Basic Bulk Mail Preparation and Mailpiece Design Presented By: Felicia Carter Basic Bulk Mail Acceptance and Mailpiece Design What is Bulk Mail? Basic Mailpiece Design Addressing Requirements Preparation Requirements What is Bulk Mail? The term "bulk mail" refers to quantities of mail prepared for mailing at reduced postage rates. “Bulk mail" means discounted First-Class Mail and advertising mail (called "Standard Mail" by the Postal Service). The Postal Service uses the terms "bulk" and "presorted" interchangeably. Bulk rates are discounted from "single-piece" rates. "Single-piece" means that you pay the full postage rate. What is Bulk Mail? Bulk mail is a “workshare” process The Postal Service offers discounts for bulk mailings because you do some of the work that otherwise would have to be done by the Postal Service Mailers make an investment in time and technology, and the Postal Service’s costs are reduced and you pay less postage. Basic Mailpiece Design What is Mailable? Not everything. Some items cannot be mailed, for legal and safety reasons. It is the mailer’s responsibility to ensure that they do not mail anything that can injure postal employees, postal equipment, or customers’ mail. Some mailpieces are too small to be mailed -- they are likely to get lost or jammed in postal equipment. Some mailpieces are too large to be mailed -- they are simply too big for the Postal Service to handle. Some things are not the right shape to be mailed. Basis Mailpiece Design Min. Length 5” Height 3-1/2” Thickness 0.007” Max. 11-1/2” 6-1/8” 1/4” Letter Size Pieces NOTE: Pieces exceeding 4 1/4” high or 6” long must be at least .009” thick. 5" Min. Length Maximum Weight 3 1/2” Min. Height First-Class 3.3 oz. Machinable Presort 3.5 oz. Automation Standard Presort 3.3 oz. Machinable Presort 3.5 oz. Automation Basic Mailpiece Design – Nonmachinable Criteria Aspect ratio (length divided by height) is less than 1.3 or greater than 2.5 5" • Square Unacceptable 4” ÷ 5” = 1.25 4" 6" Acceptable • Rectangular 4” ÷ 6” = 1.5 4" Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Polybagged, polywrapped, or enclosed in any plastic material = Nonmachinable Mail PLASTICS INC PO BOX 0000 ANYWHERE IN 46206-0001 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT xxx City State POSTAL FORUM 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Washington DC 20001 Also not permitted on automation-rate letter-size mail. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Clasps, strings, buttons, or similar closure devices = Nonmachinable Mail Also not permitted on automation-rate letter-size mail. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Odd shaped items such as pens, pencils, or loose keys or coins that cause the thickness of the mailpiece to be uneven. Also not permitted on automation-rate letter-size mail. Letters must be uniformly shaped. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria If it is too rigid (does not bend easily when subjected to a transport belt tension of 40 pounds around an 11-inch diameter turn). Automation-rate letter-size mail must be flexible. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Pieces exceeding 4 ¼” X 6” and less than .009” thick. 5” to 6” Long 3.5” to 4.25” High Thickness: .007” - up to .016” for postcards - up to .25” for letters 6” to 11.5” Long Thickness: .009” to .025” Automation letter rate pieces must meet the above dimensions. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Has a delivery address parallel to the shorter dimension of the mailpiece. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT xxx City State U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT xxx City State POSTAL CUSTOMER COUNCIL 475 L’Enfant Plz Washington DC 20260-0846 POSTAL CUSTOMER COUNCIL 475 L’Enfant Plz Washington DC 20260-0846 Automation rates require that the delivery address be parallel to the longest dimension. Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Booklet-type pieces having the bound edge (spine) along the shorter dimension of the piece or at the top, regardless of the use of tabs, wafer seals, or other fasteners. SPINE POSTAL FORUM 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Washington DC 20001-3614 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT xxx City State Basic Mailpiece Design- Nonmachinable Criteria Self-mailers with a folded edge perpendicular to the address if the piece is not folded and secured according to DMM 201.13.02. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT xxx City State POSTAL CUSTOMER COUNCIL 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Washington DC 20001-3614 U.S. POSTAGE PAID F O L D F O L D PERMIT xxx City State POSTAL CUSTOMER COUNCIL 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Washington DC 20001-3614 Automation rates require that self-mailers with the fold along the shorter dimension have the fold on the right or leading edge. Basic Mailpiece Design Flat Size Pieces Must be flexible Uniform in thickness Rectangular in shape Minimum* Maximum Length 11-1/2 inches 15 inches Height 6-1/8 inches 12 inches Thickness 1/4 inch 3/4 inch * Flats exceed at least one of these dimensions Addressing You’ve gone through a lot of time and expense to create a mailpiece that is attractive and effective. Now you need to make sure that it gets to your customer. The Postal Service processes your mail on machines that read address information and translate it into a barcode. When a machine misreads an address, that mailpiece may get mis-sorted or delayed. Believe it or not: over 42 million Americans move every year. Addressing Delivery Address The delivery address is the most important information on your mailpiece. Use the following format for your delivery addresses: Name or attention line: JANE L MILLER Company: MILLER ASSOCIATES Delivery address: 1960 W CHELSEA AVE STE 2006 City, state, ZIP Code: ALLENTOWN PA 18104 Addressing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. When is a Return Address Required? Mail of any class, when its return and/or address correction is requested Official Mail Mail paid with precanceled stamps Matter bearing a company permit imprint Priority Mail Periodicals in envelopes or wrappers Package Services (except unendorsed Bound Printed Matter) Registered Mail Insured Mail Collect on Delivery (COD) Mail Certified Mail if a return receipt is requested Express Mail if a return receipt is requested. The return address on the Express Mail label meets this standard Addressing Tips on Addressing Always put the address and the postage on the same side of your mailpiece. On a letter, the address should be parallel to the longest side. All capital letters. No punctuation. At least 10-point type. Addressing Tips on Addressing One space between city and state. Two spaces between state and ZIP Code. Simple type fonts. Left justified. Addressing Tips on Addressing Black ink on white or light paper. No reverse type (white printing on a black background). If your address appears inside a window, make sure there is at least 1/8-inch clearance around the address. Sometimes parts of the address slip out of view behind the window and mail processing machines can’t read the address. If you are using address labels, make sure you don’t cut off any important information. Also make sure your labels are on