June 18, 2007 Commentary on the New Hazard Groups CAS Spring Meeting Jose Couret Orlando Outline Motivation Gauging the Improvement Excess Loss Factors by Class Conclusion 1 Motivation Motivation Development of New Hazard Groups Old Hazard Group Mapping – Until recently, hundreds of class codes were condensed into 4 hazard groups--of which hazard groups II and III contained 95% of the exposure. New Hazard Group Mapping – The number of hazard groups has increased to seven (from four) under NCCI’s B-1403 filing. – The new hazard groups are a significant improvement. 3 Motivation An ELF is a Weighted Average of the ELFs by Injury Type Fatal PT Major Minor TT 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 $1,200,000 $1,300,000 $1,400,000 $1,500,000 4 Gauging the Improvement Gauging the Improvement Discussion A key element of the excess percentage is the frequency of loss by injury type. Fatalities and permanent disabilities cost more than other injury types; so when they have high relative frequency, more of the claims cost arises from large losses. Relative Frequency = claim count for the injury type divided by the claim count for temporary total. Relative frequency for the more serious injury types should increase as one moves from a lower hazard group to a higher hazard group. – Fatal – Permanent Total – Major Permanent Partial 6 Gauging the Improvement Relative Frequency by Hazard Group and Injury Type HG Fatal:TT PT:TT Major:TT Minor:TT TT:TT MO:TT A B C D E F G 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.007 0.013 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.016 0.052 0.083 0.099 0.118 0.151 0.198 0.249 0.350 0.392 0.395 0.387 0.371 0.344 0.394 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 5.663 5.641 5.050 4.590 3.983 2.970 2.992 All 0.004 0.006 0.122 0.380 1.000 4.615 Note: Undeveloped, adjusted to Countrywide Level 7 Gauging the Improvement Relative Frequency by Hazard Group and Injury Type Classes Formerly in Hazard Group II HG Fatal:TT PT:TT Major:TT Minor:TT TT:TT MO:TT A B C D E F G 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.006 - 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.007 - 0.049 0.084 0.096 0.112 0.091 0.119 - 0.342 0.397 0.393 0.438 0.297 0.397 - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 5.750 5.704 5.032 5.239 3.866 3.728 - All 0.002 0.004 0.089 0.391 1.000 5.285 Note: Undeveloped, adjusted to Countrywide Level 8 Gauging the Improvement Relative Frequency by Hazard Group and Injury Type Classes Formerly in Hazard Group III HG Fatal:TT PT:TT Major:TT Minor:TT TT:TT MO:TT A B C D E F G 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.011 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.013 0.062 0.123 0.122 0.158 0.198 0.227 0.268 0.407 0.346 0.380 0.340 0.396 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 5.371 5.153 4.076 3.998 2.936 2.625 All 0.006 0.007 0.164 0.364 1.000 3.730 Note: Undeveloped, adjusted to Countrywide Level 9 Gauging the Improvement Fatal Frequencies– Within and Between Hazard Groups A 80 40 0 B 80 Hazard Group means are very different. 40 0 C 80 40 0 h g 7 D 80 Is the variation within hazard groups significant? 40 0 E 80 40 0 F 80 40 0 G 80 40 0 0 0. 01725613 0. 03451226 0. 05176838 0. 06902451 0. 08628064 0. 10353677 Fat al : TT 10 Gauging the Improvement PT Frequencies– Within and Between Hazard Groups A 80 40 0 B 80 40 0 C 80 40 0 h g 7 D 80 40 0 E 80 40 0 F 80 40 0 G 80 40 0 0 0. 00810585 0. 01621169 0. 02431754 0. 03242339 0. 04052923 0. 04863508 0. 05674093 PT : T T 11 Gauging the Improvement Major Frequencies– Within and Between Hazard Groups A 30 15 0 B 30 15 0 C 30 15 0 h g 7 D 30 15 0 E 30 15 0 F 30 15 0 G 30 15 0 0. 014 0. 054 0. 094 0. 134 0. 174 0. 214 0. 254 0. 294 0. 334 0. 374 0. 414 0. 454 0. 494 0. 534 Ma j o r : T T 12 Gauging the Improvement Performance Testing with A Holdout Sample For each injury type, calculated relative frequency for the even reports (2, 4, 6) and used these to predict the odd reports (3, 5, 7). Discarded greenest year of data (first report). Estimates are expressed as relativities to the all-class relative frequencies. Three methods used to predict holdout period outcome: 1. No hazard group method 2. Old 4-hazard group method 3. New 7-hazard group method Note: statistical procedure used to eliminate state differentials. 