Improving the Performance of Broadcast Flooding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) Muneer Bani Yassein Department of Computer Science 7/26/2016 1 Outline Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) Broadcasting and its Importance Common Problems of Broadcasting in MANETs Related Work on and Limitations Motivation Proposed Contributions Plan of Work and Structure of the Project. Conclusions 7/26/2016 2 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) • • • • A set of wireless mobile nodes, which communicate without relying on any pre-existing infrastructure. self-organizing and self-administrating without deploying any infrastructure. mobile nodes communicate with each other using multi-hop wireless links. Topology changes could occur randomly, rapidly and frequently Potential use: communication in battlefield, home networking, temporary local area networks, disaster recovery operations, group communication. 7/26/2016 3 Important Issues What is Broadcasting Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in MANETs, a source sends the same message to all the network nodes. In the one-to-all model, a transmission by a given node reach all nodes that are within its transmission radius. Characteristics • Spontaneous • Unreliable: – No ACK required . ACK may cause additional medium contention. 7/26/2016 4 Why Broadcasting? • Broadcasting has many important uses, and several MANET protocols assume the availability of an underlying broadcast service. • Applications which make use of broadcasting include – Paging a particular host – Finding a route to particular host, It can also be used for route discovery in routing protocols. E.g., a number of MANET routing protocols such as Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), and Location Aided Routing (LAR) use broadcasting to establish routes • One of the first proposed mechanisms is “blind” flooding. 7/26/2016 5 What is Blind Flooding ? Blind Flooding – Node transmits a message to all neighbours. Each node then re-transmits the message until the message has been propagated to the entire network. – Straightforward flooding is usually costly and results in serious redundancy and collisions in the network. Such a scenario is often referred to as the broadcast storm problem. 7/26/2016 6 I. Flooding is a common mechanism that is used to discover routes and disseminate data throughout the network. Pros: Simplicity. High delivery ratio. Cons : Resources consumption. Broadcast storm problem: Redundancy. Contention. Collision. 7 Algorithm: Blind Flooding Protocol receiving () On receiving a broadcast packet m at node X do the following: If packet m received for the first time Then broadcast (m) End if End Algorithm. Figure 2.3: A description of the blind flooding algorithm. 7/26/2016 8 Common Problems • Redundant retransmission Host rebroadcasts packet although neighbors may already have it. • Contention Simultaneous rebroadcast attempts by neighbours. Rather obvious; the more crowded the area, the more the contention • Collision No Request to Send/Clear to send (RTS/CTS) scheme No CD, entire packet transmitted anyways 7/26/2016 9 Redundant Rebroadcasts Optimal schedule: 2 transmissions flooding: 7 transmissions II. Mobility is a major factor in MANET. The nodes can move anytime, in any direction and at any speed. Mobility of nodes leads to frequent link breakage. A breakages of routes need to be reinitiated. Routes reinitiations consume network resources. 11 Related Work and Limitations • Ni et al. have classified broadcasting schemes into 1. Probabilistic scheme Rebroadcast the packet with the fixed chosen probability 2. Counter-based scheme Rebroadcast if the number of received duplicate packets is less than a threshold 3. Distance-based scheme Uses the relative distance between nodes to make the decision 4. Location-based scheme Based on pre-acquired location information of neighbors 5. Neighbor Based scheme a) Cluster-based. Only cluster heads and gateways forward again b) selecting forwarding neighbours S.-Y. Ni, Y.-C. Tseng, Y.-S. Chen, and J.-P. Sheu, The broadcast storm problem in a mobile ad hoc network, Wireless Networks, vol. 8, no. 2, pp.153-167, 2002 7/26/2016 12 Categorization of Protocols • Simple Flooding • Probability Based Methods Probabilistic Scheme Counter-Based Scheme • Area Based Methods Distance-Based Scheme Location-Based Scheme • Neighbor Based Methods Neighbor Based Methods • • • • • • • Flooding with self-Pruning Scalable Broadcast Algorithm, SBA Dominant Pruning Multipoint Relaying Ad Hoc Broadcast Protocol, AHBP CDS-Based Broadcast Algorithm Lightweight and Efficient Network-Wide Protocol, LENWB Related Works • Another approach : exploit topological information – Self-pruning • Each forwarding node piggybacks the list of neighbors of itself on outgoing packet – Dominant-pruning • Extends the range of neighbor information to two-hop away neighbors • Still depend on the periodic hello messages to collect topological information – Extra hello messages consume resources