802.24 Vertical Applications TAG September 2015 Meeting Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3


Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

802.24 Vertical Applications TAG

September 2015 Meeting

Submission Slide 1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

802.24 Overview

• Officers

– TAG Chair:

– Secretary & TAG Vice Chair:

• Task Groups

– 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG

– 802.24.2 IoT TG

• 34 Voting Members

• Meetings for the Week

– Agenda:

– Monday PM2

– Tuesday PM2

– Wednesday PM2

Tim Godfrey

Ben Rolfe

Tim Godfrey

Chris DiMinico


Lotus Suite 12 - 22nd Floor

Lotus Suite 4 - 22nd Floor

Lotus Suite 5 - 22nd Floor

Submission Slide 2

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Agenda - 24-15-0024-01-0000

Monday PM2 session 1

1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum

1.2 Approval of Agenda

1.3 Introduction/meeting objectives

1.4 Approve July minutes (24-15-0022-00-0000)

1.5 Review action items from previous meeting

1.6 Review TAG Attendance discussion outcomes

1.7 Begin 802.24.1 business

1.8 ITU SC1 Question 236 Review/Response

1.9 Recess










5 4:00 PM

5 4:05 PM

5 4:10 PM

5 4:15 PM

5 4:20 PM

5 4:25 PM

0 4:30 PM

60 4:30 PM

0 5:30 PM

2 Tuesday PM2 session


Call to Order - 802.24.1 business


Development of sub 1 GHz White Paper


Review of SGIP Catalog of Standards and Wireless Matrix status







3 Wednesday PM2 session


Call to Order - 802.24.1 business

Smart Grid Whitepaper Companion Presentation (review action items and section




802.24 TAG Business


Update on IEEE Paper Contest - review topic abstract contribution(s)


Review action items from current meeting



Submission Slide 3











4:00 PM

4:05 PM

5:05 PM

5:20 PM

0 4:00 PM

30 4:00 PM

0 4:30 PM

30 4:30 PM



5:00 PM

5:10 PM

Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings

All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws.

Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims.

Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions.

Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings.

Technical considerations remain primary focus

Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets.

Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation.

Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object.


If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org or visit http://standards.ieee.org/about/sasb/patcom/index.html

See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and

“Promoting Competition and Innovation:

What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details.

This slide set is available at https://development.standards.ieee.org/myproject/Public/mytools/mob/preparslides.ppt

March 2015

IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3


• Attendance take on IMAT

– Reciprocal rights for most WGs

• Web page

– http://www.ieee802.org/24

• Mailing list

– stds-802-24@listserv.ieee.org

– 802-24-voters@listserv.ieee.org (voters list)

• Document archive

– http://mentor.ieee.org/802.24/documents

• IEEE 802 announcement reflector, stds-802-all@listserv.ieee.org

– Send email to listserv@listserv.ieee.org with no subject and with the

– following 2 lines appearing first in the body of the message

Subscribe stds-802-all end

Submission Slide 5 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Action Items from July

• Carry Over:

– Ludwig: provide paragraph on Coexistence in global bands and global regulatory aspects.

– Yongho Seok: summary of 802.11ah

• New From July

– Writing assignments in previous slides

– Student Paper Contest process

Submission Slide 6 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

TAG Attendance Update

• Account for different WG attendance recording mechanisms in 802.24

• Plan going forward

– 2 Regular and One Optional

• Tuesday PM2 slot will be optional / extra credit

• Paper attendance will be available for 802.3 participants

Submission Slide 7 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Monday: 802.24.1 Tasks

• ITU SC1 Question 236 Review /


Submission Slide 8 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

ITU-R WP 1A Q236/1 report on Smart Grid

• 802.18 received the latest update to the subject document from the ITU-R and have another opportunity to update our inputs to this report.

• https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/15/18-


• Is there any need for further comment?

