Today’s Objective: SOL 3.d

Today’s Objective: SOL 3.d
 Given
information and/or
diagrams on cellular respiration,
write and/or identify the cellular
respiration equation, raw
materials, products, and sites.
Cellular Respiration
Energy for life’s activities
Overview of Cellular Respiration
The life processes of all organisms
require energy.
 The potential energy held in the bonds
of food molecules CANNOT be used
directly by the cell.
 Energy from food must be converted to
the ONLY energy source that cells can
use ATP!
Cellular Respiration
Respiration is the process by which the
energy in the bonds of nutrients are
used to synthesize ATP.
 Respiration occurs continuously in all
cells of all organisms.
Anaerobic Respiration
Also called fermentation
 No oxygen is present
 1 Glucose only partially broken down to
form waste products and 2 ATP
Anaerobic Pathways
Glucose  2 lactic acid + 2 ATP
– Happens in muscle cells when they run out
of oxygen
– Happens in bacteria that make yogurt,
cheese, dill pickles
Glucose  2 ethanol + 2 CO2 + 2 ATP
– Happens in some bacteria
– Happens in YEAST
Aerobic Respiration
Has to have oxygen
 Most organisms on earth are aerobic
 1 glucose completely broken down to
carbon dioxide and water.
 C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E
Aerobic Pathway
Takes place mostly in mitochondria
 3 primary steps:
– Glycolysis in cytoplasm: produces
pyruvate and 2 net ATP (anaerobic)
– Kreb’s cycle in matrix of mitochondria:
converts pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA (aerobic)
– Electron transport chain on membrane of
mitochondria: moves electrons to produce
34 ATP (aerobic)
Comparing Aerobic & Anaerobic
Cellular Respiration Pathways
Occurs in:
Aerobic (needs Anaerobic
(no oxygen)
Mostly yeast
and bacteria
1 glucose
6 CO2 + 6 H2O Ethanol + CO2
or lactic acid
Adaptations for Respiration
Bacteria, protists & fungi
– Respiratory gases are exchanged by
– Respiratory gases are exchanged through
leaves, stems, and roots
– Moves in and out of cells by diffusion but
leaves and stems also have openings to
the environment (stomata and lenticels)
Adaptations for Respiration in
Techniques vary:
– Simple diffusion across cell membranes
– Diffusion across moist skin into a
circulatory system
– Openings to the environment that can be
flapped open and closed with a circulatory
system to transport gases
– Specialized respiratory structures (e.g.
lungs) to speed exchange of respiratory