Quantum Efficiency of AR-coated MBE Devices HfO2 (optimized for ~330 nm) MBE processed Device thickness=45µm T=20°C HfO2/SiO2 (broadband, low fringing) Temperature Dependence of Quantum Efficiency Near Band Edge Si Bandstructure: Indirect Ga-As Bandstructure: Direct Back-Illumination Process for Enhanced UV Performance Rim-thinned silicon wafer Ultra-high-vacuum MBE system Deep Depletion CCDs 1. Electric potential The electric field structure in a CCD defines to a large degree its Quantum Efficiency (QE). Consider first a thick frontside illuminated CCD, which has a poor QE. Cross section through a thick frontside illuminated CCD In this region the electric potential gradient is fairly low i.e. the electric field is low. Potential along this line shown in graph above. Any photo-electrons created in the region of low electric field stand a much higher chance of recombination and loss. There is only a weak external field to sweep apart the photo-electron and the hole it leaves behind. Deep Depletion CCDs 2. Electric potential In a thinned CCD , the field free region is simply etched away. Cross section through a thinned CCD There is now a high electric field throughout the full depth of the CCD. This volume is etched away during manufacture Problem : Thinned CCDs may have good blue response but they become transparent at longer wavelengths; the red response suffers. Red photons can now pass right through the CCD. Photo-electrons created anywhere throughout the depth of the device will now be detected. Thinning is normally essential with backside illuminated CCDs if good blue response is required. Most blue photo-electrons are created within a few nanometers of the surface and if this region is field free, there will be no blue response. Deep Depletion CCDs 3. Electric potential Ideally we require all the benefits of a thinned CCD plus an improved red response. The solution is to use a CCD with an intermediate thickness of about 40mm constructed from Hi-Resistivity silicon. The increased thickness makes the device opaque to red photons. The use of Hi-Resistivity silicon means that there are no field free regions despite the greater thickness. Cross section through a Deep Depletion CCD Problem : Hi resistivity silicon contains much lower impurity levels than normal. Very few wafer fabrication factories commonly use this material and deep depletion CCDs have to be designed and made to order. Red photons are now absorbed in the thicker bulk of the device. There is now a high electric field throughout the full depth of the CCD. CCDs manufactured in this way are known as Deep depletion CCDs. The name implies that the region of high electric field, also known as the ‘depletion zone’ extends deeply into the device. Deep Depletion CCDs 4. The graph below shows the improved QE response available from a deep depletion CCD. The black curve represents a normal thinned backside illuminated CCD. The Red curve is actual data from a deep depletion chip manufactured by MIT Lincoln Labs. This latter chip is still under development.The blue curve suggests what QE improvements could eventually be realised in the blue end of the spectrum once the process has been perfected. Deep Depletion CCDs 5. Another problem commonly encountered with thinned CCDs is ‘fringing’. The is greatly reduced in deep depletion CCDs. Fringing is caused by multiple reflections inside the CCD. At longer wavelengths, where thinned chips start to become transparent, light can penetrate through and be reflected from the rear surface. It then interferes with light entering for the first time. This can give rise to constructive and destructive interference and a series of fringes where there are minor differences in the chip thickness. The image below shows some fringes from an EEV42-80 thinned CCD For spectroscopic applications, fringing can render some thinned CCDs unusable, even those that have quite respectable QEs in the red. Thicker deep depletion CCDs , which have a much lower degree of internal reflection and much lower fringing are preferred by astronomers for spectroscopy. LBNL 2k x 2k Quantum Efficiency Quantum Efficiency of state-of-the-art CCDs Quantum Efficiency (%) 100 LBNL 90 MIT/LL high rho 80 Marconi 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 From “An assessment of the optical detector systems of