and drop the network throughput in MANETs MPR (Multipoint Relays) • Reduce the flooding of broadcast messages • Set of one-hop neighbors and two-hop neighbors • To get the information about the one-hop neighbors, most protocols use some form of HELLO messages periodically Related Work and Limitations • The counter-based scheme does provide significant savings when a small threshold C (such as 2) is used. Unfortunately, the reachability degrades sharply in a sparse network when this parameter is used. Increasing the value of C will improve reachability, but, saved rebroadcasts suffer. Tseng et al have proposed an adaptive counter based scheme in which each node can dynamically adjust its threshold C based on neighbourhood status. • In the distance-based scheme and location-based scheme, it is assumed that each node is equipped with a positioning device such as GPS which is another overhead • In selecting forwarding neighbours, the goal is to minimize the number of relay points. The computation of a multipoint relay set with minimal size is NP-complete problem, Y.-C. Tseng, S.-Y. Ni, E.-Y. Shih, Adaptive approaches to relieving broadcast storm in a wireless multihop mobile ad hoc network, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 52, no 5, 2003. 7/26/2016 17 Related Work and Limitations • Tseng et al. have proposed a simple probabilistic flooding scheme. This scheme has poor reachability and is inefficient, especially in topologies with a low density. In fact, this approach is “static” as each mobile node has the same rebroadcast probability, regardless of its number of neighbours. S.-Y. Ni, Y.-C. Tseng, Y.-S. Chen, and J.-P. Sheu, The broadcast storm problem in a mobile ad hoc network, Wireless Networks, vol. 8, no. 2, pp.153-167, 2002 7/26/2016 18 Related Work and Limitations Cartigny and Simplot have described a probabilistic scheme and the probability p of a node retransmitting a message is computed from the local density n (i.e. the number of neighbours) and a fixed value k for the efficiency parameter to achieve the reachability of the broadcast Zhang and Dharma have described dynamic probabilistic scheme. They use a combination of probabilistic and counter-based approaches. J. Cartigny and D. Simplot. Border node retransmission based probabilistic broadcast protocols in ad-hoc networks. Telecommunication Systems, vol. 22, no 1–4, pp. 189–204, 2003. Qi Zhang and Dharma P. Agrawal , Dynamic probabilistic broadcasting in MANETs, J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. Vol 65, pp. 220233, 2005 7/26/2016 19 Motivation • The broadcast storm problem can be avoided by providing efficient broadcast algorithms that aim to reduce the number of nodes that retransmit the broadcast packet while still guaranteeing all nodes receive the packet. My research work focuses on providing some efficient probabilistic broadcast algorithms that can dynamically adjust the broadcast probability to take into account the current state of the node in one and two hopes in order to ensure a certain level of control over rebroadcasting, and thus helps to improve reachability and saved rebroadcasts to reduce the broadcast redundancy in MANETs. 7/26/2016 20 Motivation • There has not been so far any attempt to analyse its performance behaviour in a MANET environment. For example, The effects of a number of important system parameters in a MANETs, including node speed, pause time, traffic load, and node density on the performance of probabilistic flooding. 7/26/2016 21 Proposed Contributions • Performance Analysis of Probabilistic Flooding • Analysis of Topological Characteristic • The Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding Algorithm • The Highly Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding Algorithm 7/26/2016 22 Ch3: Proposed Contributions • Analysis of Probabilistic Flooding There has not been so far any attempt to analyse the performance probabilistic flooding behaviour in MANETs. We are the first who investigates the effects of a number of important parameters in a MANET on the performance of probabilistic flooding using extensive ns-2 simulations: 1. 2. 3. Speed and Node Pause Time Mobility and Density Mobility and Traffic Load M. Bani Yassein, M. Ould-Khaoua, S. Papanastasiou, On the Performance of Probabilistic Flooding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, to appear in the Proc. of International Workshop on Performance Modelling in Wired, Wireless, Mobile Networking and Computing in conjunction with 11th (ICPADS-2005),IEEE Computer Society Press, 20 - 22 July 2005. 7/26/2016 23 Simulation Experiments 1- We have studied the effects of mean node speed and pause time of the random waypoint model on the probabilistic flooding in MANETs. We have done this through simulation by using NS-2 packet level simulator v.2.27. Assumptions: Each mobile node is equipped with CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance) which can access the air medium following the 802.11 protocol. 