Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar An Insider’s Guide to WC Loss Reserving Larry Vitale Topics for Discussion Frequency and Severity Trends Loss Development Trends in Country Wide Variation by State Primary and Excess Trends in Excess Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution – What’s in it? Variation in Loss Reserves Industry Net Reserves Industry Excess Reserves 2 WC Frequency and Severity Trends The Growth in WC Indemnity Claim Costs Has Eased in Recent Years 21 19 +6.0%+2.0% Annual Change 1992-1996: +1.3% Annual Change 1997-2004: +7.4% +4.7% +2.2% +9.6% 17 +10.9% 15 +9.4% 2001 2002 $19.1 1996 $17.7 1995 $16.9 1994 $16.5 $10.6 1993 $12.4 $10.0 1992 $11.4 $9.8 1991 $15.1 +4.9%+1.7% $9.4 7 -3.1% -2.8% $9.6 9 +1.0% $13.6 11 +7.7% +5.9% $18.7 +9.0% 13 $9.9 Indemnity Claim Costs (000s) Lost-Time Claims 2004 2005 5 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 Accident Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 3 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Workers Compensation Indemnity Severity Is No Longer Outpacing Wage Inflation Lost-Time Claims Percent Change 12 10.9 10 7.7 8 6.0 5.9 6 4.9 4.7 2 2.8 2.8 4.7 4.2 4.2 4.0 4 9.6 9.4 9.0 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.0 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Accident Year Change in CPS Wage Change in Indemnity Cost Per Lost-Time Claim Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 4 WC Frequency and Severity Trends WC Medical Claim Cost Trends--Growth Continued in 2005 +8.5% 23 Annual Change 1992-1996: +4.1% 21 Annual Change 1997-2004: +9.5% +10.3 +9.1% 19 +8.7% 17 +12.3% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 $19.0 $10.1 1993 5 $14.2 $9.4 1992 +1.3% -2.1% $12.0 $8.9 1991 +6.8% $11.1 $8.2 7 +9.0% +7.4% $8.4 9 +5.1% $13.2 11 +8.3% $16.0 +10.1% $17.4 13 2003 2004 $22.7 +8.1% +9.5% $20.9 15 $8.3 Medical Claim Costs (000s) Lost-Time Claims 2005 Accident Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 5 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Workers Compensation Medical Severity Has Been Growing Much Faster Than the Medical CPI Lost-Time Claims 14 12.3 Percent Change 12 10.3 10.1 9.5 10 6 4.5 5.1 3.6 4 2.8 3.2 8.5 8.1 7.4 8 9.1 8.7 8.3 3.5 4.1 4.6 4.7 4.0 4.4 4.2 2 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 Change in Medical CPI 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Change in Medical Cost Per Lost-Time Claim Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 6 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Workers Compensation Medical Losses Are More Than Half of Total Losses Medical All Claims--NCCI States 1 Percentage Medical: 44% Medical: 52% Indemnity Medical: 58% 0.5 Indemnity: 56% Indemnity: 48% Indemnity: 42% 0 1985 1995 2005 Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 7 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Workers Compensation Lost-Time Claim Frequency Continues its Decline Lost-Time Claims 2 Percentage Change Cumulative Change of -48% (1991-2004) 0.5 0.3 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 -2 -2.3 -4 -6 -4.2 -4.4 -4.5 -4.3 -3.9 -4.5 -4.5 -5.7 -6.5 -8 -10 -3.9 -6.9 -9.2 Accident Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 8 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Percent