the W.M. Keck Observatory,” Wavelength J. Beletic, R. Stover, K Taylor, 19 January 2001. (nm) 2 layer anti-reflection coating: ~ 600A ITO, ~1000A SiO2 Fully-depleted pin diode radiation detector Photons: Near IR – Visible: 1 electron hole pair/photon UV/x ray/g ray: E(eV)/3.6 electron hole pairs/photon To Amplifier VSUB ~ 80 electron hole pairs/mm for minimum ionizing particles (High Energy Physics) Slope r/esi = qND/esi Over depleted LBNL 2k x 4k (100mm wafer) 1478 x 4784 10.5 mm 2k x 4k 15 mm 1294 x 4186 12 mm Measurements at Lick Observatory Fully-depleted, back-illuminated 1024 x 512 (15mm)2 CCD fabricated at Dalsa Semi 30 minute dark (3 e-/pixel-hr at –150C) 500nm flat field All at 80V Vsub (overdepleted) 400nm flat field Visible vs Near-IR imaging LBNL 2k x 2k results Image: 200 x 200 15 mm LBNL CCD in Lick Nickel 1m. Spectrum: 800 x 1980 15 mm LBNL CCD in NOAO KPNO spectrograph. Instrument at NOAO KPNO 2nd semester 2001 (http://www.noao.edu) Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 1. The video waveform output by a CCD is at a fairly low level : every photo-electron in a pixel charge packet will produce a few micro-volts of signal. Additionally, the waveform is complex and precise timing is required to make sure that the correct parts are amplified and measured. The CCD video waveform , as introduced in Activity 1, is shown below for the period of one pixel measurement Vout t Reset feedthrough Reference level Charge dump Signal level The video processor must measure , without introducing any additional noise, the Reference level and the Signal level. The first is then subtracted from the second to yield the output signal voltage proportional to the number of photo-electrons in the pixel under measurement. The best way to perform this processing is to use a ‘Correlated Double Sampler’ or CDS. Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 2. The CDS design is shown schematically below. The CDS processes the video waveform and outputs a digital number proportional to the size of the charge packet contained in the pixel being read. There should only be a short cable length between CCD and CDS to minimise noise.The CDS minimises the read noise of the CCD by eliminating ‘reset noise’. The CDS contains a high speed analogue processor containing computer controlled switches. Its output feeds into an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC). R RD OD Reset switch CCD On-chip Amplifier . Inverting Amplifier -1 OS ADC Input Switch Polarity Switch Computer Bus Pre-Amplifier Integrator Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 3. The CDS starts work once the pixel charge packet is in the CCD summing well and the CCD reset pulse has just finished. At point t0 the CCD wave-form is still affected by the reset pulse and so the CDS remains disconnected from the CCD to prevent this disturbing the video processor. t0 t0 Output wave-form of CCD Output voltage of CDS -1 Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 4. Between t1 and t2 the CDS is connected and the ‘Reference ‘ part of the waveform is sampled. Simultaneously the integrator reset switch is opened and the output starts to ramp down linearly. t1 t2 t1 Reference window -1 t2 Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 5. Between t2 and t3 the ‘charge dump’ occurs in the CCD. The CCD output steps negatively by an amount proportional to the charge contained in the pixel. During this time the CDS is disconnected. t2t3 t1 -1 t2 t3 Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 6. Between t3 and t4 the CDS is reconnected and the ‘signal’ part of the wave-form is sampled. The input to the integrator is also ‘polarity switched’ so that the CDS output starts to ramp-up linearly. The width of the signal and sample windows must be the same. For Scientific CCDs this can be anything between 1 and 20 microseconds. Longer widths generally give lower noise but of course increase the read-out time. t3 t4 t1 Signal window -1 t2 t3 t4 Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) 7. The CDS is then once again disconnected and its output digitised by the ADC. This number , typically a 16 bit number (with a value between 0 and 65535) is then stored in the computer memory. The CDS then starts the whole process again on the next pixel. The integrator output is first zeroed