802.16h-2010
• IEEE Std 802.16h-2010
– Improved Coexistence Mechanisms for
License-Exempt Operation
– Approved 2010-06-17
– Published 2010-07-30
• Recognition of key Task Grouo participants
– Mariana Goldhamer, TG Chair
– Harry Bims, TG Vice Chair/Secretary
– Xuyong Wu, Editor
Active Projects
• P802.16m
– Advanced Air Interface
– Approved 2010-12-06
• extended through end of 2011 by IEEE-SA Stds Board
• P802.16n:
– Amendment: Higher Reliability Networks
– Approved 2010-06-17
• P802.16p
– Machine-to-Machine Applications
– Approved 2010-09-30
P802.16m Status
• Brian Kiernan, Chair, Task Group m
• P802.16m Draft: P802.16m/D10
– December: EC granted conditional approval to forward to RevCom;
allows two recircs
– Completed Fourth Sponsor Ballot Recirc
• 94% approval; Comments to resolve
• Schedule:
• Workplan of 18 March 2010 remains valid
• Final recirc after Session #71
– need to plan this week for ballot resolution process
• Submit to RevCom by 18 Feb deadline
• Approval by IEEE-SA Stds Board on 31 March
• Publish immediately (requires editorial coordination!)
P802.16n Status
• Tim Godfrey, Chair, GRIDMAN Task Group
• Developed System Requirements Document
• Developing System Architecture Reference
Model (SARM)
P802.16p Status
• Ron Murias, Chair, M2M Task Group
• Second meeting (following PAR approval of
• Developed Machine to Machine (M2M)
System Requirements Document (SRD)
– Comments received
Maintenance Task Group
• Jon Labs, Chair
• No active PARs
• Continuing to meet and conduct ongoing
WG maintenance activities
ITU-R Liaison Group
• Chair: Reza Arefi
• IMT-Advanced technology proposal
– IEEE’s “WirelessMAN-Advanced” (based on 802.16m)
was “approved as an IMT-Advanced technology: (201010-20)
– Final submission due on 30 March 2011
• Ongoing drafting this week
• Finalization at Session #72
– Note: Per 802.16m schedule, standard will be approved
and published during the week after the 30 March
deadline but before the WP 5D meeting starts (6 April)
Project Planning Committee
• Meeting Chair: Rakesh Taori
• Considering planning activities and new
project proposals
• Proposed revision of IEEE Std 802.16
– Various approaches to be considered
– WG Chair suggests splitting std into two
• P802.16m Chief Editor Ron Murias has been
developing a plan to coordinate future
editorial work
802.16 WG Officers
• Chair: Roger Marks
• Vice Chair: Rakesh Taori
• Secretary: Erik Colban (acting)
• Treasurer: Scott Migaldi