Change in Lost-Time Claim Frequency Declines in Frequency Now Uniform by Size of Loss Size of Loss 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 $0-$2K $2-$10K $10-$50K $50K-Over Overall Yearly Change in Frequency -5% 2001 -7% 2002 -5% 2003 -4% 2004 Policy Expiration Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 9 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Claim Frequency Has Declined for All Industry Groups Lost-Time Frequency per $1M of WageAdjusted Payroll Policy Expiration Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1.2 Cumulative Change in Frequency 1.0 -17% -20% -12% -16% -17% -19% 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Manufacturing Contracting Office & Clerical Goods & Services Miscellaneous Overall Policy Expiration Year Source: State of Line, D Mealey Chief Actuary NCCI 10 Injury & Illness Rates per 1,000 FTE Workers WC Frequency and Severity Trends Non-Fatal Incidence Rates Involving Days Away from Work by Age Show Relationships Narrowing 30 25 20 15 10 5 1994 1995 Age 20-24 1996 Age 25-34 1997 1998 Age 35-44 1999 Age 45-54 2000 Age 55-64 2001 2002 Total 20-64 Age as a Driver of Freq. ^ Severity, H Shuford, Chief Economist NCCI 11 WC Frequency and Severity Trends Average Paid Case Indemnity Severities Reported at 18 Months By Age & Accident Year 1991-2002 $14,000 Severity $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 1991 1992 20-24 1993 25-34 1994 1995 1996 35-44 1997 45-54 1998 1999 55-64 2000 2001 2002 Total Ages 20-64 Age as a Driver of Freq. ^ Severity, H Shuford, Chief Economist NCCI 12 Loss Development: Trends in Country Wide % Ultimate NCCI Gross CW AY Loss Incurred Development Comparison from Various CY Annual Statistical Bulletins 100% 2005 2003 75% 2001 1999 1995 50% 12 36 60 84 Months 13 Loss Development: Trends in Country Wide NCCI Gross CW AY Loss Paid Development Comparison from Various CY Annual Statistical Bulletins 100% % Ultimate 2005 2003 2001 60% 2001 1999 1995 20% 12 36 60 Months 84 14 Loss Development: Individual State - Variation State Incurred Loss Development Comparison: NCCI Statistical Bulletin 2005 & Misc Rating Bureaus % Ultimate 100% 10% - tile 25% - tile 75% - tile 95% - tile CW 70% 40% 1 3 5 Years 7 9 15 Loss Development: Individual State - Variation % Ultimate State Paid Loss Development Comparison: NCCI Statistical Bulletin 2005 & Misc Rating Bureaus 100% 55% 10% - tile 25% - tile 75% - tile 95% - tile CW 10% 1 3 5 Years 7 9 16 Loss Development: Primary vs. Excess WC Primary vs. Excess Loss Development Comparison % Ultimate 100% 50% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Incurred RAA Total CY 2004 Incurred NCCI CW CY 2005 Paid RAA Total CY 2004 Paid NCCI CW CY 2005 Years 17 Loss Development: Excess 2005 RAA WC Data: Excess Incurred Loss Development Comparison % Ultimate 100% 50% Cal Yr '91-'95 Cal Yr '97-'00 Cal Yr '00-'04 0% 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 Years 18 Loss Development: Excess 2005 RAA WC Data: Excess Paid Loss Development Comparison % Ultimate 100% 50% Cal Yr '92-'96 Cal Yr '96-'00 Cal Yr '00-'04 0% 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 Years 19 Loss Development: Excess Impact of Attachment Points on Historical Loss Development Workers