by closing the reset switch. To process each pixel can take between a fraction of a microsecond for a TV rate CCD and several tens of microseconds for a low noise scientific CCD. t2 t3 t4 Voltage to be digitised The type of CDS is called a ‘dual slope integrator’. A simpler type of CDS known as a ‘clamp and sample’ only samples the waveform once for each pixel. It works well at higher pixel rates but is noisier than the dual slope integrator at lower pixel rates. t1 -1 ADC Pixel Size and Binning 6. The first row is transferred into the serial register Pixel Size and Binning 5. Stage 1 :Vertical Binning This is done by summing the charge in consecutive rows .The summing is done in the serial register. In the case of 2 x 2 binning, two image rows will be clocked consecutively into the serial register prior to the serial register being read out. We now go back to the conveyor belt analogy of a CCD. In the following animation we see the bottom two image rows being binned. Charge packets Pixel Size and Binning 7. The serial register is kept stationary ready for the next row to be transferred. Pixel Size and Binning 8. The second row is now transferred into the serial register. Pixel Size and Binning 9. Each pixel in the serial register now contains the charge from two pixels in the image area. It is thus important that the serial register pixels have a higher charge capacity. This is achieved by giving them a larger physical size. Pixel Size and Binning 10. Stage 2 :Horizontal Binning This is done by combining charge from consecutive pixels in the serial register on a special electrode positioned between serial register and the readout amplifier called the Summing Well (SW). The animation below shows the last two pixels in the serial register being binned : SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 11. Charge is clocked horizontally with the SW held at a positive potential. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 12. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 13. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 14. The charge from the first pixel is now stored on the summing well. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 15. The serial register continues clocking. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 16. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 17. The SW potential is set slightly higher than the serial register electrodes. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 18. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 19. The charge from the second pixel is now transferred onto the SW. The binning is now complete and the combined charge packet can now be dumped onto the output node (by pulsing the voltage on SW low for a microsecond) for measurement. Horizontal binning can also be done directly onto the output node if a SW is not present but this can increase the read noise. SW 1 2 3 Output Node Pixel Size and Binning 20. Finally the charge is dumped onto the output node for measurement SW 1 2 3 Output Node Bloomin g columns Saturated stars Anti-blooming CCD can eliminate this effect: Blooming No blooming One solution: Anti-blooming CCDs Anti-blooming CCDs have additional gates to bleed off the overflow due to saturation The problem is these gates cover 30% of the pixel. This results in reduced sensitivity, Residual Images If the intensity is too high this will leave a residual image. Left is a normal CCD image. Right is a bias frame showing residual charge in the CCD. This can effect photometry Solution: several dark frames readout or shift image Fringing CCDs especially back illuminated ones are bonded to a glass plate SiO2 10 mm Glue 1 mm Glass When the glass is illuminated by monochromatic light it creates a fringe pattern. Fringing can also occur without a glass plate due to the thickness of the CCD (Å) 6600 6760 6920 7080 7280 7460 7650 7850 8100 8400 Depending on the CCD fringing becomes important for wavelengths greater than about 6500 Å Signal-to-Noise Ratio Readout Noise 0 1 3 10 Readout noise in electrons Intensity High readout noise CCDs (older ones) could seriously affect your Signal-to-Noise ratios of Basic CCD reductions • Subtract the Bias level. The bias level is an artificial constant added in the electronics to ensure that there are no negative pixels • Divide by