THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS Business Continuity Plan – [insert name of college/department] [T HIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY . P LAN U OF M B USINESS C ONTINUITY P LAN E DITOR .] IS TO BE INPUT A ND MAINTAINED ONLINE . GO TO WWW . MEMPHIS . EDU / BCP FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS AND A CCESS TO THE Department Information DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Chair/Director UUID: [Enter UUID only. When plan is placed online, personal information will be extracted from Spectrum.] Plan Editors’ UUIDs: [Enter UUIDs only. When plan is placed online, personal information will be extracted from Spectrum.] EMERGENCY CONTACT(S) AND ALTERNATES Name and Title Office Address and Phone Home Address and Phone Cell Phone and E-mail [Enter UUIDs only. When plan is placed online, personal information will be extracted from Spectrum.] ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT STAFF Name [Enter UUIDs only. When plan is placed online, personal information will be extracted from Spectrum.] Role Office Phone Home Phone E-mail/Cell phone Home Address DEPARTMENT’S INTERNAL COMMUNICATION PLAN IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY [Describe how your department’s faculty, staff, graduate assistants and other workers will communicate with one another in the event of a pandemic. Methods used include a ‘phone tree’ (include information or link to file with details); e -mail; instant messaging; web pages; telephones; among others. Some social distancing measures, such as the recommendation to maintain 6 feet of spatial separation between individuals or to otherwise limit face -to-face contact, may be appropriate and sustainable indefinitely at comparatively minimal cost. Low -cost or sustainable social distancing measures should be introduced within the workplace immediately after a community outbreak begins. All faculty and staff should update their personal information (address, phone numbers, etc.) via the Employee tab on Spectru m. Go to for information on accessing this information. ] DEPARTMENT’S EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION PLAN IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY [Describe how your department’s faculty and staff will communicate with external stakeholders (students, customers, parents, state officials, etc.) in the event of a pandemic. Methods used include; e-mail; instant messaging; web pages; telephones; among others. Please remember that all contact with the media will be coordinated by the University’s Marketing & Communications office.] Critical Operations CRITICAL/ESSENTIAL DEPARMENT OPERATIONS (IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE) Critical/Essential Operation Person Responsible for Operation Alternate Person #1 Action Plan to Continue Essential Operation/Service Functions provided by faculty, staff and organizational units may be categorized as critical or essential in light of their i mportance to University operations or in light of their contribution to maintaining critical infrastructure systems. Each unit should consider the following organizational priorities as critical functions, essential resources, and contracts are ide ntified in the department business continuity plans. Department plans should be prepared with the goal of enabling the University's essential functions to continue regardless of whether or not systems are operational, facilities and infrastructure services are available, or other organizations are viab le. Institutional priorities include: • Health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. • Delivery of teaching/learning and other student -related services. • Continuation of research and maintenance of research infrastructure. • Security and preservation of University facilities and equipment. • Maintenance of support for partnerships with the community. Readiness Checklist PLANNING READINESS CHECKLIST - HIGH PRIORITY ACTION ITEMS TO PREPARE FOR PANDEMIC Action Items Responsible Person(s) 1. [Identify those things that need to be done in order to ensure that communications plans will be effective and critical operations can continue.] [Enter UUIDs only. When plan is placed online, personal information will be extracted from Spectrum.] 2. Example: Update employee contact information in Spectrum 3. 4. 5. Due Date Plan (How this action item will be completed) June 15, 2007 Departmental Administrator will ask all faculty and staff to update their personal information (address, phone numbers, etc.) via the Employee tab on Spectrum. Go to for information on accessing this information. ] Resources/Supplies ESSENTIAL RESOURCES/SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR MAINTAINING DEPARTMENT’S CRITICAL OPERATIONS Essential Resources/Supplies for Critical Operations Action Plan to Stockpile Supplies Current Supplier Name, Address, and Phone Number Alternate Supplier Name, Address, and Phone Number [Specify resources and supplies that are essential to the continuation of critical operations. Consider both internal (UofM) and external suppliers.] Services ESSENTIAL SERVICES REQUIRED FOR MAINTAINING CRITICAL OPERATIONS Essential Services Required to Maintain Critical Operations during an Emergency [Specify services that are essential to the continuation of critical operations. Consider both internal (UofM) and external service providers.] Current Provider/Contractor Name, Address, and Phone Alternate Provider/Contractor Name, Address, and Phone Travel ESSENTIAL TRAVEL REQUIRED FOR MAINTAINING DEPARTMENT’S CRITICAL OPERATIONS Essential Travel - domestic or international - Required to Maintain Services during an Emergency Current Mode of Travel Alternate Travel Mode or Alternative to Travel [Specify travel that is essential to your unit. For example: do faculty need to travel to specific parts of the world to conduct their research? What if they cannot visit those sites for a period of time? How might their research con tinue. Similarly, many administrators travel to Nashville for a variety of purposes. Can these same meetings be held via conference call or other methods?] SIGNATURES Plan Approved by Department Chair/Director Sign: Date: Periodic Reviews: Form used with permission from University of Michigan OSEH. 5/14/07