Compensation 2005 RAA WC Incurred Data 100% Percentage of Ultimate 67% All Range 1 Range 2 33% Range 3 Range 4 0% 1 8 15 22 29 Ye ars 20 Loss Development: Excess Impact of Attachment Points on Historical Loss Dev elopment Workers Compensation 2005 RAA WC Paid Data 100% Percentage of Ultimate 67% All Range 1 Range 2 33% Range 3 Range 4 0% 1 8 15 22 29 Ye ar s 21 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: – What’s in it? Give Perspective Relied on a very good recent CAS paper by Richard Sherman and Gordon Diss – Estimating The Workers’ Compensation Tail Focus on the Major Cause of the length of the distribution's tail. Show why care must be take when estimating the distribution’s tail. 22 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? NCCI Annual Statistical Bulletins - CW Data WC Frequency by Claim Type per 100,000 workers CY Average Data Date Fatal PT PP TT Lost Time Med Only Total 2005 6/99-6/00 5 7 459 909 1,379 4,951 6,330 Severity by Claim Type CY Fatal PT PP TT Lost Time Medical Only Total 2005 192,756 635,884 59,674 9,872 30,192 568 7,023 Distribution of Aggregate Loss by Category CY Fatal PT PP TT Lost Time Medical Only 1997 - 2005 Average cV Trend 2.6% 13.5% 0.9% 8.3% 18.9% 5.1% 60.7% 4.3% -0.7% 23.2% 7.4% 0.2% 94.8% 1.8% 0.0% 5.2% 32.3% -2.2% Distribution of Case Frequency by Category CY Fatal PT PP TT Lost Time Medical Only 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 0.08% 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.09% 0.09% 0.08% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06% 0.05% 0.11% 0.15% 0.13% 0.09% 0.09% 0.10% 0.09% 0.08% 0.05% 0.06% 0.07% 7.3% 7.2% 7.3% 7.0% 6.2% 6.1% 6.2% 7.2% 7.8% 8.2% 8.0% 14.4% 14.6% 14.5% 15.1% 15.9% 16.4% 16.5% 16.5% 16.1% 16.0% 16.0% 21.8% 22.1% 22.0% 22.2% 22.2% 22.8% 22.9% 23.8% 24.0% 24.3% 24.1% 78.2% 77.9% 78.0% 77.8% 77.8% 77.2% 77.1% 76.2% 76.0% 75.7% 75.9% 1997 - 2005 Average cV Trend 0.07% 20.0% 5.0% 0.09% 32.9% 8.0% 7.13% 10.0% -1.1% 15.62% 5.4% -1.3% 22.92% 4.1% -1.2% 77.08% 1.2% 0.4% 23 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: – What’s in it? WC Permenant Total Incremental Medical Payments Five Year Groupings of AY's - SAIF Corporation ($000's) AY's 1931-35 1936-40 1941-45 1946-50 1951-55 1956-60 1961-65 1966-70 1971-75 20-24 6,818 10,227 25-29 6,583 12,158 30-34 1,570 2,933 5,121 35-39 746 1,506 1,908 40-44 327 830 2,227 45-49 50-54 62 289 302 259 797 943 55-59 60-64 10 2 204 8 5 60-64 WC Permenant Total Incremental Medical Payments Five Year Groupings of AY's - Washington State Fund ($000's) AY's 1940-44 1945-49 1950-54 1955-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 20-24 25-29 840 1,055 1,589 5,380 7,014 183 750 2,244 1,765 4,741 8,383 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 149 258 989 2,153 1,581 5,318 294 384 1,115 1,879 1,186 271 273 1,757 2,170 243 194 1,400 101 291 131 Source: Estimating The Workers' Compensation Tail, R.Sherman & Gordon Diss 24 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? Medical Only Severity Escalation Rates Medical Severity $28 32 34 37 37 42 46 48 56 63 73 79 88 99 114 144 162 188 205 230 247 258 264 268 279 298 335 361 372 383 403 434 454 501 540 604 658 Escalation Rate 13.9% 4.4 11.1 0.0 12.2 9.5 5.8 15.7 12.2 16.3 7.9 12.1 11.8 15.5 26.5 12.2 