a Flat lamp to ensure that there are no pixel to pixel variations • Optional: Removal of cosmic rays. These are high energy particles from space that create „hot pixels“ on your detector. Also can be caused by natural radiactive decay on the earth. Bias Overscan region Pixel Most CCDs have an overscan region, a portion of the chip that is not exposed so as to record the bias level. The prefered way is to record a separate bias (a dark with 0 sec exposure) frame and fit a surface to this. This is then subtracted from every frame as the first Flat Field Division Raw Frame Flat Field Raw divided by Flat Every CCD has different pixel-to-pixel sensitivity, defects, dust particles, etc that not only make the image look bad, but if the sensitivity of pixels change with time can influence your results. Every observation must be divided by a flat field after bias subtraction. The flat field is an observation of a white lamp. For imaging one must take either sky flats, or dome flats (an illuminated white screen or dome observed with the telescope). For spectral observations „internal“ lamps (i.e. Biases, Flat Fields and Dark Frames 4. If there is significant dark current present, the various calibration and science frames are combined by the following series of subtractions and divisions : Science Frame Dark Frame Science -Dark Output Image Science -Dark Flat Field Image Flat-Bias Flat -Bias Bias Image Dark Frames and Flat Fields 5. In the absence of dark current, the process is slightly simpler : Science Frame Bias Image Science -Bias Output Image Science -Bias Flat-Bias Flat Field Image Flat -Bias Noise Calibration Definitions: N_ad - Noise in A/D converter units N_e - Noise in electrons S_ad - Signal in A/D converter units S_e - Signal in electrons g - Gain factor (electrons/adu) S_e = g × S_ad N_e = g × N_ad g²×(N_ad)² = (g × N_ad)² = (N_e)² = S_e = g × S_ad g = S_ad / (N_ad)² Principle of Aperture Photometry Star Aperture Sky Annulus Signal in aperture: Star + aperture_area x sky_average Signal in Annulus: annulus_area x sky_average Signal of Star: aperture_signal – aperture_area x sky_average V-band sky brightness variations Near-Infrared Detector Arrays - The State of the Art Klaus W. Hodapp Institute for Astronomy University of Hawaii Historic Milestones • 1800: Infrared radiation discovered (Herschel with his thermometers) • 1960s and 70s: Single detectors (PbS, InSb …) • 1980s: First infrared arrays (322, 5862, 642, 1282) • 1990: NICMOS-3 (2.5mm PACE-1 HgCdTe) • 1991: SBRC 2562 (InSb) • 1994: HAWAII-1 (2.5mm PACE-1 HgCdTe) • 1995: Aladdin (InSb) • 2000: HAWAII-2 (2.5mm PACE-1 HgCdTe) • 2002: HAWAII-1RG (5.0μm MBE HgCdTe) • 2002: HAWAII-2RG (5.0μm MBE HgCdTe) • 2002: RIO 2K×2K NGST InSb • 2009: HAWAII-4RG NSF grant (last week) Some of the Material is from : An Introduction to Infrared Detectors Dick Joyce (NOAO) NEWFIRM 4K x 4K array; Mike Merrill 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 57 Now that you know all about CCDs….. • • • • • Introduction to the infrared Physics of infrared detectors Detector architecture Detector operation Observing with infrared detectors – Forget what you know about CCDs…. – Imaging and spectroscopy examples 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 58 Define infrared by detectors/atmosphere Eric Becklin, SOFIA vis • • • • near-ir mid-ir far-ir “visible”: 0.3 – 1.0 μm; CCDs Near-IR: 1.0 – 5.2 μm; InSb, H2O absorption Mid-IR : 8 – 25 μm; Si:As, H2O absorption Far-IR: 25 – 1000 μm; airborne, space 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 59 CCD, IR: physics is the same • Silicon is type IV element • Electrons shared covalently in crystalline material – Acts as insulator – But electrons can be excited to conduction band with relatively small energy (1.0 eV = 1.24 μm), depending on temperature • Internal photoelectric effect • Collect electrons, read out C. Kittel, Intro. to Solid State Physics 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 60 Extrinsic Photoconductor • Silicon is type IV element • Add small amount of type V (As) • Similar to H atom within Si crystal – Extra electron bound to As nucleus – Very small energy required for excitation (48 meV = 26 μm) • Sensitive through mid-IR C. Kittel, Intro. to Solid State Physics 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 61 Intermetallic