13 Gauging the Improvement Performance Testing with A Holdout Sample Fatal Claims (1) Approx 7x greater Hazard Group A B C D E F G (2) (3) (4) (5) Holdout Period Relativity 0.43643 0.48555 0.68370 1.05510 1.30104 1.85093 2.95338 Prediction Without HG 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Prediction Based On Old 4-HG 0.61064 0.63025 0.73183 1.09209 1.35524 1.47003 2.39305 Prediction Based On New 7-HG 0.39589 0.49673 0.71623 0.91244 1.33699 1.83257 3.16405 1.00000 1.00000 5.31575 1.00000 0.51697 1.00000 0.06919 Mean SSE Hold-out period relativities we are trying to predict. Clearly, predictions based on new 7-HG averages from even years more closely track holdout period results. New 7-HG predictions yield lowest sum of squared errors. 14 Gauging the Improvement Performance Testing with A Holdout Sample Permanent Total claims (1) Hazard Group A B C D E F G Mean SSE (2) (3) (4) (5) Holdout Period Relativity 0.50791 0.78888 0.82907 0.92482 1.05933 1.59147 2.46731 Prediction Without HG 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Prediction Based On Old 4-HG 0.77136 0.79082 0.85531 1.04844 1.18931 1.25555 1.85357 Prediction Based On New 7-HG 0.50791 0.74260 0.85528 0.90114 1.15000 1.56268 2.24219 1.00000 1.00000 2.82796 1.00000 0.59179 1.00000 0.06312 New 7-HG predictions yield lowest sum of squared errors. 15 Gauging the Improvement Performance Testing with A Holdout Sample Major Permanent Partial Claims (1) Hazard Group A B C D E F G Mean SSE (2) (3) (4) (5) Holdout Period Relativity 0.48293 0.73543 0.85706 0.95867 1.20489 1.56231 1.77769 Prediction Without HG 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Prediction Based On Old 4-HG 0.75709 0.76893 0.83503 1.07328 1.24724 1.30813 1.58653 Prediction Based On New 7-HG 0.45373 0.74128 0.83793 0.97761 1.21946 1.56371 1.81744 1.00000 1.00000 1.32248 1.00000 0.19285 1.00000 0.00341 New 7-HG predictions yield lowest sum of squared errors. 16 Gauging the Improvement Comments Testing suggests that the new hazard groups are superior to the old. There is great value in having seven sets of benchmark excess loss factors that do not “cross over”. New hazard groups are still sufficiently heterogeneous for a correlated credibility approach to add value. Even then, the hazard group estimate can serve as the complement of credibility. May be impractical for bureaus to support ELFs by class. Individual insurers can derive their own credits and debits to adjust hazard group ELFs to class level. 17 Excess Loss Factors by Class Excess Loss Factors by Class Relative Permanent Total (PT) Frequency by Class Code 50 40 P e r c e n t 30 20 10 0 0. 25 0. 5 0. 75 1 1. 25 1. 5 1. 75 P T Re l a t i v i t y 2 2. 25 ( Cr e d i b i l i t y 2. 5 2. 75 Ad j u s t e d , 3 Be f o r e 3. 25 3. 5 3. 75 4 4. 25 Ca p s ) 19 Excess Loss Factors by Class Sample State, $4m XS $1M 40 A 20 0 40 B 20 0 H a z a r d 40 C 20 0 40 D G r o u p 20 0 40 E 20 0 40 F 20 0 40 G 20 0 0. 02775 0. 03675 0. 04575 0. 05475 0. 06375 Layer Loss 0. 07275 Co s t 0. 08175 0. 09075 0. 09975 0. 10875 ( %) 20 Excess Loss Factors by Class Sample State, $5m XS $5M 40 A 20 0 40 B 20 0 H a z a r d 40 C 20 0 40 D G r o u p 20 0 40 E 20 0 40 F 20 0 40 G 20 0 0. 001875 0. 003625 0. 005375 0. 007125 0. 008875 0. 010625 0. 012375 0. 014125 0. 015875 0. 017625 Layer Loss Co s t ( %) 21 Excess Loss Factors by Class Credibility Procedure Yields Modest Reduction in Sum of Squared Errors Sum of Squared Prediction Errors by Injury Type (1) Injury Type Fatal PT Major PP Minor PP Med. Only (2) Prediction Based on HG 43.6 34.7 1,425.0 6,756.9 417,260.8 (3) Prediction Based on Raw Even 65.2 83.6 2,201.7 10,360.3 434,837.9 (4) Prediction Based on Cred. Proc. 43.5 34.6 1,405.6 6,558.0 351,270.8 22 Excess Loss Factors by Class Quintiles Test Utilizing a variation on NCCI’s “Quintiles Test” to measure model performance – Approach used to test Experience Rating Plan Hazard grouping approximation works best when all classes in a Hazard Group – have the same relative frequency of injuries – same composition of loss by injury type Our goal: determine if by-class approach improves prediction of injury type relative frequency. 