16.2 8.9 12.1 7.4 4.6 2.4 1.4 4.4 6.8 12.3 7.7 3.0 3.1 5.1 7.7 4.5 10.4 7.7 12.0 9.0 9.3% 9.0% 9.2% Source: Estimating The WC Tail, Sherman & Diss The Drug Share of Medical Costs in Workers Compensation Increases With Age of Claim 40 Percentage of Total Medical Payments in Service Year Accident Year 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Mean Median Geometric mean 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of Years Following Date of Injury Prescription Drug Study, B Lipton, Practice Leader NCCI 25 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? Percentage Increase in male Life Expectancies Based on Social Security Adminstration Mortality Tables Current Age 20 40 60 80 1980 1960 2000 1980 2020 2000 2040 2020 2060 2040 2080 2060 4.2% 7.0% 9.1% 11.9% 5.8% 8.2% 11.7% 6.5% 3.7% 5.2% 7.6% 8.7% 3.3% 4.5% 6.6% 10.0% 2.8% 3.8% 5.6% 8.6% 2.5% 3.3% 4.9% 7.6% Two Indicators of an Increasing Proportion of the Elderly Among Surviving Claimants % 80+ Years Old DY 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Source: 0.0% 0.9% 10.9% 36.5% 51.2% 64.7% 100.0% % Who Will Die Within Five Years 4.4% 9.4% 18.3% 30.1% 39.0% 47.2% 60.3% Estimating The Workers' Compensation Tail, R.Sherman & Gordon Diss 26 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? Factors Affecting the Number of Open MPD Claims for a Single Accident Year (1) (2) (3) # Open at Develop- End of Prior DY ment Year [(5) of Prior (DY) DY End] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 460.0 1531.0 1366.0 949.0 677.0 554.0 396.0 323.0 249.0 209.0 196.9 186.5 177.5 169.7 162.9 156.1 150.2 144.0 138.5 132.8 128.2 123.6 118.7 113.8 Newly 926 2790 866 215 91 47 19 11 8 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 () 0 (5) Estimated # Open at Claims Estimated # Closed for Reported of Claimant Claims (4) Deaths 3.5 15.0 17.3 14.1 10.3 7.9* 6.9 5.3 4,7 3.9 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.1 End of Current DY Other [(1)+(2)- Reasons (3)-(4)] 462.5 1704.0 1013.7 617.9 352.7 162.1 170.1 78.7 77.3 41.1 12.5 9.8 8.4 7.1 5.9 4.9 3.9 3.0 2.2 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 460.0 1531.0 1366.0 949.0 677.0 554.0 396.0 323.0 249.0 209.0 196.9 186.5 177.5 169.7 162.9 156.1 150.2 144.0 138.5 132.8 128.2 123.6 118.7 113.8 108.8 Source: Estimating The Workers' Compensation Tail, R.Sherman & Gordon Diss 27 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? A Comparison of SAIF's Historical Factor with Extrapoliated Tail Factors at 15 Years (Based on a Fit to Historical PLDF's for DY 10-15) Extrapolation Method Indicated Tail Factor At 15 Years Extrapolated Reserve as a %-age of Reserve Indicated by SAIF's History Linear Decay Exponential Decay Inverse Power Curve 1.046 1.128 1.234 3.5% 9.8% 17.9% SAIF's Historical Factors 2.309 100.0% Source: Estimating The Workers' Compensation Tail, R.Sherman & Gordon Diss 28 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? Model v. Actual SAIF PLDFs Less 1.0 0.07 0.05 0.04 SAIF Model 0.03 0.02 0.01 58 54 50 46 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 0 6 DPLF Less 1.0 0.06 Year of Development 29 Tail of the Loss Payment Distribution: What’s in it? Cumulative Loss Payments for Hypothetical PD Claimant (A) Age of ClaimAnt 