7/26/2016 24 Simulation Experiments Input parameters Transmitter range Bandwidth Interface queue length Simulation time No of node Max. Speed Packet size Topology size Pause time 7/26/2016 250 m 2Mbits 50 packets 900 sec 25,50,75,100 1,5,10,20 m/sec 512 bytes 600X600 m2 0 ,20 ,40sec 25 Simulation Experiments Performance metrics: Saved Rebroadcasts (SRB): is computed as (r - t)/r where r is the number of nodes receiving the broadcast message, and t the number of nodes that actually transmitted the message. Reachability (RE): is the percentage of mobile nodes receiving the broadcast message divided by the total number of mobile nodes that are reachable, directly or indirectly. 7/26/2016 26 Simulation Experiments RE at 1 m/s Probability Vs Reachability Probability Vs Saved Re broadcast RE at 5 m/s 100 RE at 20 m/s 90 85 80 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability Fig. 2: Impact of speed on reachability with with pause time 0 . SRB RE SRB at 5 m/s RE at 10 m/s 95 SRB at 1 m/s 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 SRB at 10 m/s SRB at 20 m/s 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability Fig. 1: Effects of speed on saved rebroadcast using probabilistic flooding with pause time 0 . done. 7/26/2016 27 Simulation Experiments Probability Vs Saved broadcast at 1m/s Probability Vs Saved Broadcasd at 5 m/s SRB at 20 sec SRB at 20 sec 0.96 0.95 SRB SRB SRB at 0 sec 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 SRB at 0 sec 0.94 0.93 0.92 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability Fig. 4: Effects of pause time on saved rebroadcast using Probabilistic flooding with speed 5 m/s 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability Fig. 3: Effects of pause time on saved rebroadcast using probabilistic flooding with speed 1m/s. don1 7/26/2016 28 Mobility and Density 2- Density is the number of network nodes per unit area for a given transmission range. In this work, we investigate the effect of density under different mobility and effectiveness of probabilistic flooding. In particular, using the popular random waypoint model we study through simulation the effects of varying node density with different mean node speed parameters on two important flooding metrics, namely reachability and saved rebroadcasts. 7/26/2016 29 Simulation Experiments Re at 25 Re at 25 100 100 Re at 50 RE at 50 80 RE at 75 60 RE at 100 40 RE RE 80 Re at 75 60 Re at 100 40 20 20 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P r obabi l i ty Fig. 6: Impact of density on reachability for different network densities with node speed 1 m/s.. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P r obabi l i ty Fig. 5: Impact of density on reachability for different network densities with node speed of 10 m/s.. done. 7/26/2016 30 Simulation Experiments SRB at 50 0.98 0.96 SRB st 75 0.94 SRB at 100 0.92 0.9 0.88 SRB at 25 1 SRB at 50 0.98 SRB SRB SRB at 25 1 SRB at 75 0.96 SRB at 100 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.86 0.88 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P r obabi l i ty Fig. 8: Impact of density on saved rebroadcast for different network densities with node speed 1 m/s. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P r obabi l i ty Fig. 7: Impact of density on saved rebroadcast for different Network densities with node speed of 10 m/s.. done. 7/26/2016 31 Mobility and Traffic Load 3- Traffic load is the number of broadcast request injected into the network per second , we investigate the effect of traffic load under different mobility and effectiveness of probabilistic flooding. In particular, using the popular random waypoint model we study through simulation the effects of varying traffic load with different mean node speed parameters on two important flooding metrics, namely reachability and saved rebroadcasts. 7/26/2016 32 Simulation Experiments RE at 1m/ s RE at 5m/ s RE at 5m/ s RE at 10m/ s 100 40 RE at 20m/ s 80 RE 60 RE at 10m/ s 100 RE at 20m/ s 80 RE RE at 1m/ s 60 40 20 20 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Pro b ab ilit y Figure 10 : The impact of load on reachability at one broadcast/ second for different node speedtime. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Pro b ab ilit y Figure 9: The impact of traffic load on reachability at three broadcasts/second for different node speeds done. 7/26/2016 33 Simulation Experiments Figure 12 : The impact of load on reachability at one broadcast/ second for different node speedtime. Fig. 11: Impact of load on saved rebroadcast 3 messages/s for node speeds 1, 5, 10, and 20 m/s. done. 7/26/2016 34 Overhead: Overhead # of control packet sent = # of data packet received Delivery ratio: PDR = # of packets received # of packets sent Saved Rebroadcast SRB = r-t * 100% r Where r is the number of RREQ packets received, and t is the number of RREQ packets retransmitted 35 Algorithm: Blind Flooding Protocol receiving () On receiving a broadcast packet m at node X do the following: If packet m received for the first time Then broadcast (m) End if End Algorithm. Figure 2.3: A description of the blind flooding algorithm. 