– 802.24 will edit in comments before the March

2016 Plenary

Submission Slide 9 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

General Comments on Document


• Section 5 title: “ITU approach to smart grid”

– Actual topic: “ITU PLC standards for smart grid”

• Section 6 title: Data rates, bandwidths, frequency bands and spectrum requirements needed to support the needs of power grid management systems

– Actual topic: Overview of smart grid communications architecture and applicable standards.

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Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3


• Initial 802.24 comments posted in document:



Submission Slide 11 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Tuesday: 802.24.1 Tasks

• 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Items

– Development of sub 1 GHz White Paper

• Scope Presentation 24-15-0004r1

• Outline: 24-15-0009r1

• Draft: 24-15-0029r0

• Integrate SGIP PAP2 Matrix reduced for Sub

1GHz 24-15-16r1

• Review new contributions

• Integrate into draft

Submission Slide 12 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Sub GHz White Paper

• Outline in 24-15-0009-02-sgtg

• Author Assignments:

– 802.15.4g (SUN) Overview

– 802.11ah (S1G)

– 802.15.4m (TVWS)

– 802.11af

Steve Pope

Yongho Seok

Kunal Shah, Ben Rolfe


– Rich Kennedy?)

– 802.19.1

– 802.22

Tuncer Baykas

Apurva Mody

– Sub-1GHz Applications

– Coexistence

Jeritt Kent


(incorporate SG-NET material?)

– Global regulatory environment Kunal Shah, Phil Beecher

• Contributions were requested by end of August 2015

Submission Slide 13 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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Wednesday 802.24.1

Slide 14 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

White Paper Companion Presentation

• Current version:


• Action Items to completion:

– Slide 12 802 security overview (Bob M)

– Slide 13

– Slide 14

– Slide 15

– Slide 16

– Slide 17

– Slide 18

– Slide 30

802.1X overview (Mike Seaman?)

802.11 security overview

802.15 Security (Tero?)

802.16 Security

802.22 Security (Apurva?)

Non Mains and Low Power Applications

TVWS Standards

Submission Slide 15 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

PAP 2 Wireless Matrix

• The Wireless Characteristics Matrix was started in


– PAP 2 ended before all the updates provided by IEEE

802 were included in the matrix.

• “Ask The Expert” webinar last year

– SGIP is still linking to this version of the matrix: Copy of Consolidated_Wireless_Characteristics_Matrix2_09-


– An updated matrix has never been released. (note it is still at the old NIST twiki web site, not at SGIP.org)

• http://collaborate.nist.gov/twikisggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/PAP02Wireless

Submission Slide 16 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

PAP 2 Wireless Matrix

• Steps to update

– Find the latest version of the matrix and all

802 contributions.

• Is this the latest?

• 24-13-0021-01-0000-802-15-4g-e-updates-nistwireless-characteristics-matrix.xlsx

– Determine if updates are needed

– Provide updated Matrix to SGIP and request hosting and links to make it visible and available.

Submission Slide 17 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

802 Student Paper Competition

• This is an 802 competition, hosted by 802.24

• First Task: Decide on topic or set of topics (802.1 & .3 are welcome to contribute also)

– Regulatory (TVWS, cognitive radio, sensing metrics, etc) (James Gilb)

– Implications of LBT rules in regulatory domains, techniques for spectrum sharing (Ruben S)

– New ideas for standards or amendments (Steve Pope)

– History and implementation of security architecture (Demir)

– Improving Humanity through Technology (Steve Pope)

• Announce call for topics on 802.24 reflector

• Coordinate and delegate to Susan Tatiner to plan, review, and provide broader exposure when the contest is announced (e.g. create a flyer and advertisement campaign on ieee.org)

• Topic abstracts due End of August

– Describe what the “judges” will be looking for

• Post abstracts to Reflector

– Selection of first competition topic to be made in September

– Send out to EC Email ballot

Submission Slide 18 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Format of Competition

• Open to all students worldwide. Original unpublished work only.

