Regulating Hurricane Insurance Loss Costs Produced by Computer Models Presented to the CASE

Regulating Hurricane Insurance
Loss Costs
Produced by Computer Models
Presented to the CASE
October 10, 2005
Martin M. Simons MAAA, ACAS, FCA
Public Actuarial Consultant
Presentation to CASE
1. Florida Commission on Hurricane
Loss Projection Methodology
2. Hawaii Hurricane Model Review
3. Insurance Rate Filings and
Hurricane Loss Estimation
• Establish by Florida Legislature in 1995
• to adopt findings relating to the
accuracy or reliability of particular
methods, principles, standards,
models, or output ranges used to
project hurricane losses
• eleven member statutorily defined
Insurance Consumer Advocate
FHCF Executive Director
Executive Director of Citizens P.I.C.
Director of Emergency Management
FHCF Advisory Council Actuary
Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Actuary
P & C Company Actuary
Professor of Insurance Finance
Professor of Statistics
Professor of Computer Science
Professor of Meteorology
• Designed and constructed in a
careful, sensible, and
scientifically acceptable
manner such that they
correctly describe the critical
aspects needed to project
loss costs
• Consistently produce
dependable results and that
there is no inherent or known
bias which would cause the
model or technique to
overstate or understate the
Acceptability Process
• Prior to November 1, each year, FCHLPM
produces new standards, forms and
submission requirements
• Prior to February 1, modeler must notify the
FCHLPM that it is ready for review, including:
– Submission document
– Required Forms must be completed
– Description of Trade Secret
information to be presented to the
Professional Team
Professional Team
• Meteorologist - Dr. Jenni Evans
• Structural Engineer – Fred
• Actuary – Marty Simons
• Statistician – Dr. Mark Johnson
• Computer Scientist – Dr. Paul
Professional Team Review
• Due diligence review of submitted
information and proprietary
• On-site testing under control and
supervision of the professional team
• Verification of information submitted in
forms, disclosures, etc.
• Review of standards for compliance
• To be determined acceptable,
the model must have been
found acceptable for all
• If the model fails to be found
acceptable, by a majority
vote, for any one Standard,
the model will not be found to
be acceptable.
• General (5 standards)
• Meteorology (6 standards)
• Vulnerability (2 standards)
• Actuarial (9 standards)
• Statistical (6 standards)
• Computer (7 standards)
General Standard
• G-1 - Scope of the Computer Model
and its Implementation
–The computer model shall
project loss costs for personal
lines residential property from
hurricane events
General Standard
• G-2 – Qualifications of Personnel
A – Model construction, testing, and
evaluation shall be performed by
modeler personnel or consultants
who possess the necessary skills,
formal education, or experience to
develop the relevant components for
hurricane loss projection
General Standard
• G-2 – Qualifications of Personnel
B - . . reviewed by either modeler personnel
or consultants in the following disciplines:
1) structural engineer (licensed P.E.)
2) statistics (advanced degree)
3) actuarial science (FCAS or ACAS)
4) meteorology (advanced degree)
5) computer science (advanced degree)
General Standard
• G-3 – Risk Location
A - ZIP Codes must be updated at
least every 24 months
B – ZIP Codes must be based on
population centroids
C – ZIP Code information must be
General Standard
• G-4 Submission Specifications
A – Units of measurement must be
clearly defined
B – Model outputs shall be in statute
miles, statute miles per hour, and
C – Wind fields generated by the model
shall be used for completing forms and
tables in submission
General Standard
G-5 Independence of Model Components
– The meteorological, vulnerability and
actuarial components shall each be
theoretically sound without
compensation for potential bias from
the other two components.
Relationships within the model
among the meteorological,
vulnerability, and actuarial
components shall be reasonable.
Meteorological Standard
• M-1 Base Hurricane Storm Set
For validation of landfall and
bypassing storm frequency in the
stochastic storm set, the modeler
shall use
FCHLPM Official Storm Set, or
The NHC HURDAT as of June 1,
Meteorological Standard
• M-2 – Hurricane Characteristics
Methods for depicting all hurricane
characteristics, including but not limited to
wind speed, radial distributions of winds and
pressure, minimum central pressure, radius
of maximum winds, strike probabilities,
tracks, the spatial and time variant wind
fields, and conversion factors, shall be based
on information documented by currently
accepted scientific literature.