straight. Mail processing machines have trouble reading crooked or slanted information. Addressing Automated mail processing machines read addresses on mailpieces from the bottom up and will first look for a city, state, and ZIP Code. Then the machines look for a delivery address. If the machines can’t find either line, then your mailpiece could be delayed or misrouted. Any information below the delivery address line (a logo, a slogan, or an attention line) could confuse the machines and misdirect your mail. Addressing Window envelopes must have 1/8” clearance between the address printing and any window edge throughout maximum insert shift. 1735 N LYNN ST ARLINGTON VA 22209-6030 Logos should be placed above address line 1/8” 1/8” Min. Min. National Postal Forum 810 Mount Vernon Pl NW Washington DC 20001-3614 1/25” Min. Addressing Tap Test 2 taps on bottom How is the Tap Test Performed? 2 Taps on the bottom, then 2 taps on each end Then 2 taps. on each end Addressing Tabbing Requirements DOUBLE POSTCARD BOOKLET Tabs Spine Sheets Basis Weight FOLDED SELF-MAILER Tabs Folded Edge Sheets Basis Weight 1 Needed Bottom Single 28 lbs. 2 Needed Bottom Multiple with cover 20 lbs. (Cover) Tabs Folded Edge 1 Needed Prefer Bottom, Top Acceptable Sheets Single Basis Weight 75 lbs. FOLDED SELF-MAILER Tabs Folded Edge Sheets Basis Weight 1 Needed Bottom Multiple 24 lbs. FOLDED SELF-MAILER Tabs Folded Edge Sheets Basis Weight 2 Needed Top or Bottom Single 20 lbs. Mail Preparation Annual Fee - $175.00 200 pieces (or 50 lbs) minimum Printed material or merchandise < 1 lb Deposited at designated entry point Sorted into bundles, trays and/or sacks Postage paid on all pieces SomeWhere Repertory TheatrePO BOX 1111 “ BUD, “ “ SomeWhere Repertory Theatre PO SomeWhere BOX 1111 Repertory Theatre SOME PO WHERE BOX 1111AR 72203-1111 SomeWhere Repertory Theatre SOMEPO WHERE AR 72203-1111 OR BOX 1111 SomeWhere Repertory Theatre STAMP OR SOME AR 72203-1111 POWHERE BOX 1111 STAMP SOME WHERE AR 72203-1111 US POSTAGE PAID PMT #XXX SOME WHERE AR US POSTAGE PAID PMT #XXX SOME WHERE AR SRT “VIEWS OF EGYPT...”rep SPIRIDONADRESS LABEL ADRESS LABEL LABEL SCARVELLI ADRESS ADRESS LABEL ADRESS LABEL ETC “ BUD, THIS IS APPROX WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT... BUD, LINE THIS IN MIDDLE TELLSWHAT OCR NOT LOOK AT AT... 1/2” IS APPROX YOU TO ARE LOOKING 1/2” LEFTLINE SIDEINOF POSTCARD FOR BUD, TELLS OCRADDRESS NOTARE TO LOOK AT AT... 1/2” THISMIDDLE IS APPROX WHAT YOU LOOKING 1/2” INFORMATION. SPECIFICATIONS BAR CODE LEFT SIDE OF POSTCARD FORFOR ADDRESS BUD, LINE IN MIDDLE TELLS WHAT OCR NOT TO LOOK AT CLEAR ZONE AND PLACEMENT OF ADDRESS 1/2” THIS IS SPECIFICATIONS APPROX YOU ARE LOOKING 1/2” INFORMATION. FOR BAR CODE AT... LEFT SIDE OF POSTCARD FOR ADDRESS 4-3/4” LABEL ALLOW US TO WORK THIS MAIL PIECE LINEAND IN MIDDLE TELLSWHAT OCR NOT TO LOOK AT AT... CLEAR ZONE PLACEMENT OF ADDRESS 1/2” THIS ISSPECIFICATIONS APPROX YOU ARE 1/2” INFORMATION. FOR BAR LOOKING CODE ON OUR AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT. LEFT SIDE OF POSTCARD FOR ADDRESS LABEL ALLOW USAND TO MAIL PIECE 5/8” THIS LINE IN WORK MIDDLE TELLS OCR NOT TO LOOK4-3/4” AT CLEAR ZONE PLACEMENT OF ADDRESS LEAVE THIS AREA CLEAR FOR BARCODING 1/2” 1/2” INFORMATION. SPECIFICATIONS FOR BAR CODE ON LABEL OUR AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT. LEFTUS SIDE OF POSTCARD FOR ADDRESS 4-3/4” ALLOW TO WORK PIECE 5/8”THIS MAIL GOOD LUCK. CLEAR ZONE AND PLACEMENT OF ADDRESS LEAVE THIS AREA CLEAR FOR BARCODING INFORMATION. SPECIFICATIONS FOR BAR CODE ON OUR AUTOMATED 4-3/4” LABEL ALLOW USEQUIPMENT. TO WORK THIS MAIL PIECE 5/8” GOOD LUCK. CLEAR ZONE AND PLACEMENT OF ADDRESS LEAVE THIS AREA CLEAR FOR BARCODING ON OUR AUTOMATED 4-3/4” LABEL ALLOW US EQUIPMENT. TO WORK 5/8” THIS MAIL PIECE GOOD LUCK. LEAVE THIS AREA CLEAR FOR BARCODING ON OUR AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT. 5/8” GOOD LUCK. Mail Preparation Mailers who elect to presort their mailings must pay postage by: 1. Permit Imprint, 2. Postage Meter 3. Precanceled Stamps An annual mailing fee must be paid once each 12-month period at each post office of mailing. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12 months and only during the last 60 days of the current serviced period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. ***A mailer paying this fee may enter clients’ mail as well as the mailer’s own mail.*** Presorted mail 1. Cannot be deposited in collection boxes, mail boxes, or other mail receptacles 2. Cannot be given to a letter carrier 3. Must be brought to a business mail entry (BMEU), a detached mail unit (DMU), or to a designated post office where it is accepted and verified by postal employees. Mail Preparation Payment Methods Permit U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 1 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATI ON NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION Precanceled Stamp Meter O.16 5¢ 9 NON PROFIT PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 3 10¢ 0.23 5 PRSRT STD BULK RATE 3 Options Mail Preparation- Machinable Mailing 3-DIGIT/ORIGIN (Optional) Rate : AADC (1) AADC (Required) Rate : AADC NP Rate .113 Rate .113 STD Rate .204 Rate .204 SPRINGFIELD MA 010 STD LTRS 3D MACH MILWAUKEE WI AADC SPRINGFIELD 010 STD LTRS AADC MACH MILWAUKEE WI MIXED AADC (Required) Rate :MXD ADC Rate .164 Rate .255 MXD MILWAUKEE WI 530 STD LTRS MACH WKG MILWAUKEE WI (1) AADC Rate for Any 3-Digit/Origin Tray for the Origin SCF Containing Fewer Than 150 Pieces. * 3 digit origin trays required for FCM and optional for STD mail. Postcard-Size Pieces Always Banded; Other Pieces Banded Only If Placed in Less-Than-Full Tray or Overflow Trays. Mail Preparation Machinable Tray Label Barcoded Tray Label PITTSFIELD MA STD LTR 3D MACH 012 LINE 1 (Destination LINE 2 (Content) Label Barcode 0120155401 MILWAUKEE WI Machinable STD LTR 3D MACH STD LTR AADC MACH STD LTR MACH WKG Numeric HumanReadable of Barcode LINE 3 (Origin) Mail Preparation- Nonmachinable Letter More money and more work. 5-DIGIT (Required) Rate : 5D 3-DIGIT (Required) Rate : 3 digit /ADC ADC (Required) Rate : ADC MIXED ADC (Required) Rate: MXD ADC NP Rate .195 Rate .278 Rate .307 Rate .429 STD Rate .286 Rate .369 Rate .398 Rate .520 3 5 WEST BEND WI 53095 STD LTRS 5D MAN MILWAUKEE WI X A MILWAUKEE WI 530 STD LTRS 3D MAN MILWAUKEE WI ADC MILWAUKEE WI 530 STD LTRS ADC MAN MILWAUKEE WI MXD MILWAUKEE WI 530 STD LTRS MAN WKG MILWAUKEE WI Mail Preparation- Nonmachinable Mailing Nonmachinable Tray Label LINE 1 (Destination MILWAUKEE WI STD LTR 3D MANUAL 530 LINE 2 (Content) Label Barcode Numeric HumanReadable Barcode 5300155407 LINE 3 (Origin) MILWAUKEE WI STD LTR 5D MANUAL STD LTR ADC MANUAL STD LTR MANUAL WKG Mail Preparation- Presorted Flats 5-DIGIT (Required) Rate : 5 digit 3-DIGIT (Required) Rate : 3 digit ADC (Required) Rate : ADC MIXED ADC (Required) Rate: MXD ADC Rate.195 Rate .259 Rate .293 Rate .389 STD Rate .321 Rate .385 Rate .419 Rate .515 NP 5 PHILADELPHIA PA 19118 STD FLTS 5D NON BC TOPEKA KS 3 A PHILADELPHIA PA 191 STD FLTS 3D NON BC TOPEKA KS ADC PHILADELPHIA PA 190 STD FLTS ADC NON BC TOPEKA KS X MXD KANSAS CITY KS 66340 STD FLTS NON BC WKG TOPEKA KS Helpful Information WWW.USPS.COM/PRICES 1-800-ASK-USPS Basic Bulk Mail Preparation and Mailpiece Design Questions?