23 Excess Loss Factors by Class Quintiles Test Methodology Discard greenest year of data (first report) For each injury type, calculated relative frequency relativities (to the hazard group average) from the even reports (2, 4, 6). – Used these to predict the odd reports (3, 5, 7) Classes within a HG are sorted by credibility-weighted relativity and aggregated into five groups of roughly equal size. – Groupings were created so that the number of TT claim counts in each quintile is roughly equal. – The lowest 20% of the class relativities belong to the risks in the first quintile, the next 20% to the second quintile, etc. 24 Excess Loss Factors by Class Observations Hazard Group D, Permanent Total Claims (1) Quintile 1 2 3 4 5 Mean SSE (2) (3) (4) (5) Prediction Based Prediction Based Prediction Based on Cred. Odd Relativity on HG on Raw Even Procedure 0.4951 1.0000 0.3065 0.5648 0.8634 1.0000 0.4260 0.8732 0.9861 1.0000 0.7513 1.0000 1.1269 1.0000 1.3473 1.1038 1.5215 1.0000 2.1547 1.4519 1.0000 1.0000 0.5618 1.0000 0.7315 Column (2), what we are trying to predict, represents the average relative frequency for the classes in the quintile divided by the corresponding estimate for all of HG D. For example, the relative frequency of PT claims (as a ratio to TT) for the classes within the first quintile was about half of the HG average. 1.0000 0.0105 Upwardly sloping relativities are desirable; indicate the credibility procedure tended to identify class difference in relative PT frequency. 25 Excess Loss Factors by Class Observations (continued) Goal is to predict the Column (2) frequency relativity for each quintile. Column (3) is a prediction based on the HG average. All entries equal to unity – by assumption every quintile has the HG D relative frequency for PT claims. The predictions in Column (4) are based on raw class relativities observed for the even years. For example, the classes in the fifth quintile had an even-year relative PT frequency that was 215% of the HG average. The Column (5) predictions were derived using the multi-dimensional credibility procedure. Again, the quintiles are ranked by credibility weighted class relativity, not raw relativity. 26 Excess Loss Factors by Class Observations (continued) Hazard Group D, Permanent Total Claims (1) Approx 3x greater (2) (3) Quintile 1 2 3 4 5 Odd Relativity 0.4951 0.8634 0.9861 1.1269 1.5215 Prediction Based on HG 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Mean SSE 1.0000 Actual Odd year relativities we are trying to predict. Classes in highest quintile 3x more likely to have a PT claim 1.0000 0.5618 (4) (5) Prediction Based Prediction Based on Cred. on Raw Even Procedure 0.3065 0.5648 0.4260 0.8732 0.7513 1.0000 1.3473 1.1038 2.1547 1.4519 1.0000 0.7315 Flat relativities significantly underestimate PT frequency for classes in higher quintiles and overestimate lower quintiles 1.0000 0.0105 Prediction based on Even years gives too much credibility to historical experience There is significant variability of PT frequency within Hazard Group D 27 Excess Loss Factors by Class Sum of Squared Prediction Errors by Hazard Group and Injury Type Prediction Based on HG 0.13227 0.32630 0.83604 0.97498 0.49691 0.39060 0.55650 Prediction Based on Raw Even 0.94431 1.79940 1.39413 0.87260 1.44023 1.35362 1.23015 Prediction Based on Cred. Proc. 0.18952 0.05637 0.03376 0.12111 0.05096 0.07280 0.06035 HG A B C D E F G Injury Type Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal A B C D E F G PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 0.03941 0.38273 0.56175 0.56183 0.73195 0.56872 1.09139 1.94151 1.34145 0.55609 0.73151 0.82350 0.53817 0.52326 0.57993 0.11044 0.01180 0.01053 0.07050 0.01812 0.07946 A B C D E F G Major Major Major Major Major Major Major 0.58481 0.33888 0.38001 0.18900 0.28775 0.32418 0.58518 0.01988 0.03729 0.04108 0.03928 0.07476 0.04703 0.14046 0.05079 0.00870 0.00738 0.01850 0.01030 0.01781 0.00538 Supports severity differentials by hazard group for permanent partial losses. Thinking in R2 terms, the class relativities could be said to "explain" 98% of the "between quintiles” variance for PT/HG D. This is not actually a regression, but the statistic is still impressive by real-life actuarial standards. The use of class relativities dramatically improves the class frequency by injury type estimation. 28 Conclusion Conclusion The new hazard groups are superior to the old. There is great value in having excess loss factors that do not “cross over”. A correlated credibility approach can be used to calculate indicated credits/debits to the hazard group ELFs. The actual credit/debit must incorporate underwriting judgment. 30