7/26/2016 36 Algorithm: Probabilistic Flooding Protocol receiving () On receiving a broadcast packet m at node X do the following: If packet m received for the first time Then broadcast (m) with fixed probability p End if End Algorithm Figure 2.4: A description of the probabilistic flooding algorithm. 7/26/2016 37 The Random Waypoint Model The Random Waypoint Model The random waypoint mobility model [39] is one of the most popular mobility models in MANET research and in itself a focal point of much research activity [13, 38, 50, 53]. The model defines a collection of nodes which are placed randomly within a confined simulation space. Then, each node selects a destination inside the simulation area and travels towards it with some speed, s meter/second. Once it has reached the destination, the node pauses for some time, pause, before it chooses another destination and repeats the process. The node speed of each node is specified according to a uniform distribution between 0 and Vmax, where Vmax is the maximum speed parameter. Pause time is a constant, e.g. 0 secs. It has been suggested in [43] that simulations should be left to run for some period of time before collecting data. In the initial use of the random waypoint model for evaluation [43], an increase in mobility was simulated by increasing the maximum speed parameter or decreasing the pause time. 38 0.9 0.8 0.7 SRB 0.6 0.5 FP 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Rebroadcas Probability 39 Figure 3.1 explores SRB at low mobility conditions of maximum speeds of 2 m/sec and 0 pause time. The rebroadcast probabilities have been varied from 0.1 to 1.0 percent with 0.1 percent increment when 5 broadcast packets/sec are injected into the network. Examining the results reveals that SRB decreases as the rebroadcast probability increases. For instance, when p=0.1 SRB is around 90% and when p is increased to 0.7 SRB decreases to 30%. When p=1 (blind flooding) SRB is 0%. This is because as the probability of the transmission increases for every node, this implies that there are more candidates for broadcast re-transmissions in a given area, and as a result the number of nodes that transmit the packet increases which increases the number of redundant rebroadcast packets and that leads to a higher chance of collision and contention due to the increases in redundant rebroadcast packets. 40 120 100 RE 80 60 FP 40 20 0 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Rebroadcast Probability 41 Figure 3.2 explores reachability (RE) of fixed probabilistic flooding for low mobility conditions of maximum speeds of 2 m/sec and 0 pause time. The rebroadcast probabilities have been varied from 0.1 to 1.0 percent with 0.1 percent increment. The figure shows that RE increases as the rebroadcast probability increases. For instance when p=0.1 RE is close to 45% and when p is increased to 1.0 RE is close to 100%. This is because as the probability of the transmission increases for every node, this implies that there are more candidates for broadcast re-transmissions in a given area, and as a result the number of nodes which really transmit the packet increases which increases the number of nodes receiving the broadcast packet over the total number of mobile nodes that are reachable 42 120 100 80 RE 2 m/s 60 8 m/s 20 m/s 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 Rebroadcast Probability 43 Figure 3.4 shows RE against the rebroadcast probability for three different node speeds and continuous mobility. Overall, across the different rebroadcast probabilities, RE increases as the node speed increases. For example RE is 100% when the rebroadcast probability p=0.6 and when the nodes move with a high speed of 20 m/sec. However, to achieve the same level of RE when nodes move at a lower speed 2 m/sec, the rebroadcast probability has to be over 0.9. This is due to the fact that as the node speed increases network connectivity increases resulting in a larger number of nodes receiving the broadcast packet which causes RE to increases. However at a low speed and a rebroadcast probability p=0.6, the number of nodes receiving the broadcast packet decreases, and thus so does RE. When the node speed is low, the rebroadcast probability has to be set higher (e.g. p=0.9) in order to maintain a good reachability level. 44 We have varied the traffic load in the network from light traffic through moderate to heavy traffic. To do so, the following rates of broadcast packets generated at the source node are considered: -Light traffic load: 1 packet/sec; - Medium traffic load: 5 packets/sec; - Heavy traffic load: 10 packets/sec. 45 120 100 80 RE 1 B/S 60 5 B/S 10 B/S 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 Rebroadcast Probability 46 RE results for a varying rebroadcast probability when the traffic is varied under continuous node mobility and a speed of 2 m/sec. Figure 3.7 reveals that the achieved RE increases as rebroadcast probability increases when the traffic load is light. Moreover when the rebroadcast probability is over 0.7, RE is over 95%. However, as the traffic load increases the rate of increase in RE slows down. Figure 3.8 shows that in general RE is not affected that much when the node speed increases, especially as the traffic load becomes heavy. This is due to the same reason given above; i.e. due to the increased number of collisions as well as reduced channel access. 