• Three places

• Various prizes

– Top 3 get travel stipend, comp hotel (tbd)

• Need based – if local university doesn’t

– Top 10 are offered presentation and meeting fee waiver

• All finalists have to provide presentation in addition to paper

– Presentations to be held in extra 802.24 slots

– Possibility to publish winning papers? (Ask Susan to talk to Potentials magazine, Computer

Society, Spectrum?)

• Schedule:

– Contest announced September 2015 (Bangkok)

– Papers Due January 2016 (Atlanta)

– Winners announced in March 2016 (Macau)

– Papers presented July 2016 (San Diego)


– Review Topic Abstracts

– Develop any additional topic abstracts

– Select first competition topic

– Develop Contest Announcement

– Initiate EC Approval Process

Submission Slide 19 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015

Topic Contributions

doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• Demir Rakanovic

– History and implementation of security architecture.docx

Submission Slide 20 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Steve Pope

• Topics: Future Network Technologies for Social Good

– IEEE 802 technologies cover both wired and wireless network capabilities at the personal-area, local-area, and metropolitan-area scales.

– Over the past decade, these technologies have become increasingly important, potentially life-saving, during trying social conditions including, but not limited to, war, repressive regimes, refugee crises, public protests, and environmental crises and public disasters.

– At the same time, perpetrator individuals and rogue governments might employ aspects of the technologies against the public, by blocking or controlling networks, by eavesdropping, or through identity and data theft.

• How should these technologies evolve in a way that best serves the greater public good? Possible technical areas:

– Mesh networking

– Zero-based services for information delivery

– Improvements against eavesdropping, exfiltration, and other information theft.

– How the technology might specifically be improved to better serve social needs, and be hardened against socially problematical usages

– How such evolution can be driven by the IEEE 802 standards process.

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Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Ruben Salazar

• The topic would be Spectrum Sharing and Regulation: how the regulator can and should ensure the best and non-discriminatory use of a shared spectrum.

• The paper should include comparative information about such regulations in the different major areas of the world, Asia Pacific, Europe and Americas.

• The paper should also identify those areas where the regulation imposes static constraints

(Listen Before Talk or Duty cycles) on channel access that could compromise the effective use of the spectral resource.

• Based on such information the candidate should elaborate about the use of Channel

Sensing to serve regulation: is the complexity added to the implementations necessary or could similar sharing performance be achieved without such constraints. Same analysis about the use of Duty Cycle schemes. Finally, the candidate should analyze if and how

Transmit Power Management could be used efficiently for Spectrum sharing, with potentially lower complexity impact. Indeed lower power communications would propagate less and would be confined, which allows for better geographical Spectrum re-use. What would be a good combination of all these techniques to ensure best Spectrum Sharing.

• The paper should conclude on which technique would be more adapted to the new applications coming from the IoT initiatives.

Submission Slide 22 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

James Gilb edits to Ruben Salazar

• The topic would be Spectrum Sharing and Regulation: how the regulator can and should ensure the best and non-discriminatory use of a shared spectrum.

• The paper should include comparative information about such regulations that are relevant to IEEE 802 wireless networks in the different major areas of the world, Asia Pacific, Europe and Americas.

• The paper should also identify those areas where the regulation imposes static constraints

(Listen Before Talk or Duty cycles) on channel access that could compromise the effective use of the spectral resource.

• The paper should focus on how these issues affect IEEE 802 wireless networks.

• Based on such information the candidate should elaborate about the hat are relevant to

IEEE 802 wireless network use of Channel Sensing to serve

• regulation: is the complexity added to the implementations necessary or could similar sharing performance be achieved without such constraints.

• Same analysis about the use of Duty Cycle schemes.

• Finally, the candidate should analyze if and how Transmit Power Management could be used efficiently for Spectrum sharing, with potentially lower complexity impact. Indeed lower power communications would propagate less and would be confined, which allows for better geographical Spectrum re-use. What would be a good combination of all these techniques to ensure best Spectrum Sharing.

