FloridaAtlantic University Subaward Risk Assessment Form Division of Research – Sponsored Programs

FloridaAtlantic University
Division of Research – Sponsored Programs
Subaward Risk Assessment Form
1. Is the subaward application incomplete?
□ Yes □ No
2. Is the potential subrecipient a vendor or consultant? Refer to Section IV, Item 1
(http://www.fau.edu/research/docs/policies/researchacct/subcontracts.pdf )
□ Yes □ No
3. Is the potential subrecipient debarred? (http://www.epls.gov/)
(restricted party screening – RPS)
□ Yes □ No
4. Is the organization required to comply with the audit requirements under
Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200?
□ Yes □ No
(http://harvester.census.gov/sac/dissem/accessoptions.html )
If not, any other audit report?
Is there a reportable finding or condition disclosed?
If yes, is there a material weakness?
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
5. Are there any budgetary concerns?
□ Yes □ No
6. Are there export control issues identified?
□ Yes □ No
7. Has the subrecipient disclosed a potential financial conflict of interest?
□ Yes □ No
8. Is this a “new” subrecipient?
□ Yes □ No
9. Is this organization a Foreign Entity?
□ Yes □ No
10. Indicate the type of prime award:
□ Federal □ Federal Flow-Through □ State □ Local Government □ Private/Other
11. What is the amount of the prime award?
12. What is the amount of funding proposed for the subrecipient?
13. What is the percentage being passed through to the subrecipient?
14. The overall risk assessment for this potential subrecipient is classified as:
Office of Sponsored Programs – Reviewer
□ Low □ Medium □ High
Note: If risk assessment is classified as “High,” General Counsel is required to approve.
General Counsel – Signature Approval