Meteorological Standard
• M-3 Landfall Intensity
Models shall use maximum one-minute
sustained 10-meter wind speed when
defining hurricane landfall intensity. This
applies both to the Base Hurricane Storm Set
used to develop landfall strike probabilities
as a function of coastal location and to the
modeled winds in each hurricane which
causes damage.
Meteorological Standard
• M-4 – Hurricane Probabilities
A – Modeled probability distributions
for hurricane intensity, forward speed,
radii for maximum winds, and storm
heading shall be consistent with
historical hurricanes in the Atlantic
Meteorological Standard
• M-4 – Hurricane Probabilities
B – Modeled hurricane probabilities
shall reasonably reflect the Base Storm
Set used for category 1 to 5 hurricanes
and shall be consistent with those
observed for each coastal segment of
Florida and neighboring states
(Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi).
Meteorological Standard
• M-5 – Land Friction and Weakening
A – The magnitude of land friction
coefficients shall be consistent with
currently accepted scientific literature
relevant to current geographical
surface roughness distributions and
shall be implemented with appropriate
geographic information system data.
Meteorological Standard
• M-5 – Land Friction and Weakening
B- The hurricane overland
weakening rate methodology used
by the model shall be reasonable
in comparison to historical
Meteorological Standard
• M-6 – Logical Relationship of Hurricane
A – The magnitude of asymmetry shall
increase as the translational speed
increases, all other factors held
B – The wind speed shall decrease with
increasing surface roughness (friction),
all other factors held constant.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-1 – Derivation of Vulnerability
A – Development of the vulnerability
functions is to be based on a
combination of the following: (1)
historical data, (2) tests, (3) structural
calculations, (4) expert opinion, or (5)
site inspections. Any development of
the vulnerability functions based on
structural calculations or expert
opinion shall be supported by tests,
site inspections, or historical data.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-1 – Derivation of Vulnerability Functions
B – The method of derivation of the
vulnerability functions shall be theoretically
C – Any modification factors/functions to the
vulnerability functions or structural
characteristics and their corresponding
effects shall be clearly defined and be
theoretically sound.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-1 – Derivation of Vulnerability
D – Construction type and construction
characteristics shall be used in the
derivation and application of
vulnerability functions.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-1 – Derivation of Vulnerability
E – In the derivation and application of
vulnerability functions, assumptions
concerning building code revisions and
building code enforcement shall be
reasonable and be theoretically sound.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-1 – Derivation of Vulnerability
F – Vulnerability functions shall be
separately derived for building
structures, mobile homes, appurtenant
structures, contents, and additional
living expense.
G – The minimum wind speed that
generates damage shall be reasonable.
Vulnerability Standard
• V-2 – Mitigation Measures
A – Modeling of mitigation measures to
improve a structure’s wind resistance and
the corresponding effects on vulnerability
shall be theoretically sound. These measures
shall include fixtures or construction
techniques that enhance Roof Strength, Roof
covering performance, Roof-to-wall strength,
wall-to-floor-to-foundation strength, opening
protection, and window, door and skylight
Vulnerability Standard
• V-2 – Mitigation Measures
B – Application of mitigation
measures shall be reasonable
both individually and in
Actuarial Standard
• A-1 Modeled Loss Costs
Modeled loss costs shall reflect all
damages starting when damage is
first caused in Florida from an
event modeled as a hurricane at
that point in time and will include
all subsequent damage in Florida
from that event.
Actuarial Standard
• A-2 – Underwriting Assumptions
When used in the modeling process or
for verification purposes, adjustments,
edits, inclusions, or deletions to
insurance company input data used by
the modeler shall be based upon
accepted actuarial, underwriting and
statistical procedures.
Actuarial Standard
• A-2 – Underwriting Assumptions
B – For loss cost estimates derived from or
validated with historical insured hurricane
losses, the assumptions in the derivations
concerning (1) construction characteristics,
(2) policy provisions, (3) claim payment
practices, and (4) relevant underwriting
practices underlying those losses, as well as
any actuarial modifications, shall be
reasonable and appropriate.
Actuarial Standard
• A-3 – Loss Cost Projections
A – Loss cost projections produced by
the hurricane loss projection models
shall not include expenses, risk load,
investment income, premium reserves,
taxes, assessments, or profit margin.
Actuarial Standard
• A-3 – Loss Cost Projections
B – Loss cost projections shall not
make a prospective provision for
economic inflation.
C – Loss cost projections shall not
explicitly include demand surge.
