CARS PURPOSE – July 21, 2010 (Spring 09) The Enrollment Management and Student Success Committee (EMSSC) is charged with recommending to the president policies, procedures, practices, and actions that will contribute to student success at CSUCI, including retention practices, student enrollment planning, facilitating graduation and other student success issues. Based on the Academic Master Plan, the committee will develop a 5-year Strategic Enrollment Management Plan designed to enable the campus to strategically shape campus enrollment and align enrollment goals with the institutional mission, resources, and the academic master plan. (Fall 2010) CARS will develop and implement policies, procedures and actions designed to enable the University to meet its enrollment goals. Based on the Academic Master Plan and the University mission, the committee will develop a 5-year strategic enrollment management plan that includes measures for access, retention, and success. “CARS will develop recommendations for the President’s cabinet in regard to better retaining and graduating students, with a particular focus on the pursuit of a diverse student body aligned to the mission of the University. “ The purpose of CARS is to serve as the Steering Committee/Advisory Committee for implementing the Access, Retention & Success initiative of the Strategic Plan. CARS will monitor progress in accomplishing the 2-year and 5-year objectives, brainstorm and recommend strategies, review outcome data, and report accomplishments to the President's Cabinet.