Financial Assistance S C H OL AR S H IP OP P OR TU N ITIE S The School of Accountancy offers several accounting scholarships that range from $1,000 to $5,000 per year and are awarded each Spring based on performance in the program. Information about hospitality and resort management scholarships may be found at: Kemmons Wilson School Scholarships KWS Undergraduate Scholarship Application Additional scholarship opportunities may be found at: University Scholarships M AS TE R ' S P R OGR AM AS S IS T AN TS H I P S A limited number of Graduate Assistantships are available that provide payment of tuition plus $3,000 per semester. When completing your departmental application, you will have the opportunity to apply for these competitive positions. FIN AN C I AL AID Financial assistance can be found through the Financial Aid Office through grants, loans, work-study opportunities, and scholarships.