TRAVEL REQUEST FORM Item Data Travel Year (Academic Year) Faculty/Staff Name Rank (Title) Academic Unit Name of Conference/Meeting Location of Conference/Meeting Date(s) of Conference/Meeting Mode of transportation (ground, air) Estimated Costs* *The School of Health Studies will reimburse up to $1000 in travel costs per academic year for faculty members. Funds exceeding the above figures can be paid via individual faculty grants or online funds (assuming the applicant has such funds available). Regardless of funding source, this travel request form must be completed before all travel. NOTE: International travel requests should be submitted two months in advance of the planned trip. In the space below, please provide a specific description of why you will be attending this conference/meeting. Potential reasons may be multiple and may include, but may not be limited to: Providing a main lecture or tutorial Presentation of data Meeting with funding agency representatives Data collection or research work Committee work (elected officer or otherwise) Promotion of academic programs Professional development to improve job-specific skills used regularly within the school If applicable, you should include details of how your attendance at this conference/meeting will benefit the School of Health Studies. School funded: Applicant Signature Date of Request Account #: Amount: $ Director’s Approval Date of Approval YES NO