Actuarial Standard
• A-4 – User Inputs
All modifications, adjustments,
assumptions, and defaults necessary
to use the inputs in the model shall be
actuarially sound and included with the
model output. Treatment of missing
values for user inputs required to run
the model shall be actuarially sound
and described with the model output.
Actuarial Standard
• A-5 – Logical Relationship to Risk
A – Loss costs shall not exhibit an
illogical relation to risk, nor shall loss
costs exhibit a significant change when
the underlying risk does not change
B – Loss costs produced by the model
shall be positive and non-zero for all
valid Florida ZIP Codes.
Actuarial Standard
• A-5 – Logical Relationship to Risk
C – Loss costs cannot increase as
friction or roughness increase, all other
factors held constant.
D- Loss costs cannot increase as the
quality of construction type, materials
and workmanship increases, all other
factors held constant.
Actuarial Standard
• A-5 – Logical Relationship to Risk
• E - Loss costs cannot increase as the
presence of fixtures or construction
techniques designed for hazard mitigation
increases, all other factors held constant.
• F - Loss costs cannot increase as the quality
of building codes and enforcement
increases, all other factors held constant.
Actuarial Standard
• A-5 – Logical Relationship to Risk
• G- Loss costs shall decrease as
deductibles increase, all other factors
held constant.
• H – The relationship of loss costs for
individual coverages (e.g., structures,
and appurtenant structures, contents,
and loss of use/additional living
expense) shall be consistent with the
coverages provided.
Actuarial Standard
• A – 6 – Deductibles and Policy Limits
• A – The methods used in the development of
mathematical distributions to reflect the
effects of deductibles and policy limits shall
be actuarially sound.
• B – The relationship among the modeled
deductible loss costs shall be reasonable.
• C – Deductible loss costs shall be in
accordance with s. 627.701(5)(a)1., F.S.
Actuarial Standard
• A – 7 – Contents
• A – The methods used in the
development of contents loss costs
shall be actuarially sound.
• B – The relationship between the
modeled structure and contents loss
costs shall be reasonable, based on the
relationship between historical
structure and contents losses.
Actuarial Standard
• A – 8 – Additional Living Expense
• A – The methods used in the
development of Additional Living
Expense (ALE) loss costs shall be
actuarially sound.
• B – ALE loss cost derivations shall
consider the estimated time required to
repair or replace the property.
Actuarial Standard
• A – 8 – Additional Living Expense
• C – The relationship between the modeled
structure and ALE loss costs shall be
reasonable based on the relationship
between historical structure and ALE
• D – ALE loss costs produced by the
model shall appropriately consider ALE
claims arising from damage to the
Actuarial Standard
• A – 9 Output Ranges
• A – Output Ranges shall be logical and any
deviations supported
• B – Output ranges produced by the model shall
– 1. lower loss costs for masonry than frame
– 2. lower loss costs for residential vs. mobile home
– 3. lower loss costs, in general, for inland vs.
coastal counties
– 4. lower loss costs, in general for northern vs.
southern counties
Statistical Standards
• S-1 Modeled results and goodness of fit
A – The use of historical data in
developing the model shall be supported
by rigorous methods published in
currently accepted scientific literature.
B – Modeled and historical results shall
reflect agreement using currently
accepted scientific and statistical
Statistical Standards
• S-2 Sensitivity analysis for model output
The modeler shall have assessed the
sensitivity of temporal and spatial
outputs with respect to the
simultaneous variation of input
variables using currently accepted
scientific and statistical methods and
have taken appropriate action
Statistical Standards
• S-3 Uncertainty analysis for model output
The modeler shall have performed an
uncertainty analysis on the temporal and
spatial outputs of the model using
currently accepted scientific and
statistical methods and have taken
appropriate action. The analysis shall
identify and quantify the extent that input
variables impact the uncertainty in model
output as the input variables are
simultaneously varied.
Statistical Standards
• S-4 County level aggregation
At the county level of aggregation,
the contribution to the error in loss
cost estimates attributable to the
sampling process shall be negligible.
Statistical Standards
• S-5 Replication of Known Hurricane Losses
The model shall reasonably replicate incurred
losses in an unbiased manner on a sufficient
body of past hurricane events from more than
one company, including the most recent data
available to the modeler. This standard applies
separately to personal residential and, to the
extent data are available, to mobile homes.
Personal residential experience may be used to
replicate structure-only and contents-only
losses. The replications shall be produced on
an objective body of loss data by county or an
appropriate level of geographic detail.