47 Effects of Network Density To study the performance effects of varying network density, i.e. the number of network nodes per unit area for a given transmission range, the following three relative levels of network density are examined: - Low density: 25 nodes; - Medium density: 50 nodes; - High density: 100 nodes. 48 120 100 80 RE N=25 60 N=50 N=100 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 Rebroadcast Probability 49 Figures 3.11 and 3.12 depict the results for RE considering the three different network densities and two different node speeds. The figures suggest that RE increases with a higher network density. The trend in the figures also suggests that the reachability increases as the node speed increases. RE improves with higher density and faster moving nodes for the following reasons. As the density of the nodes increases, the number of nodes covering a particular area also increases. As the probability of rebroadcast is fixed for every node, this implies that there are more candidates for transmission in each “coverage “area. Hence, there is a greater chance that a broadcast retransmission occurs, resulting in increased RE. 50 ‘Hello’ Packets ‘Hello’ packets are a special control packet that is sent out periodically from a node to establish and confirm network adjacency relationships and responsible for establishing and maintaining neighbor relationships. When a node receives a ‘Hello’ packet from its neighbour, it creates or refreshes the routing table entry to the neighbour. 51 To maintain connectivity, if a node has not sent any broadcast control packet within a specified interval, a ‘Hello’ packet is locally broadcast (over one hop radius). This results in at least one ‘Hello’ packet transmission during every time period. Failure to receive any ‘Hello’ packet from a given neighbour for several time intervals indicate that neighbour is no longer within transmission range, and connectivity is assumed to have been lost. 52 The information contained in the ‘Hello’ packet varies depending on its intended usage. Thus it is necessary to quantitatively compare the size of the ‘Hello’ packets when analysing overhead and performance tradeoffs. A common element of the ‘Hello’ packet is the ID (four bytes) of the node that is broadcasting the packet. The node ID is sufficient for neighbour discovery and link detection. However, if nodes use their neighbour table for forwarding packets, then the position of the node (typically two integers) might be necessary 53 In order to construct a local view of a given node’s locality, 1-hop information based on, for instance, the minimum, average, maximum number of neighbours can be used. The selection of the time interval for the exchange of ‘Hello’ packets is usually set at 1 second as recommended in the AODV protocol ,A node assumes that a particular neighbour has moved away and is currently outside transmission range if no a ‘Hello’ packet not has been received from that neighbour for two seconds, as is suggested in the AODV 54 . Each node in the network has a constant transmission range of 250 meter. The MAC layer scheme follows the IEEE 802.11 MAC specification. We have used the broadcast mode with no RTS/CTS/ACK mechanisms for all packet transmissions, including Hello, DATA and ACK packets. The movement pattern of each node follows the random way-point model. Each node moves to a randomly selected destination with a constant speed between 0 and the maximum speed. When it reaches the destination, it stays there for a random period and starts moving to a new destination. 55 We have varied the network density (i.e., the number of nodes on a given terrain size) and have measured the minimum, average and maximum number of neighbours over the whole nodes in the network. For each configuration, we have gathered statistics for 30 arbitrary topologies where nodes are initially placed randomly over the terrain. The results represent the average over the 30 different topologies in order to achieve a 95% confidence interval in the collected statistics. For a given number of nodes, three terrain sizes have been considered: 600m × 600m, 800m × 800m and 1000m ×1000m. 56 Figures 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 depict the minimum, average, and maximum number of neighbours after averaging over the whole network nodes when the nodes move at the max. speed of 2m/sec. Various network densities resulting from a combination of different network sizes (from 25 to 125 nodes) and terrain sizes (600m×600m, 800m×800m, and 1000m×1000m) have been examined 57 . A summary of the minimum, average and maximum number of