Managed Health Care Pricing for Provider Arrangements Presented by Vanessa Olson Seminar on Health and Managed Care October 18, 1999 1 2 Contents Objectives Introduction Provider Pricing to Managed Care Contracts Model Variables Sample Pricing Model 3 Objectives To gain an understanding of: Characteristics of managed care Impact of managed care on provider reimbursement Variables and assumptions used in provider reimbursement modelling 4 Introduction to Managed Care Managed care programs promote the costeffective use of health care benefits through: Utilization management -- use of Primary Care Physician Selective contracting -- small provider networks with heavily-discounted reimbursement rates Provider payment/incentive programs -- transfer of risk to providers 5 Introduction to Managed Care Indemnity Insurance Complete coverage, freedom-of-choice Cost varies by level of out-of-pocket payments (deductibles, coinsurance) No negotiated discounts with providers Insurer or purchaser at risk 6 Introduction to Managed Care PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) Similar to indemnity programs Two levels of benefits: Network (preferred) providers agree to provide services to covered individuals at a discounted fee in return for increased volume Members pay more out-of-pocket to use non-preferred providers Increasing risk to network providers due to discounted payments if increase in volume does not materialize 7 Introduction to Managed Care HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Care coordinated through Primary Care Physician Limited access to providers Low member out-of-pocket costs Shift of risk to providers through alternative payment mechanisms (target budgets, capitation) 8 Introduction to Managed Care POS (Point-of-Service) Hybrid of HMO and PPO products Like a PPO, two benefit levels: Enrollees select PCP who manages all in-network utilization, as in HMO Members pay more for access to non-network providers, no PCP referral required 9 Introduction to Managed Care Health Type of Plan Insurance Options What it offers Method of Cost Control Features Indemnity Services from any provider None Freedom to choose any provider PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) Services from any provider, but at a lower cost inside the provider network Discounts negotiated with providers Freedom to choose any provider Prior approval for hospitalization Savings when participating network providers are used 10 Introduction to Managed Care Health Type of Plan HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Insurance Options (cont’d) What it offers Services from network providers only Method of Cost Control Features “Gatekeeper” Preventive care is managing utilization covered and referrals Low copayments Negotiated provider discounts 11 Introduction to Managed Care Health Type of Plan POS (Point-ofService) Insurance Options (cont’d) What it offers Services from any provider, but at a lower cost inside the provider network Method of Cost Control Within network, “gatekeeper” manages utilization Features Freedom to choose any provider Savings when Negotiated provider network providers discounts are used Preventive care is covered 12 Introduction to Managed Care National Employee Health Care Enrollment Indemnity PPO POS HMO Source: William M. Mercer/Foster Higgins 1993 48% 27% 7% 19% 1997 15% 35% 20% 30% 13 Provider Contracts Fee-for-Service Payment is made for each service provided based on negotiated fee schedules No limit to amount providers can receive No incentive to limit unnecessary services High risk for the insurer under fee-for-service arrangements, little or no risk to providers 14 Provider Contracts Types of fee schedules under Fee-for-Service arrangements include the following: Inpatient: • Per Diem -- fixed amount per hospital day • DRG (Diagnostic-Related Group)-- fixed amount per case based on diagnosis • Percent of Charges Outpatient Hospital: • Percent of Charges 15 Provider Contracts Types of Fee Schedules (cont’d) Professional Services: • Percent of RBRVS (Resource Based Relative Value Scale) -- Medicare fee schedule based on procedure code Pharmacy • AWP (Average Wholesale Price) of drug dispensed + fixed percentage (usually 12-15%) 16 Provider Contracts Capitation Flat amount paid to provider in advance for each assigned member May vary based on member demographics, benefit plan, or other risk characteristics May apply to specific services or to all services: Global Capitation Primary Care Physician (PCP) Capitation Specialty Hospital Etc. Capitation Capitation 17 Provider Contracts Capitation (cont’d) May apply only to certain providers May be a PMPM (Per Member Per Month) amount or fixed percentage of total medical premium Paid whether services rendered to member or not No additional payments provided All risk is passed on to providers 18 Provider Contracts Comparison of Two Methods Fee-for-Service Capitation Variability Payment depends on number and type of services provided Payment does not vary with number or type of services provided Timing Payment received after services provided Capitation is prepaid each month Risk HMO is at risk for higher Provider is at risk for than expected cost and higher than expected utilization cost and utilization Economic Incentive to Provider Perform more services and more expensive services Perform fewer services and less expensive services 19 Provider Contracts Range of Provider Risk No Economic Risk Full Economic Risk Reimbursement Methods Standard Charges Discounted Charges Fee Schedules Per Diem Rates Per Case Rates Combination of Above with Performance Bonus Capitation 20 Pricing Model Variables Utilization of Covered Services Projected levels of utilization will be based on historical provider experience Historical experience will be adjusted to reflect projected utilization based on the following: Benefit levels The nature of provider contracts, including incentive