Photoconductor • Make Si-like compound – III-V (InSb, GaAs) – II-VI (HgxCd1-xTe) • Semiconductors like Si, but with different energy gap for photoexcitation – HgCdTe 0.48 eV = 2.55 μm – InSb 0.23 eV = 5.4 μm But, can excite electrons by other means…… 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 62 Wavelengths of High Performance Detector Materials Si PIN InGaAs SWIR HgCdTe MWIR HgCdTe InSb LWIR HgCdTe Si:As IBC Approximate detector temperatures for dark currents << 1 e-/sec Materials for Infrared Detectors Collection of High-Performance CMOS Detectors InSb 2K x 2K, 25 µm pixels 3D stacked CMOS wafer sandbox HgCdTe 2K x 2K, 18 µm pixels HgCdTe 2K x 2K, 20 µm pixels Monolithic CMOS 4K x 4K, 5 µm pixels HgCdTe 4K x 4K mosaic, 18 µm pixels Hawaii-2RG Heritage All Successfully Developed on 1st Design Pass 1987 1990 1994 1994 -2 -1 16,384 pixels 70,000 FETs CDS: <50e- 65,536 pixels 250,000 FETs CDS: <30e- 65,536 pixels 250,000 FETs CDS: <20e- 4.2 million pixels >13 million FETs Expect CDS <10e- 1.05 million pixels >3.4 million FETs CDS: <10e- Exploiting Many Lessons Learned to Minimize Development Risk And Enable Next Generation Performance 2000 1998 -1R CDS: <TBD e- Transition to 0.25µm CMOS With Full Wafer Stitching and Low-Power System-on-Chip ASIC Infrared Arrays •Diode Array •Multiplexer •Readout Electronics Electric Field in a CCD 1. Electric potential The n-type layer contains an excess of electrons that diffuse into the p-layer. The p-layer contains an excess of holes that diffuse into the n-layer. This structure is identical to that of a diode junction. The diffusion creates a charge imbalance and induces an internal electric field. The electric potential reaches a maximum just inside the n-layer, and it is here that any photo-generated electrons will collect. All science CCDs have this junction structure, known as a ‘Buried Channel’. It has the advantage of keeping the photo-electrons confined away from the surface of the CCD where they could become trapped. It also reduces the amount of thermally generated noise (dark current). p n Potential along this line shown in graph above. Cross section through the thickness of the CCD NIR Photodiode Array Technologies Problems: •Substrate availability •Thermal expansion match to Si •Lattice match to detector material •LPE HgCdTe on Sapphire (PACE-1): Rockwell, CdTe buffer •MBE HgCdTe on CdZnTe: Rockwell, thin or substrate removed, AR coated •InSb (Raytheon): Bulk material, p-on-n, thinned, AR coated •LPE HgCdTe on CdZnTe: Raytheon, thick •MBE HgCdTe on Si: Raytheon, ZnTe and CdTe buffer, thick, thin in future HAWAII-1 Rockwell Science Center • 10241024 2.5mm HgCdTe detector array • 4 Quadrant architecture • 4 Output amplifiers • 18.5 mm pixels • LPE HgCdTe on sapphire (PACE-1) • Use of external JFETs possible • Available for purchase HAWAII-1 Focal Plane Array Open Shutter Close Shutter Reset Reset Diode Bias Voltage 0.5 V kTC Noise Reset-Read Sampling 0V Time Readout Recharge Noise in Capacitors Energy stored in a capacitor: E = ½ Q²/C Noise Energy must be: E_n = ½kT Noise Charge: ½ (Q_n)²/C = ½kT (Q_n)² = kTC Q_n = √ kTC Example: Capacitance: 50 fF, T=37 K k = 1.38 e-23 J/K Q_n = √ kTC Q_n = 5 e-18 C With q_e = 1.6 e-19 C Q_n = 32 electrons rms Open Shutter Close Shutter kTC noise Reset Reset Readout CDS Signal Diode Bias Voltage 0.5 V Double Correlated Sampling 0V Time Readout Open Shutter Close Shutter kTC noise Reset Reset Readout MCS Signal Diode Bias Voltage 0.5 V Fowler (multi) Sampling 0V Time Readout Open Shutter Close Shutter kTC noise Reset MCS Signal Reset Diode Bias Voltage 0.5 V Up-the-Ramp Sampling 0V Time So, here’s what we have to deal with.. • Raw K-band image of field shows stars, but also substantial sky signal • Sky signal intensity varies over field – Large-scale variations • Illumination • Quantum efficiency variations – Small-scale variations • Pixel-to-pixel variations • • • Array defects High dark current pixels (mavericks) These can be corrected by appropriate calibration images – Dark frames (bias) – Flatfield images 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 84 When we try this (CCD style)… • Obtain science images • Obtain calibration images – Dark frames at same integration time – Flatfield images of uniform target • • • • • Subtract dark frame from science images Divide dark-subtracted