JUST - Faculty of Dentistry. Dent 788: Medical Problems in Dentistry 2

JUST - Faculty of Dentistry.
Dent 788: Medical Problems in Dentistry
2nd Semester 2006 – 2007. Course Syllabus
Course Coordinator: Dr. Ma’amon Rawashdeh
Course Objectives:
This course has clinical component only and will cover through a series of lectures. The course
is designed to provide students with sound understanding of the dental management of the
medically compromised patient
Course Title: Medical Problems in Dentistry
Course Code: Dent 788
Prerequisite: None
Course Credits: 2 hours, one 2-hour lecture every week
Course description:
This course is offered by the Department of Oral medicine & Surgery and is one of the elective
courses of the Master program. Lectures are set to cover the various topics of the management
of medically compromised patients. Postgraduate/Master students are required to participate
actively in preparing and presenting the different lecture topics. Master students are introduced
and encouraged to developed research skills by writing presentations/term papers about the
topics in the course.
Course Objectives:
This course has theoretical component only and will cover through a series of lectures. The
course is designed to provide students with sound understanding of the dental management of
the medically compromised patient
Lectures and reading:
 Lectures: Interactive lectures will be planned to explain some aspects, illustrate
important points and motivate students. Total coverage will not be the goal of these
 Self reading and library projects will be assigned as appropriate
 Relevant chapters of textbooks and review articles may be distributed
Recommended Reading:
Latest edition of: Medical Problems in Dentistry by C. Scully & R.A. Cawson.
Assessment: There will be two intrasemester exams (theory) credited 25 marks each and a
comprehensive final examination (theory) credited 50 marks.
Sundays, 11-1, Blue lecture hall, Dental Teaching Centre, Irbid
JUST - Faculty of Dentistry.
Dent 788: Medical Problems in Dentistry
2nd Semester 2006 – 2007. Course Syllabus
Course Coordinator: Dr. Ma’amon a. Rawashdeh
Guidelines & Presentation Techniques
Assessment of the patient & Anesthetic considerations, Pain &
Anxiety Control
Cardiovascular Disease1: Ischaemic Heart Disease, Heart
Failure, Arrhythmias, Pace Makers
Cardiovascular Disease 2: Hypertension, Anemia
Cardiovascular Disease 3: Infective Endocardititis
1st Exam
Bleeding Disorders
Respiratory Disorders: Asthma, COPD,
Oral & Dental Problems in the Organ Transplant Patients
Endocrine Disorders: Adreno-Cortical, Steriod Therapy
2nd Exam
Endocrine Disorders: Diabetes, Thyroid Diorders
Management of Pregnant & Postpartum Patients
Projects Assessment & Revision
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh
Dr. Rawashdeh