• The paper should conclude on which technique would be more adapted to the new applications coming from the IoT initiatives.

Submission Slide 23 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3



• - Compare and contrast the key features of IEEE

802.11af, IEEE 802.15.4m, and IEEE 802.22. Identify strengths and weaknesses of each standards

• - How does IEEE 802.19.1 work in conjunction with

IEEE TVWS standards (IEEE 802.11af, IEEE

802.15.4m, IEEE 802.22) and other users of the


Submission Slide 24 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Spectrum Sharing and Regulation: How the regulator can and should ensure the best and non-discriminatory use of a shared spectrum.

• Specific topics relevant to IEEE 802 wireless networks are:

– Comparative information about regulations for wireless networks in the different major areas of the world, Asia Pacific, Europe and Americas.

– Identify those areas where the regulation imposes static constraints (e.g., Listen Before

Talk or Duty cycles) on channel access that could compromise the effective use of the spectral resource.

– Discuss the use of Channel Sensing to serve regulation: is the complexity added to the implementations necessary or could similar sharing performance be achieved without such constraints.

– Discuss the use of Duty Cycle schemes to serve regulation: is the complexity added to the implementations necessary or could similar sharing performance be achieved without such constraints.

– Analyze if and how Transmit Power Management could be used efficiently for

Spectrum sharing, with potentially lower complexity impact. Indeed lower power communications would propagate less and would be confined, which allows for better geographical Spectrum re-use.

– How can spectrum sharing techniques be adapted to the new applications coming from the IoT initiatives?

Submission Slide 25 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• Describe the application of IEEE 802 standards in Distributed Energy

Resource Management Systems


• Describe the application of IEEE 802 standards in Field Area Networks and

Field Message Buses

Submission Slide 26 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

General topics

• Anything that describes uses of IEEE 802 standards in networking to solve problems and advance the cause of humanity.

• Historical overview of IEEE 802 standard(s)

• Compare similar or competing IEEE 802 technologies

• Application of IEEE 802 standards to new applications and uses

Submission Slide 27 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015

Paper Requirements

doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• 5 – 7 pages, standard IEEE Format

– E.g. IEEE Greencom

• Up to 2 authors and meeting fee waivers per paper. Single travel and hotel stipend.

Submission Slide 28 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Action List

• In each topic group, pick topics singly or in combination

• Create email address for submissions (Luigi)

• Create announcement, documentation, and web page (John D)

• Coordinate with Glen Parsons w.r.t special consideration for magazine submissions / publication.

• Ask IEEE if they have an automatic paper submission system? Can we use edas?

• Get a join.me account for 802.24. Ask Bob Heile.

Submission Slide 29 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015

Call for Volunteers

doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• Judges: Any voting member of any


• Development Team

– James Gilb, Tim Godfrey, Jeritt Kent, Clint

Powell, Ruben Salazar

Submission Slide 30 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015


• Described in EC-15-0060-01 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• Schedule

– Everything drafted and ready for October EC conference call.

– Announce Public in November

– Due in February

– Pick Winner March plenary

– Winners announced after March

– Winners attend July plenary

Submission Slide 31 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015

• Ad Hoc Teleconference for

Development Team doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

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Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3


• To support the IEEE 802 Student Paper

Contest, and the funding described in

EC-15-0060-01. Authorize the ad-hoc development team to create the necessary documents to initiate the contest.

– Move James

– Second Clint

– Vote: 6 : 0 : 0

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Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Wednesday 802.24 TAG

Submission Slide 34 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

Sept 2015

802.24 TAG closing

doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

• Any New Business?

• Capture action Items from this meeting

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Sept 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.24-15-0025r3

Next Meeting of 802.24

• November 9-11, 2015

• Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX, USA

• Task Groups meeting

– 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG

– 802.24.2 IoT TG

Submission Slide 36 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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Slide 37 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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