images by flatfield Image of science field with uniform sky level Subtract (constant) sky level from image But, here is what we get….. – Better, but still see substantial sky variations Small flatfield errors on sky still larger than faint science targets 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 86 Since the sky is the problem… • Subtract out the sky ( or as much as possible) before the flatfield correction • Obtain two images of field, move telescope between • Subtract two images – Eliminate almost all sky signal – Subtracts out dark current, maverick pixels • • Divide by flatfield image Result has almost no sky structure Subtracting sky minimizes effects of flatfield errors (but noise increased by 1.4) 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 87 Typical sequence for IR imaging • Multiple observations of science field with small telescope motions in between (dithering) – Sky background limits integration time – Moving sources samples sky on all pixels – Moving sources avoids effects of bad/noisy pixels • Combine observations using median filtering algorithm – Effectively removes stars from result sky image – Averaging reduces noise in sky image • • Subtract sky frame from each science frame sky subtracted images Divide sky subtracted images by flatfield image – Dome flat using lights on – lights off to subtract background – Sky flat using sky image – dark image using same integration time – Twilight flats – short time interval in IR • Shift and combine flatfielded images – Rejection algorithm (or median) can be used to eliminate bad pixels from final image 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 88 Here’s what it looks like…. Sky frame Median Subtract sky, divide each by Flatfield 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 89 Shift and combine images • NGC 7790, Ks filter • 3 x 3 grid • 50 arcsec dither offset Bad pixels eliminated From combined image Higher noise in corners than in center (fewer combined images) 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 90 This works fine in sparse fields, but what about crowded fields, extended targets? • In addition to dithered observations of science field (still necessary for sampling good pixels), it is necessary to obtain dithered observations of a nearby sparse field to generate a sky image. • Requires additional observing overhead, but this is the only way to obtain proper sky subtraction “And if you try to cheat, and don’t take the proper number of sky frames, then you get what you deserve” --Marcia Rieke 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 91 An example: M42 Raw image in narrowband H2 filter Off-source sky frame Sky-subtracted, flatfielded image 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 92 Mid-infrared strategy • Sky background at 10 μm is 103 – 104 greater than in K band – Detector wells saturate in very short time (< 50 ms) – Very small temporal variations in sky >> astronomical source intensities • • Read array out very rapidly (20 ms), coadd images Sample sky at high rate (~ 3 Hz) by chopping secondary mirror (15 arcsec) – Synchronize with detector readout, build up “target” and “sky” images – But tilting of secondary mirror introduces its own offset signal • Remove offset by nodding telescope (30 s) by amplitude of chop motion – Relative phase of target changed by 180° with respect to chop cycle – Relative phase of offset signal unchanged – Subtraction adds signal from target, subtracts offset • http://www.gemini.edu/sciops/instruments/t-recs/imaging …… chop 19 July 2010 nod NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 94 HAWAII-1 • • • • • • Quantum efficiency (50% - 60%) Dark current 0.01 e-/s (65K) Read noise about 10 - 15 e- rms CDS Residual image effect Some multiplexer glow Fringing 3600 s 128 samp T= 65K Internal FETs External JFETs optimized Fringing in PACE-1 material 1997 1998 Residual Images in PACE-1 HAWAII-1 Arrays Aladdin Raytheon Center for Infrared Excellence • • • • • • • 10241024 InSb detector array 4 Quadrant architecture 32 Output amplifiers 27 mm pixels Thinned, AR coated InSb Three generations of multiplexers “Foundry Run” distribution mode Aladdin • • • • • • Quantum efficiency high (80% - 90%) Dark current 0.2 - 1.0 e-/s Read noise about 40 e- rms CDS Charge capacity 200,000 eResidual image