Statistical Standards
• S-6 Comparison of Projected Hurricane Losses
The difference, due to uncertainty, between
historical and modeled annual average
statewide loss costs shall be reasonable, given
the body of data, by established statistical
expectations and norms.
Computer Standards
• C-1 Documentation
• C-2 Requirements
• C-3 Model architecture and component
• C-4 Implementation
• C-5 Verification
• C-6 Model maintenance and revision
• C-7 Security
Computer Standards
• C-1 Documentation
A. The modeler shall maintain a
primary document binder, containing
a complete set of documents
specifying the model structure,
detailed software description, and
functionality. Development of each
section shall be indicative of
accepted software engineering
Computer Standards
• C-1 Documentation
B. All computer software (i.e., user
interface, scientific, engineering,
actuarial, data preparation, and
validation) relevant to the modeler’s
submission shall be consistently
documented and dated.
C. Documentation shall be created
separately from the source code.
Computer Standards
• C-2 – Requirements
The modeler shall maintain a complete
set of requirements for each software
component as well as for each
database or data file accessed by a
Computer Standards
• C-3 – Model Architecture and Component
The modeler shall maintain and document (1)
detailed control and data flow diagrams and
interface specifications for each software
component, and (2) schema definitions for
each database and data file. Documentation
shall be to the level of components that make
significant contributions to the model output.
Computer Standards
• C-4 – Implementation
A. The modeler shall maintain a complete
procedure of coding guidelines consistent
with accepted software engineering
B. The modeler shall maintain a complete
procedure used in creating, deriving, or
procuring and verifying databases or data
files accessed by components.
Computer Standards
• C-4 – Implementation
C. All components shall be traceable,
through explicit component
identification in the flow diagrams,
down to the code level.
Computer Standards
C-4 – Implementation
D. The modeler shall maintain a table of all
software components affecting loss
costs, with the following table columns:
(1) Component name, (2) Number of lines
of code, minus blank comment lines; and
(3) Number of explanatory comment
Computer Standards
• C-4 – Implementation
E. Each component shall be sufficiently
and consistently commented so that a
software engineer unfamiliar with the
code shall be able to comprehend the
component logic at a reasonable level
of abstraction.
Computer Standards
• C-5 - Verification
A. General – For each component, the
modeler shall maintain procedures for
verification, such as code inspections,
reviews, calculation crosschecks, and
walkthroughs, sufficient to
demonstrate code correctness.
Computer Standards
• C-5 Verification
B. Component testing
1. The modeler shall use testing software to assist in
documenting and analyzing all components.
2. Unit tests shall be performed and documented for
each component.
3. Regression tests shall be performed and
documented on incremental builds.
4. Aggregation tests shall be performed and
documented to ensure correctness of all model
components. Sufficient testing shall be performed to
ensure that all components have been executed at
least once.
Computer Standards
• C-5 Verification
C. Data Testing
1. The modeler shall use testing software to
assist in documenting and analyzing all
databases and data files accessed by
2. The modeler shall perform and document
integrity, consistency, and correctness
checks on all databases and data files
accessed by the components.
Computer Standards
• C-6 - Model Maintenance and Revision
A. The modeler shall maintain a clearly
written policy for model revision, including
verification of revised components,
databases, and data files
B. A revision to any portion of the model that
results in a change in any Florida residential
hurricane loss cost shall result in a new
model version number.
C. The modeler shall use tracking software
to identify all errors, as well as modifications
to code, data, and documentation.
Computer Standards
• C-7 - Security
The modeler shall have implemented and fully
documented security procedures for: (1) secure
access to individual computers where the software
components or data can be created or modified, (2)
secure operation of the model by clients, if relevant,
to ensure that the correct software operation cannot
be compromised, (3) anti virus software installation
for all machines where all components and data are
being accessed, and (4) secure access to
documentation, software, and data in the event of a
Hawaii Hurricane Model Review
Initiated in 2001
Updated June 30, 2003
Based on FCHLPM reviews
Composition –
• Actuary
• Engineer
• Meteorologist
• to ensure that models used to produce
property insurance loss costs in Hawaii
appropriately consider Hawaii
hurricane characteristics and
frequencies, Hawaii construction types
and Hawaii land use and land cover
data in their development.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Is the model the same as that which
has been accepted by the Florida
Commission on Hurricane Loss
Projection Methodologies (FCHLPM)?