payments and risk-sharing provisions Utilization Changes management efforts in medical practice -- i.e. increasing use of outpatient surgery over inpatient stays 21 Pricing Model Variables Unit Cost of Covered Services Projected unit costs will be based on historical provider experience Historical costs will be adjusted to reflect projected costs based on the following: Inflation Changes Member in fee schedules cost sharing (deductibles, coinsurance, copayments) Units for both utilization and cost will depend on service category and type of fee schedule 22 Pricing Model Variables Products covered Commercial HMO Medicare Risk HMO: Highest cost population (3-5 times greater than Commercial) Depending on volume, may be largest source of revenue for provider Payments to HMOs are controlled by Federal Government 23 Pricing Model Variables Products covered (cont’d) Medicaid HMO Self-insured business: Costs are lower than for fully-insured products If capitation is percent of premium, premium needs to be defined for self-insured business POS presents additional risk to providers since outof-network utilization cannot be managed 24 Pricing Model Variables Scope of services included in contract: Standard HMO contracts cover Inpatient & Outpatient Hospital, Professional Services, and Ancillary Services Other covered services may include vision care and dental care Mental Health/Substance Abuse services are commonly carved out of contract 25 Pricing Model Variables Scope of Services (cont’d) Inclusion of prescription drugs in capitation or incentive arrangements increases risk to providers: Increasing demand for physician services reduces the amount of time spent with each patient, driving an increase in prescription drug utilization Annual prescription drug cost inflation of 10+% For over 65 population, drugs represent a larger proportion of overall costs (15-30%) relative to Commercial population (12-15%) Drugs not covered by Medicare -- risk of adverse selection 26 Pricing Model Variables Risk Adjusters Health Status -- Severity Demographics -- Age, Gender, Area Contracts should provide for adjustments for specific provider populations as well as for changes over time 27 Pricing Model Variables IBNR Provider contracts usually apply on an incurred 12/paid 15 or similar arrangement Claims paid after settlement date will run into next year’s contract 28 Pricing Model Variables Credibility Historical experience can be used to project cost, utilization, and IBNR if population is large enough Risk increases in absence of credible data 29 Pricing Model Variables Provider Stop Loss Used to protect at-risk physicians and/or hospitals from catastrophic claim experience Limits the amount of claims that can be charged against budgets/capitation payments 30 Sample Pricing Model Key PMPM = Formula: (Annual Services Per 1,000 Members) x (Avg. Cost/Service) 12 Months x 1,000 Members 31 Sample Pricing Model Service Category Inpatient Facility (excl. MH/SA) Outpatient Facility Emergency Room Outpatient Surgery Diagnostic X-Ray Diagnostic Laboratory Other Outpatient Facility Total Outpatient Facility Exp. CY2000 Utilization per 1,000 250 Exp. CY2000 Avg Cost Per Service $1,200 Exp. CY2000 Gross PMPM $25.00 Copay $0 Exp. CY2000 Net PMPM $25.00 153 75 210 300 250 $280 1,250 275 40 200 $3.57 7.81 4.81 1.00 4.17 $50 0 0 0 0 $2.93 7.81 4.81 1.00 4.17 $20.72 Physician Services Office Visits Surgery Maternity -- Deliveries Radiology Laboratory Other Total Physician Services 2,945 420 15 800 2,800 1,520 $50 300 1,800 75 15 135 $12.27 10.50 2.25 5.00 3.50 17.10 $10 0 0 0 0 0 $9.82 10.50 2.25 5.00 3.50 17.10 $48.17 Pharmacy Brand Generic Total Pharmacy 4,050 2,700 $50 15 $16.88 3.38 $12 7 $12.83 1.80 $14.63 Subtotal Age/Gender Adjustment Grand Total -- Projected Capitation Requirement $108.52 1.007 $109.32 32 Sample Pricing Model -- Utilization Inpatient Days per 1,000 Incurred CY98 Paid @2/99 Inpatient Days 1,952 Completion Factor 0.9 Total CY98 Incurred 2,169 Member Months 100,000 Annual Days/1,000 260 Trend: Midpoint (7/1/98) to Midpoint (7/1/00) = (.98)^24/12 = .96 Projected CY2000: Annual Days per 1,000 x Trend = 260 x .96 = 250 Annual Trend -2% Projected CY2000 250 33 Sample Pricing Model -- Utilization Office Visit Utilization: # Visits Incurred CY98 Paid @2/99 270 210 1,100 1,560 525 210 425 4,360 8,800 3,850 1,100 CPT-4 Code 99200 99201 99202 99203 99204 99205 99211 99212 99213 99214 99215 Total Member Months Office Visit Utilization/1,000 Per Year Completion Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Total CY98 Incurred 284 221 1,158 1,642 553 221 447 4,589 9,263 4,053 1,158 23,589 100,000 2,831 Annual Trend 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Projected CY2000 296 230 1,205 1,708 575 230 465 4,775 9,637 4,216 1,205 24,542 100,000 2,945 34 Sample Pricing Model -- Cost Inpatient Hospital Cost/Day: Admission Type Medical Surgical ICU NICU Normal Delivery C-Section Projected CY2000 Total Payments Projected CY2000 Total Days Avg. CY2000 Per Diem Proj. CY2000 Total Days 885 255 126 83 506 253 $2,530,400 2,108 $1,200 CY2000 Per Diem $1,050 $1,250 $1,900 $2,050 Proj. CY2000 Total Cases CY2000 Case Rate 211 77 $2,750 $3,800 35 Sample Pricing Model -- Age/Gender Adjustment Factor Age 0-5 6 - 15 16 - 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 65+ Female 0.85 0.40 1.10 1.30 1.30 1.50 2.20 2.30 CY1998 Member Months Male 0.85 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 1.00 2.30 2.60 Total Member Months Total Factor Change in Age/Gender Factor (1.029/1.021) Female 4,725 6,750 7,100 7,780 12,650 6,720 3,780 1,550 Male 4,770 6,380 7,125 7,880 13,020 5,905 2,920 945 Proj. CY2000 Member Months Total 9,495 13,130 14,225 15,660 25,670 12,625 6,700 2,495 100,000 1.021 Female 4,650 6,550 7,045 7,930 13,050 6,800 3,990 1,625 Male 4,800 6,420 7,175 8,025 13,190 6,045 3,100 975 Total 9,450 12,970 14,220 15,955 26,240 12,845 7,090 2,600 101,370 1.029 1.007