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Source: (B) DY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 (C) Incremental Medical Payments 0.0 5.0 5.5 5.9 6.5 7.1 7.7 8.4 9.1 10.0 10.9 11.8 12.9 14.1 15.3 16.7 18.2 19.9 21.6 23.6 25.7 28.0 30.5 33.3 36.3 39.6 43.1 47.0 51.2 55.8 60.9 66.3 72.3 78.8 85.9 93.6 102.1 111.3 121.3 132.2 144.1 (D) Cumulative Medical Payments 0.0 5.0 10.5 16.4 22.9 29.9 37.6 46.0 55.1 65.1 76.0 87.8 100.7 114.8 130.1 146.8 165.0 184.9 206.5 230.1 255.8 283.8 314.4 347.7 383.9 423.5 466.6 513.6 564.8 620.7 681.5 747.9 820.2 899.0 984.9 1,078.6 1,180.6 1,291.9 1,413.1 1,545.3 1,689.4 (E) Cumulative Indemnity Payments 0.0 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 125.0 150.0 175.0 200.0 225.0 250.0 275.0 300.0 325.0 350.0 375.0 400.0 425.0 450.0 475.0 500.0 525.0 550.0 575.0 600.0 625.0 650.0 675.0 700.0 725.0 750.0 775.0 800.0 825.0 850.0 875.0 900.0 925.0 950.0 975.0 1,000.0 (F) Cumulative Loss Payments 0.0 30.0 60.5 91.4 122.9 154.9 187.6 221.0 255.1 290.1 326.0 362.8 400.7 439.8 480.1 521.8 565.0 609.9 656.5 705.1 755.8 808.8 864.4 922.7 983.9 1,048.5 1,116.6 1,188.6 1,264.8 1,345.7 1,431.5 1,522.9 1,620.2 1,724.0 1,834.9 1,953.6 2,080.6 2,216.9 2,363.1 2,520.3 2,689.4 Effects of Retention on Development Development Stops if Ret'n is $250K Development Stops if Ret'n is $500K Development Stops if Ret'n is $1,000K Development Stops if Ret'n is $2,000K Estimating The Workers' Compensation Tail, R.Sherman & Gordon Diss 30 Variation in Loss Reserves: Net WC Industry Industry Aggregate - Net Workers Compensation 2005 Reserves and Variation Calculated (000) omitted As Reported In Aggregate Annual Statement Clarks' Estimation Methodology Loss Development CY / AY Net Earned Premium Net Ult. Loss: Def. and Cost Containment Net Total Reserves Net Ultimate LR Net Ult. Loss: Def. and Cost Containment 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 25,638,936 23,865,669 23,074,078 21,384,901 23,481,111 26,096,142 29,266,668 32,398,205 36,394,348 38,958,050 17,139,569 18,379,251 20,018,486 20,181,132 21,510,182 21,171,896 20,493,071 21,183,208 23,198,220 25,986,135 2,141,106 2,506,431 3,060,344 3,475,410 4,079,342 4,778,653 6,298,990 8,864,568 13,519,030 21,190,570 66.8% 77.0% 86.8% 94.4% 91.6% 81.1% 70.0% 65.4% 63.7% 66.7% 16,945,390 18,210,021 19,835,475 20,038,434 21,633,003 21,353,595 19,904,295 19,573,541 19,846,378 22,279,921 Total Source: 69,914,444 Net Total Net Reserves Ultimate LR 1,947,038 2,337,224 2,877,375 3,333,245 4,202,486 4,960,928 5,710,206 7,254,887 10,167,184 17,484,354 60,274,925 66.1% 76.3% 86.0% 93.7% 92.1% 81.8% 68.0% 60.4% 54.5% 57.2% Difference Process Parameter Std Dev Std Dev Total Std Dev cV 194,068 169,207 182,969 142,165 (123,144) (182,275) 588,784 1,609,681 3,351,846 3,706,216 182,093 149,146 199,507 173,343 221,363 205,553 238,254 229,999 267,522 276,421 290,662 311,878 311,841 343,631 351,498 412,977 416,109 553,949 545,672 1,134,554 235,377 264,293 302,082 331,156 384,677 426,324 464,033 542,311 692,825 1,258,956 12.1% 11.3% 10.5% 9.9% 9.2% 8.6% 8.1% 7.5% 6.8% 7.2% 9,639,519 1,013,154 2,658,245 2,844,776 4.7% Best Averages And Aggregates - 2005 31 Variation in Loss Reserves: Net WC Industry Industry Aggregate - Net Workers Compensation 2005 Reserves and Variation Calculated (000) omitted CY / AY 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Source: As Reported In Aggregate Annual Statement Clarks' Estimation Methodology Cape Cod Net Earned Premium Net Ult. Loss: Net Total Def. and Cost Reserves Containment 25,638,936 23,865,669 23,074,078 21,384,901 23,481,111 26,096,142 29,266,668 32,398,205 36,394,348 38,958,050 Net Ult. Loss: Net Total Def. and Cost Reserves Containment 17,139,569 18,379,251 20,018,486 20,181,132 21,510,182 21,171,896 20,493,071 21,183,208 23,198,220 25,986,135 2,141,106 2,506,431 3,060,344 3,475,410 4,079,342 4,778,653 6,298,990 8,864,568 13,519,030 21,190,570 69,914,444 Net Ultimate LR 66.8% 77.0% 86.8% 94.4% 91.6% 81.1% 70.0% 65.4% 63.7% 66.7% 17,058,062 18,281,734 19,817,921 20,094,765 21,483,886 21,230,017 20,162,994 19,989,128 20,327,430 20,990,290 2,059,710 2,408,937 2,859,821 3,389,576 4,053,369 4,837,350 5,968,905 7,670,474 10,648,236 16,194,723 60,091,101 Net Ultimate LR Difference 66.5% 76.6% 85.9% 94.0% 91.5% 81.4% 68.9% 61.7% 55.9% 53.9% 81,396 97,494 200,523 85,834 25,973 (58,697) 330,085 1,194,094 2,870,794 4,995,847 9,823,343 Process Parameter Std Dev Std Dev Total Std Dev cV Payroll (00,000) 191,693 207,308 225,878 245,910 268,913 293,770 326,326 369,926 435,856 537,515 243,159 266,940 295,506 325,636 359,145 392,106 432,485 480,013 541,199 617,431 11.8% 11.1% 10.3% 9.6% 8.9% 8.1% 7.2% 6.3% 5.1% 3.8% 16,158,377 16,932,578 17,803,026 18,421,852 18,887,742 18,877,167 18,898,350 18,841,327 18,980,085 18,906,587 2,598,807 4.3% 149,599 168,168 190,533 213,464 238,056 259,704 283,821 305,888 320,822 303,807 1,035,402 2,383,640 Best Averages And Aggregates - 2005 32 Variation in Loss Reserves: Net WC Industry Relative Comparison of % Ultimate Patterns vs Industry Average AY Implied Industry % Difference Clark's Methods % Difference 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.991 1.000 1.006 0.999 1.001 0.993 0.947 0.897 0.830 0.824 0.9% 0.0% -0.6% 0.1% -0.1% 0.7% 5.3% 10.3% 17.0% 17.6% 1.000 1.007 1.013 1.004 0.992 0.981 0.971 0.967 0.967 0.961 0.0% -0.7% -1.3% -0.4% 0.8% 1.9% 2.9% 3.3% 3.3% 3.9% 33 Variation in Loss Reserves: Net WC Industry Workers Compensation AY Loss Defense & Cost Containment Expense Ratios As Reported--Private Carriers 100 93 90 Percent At first Report As of 12/31/2005 96 95 88 85 82 80 75 70 78 79 77 77 76 72 71 71 71 70 69 67 66 65 68 68 65 60 55 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Accident Year 34 Variation in Loss Reserves: Excess WC Excess Workers Compensation Incremental Paid Loss a/o 12/31/2004 Development Year AY 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Source: 33 34 78 8 96 129 99 88 319 205 255 426 214 681 256 824 (000 omitted) 35 93 9 188 149 163 95 163 313 200 249 502 561 335 36 47 20 203 83 118 141 123 175 256 190 269 304 37 -9 9 75 67 206 127 109 1,054 337 211 718 38 20 11 157 41 129 98 106 181 120 203 39 1 10 15 16 94 310 131 188 143 40 8 49 113 30 123 334 119 218 41 21 4 224 3 102 172 24 42 8 8 250 11 50 325 43 -5 -3 73 16 238 44 27 16 222 7 45 13 12 253 46 19 -9 14 RAA Workers Compensation Paid Loss Data - 2005. 35 Variation in Loss Reserves: Excess WC Comparison of Excess Paid Development % Ultimate 100% Inverse Power Curve Extrapolation Linear Decay 67% 33% 0% 1 7 13 19 Years 25 31 36