neighbours is listed in Table 4.2. Also a summary of confidence intervals, margin errors for the minimum, average and maximum number of neighbours of a given node (averaged over the whole network) is shown in Table 4.3. The results show that as expected the denser the network is, the higher the maximum number of neighbours is at a given node. On the other hand, the sparser the network is, the lower is the minimum number of neighbours at a given node. 58 As the network size increases so does the minimum, average, and maximum number of neighbours. For example, in a terrain size of 1000m × 1000m when the network size is 50 nodes, a typical node has the minimum number of neighbours equals to 4, the average number of neighbour to 11, the maximum number of neighbour to 17. When the network size is doubled to 100 nodes, a typical node has the minimum number of neighbours equals to 7, the average number of neighbour to 22, the maximum number of neighbour to 34. 59 Minimum Number of Neighbors 20 18 16 14 Area 600x600 12 10 Area 800X800 8 Area 1000X1000 6 4 2 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Number of Nodes 60 Average number of nodes 60 50 40 Area 600x600 30 Area 800X800 Area 1000X1000 20 10 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Number of nodes 61 Maximum Number of Neighbors 90 80 70 60 Area 600x600 50 Area 800X800 40 Area 1000X1000 30 20 10 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Number of nodes 62 In MANETs, due to node mobility, neighbourhood relationship changes frequently. In order to cope with mobility and have up-to-date neighbourhood information, nodes advertise ‘Hello’ packets periodically. In this work, we have conducted a set of simulation experiments in order to characterise node neighbourhood in MANETs using ‘Hello’ packet exchange 63 7/26/2016 64 New Proposed Algorithms Dynamic Probabilistic Flooding Using One Hop Neighbours The Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding Algorithm • The adjusted probabilistic flooding algorithm operates as follows. On hearing a broadcast message m at node X, the node rebroadcast a message according to a high probability if the message is received for the first time, and the number of neighbours of node X is less than average number of neighbours typical of its surrounding environment. Hence, if node X has a low degree (in terms of the number of neighbours), retransmission should be likely. Otherwise, if X has a high degree its rebroadcast probability is set low 7/26/2016 65 Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding • • • • • • Protocol receiving () On hearing a broadcast packet m at node X: Get the Broadcast ID from the message; n3 average number of neighbour Get degree n of a node X (number of neighbours of node X); If packet m received for the first time then If n < n3 then • • Node X has a low degree: the high rebroadcast probability p=p1; • Else If n> = n3 then • Node X has a high degree: the low rebroadcast probability p=p2; • • • End if Generate a random number RN over [0, 1]. If RN <= p rebroadcast the received message; otherwise, drop it 7/26/2016 66 New Proposed Algorithms Dynamic Probabilistic Flooding Using One Hope Neighbours Highly Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding • The highly adjusted probabilistic flooding algorithm operates as follows when a broadcast message is received for the first time by a node, it is rebroadcast according to a probability distribution which depends on the node’s degree. The message is re-broadcast with probability which depends on the node’s degree if the node is inside a sparse node population. Similarly, it is re-broadcast with the probability is if the degree denotes a medium density node population. Finally, in dense node populations the node will rebroadcast the message with a lower probability. Sparse, medium and dense populations correspond to minimum, average and maximum threshold values which we will determine through simulation.. 7/26/2016 67 Highly Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding • • • • • • • • • • Protocol receiving () On hearing a broadcast packet m at node X: Get the Broadcast ID from the message; n1 minimum numbers of neighbour,n2 maximum number of neighbour and n3 average number of neighbour all are threshold values; Get degree n of a node X (number of neighbours of node X); If packet m received for the first time then If n < n1 then Node X has a low degree: the high rebroadcast probability p=p1; Else If n >= n1 and n <= n2 or n>= n3 and n <=n2 then Node X has a medium degree: the medium rebroadcast probability p=p2; • • • • • Else If n> n2 then Node X has a high degree: the low rebroadcast probability p=p3; End if Generate a random number RN over [0, 1]. If RN <= p rebroadcast the received message; otherwise, drop it 7/26/2016 68 Dynamic Probabilistic Flooding Using two Hope Neighbours Dynamic Probabilistic Flooding Using two Hope Neighbours The Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding Algorithm 7/26/2016 Highly Adjusted Probabilistic Flooding 69