effect No amplifier glow Aladdin frame taken with SPEX (J. Rayner) NIRI Aladdin Image of AFGL2591 HAWAII-2 Rockwell Science Center • 20482048 2.5mm HgCdTe detector array • 4 Quadrant architecture • 32 Output amplifiers • 3 Output modes available • 18.0 mm pixels • Use of external JFETs possible • Reference signal channel underway for ProCam-2 • Also migrating to 0.13µm on newest programs to boost performance via Cu and low-k interlayer dielectrics 10 DRAM CMOS RSC FPA Minimum Feature (µm) • • Continuing to Aggressively Use 5 Designs in 0.25µm CMOS 3.3/1.8V 0.18µm CMOS 1 After Isaac (1999) 0.1 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year of Introduction 2000 2005 HAWAII-2: Photolithographically Abut 4 CMOS Reticles to Produce Each 20482 ROIC Twelve 20482 ROICs per 8” Wafer Submicron Stepper Options Canon 16mm x 14 mm GCA 20mm x 20 mm ASML 22mm x 27.4 mm Reticle-Stitching: 2048x2048 ROIC 20482 Readout Provides Low Read Noise for Visible and MWIR HAWAII-2 Reference Signal New Developments • Multiplexers: • Detector Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • HAWAII-1R HAWAII-1RG HAWAII-2RG Abuttable 2K2K RIO developments MBE HgCdTe on CdZnTe MBE HgCdTe on Si Cutoff wavelength Thinning Substrate removal AR coating RSC Approach HAWAII - 2RG HgCdTe2 Astronomy Wide Area Infrared Imager with 2k Resolution, Reference pixels and Guide Mode • HgCdTe detector – substrate removed to achieve 0.6 µm sensitivity • Specifically designed multiplexer – highly flexible reset and readout options – optimized for low power and low glow operation – three-side close buttable • Two-chip imaging system: MUX + ASIC – convenient operation with small number of clocks/signals – lower power, less noise 3-D Barrier to Prevent Glow from Reaching the Detector HgCdTe Detector p-type n+ Indium Interconnect Low-Noise CMOS Multiplexer Overglass Metal 3 Analog Capacitor Metal 2 Metal 1 Poly 1 CMOS (LOCOS) Prototype 2×2 Mosaic for NGST Ground-Based Camera Projects 2K*2K IR Arrays •IfA ULB •UKIRT WFC •CFHT WIRCAM •Gemini GSAOI •ESO VISTA •Keck KIRMOS Block Diagram I/O Pads & output buffers serial interface clock buffers decoders for horizontal start and stop address fast guide shift register + logic fast normal shift register + logic 5 MHz column buffers glow and crosstalk shield decoders for vertical start and stop address Slow guide shift register + logic Slow normal shift register + logic glow and crosstalk shield 4 rows and columns containing reference pixels Additional row of reference pixels for diagnostic purposes 2048 x 2048 pixel array (2040 x 2040 sensitive pixels) 4 rows and columns containing reference pixels • All pads located on one side (top) • Approx. 110 doubled I/O pads (probing and bonding) • Three-side close buttable • 18 µm pixels • Total dimensions: 39 x 40.5 mm² FPA Housings in NIRCam LW FPAs and Housings Module A Module B SW FPAs and Housings *OBA Struts and Brackets not shown Spectroscopy uses similar strategy 1.89 1.42 1.13 0.94 • Example: GNIRS spectrum – R ~ 2000, cross-dispersed – 0.8 – 2.5 μm in five orders • Strong, wavelength-dependent sky – OH emission lines 0.8 – 2.3 μm – Thermal continuum 2.0 + μm – Atmospheric absorption > 2.3 μm shows up as emission in thermal • Need to subtract out sky 2.55 1.91 1.53 1.27 1.09 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 124 Subtract sky by dithering along slit • First 900s exposure • Move QSO 4 arcsec along slit, expose • Subtract • Eliminates most of sky lines – OH emission time variable – Very small (.02 pixel) instrument flexure – Remove residual sky using software 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 125 Summary • Infrared arrays utilize same physics as CCDs • Architecture is different from CCDs – Hybrid construction: separate detector and readout – Unit cell: row/column addressing – no charge transfer – Nondestructive readout – double; multiple correlated sampling • Low temperature operation – Minimize detector dark current (bad electrons) – Minimize thermal radiation from instrument (bad photons) • More bad photons – sky is limiting factor in infrared – Imaging: sky >> astronomical signals – Spectroscopy: sky bright, emission lines – Strategy: dithering to eliminate sky contribution Review article: George Rieke 2007, Ann. Rev. Astr. Ap. 45, 77. 19 July 2010 NOAO Gemini Data Workshop 126