Document 17741672

 Emergency Procedures Poster Review
 Emergency Equipment
 Skidmore Urgent Notification System (SUNS), Siren, Text Message,
Website, Email, Facebook, Twitter
 Preparing for Emergencies
Responding to Emergencies – What do you need to know?
Shelter in Place/Lockdown/Escape
Tornado/Severe Weather
Active Shooter
Questions, Suggestions & Feedback
Evacuations Procedures:
Become familiar with evacuation routes and Evacuation Assembly Points. Relay this information
to people in your building/department
Do not use elevators to evacuate
Check upper floor stairwells where people with disabilities will move to await assistance in
evacuation. If occupied, relay information to Campus Safety
• Evacu-trac
• Campus Safety, Jonsson Tower Basement
• Jonsson Tower – 11th Floor
• Palamountain Hall – 4th Floor
• Saisselin Art Building – 2nd Floor
• Scribner Library – 3rd Floor
• Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
• Campus Safety, Jonsson Tower Basement
• Case Center – Cyber Café
• Dining Hall – Atrium Café/Cash Register
• JKB Theater – Ticket Booth
• Palamountain Hall – 2nd Floor
• Williamson Sport Center – Main Lobby
• Zankel Music Building – Lobby Coat Room
• Fire Extinguishers
• Various Locations Throughout Campus
•Student EMS Program
Skidmore Urgent Notification System
Siren/Audio Alarm System
located atop the library can be activated to alert
the community during an immediate or imminent emergency
e2Campus Service
combines instant text messages, voicemails, Facebook, Twitter
and emails that can be disseminated during an emergency
Campus email
will be utilized to transmit information to all College constituents
Telephone Alert System
will allow emergency messages to be placed in telephone voice mailboxes so equipped
College’s main website page
will report Emergency Alerts (different colors signify different level of emergencies).
Personal Contact/Phone Trees
– Flyers
Shelter In Place
You may be advised to "shelter in place" rather than evacuate your building during emergency situations such
as large hazardous material releases or severe weather emergencies. Advice to shelter in place will be
conveyed through official notification systems.
Stay inside the building or go indoors as quickly as possible if you are working outside.
Close windows to provide tighter seal against chemicals vapors, smoke and/or fumes.
Locate supplies you may need such as food, water, radio, or flashlights if you have them.
In case of a tornado, go to a central room or corridor where there are no windows and few doors.
In the event of a hazardous material release, turn off fans, air conditioning or ventilation systems, if you have
control of these systems. Most building ventilation systems are centrally controlled and will be shut down
during such events.
Stay tuned and monitor official emergency notification systems information for further instructions.
Tornado/Severe Weather Incident
Your best protection is an underground shelter (or basement) or a substantial
steel-framed or reinforced concrete building.
If your residence hall or campus building does not have a basement, take
cover under heavy furniture on the ground floor in the center of the building,
or in a small room on the ground floor that is away from outside walls and
Stay away from windows to avoid flying debris.
If you are outside and there isn't time to get into a building, take cover and lie
flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch, culvert, excavation, or ravine.
Avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums with large, poorly supported roofs. If you
are in one of the all-wood buildings, evacuate to a safer location.
If you are in an administrative or classroom building, go to an interior hallway
on the lowest floor. Stay away from windows.
A lockdown may be preferable during situations such as the presence of a hostile or armed intruder inside
a building.
A lockdown requires locking doors, windows, and barricading oneself to block entry to a campus facility, a
classroom, or to an office compound.
The following are general lockdown procedures:
Lock or barricade classroom doors.
Close windows and window treatments.
Turn off the lights.
Instruct everyone to remain silent and not to go into hallways.
Crouch down in areas out of sight from doors and windows to conceal yourself as much as possible.
If you are in hallways during the emergency, seek shelter immediately in the nearest classroom or
office compound.
If you are in outdoor areas, you should immediately take cover.
Active Shooter Response:
If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area
and started shooting, the following are a list of actions that are
Exit the building immediately.
Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building
If you are directly involved and exiting the building is not possible, the
following actions are recommended:
Go to the nearest room or office.
Close and lock/barricade the door.
Cover the door windows.
Keep quiet and act as if no one is in the room.
DO NOT answer the door.
Defend, divert or attack.
Be Careful About Decisions
• All situations will be DYNAMIC- decisions will be based on
conditions where YOU are – There is no one answer
• Plan ahead based on where you are: exits, shelter areas
• The shooter will not stop until his objectives have been met,
unless engaged by law enforcement
• Consider the risk exposure created by opening the door
• Attempts to rescue people should only be made if that can be
done without further endangering the persons inside a
secured area
• The shooter may bang on the door and yell for help to entice
you to open the door
• Remember the safety of the masses versus the safety of a few
• If there is any doubt to the safety of the individuals inside the
room, the area needs to remain secured
Law Enforcement Response
• Law enforcement will immediately respond to the area
• It is important for you to convey to others that help is on the
way. Remain inside the secure area.
• Law enforcement’s goal is to locate, contain, and stop the
shooter, not treat the injured.
• The safest place for you to be is inside a secure room
• The shooter will not flee when law enforcement enters the
building, instead he will have new targets to shoot
• Remember the shooter’s mindset is NOT escape. His goal is
to kill and injure
• The police don’t know if you are friend or foe!
– Keep hands visible
– Listen to commands and obey
Please be advised that this video production is dramatic and realistic.
Some viewers may find it upsetting.
Thank you for your commitment
and dedication to the safety of
Skidmore College
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