If not, describe the major differences.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Describe how your model defines
“hurricane” and how that definition
compares with the insurance policy
definition used in Hawaii.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide details of the impact of each
of the following criteria on the
creation of the stochastic storm set:
– Hurricanes vs. tropical storms, Pacific
vs. Atlantic storms, historical time
period, central pressure, wind speed,
land friction, surface roughness,
weakening, topography, atmospheric
conditions, by-passing storms
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide details of the process used to
develop the expected paths for
storms that impact Hawaii. Provide
maps at two-and-a-half degree latitude
and longitude grid resolution,
showing the storm frequencies
generated by the model for the
domain bounded by the equator and
30N latitude and 140W longitude and
the International Dateline.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide the 100 and 500- year
recurrence interval 3 second gust
wind speeds for the following airport
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide details (both written and graphic)
of the process used to develop the
expected landfall frequencies of storms by
hurricane strength for each area of Hawaii.
What is the minimum central pressure for
all hurricanes in the stochastic storm set
used for Hawaii? What is the source for
verification of the minimum central
pressure? What is the maximum wind
speed associated with this hurricane in the
Hawaii Model Review Questions
– Describe the basis of vulnerability
function development relative to Hawaii
construction characteristics.
– Describe the studies and methods used
in the development of the building stock.
– Describe the studies and methods used
in the validation and verification of the
building stock.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
– Describe the studies and methods used
in the development of the vulnerability
– Describe the studies and methods used
in the validation and verification of the
vulnerability functions.
– Describe the studies and methods used
to determine that the construction
characteristics within the model
appropriately reflect Hawaii construction
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide the total aggregate zero
deductible personal residential
(homeowners plus dwelling policies)
losses produced by your model for
Hurricane Iniki.
Provide comparisons (in as much
detail as model and data will allow) of
actual losses with model output
losses for Hurricane Iniki.
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Describe any tests performed to
validate the following criteria,
especially as the model relates to
– wind speeds, directions, strengths
– damage estimates (Vulnerability)
– loss costs produced by the model
Hawaii Model Review Questions
Provide the two dimensional
instantaneous windfield for the island
of Kauai at the time of landfall for
Hurricane Iniki as developed by the
model at a one-mile grid resolution.
Insurance Rate Filings and
Hurricane Loss Estimation
• Journal of Insurance Regulation,
• By Charles C. Watson, Jr., Mark E.
Johnson, and Martin Simons
• 324 Public Domain Model
Public Windfield Models
Wind Field
Rankin Vortex
Holton (1992)
Miller (1967)
SLOSH (Jenesnianski, et al., 1992)
Stand. Project Hurricane (Schwerdt, et al,1979)
Bretschneider (1972)
AFGWC (Brand, et al., 1977)
Holland (1980)
Georgiou (1985)
Public Friction
(Boundary Layer Models)
None (Schwerdt, et al., 1979)
Cell-based (Cook, 1985)
ASCE (2000)
Trajectory (Watson, 1995)
Public Damage Functions
Australian (Leicester, et al., 1978)
Foremost (1996)
Friedman (1984)
Clemson 1 (Sill, et al., 1997)
Clemson 2 (Rosowsky, et al., 1999)
Professional Team (FCHLPM, 2002)
X-cubed (Howard, et al., 2972)
Energy (Watson, 2002)
Stubbs (USAID/OAS, 1996)
Study Criteria
• Topography: US 90 meter DEM from
• Land Cover:NASA/UMD 250m Global
Land Cover data set (Spring 2003)
• Track: 1851-2002 revised HURDAT data
from NHC
• Exposure: Census 2000 Block Group
data (the STF3 data set).
Other Hurricane Prone States
• Model review committee
– Meteorologist
– Structural Engineer
– Actuary
• Determination that the model being
reviewed appropriately considers
individual state criteria
Individual State Criteria
• Meteorology
Hurricane frequencies
Hurricane tracks
Hurricane strengths
Land Use
Land Cover
• Vulnerability
Construction Characteristics
Building Codes and Enforcement
• Actuarial
Policy Language
Insurance Company Practices
Some Additional References
Hurricane Best Track Files (HURDAT), Atlantic Tracks File
Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
(TPC/NHC), Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean,
1871-1998, with updates
Information from the FCHLPM
Watson, Charles C., Johnson, Mark E. and Simons, Martin M.,
Insurance Rate Filings and Hurricane Loss Estimation
Models, Journal of Insurance Regulation, April 2004.
Iman, Ronald L., Latin Hypercube Sampling, Encyclopedia of
Statistical Sciences, Update, Volume 3, 1999
Actuarial Standard of Practice, number 38